Your Favorite Things About Israel

Arise, shake off the dust, Sit on your throne, Yerushalayim!
Loose the ( )from your neck, O captive one, Fair Tzion!

Isaiah 52:2 (The Israel Bible™)

From Captivity to Liberty
In the above verse, the prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah) describes the day when Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) will be redeemed. Sitting on the ground in the dust is an expression of mourning. In this prophecy, Yeshayahu foretells the People of Israel and the city of Yerushalayim arising and shaking off the dust that has settled on them. This action would indicate that the period of grief and mourning is over and that the Holy City is being restored to her former beauty and splendor. Yerushalayim will then cast off the chains from her neck and once again be free. The Children of Israel who had likewise been held captive for so long, will be released and returned to their ancient homeland.

The arid desert shall be glad, The wilderness shall rejoice And shall blossom like a rose
Isaiah 35:1 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ye-SHU-shum MEED-bar ve-TZEE-yah va-ta-GEL a-ra-vah va-TEEF-rakh

The Desert in Bloom

The description of a blooming desert is used throughout the Torah (Bible) as indication of the restoration and thriving of the Land of Israel. In our own era the partnership between man and Hashem has resulted in the rebirth and flourishing of the State of Israel. As a result of God’s blessings together with man’s hard work, the desert literally blooms, the economy grows, the army defends and the nation continues to absorb countless immigrants from the four corners of the earth. The visions of Isaiah have come to life in front of our very eyes!

Again you shall plant vineyards On the hills of Shomron; Men shall plant and live to enjoy them
Jeremiah 31:4 (The Israel Bible™)

(is non English now banned on this threads? )
Hear the verse in Hebrew

od TEET-u kra-MEEM be-ha-RAY shom-RON nat-U net-a-EEM ve-KHEE-le-lu

Rejuvenation of the Land

Return of life to the Holy Land is symbolized by the rejuvenation of vineyards in Samaria, a miracle taking place today. Grapes and vineyards play a prominent role throughout Tanakh(Bible). The first cultivated plants mentioned in the Bible were grapevines: “Noach, the tiller of soil, was the first to plant a vineyard” (Genesis 9:20). Grapes are mentioned more than any other fruit in the entire Tanakh. When Moshe (Moses) sent the 12 spies to scout out the Land of Israel, the book of Numbers (13:23) records that they returned with a sample of grapes that was so large it had to be carried on poles by strong men. This honored fruit also plays a prominent role in Judaism, as Shabbat and Holiday meals begin with a blessing over a cup of wine.
"Father in heaven tells us
I will hide My countenance that day ...
But Rabbi Nachman, Rabbi Nachman says:

And even in the concealment within the concealment
And even in the concealment within the concealment

For sure there too the Name blessed One is present
Ay yay yay
Also behind the harsh things that go over You, I Am standing, I Am standing

And even in the concealment.."

- R. Nachman of Breslav

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He shall reign as king and shall prosper, and he shall do what is just and right in the land
Jeremiah 23:5 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

u-ma-LAKH me-LEKH ve-HEES-keel ve-a-sah MEESH-pat u'-TZE-da-KAH ba-a-RETZ

Ancient and Modern Kingship

After comparing the evil leadership of the people to wicked shepherds that cause the sheep to scatter, Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) describes the ideal leader, a descendant of David. In his days, the exiled northern tribes of the kingdom of Yisrael (Israel) will reunite with the kingdom of Yehuda (Judea) and together they will dwell safely in the Land of Israel. The leader will be given the name Hashem tzidkaynu , “Hashem is our Vindicator.” The root of the word tzidkaynu is tzedek (צדק), “righteousness,” indicating the ideals through which he will lead the nation. Yirmiyahu gives the same name to Yerushalayim (33:16), representing the values for which the rebuilt city will be known around the world. Pictured above is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In the past few weeks, Netanyahu has been at the forefront of international news as the US Embassy made it's historic move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

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