Your Outlandish Liberal Questions Lined Up For The Future Supreme Court Justice.Just For Laughs.

Baba Boxer: and please for the duration of my grilling, please address me as Madam Senator, I have worked so hard to attain that title.
Elizabeth Warren: Is it true that your family helped slaughter my Cherokee ancestors of which I have no blood line to?
Elizabeth Warren: maybe you can explain to me why most people find it rather amusing that I have reason to believe I am 1/32nd native american and 1/3rd Grizzly Bear?
Anthony Weiner: "Hypothetically speaking, would you consider some sort of legal relief for men who like to take photographs of their private parts and send them to underaged girls?"

"Hypothetically speaking, of course."
Anthony Weiner: "Hypothetically speaking, would you consider some sort of legal relief for men who like to take photographs of their private parts and send them to underaged girls?"

"Hypothetically speaking, of course."
Huma Weiner: would you like to see my vagina, then give it a rating between 1 and 10?
Chuck Schumer: "We Democrats are having an orgy party after the confirmation hearing, at which all the men will give each other blowjobs, the women will be going down on each other, and free abortions will be given to our pregnant Congressional aides. Would you like to attend, and if so, will you be coming alone or will you bring a young male page to be your sex partner at the party?"
Chuck Schumer: "We Democrats are having an orgy party after the confirmation hearing, at which all the men will give each other blowjobs, the women will be going down on each other, and free abortions will be given to our pregnant Congressional aides. Would you like to attend, and if so, will you be coming alone or will you bring a young male page to be your sex partner at the party?"
Chuck Schumer: Magistrate Niel. May I Fart In Your General Direction?
Senator Harris: Judge _______, the most important question, and the gravest threat to mankind and all life in the universe is Global Warm...errr, Climate Change. Do you oppose impoverishing 99% of mankind and letting the governments take over all production so that we can save humanity from the scourge of capitalism and industry? Why do you hate little Baby Jesus?
Senator Harris: Judge _______, the most important question, and the gravest threat to mankind and all life in the universe is Global Warm...errr, Climate Change. Do you oppose impoverishing 99% of mankind and letting the governments take over all production so that we can save humanity from the scourge of capitalism and industry? Why do you hate little Baby Jesus?
Congressman Shelia Jackson: Yo, Mista Niel Goshensucker, iz it true dat you think Reverend Al Sharpton is the dumbest black person on earth and needs to go back to Africa?
Barack Obama: Judge Gorsuch, are you the person that stated Secretary Clinton was neither a fast candidate or a slow candidate, but rather a half-fast candidate?

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