Your Honest Appraisal of Obama.

How would you Appraise Obama in Year 5 of HIs Presidency?

  • Grafe A. He is Basically a Good Guy who Has Done a Good Job.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Grade B to C. He has been okay. Some things I like. Not Perfect...not Bad.

    Votes: 15 15.5%
  • Grade D. He is a Debonair Con-man who has been mostly inept.

    Votes: 17 17.5%
  • Grade F. He is a Compulsive Liar and Cheat, who is incompetent and is Destroying America.

    Votes: 62 63.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Overall he gets a D. He started strong on defense and foreign policy, successfully followed the existing plan to get out of Iraq and he made excellent decisions with the Bin Laden assassination and Afghanistan. However, he missed the boat with Egypt and Libya and was so clueless that he took a victory lap before there was any victory. Now Afghanistan is completely collapsing and his weakness in dealing with Syria has exposed how little talent he has in leading and picking a foreign policy team. He rewards failure.

On the economy, his main focus was the ACA and that just shows how tone deaf he his. The Stimulus was a failure, the financial "reform" is just a way to reward donors, and his green energy debacle was nothing but complete corruption. Again, it has been shown how little talent he has in leading and he appointed people based on ideology instead of ability to execute.

Now that his signature legislation and hope for a legacy is being rolled out, it's clear that he has never run anything in his life. So much failure, and he claims to have not known anything about it. Of course that means that he never saw it as his role to actually find out the real facts. His unaccountable minions are just as inept as he is. The woes of a website that cost hundreds of millions and 3 years of work are just the tips of the icebergs in this very poorly-planned policy.

We really should be glad that this group of starry-eyed nincompoops are running the show. Otherwise it would not be the trainwreck we're seeing, but a very daft power grab of epic proportions.
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Some of you cons are the biggest homophobes. Two guys can't simply hug without it being gay. Seriously grow up.
If you want your Obama, you can keep your Obama.



But I refuse to judge.

For example, Bush took us into two unnecessary, deadly, catastrophically wasteful wars by mid-2003 and I didn't attend my first anti-war rally until 2006.

But I was fairly convinced he and Cheney were totally wrong from the beginning. And I was right.

So you feel going to war in Afghanistan after the 9-11 attacks was unnecessary?

he must have been one of the 10% who opposed it....

But I refuse to judge.

For example, Bush took us into two unnecessary, deadly, catastrophically wasteful wars by mid-2003 and I didn't attend my first anti-war rally until 2006.

But I was fairly convinced he and Cheney were totally wrong from the beginning. And I was right.

So you feel going to war in Afghanistan after the 9-11 attacks was unnecessary?

he must have been one of the 10% who opposed it....
or just using the old talking points.
How do you know that the photo where he is kissing his wife was not photoshopped from the Shaq Bro kiss photo?

Stranger things have happened....


The other pic actually looks photoshopped. I'd never seen either before, I just looked it up because it looked faked. ;)
if the photo was photo shopped wouldn't you see at least one person in the background in both pictures?

No. Why would you?

Or are you saying Obama made the exact same facial expression and body movement, wearing the same clothing, with two different people? :cuckoo:
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The other pic actually looks photoshopped. I'd never seen either before, I just looked it up because it looked faked. ;)
if the photo was photo shopped wouldn't you see at least one person in the background in both pictures?

No. Why would you?

Or are you saying Obama made the exact same facial expression and body movement, wearing the same clothing, with two different people? :cuckoo:

I don't know nor do I care.
Personally, I think Obama has been given an enormous pass by the main stream media because he is black. Remember the main stream media is almost universally white and elitist.

Those white libtards have some powerful white guilt in play, and tend to see racism wherever they look. The worst sin in their world is to be called a racist. Hence, hands off Barry Obummer and his merry little men.

What is it you're saying? That the main stream media is liberal?
I give him a B+

His naivety is his biggest weakness. Thinking you could work with this congress is a playful notion but Obama neeeded to re-calibrate his message when he got re-elected. I thought he had shed the "Audacity of Hope" mantra and saw these clowns in the House for what they really are but he was soon back to trying to buddy up to them.

Every now and then, the leader of any organization, team, group, fraternity, Boy Scout troop, soccer team, bacherorette party, nation, political party, union, hospital, department etc... has to throw an elbow and shock some people with an aggressive move.

It's like if Sasha and Mailia won't clean up their room. You punish them. The next time it happens, what would take place (at least with my cousins it did) was that one would clean up for the other; Jan cleaned up for Dean let's say (not their real names). Their father saw this and marched Dean into the room, emptied every drawer of clothing onto the floor and stood there as Dean folded them and put them back neatly.

You act irrationally to demonstrate a point. I truly think Obama doesn't understand that. I doubt he ever will.

The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!

The republicans declared war on Obama on the day of his inauguration. Even Senator McConnel said the republican agenda was to make Obama a one term president, so no sympathy here for the poor little republican cry babies not getting enough of Obama's cooperation. Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work or that McCain would have done better? No. Aren't you aware that when Obama took office our country and the world economy was in a shaky position? We're in much better shape five years later. Look at the stock market for one.
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So you feel going to war in Afghanistan after the 9-11 attacks was unnecessary?

he must have been one of the 10% who opposed it....
or just using the old talking points.

Always judge by results:

Happy with IRS?
Employment opportunity?
Debt control?
Poverty rate?
Health care?
Tax reform?
Cultural decline?
Infrastructure plans?

What's left?
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I give him a B+

His naivety is his biggest weakness. Thinking you could work with this congress is a playful notion but Obama neeeded to re-calibrate his message when he got re-elected. I thought he had shed the "Audacity of Hope" mantra and saw these clowns in the House for what they really are but he was soon back to trying to buddy up to them.

Every now and then, the leader of any organization, team, group, fraternity, Boy Scout troop, soccer team, bacherorette party, nation, political party, union, hospital, department etc... has to throw an elbow and shock some people with an aggressive move.

It's like if Sasha and Mailia won't clean up their room. You punish them. The next time it happens, what would take place (at least with my cousins it did) was that one would clean up for the other; Jan cleaned up for Dean let's say (not their real names). Their father saw this and marched Dean into the room, emptied every drawer of clothing onto the floor and stood there as Dean folded them and put them back neatly.

You act irrationally to demonstrate a point. I truly think Obama doesn't understand that. I doubt he ever will.

The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!

Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work

I give him a B+

His naivety is his biggest weakness. Thinking you could work with this congress is a playful notion but Obama neeeded to re-calibrate his message when he got re-elected. I thought he had shed the "Audacity of Hope" mantra and saw these clowns in the House for what they really are but he was soon back to trying to buddy up to them.

Every now and then, the leader of any organization, team, group, fraternity, Boy Scout troop, soccer team, bacherorette party, nation, political party, union, hospital, department etc... has to throw an elbow and shock some people with an aggressive move.

It's like if Sasha and Mailia won't clean up their room. You punish them. The next time it happens, what would take place (at least with my cousins it did) was that one would clean up for the other; Jan cleaned up for Dean let's say (not their real names). Their father saw this and marched Dean into the room, emptied every drawer of clothing onto the floor and stood there as Dean folded them and put them back neatly.

You act irrationally to demonstrate a point. I truly think Obama doesn't understand that. I doubt he ever will.

The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!

The republicans declared war on Obama on the day of his inauguration. Even Senator McConnel said the republican agenda was to make Obama a one term president, so no sympathy here for the poor little republican cry babies not getting enough of Obama's cooperation. Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work or that McCain would have done better? No. Aren't you aware that when Obama took office our country and the world economy was in a shaky position? We're in much better shape five years later. Look at the stock market for one.

Wanna have some fun?

Start a poll thread asking yes or no to the following question: Do you personally believe that President Obama was born in the US? I predict nearly a third or greater would say no even at this late date.

In a lot of cases, conservatives only seem to accept you as a minority or perceived minority if they can intimidate you. When you belong to one of those groups and refuse to be intimidated...they come @ you with every slur in the book.

This is what Obama has had to contend with. Hes done an admirable job keeping his cool. A less than admirable job in recognition of the fact that the GOP is an irrational actor.
The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!

The republicans declared war on Obama on the day of his inauguration. Even Senator McConnel said the republican agenda was to make Obama a one term president, so no sympathy here for the poor little republican cry babies not getting enough of Obama's cooperation. Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work or that McCain would have done better? No. Aren't you aware that when Obama took office our country and the world economy was in a shaky position? We're in much better shape five years later. Look at the stock market for one.

Wanna have some fun?

Start a poll thread asking yes or no to the following question: Do you personally believe that President Obama was born in the US? I predict nearly a third or greater would say no even at this late date.

In a lot of cases, conservatives only seem to accept you as a minority or perceived minority if they can intimidate you. When you belong to one of those groups and refuse to be intimidated...they come @ you with every slur in the book.

This is what Obama has had to contend with. Hes done an admirable job keeping his cool. A less than admirable job in recognition of the fact that the GOP is an irrational actor.

That would be an excellent way of avoiding any analysis of the RESULTS of his work.
The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!

The republicans declared war on Obama on the day of his inauguration. Even Senator McConnel said the republican agenda was to make Obama a one term president, so no sympathy here for the poor little republican cry babies not getting enough of Obama's cooperation. Do you have proof that the stimulus didn't work or that McCain would have done better? No. Aren't you aware that when Obama took office our country and the world economy was in a shaky position? We're in much better shape five years later. Look at the stock market for one.

Wanna have some fun?

Start a poll thread asking yes or no to the following question: Do you personally believe that President Obama was born in the US? I predict nearly a third or greater would say no even at this late date.

In a lot of cases, conservatives only seem to accept you as a minority or perceived minority if they can intimidate you. When you belong to one of those groups and refuse to be intimidated...they come @ you with every slur in the book.

This is what Obama has had to contend with. Hes done an admirable job keeping his cool. A less than admirable job in recognition of the fact that the GOP is an irrational actor.

Q- Do you personally believe that President Obama was born in the US?
A- Undecided

I predict nearly a third or greater would say no even at this late date.

So what's your point?


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