Your Honest Appraisal of Obama.

How would you Appraise Obama in Year 5 of HIs Presidency?

  • Grafe A. He is Basically a Good Guy who Has Done a Good Job.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Grade B to C. He has been okay. Some things I like. Not Perfect...not Bad.

    Votes: 15 15.5%
  • Grade D. He is a Debonair Con-man who has been mostly inept.

    Votes: 17 17.5%
  • Grade F. He is a Compulsive Liar and Cheat, who is incompetent and is Destroying America.

    Votes: 62 63.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Obama reminds me of Milli Vanilli

You really are right. Check it out! Picture Obama in a dread wig and you got it. :)

[ame=]Milli Vanilli - Girl you know it's true - YouTube[/ame]
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When I was growing up I was taught that if you criticize they way someone is working, you better be able to do a better job.

I honestly believe I could do a better job than Obama.

Of course you could. DO share how you would get legislation past the do-nothing Congress. Or are you assuming they wouldn't be a problem in your world.

With all due respect, Boop? Barack Obama came into office in a Democratic landslide. He had majorities in the House and Senate plus overwhelmingly favorable approval ratings from the general public. THAT was what he started with...

What he DID with those things is something you could teach a Political Science class on what NOT to do as a political leader!

First of all he ignored the most pressing issue for and the economy to pursue a healthcare "reform" that was guaranteed to bring about strong partisan response from the opposition. Not only that but he let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid call the shots on the legislation for that "reform"...two Democratic leaders who's claim to fame for most of their careers in Congress was attacking the opposition and who REVELED in telling the GOP to go sit in the hall and shut up while THEY wrote up the new law without any compromise whatsoever with conservatives.

America wasn't looking for the wholesale changes to our healthcare system that Barry, Harry and Nancy gave them. That isn't what they sent Democrats to Washington to fix...something that polling SHOULD have told B,H &N all along. So in 2010 the midterms bring about the biggest swing from one party to the other in modern political history and yet Barack Obama STILL didn't recalibrate. Harry Reid sat over in the Senate tabling whatever bills the GOP controlled House sent over to the Senate and essentially bringing the business of running the Government to a screeching halt and Barack Obama did NOTHING to stop what Reid was doing! That's insanity. You're the President. You need to lead. You need to recognize that the electorate had sent a message and it was your JOB to craft solutions.
He has been hell bent on the destruction of the country from day one ...

I think anyone who believes Obama's desire is to destroy America is a fool whose entire belief system is based on a false premise.

Really, care to elaborate on that premise? Explain to me how his policies and regulatory changes have stabilized the business climate and allowed businesses to make accurate long range forecast, which would allow them to hire and expand with confidence. Hell companies don't even know what maobamacare means because the rules keep changing. maobama has been very good at keeping the heel of government on the throat of business and thus on the economy as a whole and it's not being done by accident. You're the fool if you believe it is.
Can't grade him based on the rhetoric following the letter.

Also, I have no desire to leap into a lion's den at this point in time.

Same here. The rhetoric is too emotional.

I believe that Obama seriously miscalculated the degree of resistance he would face from Republicans and right wingers. He advanced in his career with the protection of institutions, colleagues, and social acceptance. He was unprepared for the "real world" of America outside of liberal cities and universities.

He is similar to many other "successful" Americans--their success often comes because they were helped by other connected individuals. He was wrong when he assumed that the world was similar to his peers. In modern politics, negotiation no longer works.

So what you're basically saying is that Barack Obama has spent a life time being rewarded with advancement because of the affirmative action cultures of liberal cities and universities and was completely unprepared for the job as President?

Yes, somewhat.
He gets an F. He ignores the Constitution, picks and chooses which laws to enforce, dictates legislation, changes legislation after it's been passed and signed into law. He plays judge, jury, and executioner. He is a narcissistic tyrant and no different than other tyrants throughout history. I have no doubt he would order the killing of his political opponents if he thought he could get away with it.
This is exactly why I pay no attention to anything you post. Obama could be saving your life by carrying you out of a burning building and you would be condemning him at the top of your lungs. You have a closed mind.

I don't know either of you so I can't say whether your assessment of the other poster is correct but Pres. Obama isn't carrying him out of a burning building. He's canceling insurance for millions of Americans without bothering to make sure they have a way to sign up for new insurance.

F- might be strong but surely you're not telling us he's A+ material.
He has been hell bent on the destruction of the country from day one ...

I think anyone who believes Obama's desire is to destroy America is a fool whose entire belief system is based on a false premise.

Really, care to elaborate on that premise? Explain to me how his policies and regulatory changes have stabilized the business climate and allowed businesses to make accurate long range forecast, which would allow them to hire and expand with confidence. Hell companies don't even know what maobamacare means because the rules keep changing. maobama has been very good at keeping the heel of government on the throat of business and thus on the economy as a whole and it's not being done by accident. You're the fool if you believe it is.

I obviously can't speak for g5000, but I think his point is not that what Obama has done is successful, but that the intent behind it isn't the destruction of the country.

There is a difference between having bad ideas about governance and wanting to destroy the nation.
He gets an F. He ignores the Constitution, picks and chooses which laws to enforce, dictates legislation, changes legislation after it's been passed and signed into law. He plays judge, jury, and executioner. He is a narcissistic tyrant and no different than other tyrants throughout history. I have no doubt he would order the killing of his political opponents if he thought he could get away with it.

This is simply a hyper-partisan rant that could apply to virtually every U.S. president ever elected--except, perhaps, President Carter.
I think anyone who believes Obama's desire is to destroy America is a fool whose entire belief system is based on a false premise.

Really, care to elaborate on that premise? Explain to me how his policies and regulatory changes have stabilized the business climate and allowed businesses to make accurate long range forecast, which would allow them to hire and expand with confidence. Hell companies don't even know what maobamacare means because the rules keep changing. maobama has been very good at keeping the heel of government on the throat of business and thus on the economy as a whole and it's not being done by accident. You're the fool if you believe it is.

I obviously can't speak for g5000, but I think his point is not that what Obama has done is successful, but that the intent behind it isn't the destruction of the country.

There is a difference between having bad ideas about governance and wanting to destroy the nation.

You're right. He said (after he was elected) that he wanted to "fundamentally transform America." He wanted a socialist paradise. That was his intent. Didn't work out.
I give him a B+

His naivety is his biggest weakness. Thinking you could work with this congress is a playful notion but Obama neeeded to re-calibrate his message when he got re-elected. I thought he had shed the "Audacity of Hope" mantra and saw these clowns in the House for what they really are but he was soon back to trying to buddy up to them.

Every now and then, the leader of any organization, team, group, fraternity, Boy Scout troop, soccer team, bacherorette party, nation, political party, union, hospital, department etc... has to throw an elbow and shock some people with an aggressive move.

It's like if Sasha and Mailia won't clean up their room. You punish them. The next time it happens, what would take place (at least with my cousins it did) was that one would clean up for the other; Jan cleaned up for Dean let's say (not their real names). Their father saw this and marched Dean into the room, emptied every drawer of clothing onto the floor and stood there as Dean folded them and put them back neatly.

You act irrationally to demonstrate a point. I truly think Obama doesn't understand that. I doubt he ever will.
As far as the OP question, I tend to agree with Boop that the answers added to the grades don't really fit my thinking.

I also think the grade depends on context. What do I think of Obama, or of Obama compared to other presidents, or of Obama compared to other presidents with similar circumstances in society or government while they are in office, etc.?

I would probably give him a C- or a D. He's been a continuation of Bush in many ways. We've gotten involved in more foreign conflict during his administration. I do not like Obamacare's mandate.

On the other hand, he has not been some kind of evil despot. I don't think the programs and policies implemented during his administration are going to destroy the country. The partisan nature of our politics and the difficulty of enacting strong legislation seem to be at their highest point in the last few decades.

Despite the campaign of hope and change, Obama seems to be just another politician.
Obabble is over his head...he would be over his head cooking burgers at Burger King. A moron. A socialist. Anti everything but "the poor" who he wants to own and manipulate. A total waste of eight years...
I think anyone who believes Obama's desire is to destroy America is a fool whose entire belief system is based on a false premise.

Really, care to elaborate on that premise? Explain to me how his policies and regulatory changes have stabilized the business climate and allowed businesses to make accurate long range forecast, which would allow them to hire and expand with confidence. Hell companies don't even know what maobamacare means because the rules keep changing. maobama has been very good at keeping the heel of government on the throat of business and thus on the economy as a whole and it's not being done by accident. You're the fool if you believe it is.

I obviously can't speak for g5000, but I think his point is not that what Obama has done is successful, but that the intent behind it isn't the destruction of the country.

There is a difference between having bad ideas about governance and wanting to destroy the nation.

Riddle me this there Batman, if you think a system is generally good and just needs a few tweaks here and there why would you set out to fundamentally change it?
I give him a B+

His naivety is his biggest weakness. Thinking you could work with this congress is a playful notion but Obama neeeded to re-calibrate his message when he got re-elected. I thought he had shed the "Audacity of Hope" mantra and saw these clowns in the House for what they really are but he was soon back to trying to buddy up to them.

Every now and then, the leader of any organization, team, group, fraternity, Boy Scout troop, soccer team, bacherorette party, nation, political party, union, hospital, department etc... has to throw an elbow and shock some people with an aggressive move.

It's like if Sasha and Mailia won't clean up their room. You punish them. The next time it happens, what would take place (at least with my cousins it did) was that one would clean up for the other; Jan cleaned up for Dean let's say (not their real names). Their father saw this and marched Dean into the room, emptied every drawer of clothing onto the floor and stood there as Dean folded them and put them back neatly.

You act irrationally to demonstrate a point. I truly think Obama doesn't understand that. I doubt he ever will.

The blinders you wear are quite amazing, Candy.

Barack Obama started off with a Democratically controlled House and Senate. He used that to give us the Obama Stimulus (which failed to create jobs so badly that they had to invent a new unemployment statistic...job created or saved to hide how bad it was!) and the Affordable Care Act which is now beginning it's role out and it's a complete disaster.

Does the GOP controlled House loath Barack Obama? Heck yeah, they do! That's what happens when you kick an opponent when they are down. If they make it back to their feet you shouldn't expect them to give you a hug. They are going to be PISSED!
I give him a B+


He was cryogenically frozen in 2009, and just woke up for this poll? Sure. Obamas self assessment still holds. about approval ratings.

F-. I don't think Obama is trying to destroy America. I think his european style socialist views simply don't work. What sounds good in a teacher's lounge often doesn't work in the real world. I also don't think Obama is very honest in that he really does believe that the ends justifies the means. This includes lying to the American people. I also believe Obama is simply incompetent. How else would one explain Obama's lack of knowledge about what's going on in his own White House by always claiming that he just heard the latest news on television. Sure, some of it is plausible deniability (lying) but I also believe Obama is a bit clueless when it comes to the various dynamics of his own cabinet (and this country for that matter)
In summation, I believe Obama is guided by a extremist world view where political convenience overrides transparency as a means to pass laws that the majority of people are against while also being hindered by an almost monolithic incompetence.
I give him a B+

His naivety is his biggest weakness. Thinking you could work with this congress is a playful notion but Obama neeeded to re-calibrate his message when he got re-elected. I thought he had shed the "Audacity of Hope" mantra and saw these clowns in the House for what they really are but he was soon back to trying to buddy up to them.

Every now and then, the leader of any organization, team, group, fraternity, Boy Scout troop, soccer team, bacherorette party, nation, political party, union, hospital, department etc... has to throw an elbow and shock some people with an aggressive move.

It's like if Sasha and Mailia won't clean up their room. You punish them. The next time it happens, what would take place (at least with my cousins it did) was that one would clean up for the other; Jan cleaned up for Dean let's say (not their real names). Their father saw this and marched Dean into the room, emptied every drawer of clothing onto the floor and stood there as Dean folded them and put them back neatly.

You act irrationally to demonstrate a point. I truly think Obama doesn't understand that. I doubt he ever will.

I think it's cool you gave your opinion, but I do think the poster's point above is interesting. Every Dem seems to forget Obama walked in to a completely Democrat controlled Congress. Somehow that memory has gotten wiped from the collective Democrat database. Wonder why?

I guess it is easier to blame the mean Republican scary man than take responsibility for a leader that cannot lead.

I used to do contract negotiation. You don't continually insult the people you are trying to negotiate with. You don't ram contract terms down their throats just because you can. If you do, the other party will never honor the agreement anyway, and will actively work to undermine or terminate the agreement. It is pretty basic stuff.

Clinton worked quite effectively with an opposition Congress. So did Reagan. Even Bush did to a degree. Why is Obama so different? If a Democrat could honestly answer that question you might have a breakthrough.

This poll is anonymous and I would really like to see everyone participate. This is your appraisal of Obama and his job performance at year 5 of his Presidency. My hope is this poll will give a fairly clear indication of how USMB posters view Obama.

1. Grade A. He is a good guy who has done a very good job.

2. Grade B to C. He has been okay...but I still have some concerns.

3. Grade D I basically see him as a debonair con-man who is fairly inept.

4. Grade F He is an incompetent liar and cheat, who has done enormous damage to America.

Okay, this is America...let your opinion be heard!
Number 2 (Grade B to C). I believe he has made a sincere effort to do a good job despite the most obstructive House of Representatives in history.
The bottom line is that there is a huge difference between being an obstructionist and being a member of the loyal opposition. An obstructionist works against any attempt to move a country forward. They are a curse on a country. They offer the country NOTHING. A member of the loyal opposition works toward moving the country forward. They offer different ideas and viewpoints that lead to a better country. The loyal opposition provides balance to the government and the country.

..BLAH...BLAH...Republicans fault...Blah...Blah...Obama is near perfect...Blah Blah...evil Republicans...Democrats blameless....blah blah..blither...spin...nonsense....Republicans fault.

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