Your Honest Appraisal of Obama.

How would you Appraise Obama in Year 5 of HIs Presidency?

  • Grafe A. He is Basically a Good Guy who Has Done a Good Job.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Grade B to C. He has been okay. Some things I like. Not Perfect...not Bad.

    Votes: 15 15.5%
  • Grade D. He is a Debonair Con-man who has been mostly inept.

    Votes: 17 17.5%
  • Grade F. He is a Compulsive Liar and Cheat, who is incompetent and is Destroying America.

    Votes: 62 63.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

This poll is anonymous and I would really like to see everyone participate. This is your appraisal of Obama and his job performance at year 5 of his Presidency. My hope is this poll will give a fairly clear indication of how USMB posters view Obama.

1. Grade A. He is a good guy who has done a very good job.

2. Grade B to C. He has been okay...but I still have some concerns.

3. Grade D I basically see him as a debonair con-man who is fairly inept.

4. Grade F He is an incompetent liar and cheat, who has done enormous damage to America.

Okay, this is America...let your opinion be heard!
I rank Obama about like Bush not great but not the worst ever.
''No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP''- TIME. It's too bad about TP/GOP mindless obstruction...since it started, 2/4/2010, they've ruined the recovery and everthing else, which WAS going great....
the thread is about your opinion of Obama Frankie.....not the GOP.....
Voted F because there was nothing less to vote .....compulsive liar and cheat, incompetent and most anti-American President ever.

In other words ....worst of the worst.
If I could make my own grade I would place a D.

D on the basis of his political prowess is lacking in so many ways. With a democrat controlled congress he only pushed his health care law. With such political potential a president should be able to focus on their campaign promises.

Have you seen no new taxes?

Immigration reform?

Tax cuts for 95% of working families?

Much more.

Lyndon Johnson was a president who knew how to work the aisles and he could convince, coerce, or bully congress to achieve his goals. To be fully supported and achieve nothing is a huge failure as the president.

*disclaimer* I'm only pointing out what I perceive as facts. I do not endorse any policies or condemn them. This is a grade on performance only.
Gave him an A.

As a New Yorker, the Osama bin Laden thing, alone, got him the grade.

Everything else was gravy.

To bad I was working that night, I would have been out partying like every other American that night.

[ame=]Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube[/ame]

This poll is anonymous and I would really like to see everyone participate. This is your appraisal of Obama and his job performance at year 5 of his Presidency. My hope is this poll will give a fairly clear indication of how USMB posters view Obama.

1. Grade A. He is a good guy who has done a very good job.

2. Grade B to C. He has been okay...but I still have some concerns.

3. Grade D I basically see him as a debonair con-man who is fairly inept.

4. Grade F He is an incompetent liar and cheat, who has done enormous damage to America.

Okay, this is America...let your opinion be heard!

I give him a B.

Im sorry but you couldn't be more wrong if any of you give an F or an A.
Given the criteria of D and F, I really think B or C are the only fair grades you can give Obama.
When I was growing up I was taught that if you criticize they way someone is working, you better be able to do a better job.

I honestly believe I could do a better job than Obama.

Of course you could. DO share how you would get legislation past the do-nothing Congress. Or are you assuming they wouldn't be a problem in your world.

Doing nothing at all -- that is, just sitting in the office and letting the institutions and agencies which already existed do their jobs without interference -- would have been better than what Obama chose to do.

And when you have to do something, squash the impulse to lie. That would have been an excellent first step.

Oh, and squash the insult to insult the opposition. Insulting Republicans was a very bad choice if the goal was to get anything good done.

Insulting your own side by not consulting with them on a regular basis was another choice Obama made.

Almost anyone would have done better than Obama because very few people would have held themselves so far above the people they were supposed to be working with and serving.
A. I think he's basically a good guy. A. Using Drone instead of troops to target al Qaeda. B. He'd done a lot of thing I don't like. C. He underestimated how feverish the opposition to everything he endorsed would become. D. He caved to early and to often. F. Using Drones to attack first responders to initial drone strikes.

Overall a C+
I would have given him D- so I voted D, suspecting that most who feel as I do probably voted F.

But he _is_ a compulsive liar.
F, though I think the jury's still out as to whether he actually hates America/capitalism or is just another incompetent, starry-eyed central planner. Either way, he's a big-government statist who will take America down the road of Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, and leading us in the direction of Zimbabwe and North Korea.

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