Your Honest Appraisal of Obama.

How would you Appraise Obama in Year 5 of HIs Presidency?

  • Grafe A. He is Basically a Good Guy who Has Done a Good Job.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Grade B to C. He has been okay. Some things I like. Not Perfect...not Bad.

    Votes: 15 15.5%
  • Grade D. He is a Debonair Con-man who has been mostly inept.

    Votes: 17 17.5%
  • Grade F. He is a Compulsive Liar and Cheat, who is incompetent and is Destroying America.

    Votes: 62 63.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You don't know shit about the U.S. We don't all think alike, or haven't you noticed?

I know plenty...........I know you are the worlds biggest debtor nation.....for a start.

I know many are only interested in Self Interest.......getting warm

I know some of you think you are better than others......getting warmer.

I know some of you have big mouths but little between your ears......getting hot now.

I know some of you gob that America is Gods own Country.....feeling the roaring blast now:flameth:

Hell I know more about some of you than you know yourselves

Some being the operative word here.

But in general Americans are Great people who are always welcome at our table,you need to ask any of your Military who visit and folks from all over the US that make Australia home.

They are not called Irish Americans nor African Americans,neither Latin or Mexican Americans,not even Red Neck Americans......They are "Just called Australians" and there in lies the difference between our to Nations.

So need to Grow Up and start being responsible for your actions,and stop blaming others usually minorities

American Military enjoy Paradise(Australia,sorry I couldn't help myself) because they are Welcome and treated no differently than anyone matter what creed or colour.

SJ you to are Welcome,you may even learn things if you have an open mind......and we would learn from you.....and that's the most important thing of all my friend.

No one is Perrrfect but negativity is no solution in any situation one may find one's self in.

Yes you have a schism in America but it is created basically through self interest.

I apologise if you think I am attacking you personally,that is not my intention or though it may appear that way.steven again Sorry
Who the hell is Steven?

My real name is steven AKA better half thinks I'm Hell :lol::lol::lol:sometimes.steven
D. He's a shyster who actually believed his own press. Believed what all his left wing supporters were telling him. Believed he could make pretty speeches and everything would turn out okay.

Once he became POTUS he knew he was in way over his head.

Inept? You bet, in spades.
I'd put him at B-C.

I think he's a well-intentioned guy who doesn't really have the experience for the meat grinder that is Washington. The system has become completely dysfunctional.

I also think he was better than the alternatives. Although I voted for McCain in 2008, that guy would have had us at war with Iran by now. And Romney would have turned the whole country over to his fellow Mormon cultists, so there's that.
D. He's a shyster who actually believed his own press. Believed what all his left wing supporters were telling him. Believed he could make pretty speeches and everything would turn out okay.

Once he became POTUS he knew he was in way over his head.

Inept? You bet, in spades.

"A" All the way,why, because he's had to put up with Morons like you....Calling him a "spade"


Claudette = Z minus.....must try a lot harder wannabe :lol::lol::eek:
I voted: "Grade D. He is a Debonair Con-man who has been mostly inept."

I don't think he's trying to destroy America.

I just think he was a slick Rookie Senator who got shoved to the front of the class WAY before he was ready for Prime time.
D. He's a shyster who actually believed his own press. Believed what all his left wing supporters were telling him. Believed he could make pretty speeches and everything would turn out okay.

Once he became POTUS he knew he was in way over his head.

Inept? You bet, in spades.

"A" All the way,why, because he's had to put up with Morons like you....Calling him a "spade"


Claudette = Z minus.....must try a lot harder wannabe :lol::lol::eek:

Fuck off dickhead. Only a moron racist like you would equate what I said with a racist insult.

Your a fucking moron and Z minus is giving you to much credit.
I voted: "Grade D. He is a Debonair Con-man who has been mostly inept."

I don't think he's trying to destroy America.

I just think he was a slick Rookie Senator who got shoved to the front of the class WAY before he was ready for Prime time.

Yup. Just what I said. A shyster who believed what his lefty friends were telling him. Believed he could be POTUS. Make pretty speeches and all would be well.

Inept and still not ready for prime time.
I know plenty...........I know you are the worlds biggest debtor nation.....for a start.

I know many are only interested in Self Interest.......getting warm

I know some of you think you are better than others......getting warmer.

I know some of you have big mouths but little between your ears......getting hot now.

I know some of you gob that America is Gods own Country.....feeling the roaring blast now:flameth:

Hell I know more about some of you than you know yourselves

Some being the operative word here.

But in general Americans are Great people who are always welcome at our table,you need to ask any of your Military who visit and folks from all over the US that make Australia home.

They are not called Irish Americans nor African Americans,neither Latin or Mexican Americans,not even Red Neck Americans......They are "Just called Australians" and there in lies the difference between our to Nations.

So need to Grow Up and start being responsible for your actions,and stop blaming others usually minorities

American Military enjoy Paradise(Australia,sorry I couldn't help myself) because they are Welcome and treated no differently than anyone matter what creed or colour.

SJ you to are Welcome,you may even learn things if you have an open mind......and we would learn from you.....and that's the most important thing of all my friend.

No one is Perrrfect but negativity is no solution in any situation one may find one's self in.

Yes you have a schism in America but it is created basically through self interest.

I apologise if you think I am attacking you personally,that is not my intention or though it may appear that way.steven again Sorry
Who the hell is Steven?

My real name is steven AKA better half thinks I'm Hell :lol::lol::lol:sometimes.steven
Well, steven, you may THINK you have a real understanding of Americans but you actually have no clue. The collage in your head is giving you a distorted view of us and I don't have the patience or inclination to sort it all out for you because you have no vote or influence in this country. But have a nice day anyway.
I'd put him at B-C.

I think he's a well-intentioned guy who doesn't really have the experience for the meat grinder that is Washington. The system has become completely dysfunctional.

I also think he was better than the alternatives. Although I voted for McCain in 2008, that guy would have had us at war with Iran by now. And Romney would have turned the whole country over to his fellow Mormon cultists, so there's that.

Because as we all know...that's exactly what he did in Massachusetts!!! Mormons run the whole State now. It's all very hush hush...but Beantown is now Salt Lake City East! I'm thinking about moving back because they've secretly brought back polygamy. (Gee, let's post something REALLY stupid, Joe!!! Oh, just did...)

This poll is anonymous and I would really like to see everyone participate. This is your appraisal of Obama and his job performance at year 5 of his Presidency. My hope is this poll will give a fairly clear indication of how USMB posters view Obama.

1. Grade A. He is a good guy who has done a very good job.

2. Grade B to C. He has been okay...but I still have some concerns.

3. Grade D I basically see him as a debonair con-man who is fairly inept.

4. Grade F He is an incompetent liar and cheat, who has done enormous damage to America.

Okay, this is America...let your opinion be heard!

None of the above. In my opinion he's pretty much the same as the previous Administration on many issues, he didn't keep true to his original health care plan (voluntary), civil liberty issues;the same as the previous administration, foreign policy; the same, size of government; the same direction, foreign policy; the same.............. etc., etc., etc.
Grade: C Not what I expected......................
A - He is accomplishing what it was he set out to do ... No matter what he might have said he was going to do ... Or whatever he says about what he does.


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