Your Honest Appraisal of Obama.

How would you Appraise Obama in Year 5 of HIs Presidency?

  • Grafe A. He is Basically a Good Guy who Has Done a Good Job.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Grade B to C. He has been okay. Some things I like. Not Perfect...not Bad.

    Votes: 15 15.5%
  • Grade D. He is a Debonair Con-man who has been mostly inept.

    Votes: 17 17.5%
  • Grade F. He is a Compulsive Liar and Cheat, who is incompetent and is Destroying America.

    Votes: 62 63.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I give him a B+

His naivety is his biggest weakness. Thinking you could work with this congress is a playful notion but Obama neeeded to re-calibrate his message when he got re-elected. I thought he had shed the "Audacity of Hope" mantra and saw these clowns in the House for what they really are but he was soon back to trying to buddy up to them.

Every now and then, the leader of any organization, team, group, fraternity, Boy Scout troop, soccer team, bacherorette party, nation, political party, union, hospital, department etc... has to throw an elbow and shock some people with an aggressive move.

It's like if Sasha and Mailia won't clean up their room. You punish them. The next time it happens, what would take place (at least with my cousins it did) was that one would clean up for the other; Jan cleaned up for Dean let's say (not their real names). Their father saw this and marched Dean into the room, emptied every drawer of clothing onto the floor and stood there as Dean folded them and put them back neatly.

You act irrationally to demonstrate a point. I truly think Obama doesn't understand that. I doubt he ever will.

The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!

The republicans declared war on Obama on the day of his inauguration. Even Senator McConnel said the republican agenda was to make Obama a one term president, so no sympathy here for the poor little republican cry babies not getting enough of Obama's cooperation. Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work or that McCain would have done better? No. Aren't you aware that when Obama took office our country and the world economy was in a shaky position? We're in much better shape five years later. Look at the stock market for one.

Mitch McConnel made his "infamous" (in liberal circles) statement a YEAR after Barack Obama took office...after Barry, Harry and Nancy gave us the Obama Stimulus and ObamaCare. The people that are "cry babies" are Democrats who abused the majorities they were handed in 2008 by running roughshod over the GOP and then turned around and whined about the Republicans not wanting to "work with them" when they lost those majorities in 2010!

Do I have proof the stimulus didn't work? Actually I do and it was provided by the Obama Administration itself! You don't invent a new created or saved...if the nearly trillion dollar stimulus you just spent WORKED! If it use the existing created. Duh?

The stock market is a bubble created by unprecedented levels of Fed spending for an unprecedented number of years in a row. If you REALLY think that the stock market is an indication of economic "health" in America...all I can say is that you're amazingly naive.
The republicans declared war on Obama on the day of his inauguration. Even Senator McConnel said the republican agenda was to make Obama a one term president, so no sympathy here for the poor little republican cry babies not getting enough of Obama's cooperation. Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work or that McCain would have done better? No. Aren't you aware that when Obama took office our country and the world economy was in a shaky position? We're in much better shape five years later. Look at the stock market for one.

Wanna have some fun?

Start a poll thread asking yes or no to the following question: Do you personally believe that President Obama was born in the US? I predict nearly a third or greater would say no even at this late date.

In a lot of cases, conservatives only seem to accept you as a minority or perceived minority if they can intimidate you. When you belong to one of those groups and refuse to be intimidated...they come @ you with every slur in the book.

This is what Obama has had to contend with. Hes done an admirable job keeping his cool. A less than admirable job in recognition of the fact that the GOP is an irrational actor.

Q- Do you personally believe that President Obama was born in the US?
A- Undecided

I predict nearly a third or greater would say no even at this late date.

So what's your point?


Obabble may have been physically born in the US...but philosophically he is a third world pretender.
The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!

The republicans declared war on Obama on the day of his inauguration. Even Senator McConnel said the republican agenda was to make Obama a one term president, so no sympathy here for the poor little republican cry babies not getting enough of Obama's cooperation. Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work or that McCain would have done better? No. Aren't you aware that when Obama took office our country and the world economy was in a shaky position? We're in much better shape five years later. Look at the stock market for one.

Wanna have some fun?

Start a poll thread asking yes or no to the following question: Do you personally believe that President Obama was born in the US? I predict nearly a third or greater would say no even at this late date.

In a lot of cases, conservatives only seem to accept you as a minority or perceived minority if they can intimidate you. When you belong to one of those groups and refuse to be intimidated...they come @ you with every slur in the book.

This is what Obama has had to contend with. Hes done an admirable job keeping his cool. A less than admirable job in recognition of the fact that the GOP is an irrational actor.

obama having to lie about many things with his signature on it means it's doing a terrible job. He touches gold and it turns to shit. If he was 100% white you defending him would be much harder, but using the racist shit doesn't work on someone who has a brain. so shut the fuck up bitch.
The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!

The republicans declared war on Obama on the day of his inauguration. Even Senator McConnel said the republican agenda was to make Obama a one term president, so no sympathy here for the poor little republican cry babies not getting enough of Obama's cooperation. Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work or that McCain would have done better? No. Aren't you aware that when Obama took office our country and the world economy was in a shaky position? We're in much better shape five years later. Look at the stock market for one.

Wanna have some fun?

Start a poll thread asking yes or no to the following question: Do you personally believe that President Obama was born in the US? I predict nearly a third or greater would say no even at this late date.

In a lot of cases, conservatives only seem to accept you as a minority or perceived minority if they can intimidate you. When you belong to one of those groups and refuse to be intimidated...they come @ you with every slur in the book.

This is what Obama has had to contend with. Hes done an admirable job keeping his cool. A less than admirable job in recognition of the fact that the GOP is an irrational actor.

Keeping his cool? The man has been sleep walking through two terms as President of the United States, Candy!!! How many times has this man used the excuse that he wasn't aware of something until someone in the media pointed out that it was a problem? Keeping his cool? Seriously?:cuckoo:
It's too soon to judge Obama; It's even to soon to judge George W. Bush.

I can't bring up Bush without talking about Iraq, but the one big feather in his cap to me was how he handled the housing crises. His work on that was completely twisted into a false charge of incompetence for Obama, rather than give Bush the credit he deserved.

History will be a better judge of Obama. If the ACA is becomes a success, then Obama will shine - it will not be based on partisan driven witch-hunts.
It's too soon to judge Obama; It's even to soon to judge George W. Bush.

I can't bring up Bush without talking about Iraq, but the one big feather in his cap to me was how he handled the housing crises. His work on that was completely twisted into a false charge of incompetence for Obama, rather than give Bush the credit he deserved.

History will be a better judge of Obama. If the ACA is becomes a success, then Obama will shine - it will not be based on partisan driven witch-hunts.

We could have hired any one of a number of private citizens to design a health care system far better than the one Teddy, Harry and Nancy came up a far cheaper need to wait for history to judge that.
I give him a B+

His naivety is his biggest weakness. Thinking you could work with this congress is a playful notion but Obama neeeded to re-calibrate his message when he got re-elected. I thought he had shed the "Audacity of Hope" mantra and saw these clowns in the House for what they really are but he was soon back to trying to buddy up to them.

Every now and then, the leader of any organization, team, group, fraternity, Boy Scout troop, soccer team, bacherorette party, nation, political party, union, hospital, department etc... has to throw an elbow and shock some people with an aggressive move.

It's like if Sasha and Mailia won't clean up their room. You punish them. The next time it happens, what would take place (at least with my cousins it did) was that one would clean up for the other; Jan cleaned up for Dean let's say (not their real names). Their father saw this and marched Dean into the room, emptied every drawer of clothing onto the floor and stood there as Dean folded them and put them back neatly.

You act irrationally to demonstrate a point. I truly think Obama doesn't understand that. I doubt he ever will.

The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!

The republicans declared war on Obama on the day of his inauguration. Even Senator McConnel said the republican agenda was to make Obama a one term president, so no sympathy here for the poor little republican cry babies not getting enough of Obama's cooperation. Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work or that McCain would have done better? No. Aren't you aware that when Obama took office our country and the world economy was in a shaky position? We're in much better shape five years later. Look at the stock market for one.

It's right here in Obama's own predictions and the disastrous results:

It's too soon to judge Obama; It's even to soon to judge George W. Bush.

I can't bring up Bush without talking about Iraq, but the one big feather in his cap to me was how he handled the housing crises. His work on that was completely twisted into a false charge of incompetence for Obama, rather than give Bush the credit he deserved.

History will be a better judge of Obama. If the ACA is becomes a success, then Obama will shine - it will not be based on partisan driven witch-hunts.

We could have hired any one of a number of private citizens to design a health care system far better than the one Teddy, Harry and Nancy came up a far cheaper need to wait for history to judge that.

Yes, there is, because republicans are disingenuous when it comes to making rational, honest, assessments of anything the left does.

Vice versa, for the dems with regards to the right.
It's too soon to judge Obama; It's even to soon to judge George W. Bush.

I can't bring up Bush without talking about Iraq, but the one big feather in his cap to me was how he handled the housing crises. His work on that was completely twisted into a false charge of incompetence for Obama, rather than give Bush the credit he deserved.

History will be a better judge of Obama. If the ACA is becomes a success, then Obama will shine - it will not be based on partisan driven witch-hunts.

Posters were judging Obama even before he was elected and the judging has not stopped since, and much of that judging is based on what their political party tells them.
What's wrong with asking professional historians to judge just like the posters?
Posters were judging Obama even before he was elected and the judging has not stopped since, and much of that judging is based on what their political party tells them.

Judging him on his words.

The thing is that historians are well aware of what is going on in the political arena and hopefully that knowledge makes for better judgements. Politicians and posters twist words to fit their agenda. One need only to read some of these posts critically and see examples.
The ones I like the best are the predictions, ghastly things that are going to happen such as we are going to become socialist if we do this or fascist if we do that. The socialism thing was the biggie with Social Security in 1935 and after that communism.
B- to c

He has been ok . Obama could fart & the right drama queens would bitch about it.

This poll is anonymous and I would really like to see everyone participate. This is your appraisal of Obama and his job performance at year 5 of his Presidency. My hope is this poll will give a fairly clear indication of how USMB posters view Obama.

1. Grade A. He is a good guy who has done a very good job.

2. Grade B to C. He has been okay...but I still have some concerns.

3. Grade D I basically see him as a debonair con-man who is fairly inept.

4. Grade F He is an incompetent liar and cheat, who has done enormous damage to America.

Okay, this is America...let your opinion be heard!

he is a lair and a cheat

who uses slight of hand tricks

and legaleze speak to justify his lies

he is one dude that everyone should have read the fine print
Grafe A. He is Basically a Good Guy who Has Done a Good Job. 2 2.74%
Grade B to C. He has been okay. Some things I like. Not Perfect...not Bad 11 15.07%
Grade D. He is a Debonair Con-man who has been mostly inept. 14 19.18%
Grade F. He is a Compulsive Liar and Cheat, who is incompetent and is Destroying America. 46 63.01%
It's too soon to judge Obama; It's even to soon to judge George W. Bush.

I can't bring up Bush without talking about Iraq, but the one big feather in his cap to me was how he handled the housing crises. His work on that was completely twisted into a false charge of incompetence for Obama, rather than give Bush the credit he deserved.

History will be a better judge of Obama. If the ACA is becomes a success, then Obama will shine - it will not be based on partisan driven witch-hunts.

Is 100 years soon enough?

If the ACA is a success then it doesn't matter. Problem is, right now it's imploding exactly the way we knew it would. We don't have 100 years to wait for the damage this law is causing to subside. We've been warning everyone since the federal registry published their projections on the law's effects, and nobody on the left would listen to us. The truth of the matter is Democrats feel that destroying the best health care system in the world is a solution. They want to make insurance become something it wasn't intended to be. They could have left everyone alone and just come up with a health care system of their own for the poor and for illegals and it would have cost a fraction what Obamacare does, but no, they want everyone to buy into it. They want to punish the middle-class and force them to lose their coverage so they'll have to pay for the poors' insurance.

Democrats have been living in a fantasy world for decades. They feel that a consensus of like minds will change reality into something they desperately believe. Good intentions are meaningless when you don't know what you're doing. Democrats live off of criticizing others, and when it becomes their turn to be in charge we discover that they are a worst cluster-fuck than those they had been critical of.

Our government is living from one crisis to the next. Some of them are even invented to play on everyone's fears and emotions. This is no way to run a nation. All it causes is turmoil and hatred, both of which are tools in the progressive playbook. You cannot force everyone to work together. You need cooperation, but you have to give them a reason to cooperate, not put your boot on their throats and say "We won, get over it".
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Honest appraisal of Obama?

Beginning prior to his election in 2008... a well-intentioned but largely un-accomplished and inexperienced front-man and poster-boy for the more Liberal wing of the Democratic Party, who was artificially pushed to the forefront by invisible Democratic power brokers long before he was ready, in order to create an artificial rock-star with racial-divide and generational-divide surmounting possibilities...

A basically good man who made the mistake of believing that he had a broader mandate than he actually did, and who, in the face of resulting resistance, unfortunately ended-up ruling in-part by autocratic fiat, and whose compensating tactics and methodologies and lackluster recent performance are now beginning to weigh heavily against him, as public confidence continues to erode and deteriorate.
Obama is a self-absorbed Narcissist with neither the executive experience, nor the competence, nor the integrity to lead the country.
Honest appraisal of Obama?

Beginning prior to his election in 2008... a well-intentioned but largely un-accomplished and inexperienced front-man and poster-boy for the more Liberal wing of the Democratic Party, who was artificially pushed to the forefront by invisible Democratic power brokers long before he was ready, in order to create an artificial rock-star with racial-divide and generational-divide surmounting possibilities...

A basically good man who made the mistake of believing that he had a broader mandate than he actually did, and who, in the face of resulting resistance, unfortunately ended-up ruling in-part by autocratic fiat, and whose compensating tactics and methodologies and lackluster recent performance are now beginning to weigh heavily against him, as public confidence continues to erode and deteriorate.

I believe some of what you say, but you forgot "This guy has very few scruples."

He has no moral compass.

He is essentially a hedonist.

He is better suited to be a college professor, not a leader.

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