Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut


This thing may not have as much of an effect as some may think.

As has been pointed out earlier in this thread, most people who are salaried are more likely to be those who are actually putting an effort into improving their lives, rather than whining about every little thing that their "rich, greedy and mean" managers and business owners do or don't do.

If this law had come down when I was a salaried employee, I would have kept working more than 40 hours and not said a word. My priority was improving my situation for myself and my family, not in counting how many hours I worked in a freaking week. Such an attitude is not in vogue any more, but that's how I have always been.

This story is actually an interesting illustration, highlighting the differences between those who are trying to improve their lives on their own, and those who would rather whine about their situation and wait for someone else to improve it. Most salaried workers probably fall into the first category, and will laugh at this silly law.

"Stop at forty hours? Fuck that, I have work to do."

I'll bet such a thought sounds crazy to many here, huh?


I don't believe anyone should work more then 40 hours without OT. There has to be a limit. Where I work the Union and first line management gets OT for over 40 hours. The union's benefits are much better such as getting paid to stay home. But there are those who are not in management who if called back to work, from home, do not get paid a red cent more. To me that is just wrong. I agree with you that if working more hours advances your situation then go for it. I often did work at home to which I was told I was crazy. My boss even told me once I wasn't putting enough hours on my time card, after that I made sure I did as directed.

What I disagree with is the way it was done. Obama doesn't seem to have this power so I don't know if this will ever go into effect. But I do know one thing, if it does it will hurt companies, although I don't now agree with how they pay. With the economy in the state it is they will work people more on OT then to hire people and have to pay benefits. That is my opinion cause I have seen it happen for 32 years.
Ame®icano;8768580 said:
Please provide evidence...

I guess if you had skills you wouldn't be talking about "your managers", you would be the one that manage instead.

It's interesting to infer from your post that you believe that the people who built the structure you are currently in have no skills.
Or that the accountants and lawyers, physicians, chemists, physicists, etc... who are not managers (as the overwhelmingly majority of them are NOT managers) have no skills.
Talk about elitist attitudes.

That lumps you in with Bill "Americans have no skills" Gates.

I think you got it wrong. You said you were getting bonuses under Clinton, then under GW you helped your managers to collect bonuses. You give credits or blaming those who has pretty much nothing to do with it. What about now, are you getting bonus?

And what are your skills precisely?

All I am saying here is that I think you are pointing fingers in wrong direction.
The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states." That means the president and supreme court and bureaucrats have NO authority to write laws. But they do it all the time.

MARCH 11, 2014

WASHINGTON — President Obama this week will seek to force American businesses to pay more overtime to millions of workers, the latest move by his administration to confront corporations that have had soaring profits even as wages have stagnated.

On Thursday, the president will direct the Labor Department to revamp its regulations to require overtime pay for several million additional fast-food managers, loan officers, computer technicians and others whom many businesses currently classify as “executive or professional” employees to avoid paying them overtime, according to White House officials briefed on the announcement.

Actually, in my opinion, just the opposite will happen. If they have to pay OT then they will just work people more on OT then to hire another person and pay benefits. So if you have a effected job now your OT might actually increase since they were not getting it in the first place.
Actually, Bush changed it, then Congress tried to stop it - but the "law" that would have stopped Bush's changes failed to pass.

Bush changed it, then congress failed to change it back.

And this is the hilarious thing with all the hyperpartisan KatznDogs/ShootSpeeders type who are screaming bloody murder at dictator Obama, he's just adjusting a threshold that was last adjusted by Bush but hasn't been indexed for inflation since 2004.

They read a talking point at whatever stupid source they spend their days loading up on ammo from without even firing a synapse to self-check if they make any sense.
In the Bizzaro World of the conservative, getting paid for the work you perform is somehow a bad thing.
I think you are twisting the context of what they are saying.

They are saying accepting a position that has an annual salary for a certain level of production or achievement regardless of exact hours is a reasonable employment agreement, which could fairly interpreted as getting paid for the work you do.

Focusing on accomplishment or productivity, not ticks of a watch.
In the Bizzaro World of the conservative, getting paid for the work you perform is somehow a bad thing.
I think you are twisting the context of what they are saying.

They are saying accepting a position that has an annual salary for a certain level of production or achievement regardless of exact hours is a reasonable employment agreement, which could fairly interpreted as getting paid for the work you do.

Focusing on accomplishment or productivity, not ticks of a watch.

They know, but partisan rhetoric is a higher priority for them.

Well put, by the way.

Ame®icano;8768843 said:
Why should they hire more people when they can get salaried employees to work for free

Salaried people do not work for free. They were smart enough not to be at the bottom of the ladder, they're smart enough to keep climbing or leave if things are not good for them.

Never worked in finance?
I have and the 2008 Crash was no surprise; those "non-bottom of the ladder employees" did a SWELL job, didn't they?

Not sure what you mean here.

But as you said you help them collect bonuses...
Ame®icano;8768843 said:
Why should they hire more people when they can get salaried employees to work for free

Salaried people do not work for free. They were smart enough not to be at the bottom of the ladder, they're smart enough to keep climbing or leave if things are not good for them.


Most salaried people know that they'll be working a lot more than just 40 hours, but they know it's worth it. Their goal is to improve their lives, and sacrifices need to be made. It's an investment in their career.

The idea of working hard, sacrificing and improving your life are frowned upon nowadays, but that's what a few people are still willing to do. Crazy, huh?


Those are sacrifices you're doing for yourself.

In leftist mind, sacrifice is something that's forcefully taken away from you on so it can be given to others and you can't do jack shit about it. If you protest, you're greedy bastard.

You should sacrifice your phone or cable tv so someone else will get healthcare, right?
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Another bottom line of this. What use is the Unions if the government is going to pass contracts via the law? Or more to the point of this thread, by executive order?

People go into jobs knowing what they get paid. If we had a better economy then competition would drive what people are paid. I assume what else will happen is bonuses will be eliminated.
It's fascinating that TheRabbi's reticence on his occupation has never bothered you.

He's asking Nutsucker, shit-for-brains. Not me. I never claimed to make 200/yr or work in the public sector.

In all sincerity, I doubt you would ever qualify for most government jobs. First you need to meet the MQ's, next pass a written test. Then pass a background investigation, including credit, criminal record and civil judgments; for a LE career at least three psychological evaluations ( one written and two oral/interviews - at least in both agencies in which I worked); then a physical examination and a series of physical ability tests (how many pull ups can you do?), then two interviews, one by three professionals from other jurisdictions or agencies and one in house usually by the supervisors of the units hiring off the street. Finally, you would need to meet the standards while on probation supervised by a Sgt. and a field training officer.

By reading this I can't believe how much waste we have in government.

Anyways, must be a huge achievement to "pass" all those test. I just wonder, are those dumb-down test like they're doing for SAT?
Anyone who have ever shopped in a mall may have noticed that the salespeople - usually in their adult teens or early twenties - are hired as "managers" or "supervisors" and thus are paid a salary, usually minimum wage, and are exempt from OT rules. They are in fact not "managers" or "supervisors" but simply sales clerks given a title so the business owner can have them work for more than 40 hours per week and increase his or her profits.

This is in my opinion the reason for Obama's direction to the Dept. of Labor, to end this form of exploitation. As usual, Rabbi and other Obama haters conflate this effort into an hysterical anti business diatribe is typical of the dishonest.

You are a lying sack of shit.

There is absolutely no truth whatsoever to anything you say in here.

lying douchebag

You're not just dumb, you're nasty as well as ignorant and ridiculous. You may yet qualify for The Rabbi Award.
Anyone who have ever shopped in a mall may have noticed that the salespeople - usually in their adult teens or early twenties - are hired as "managers" or "supervisors" and thus are paid a salary, usually minimum wage, and are exempt from OT rules. They are in fact not "managers" or "supervisors" but simply sales clerks given a title so the business owner can have them work for more than 40 hours per week and increase his or her profits.

This is in my opinion the reason for Obama's direction to the Dept. of Labor, to end this form of exploitation. As usual, Rabbi and other Obama haters conflate this effort into an hysterical anti business diatribe, typical of the dishonest.

Dishonest is right.

There are laws and then there is justice. A lot of conservatives see compliance with the law as automatically dispensing justice. I think where liberals have a gigantic intellectual victory over conservatives is that we realize that adherence to the law does not automatically dispense justice. Often far from it.

That a woman can have an abortion (or not) but totally dependent upon her decision, the father may be on the hook for 18 years of child support (for a kid he may not have wanted) is the law. But nobody could convince me that this is just. I will say that any father who doesn't pay for that is a scumbucket but we're talking laws and justice here; not morality.

Look, laws are often written by lobbyists who simply hand over the document to a legislator they support; it gets passed and presto, Julie who is 18 and works at Forever 21 is a supervisor and is barred from getting overtime. Laws are slanted all the time. Justice is what happens (or not) when laws are enforced.


From an economic end of the of the reasons that so many companies hire part-time workers is because they have Julie working 50 hours a week and are paying her 40. Now, thanks to our President, that they have to pay Julie more...look for the PT employees to get more hours.

Thank you Mr. President.
Anyone who have ever shopped in a mall may have noticed that the salespeople - usually in their adult teens or early twenties - are hired as "managers" or "supervisors" and thus are paid a salary, usually minimum wage, and are exempt from OT rules. They are in fact not "managers" or "supervisors" but simply sales clerks given a title so the business owner can have them work for more than 40 hours per week and increase his or her profits.

This is in my opinion the reason for Obama's direction to the Dept. of Labor, to end this form of exploitation. As usual, Rabbi and other Obama haters conflate this effort into an hysterical anti business diatribe is typical of the dishonest.

You are a lying sack of shit.

There is absolutely no truth whatsoever to anything you say in here.

lying douchebag

You're not just dumb, you're nasty as well as ignorant and ridiculous. You may yet qualify for The Rabbi Award.
But for all that he's right on the money.
Ame®icano;8772213 said:
He's asking Nutsucker, shit-for-brains. Not me. I never claimed to make 200/yr or work in the public sector.

In all sincerity, I doubt you would ever qualify for most government jobs. First you need to meet the MQ's, next pass a written test. Then pass a background investigation, including credit, criminal record and civil judgments; for a LE career at least three psychological evaluations ( one written and two oral/interviews - at least in both agencies in which I worked); then a physical examination and a series of physical ability tests (how many pull ups can you do?), then two interviews, one by three professionals from other jurisdictions or agencies and one in house usually by the supervisors of the units hiring off the street. Finally, you would need to meet the standards while on probation supervised by a Sgt. and a field training officer.

By reading this I can't believe how much waste we have in government.

Anyways, must be a huge achievement to "pass" all those test. I just wonder, are those dumb-down test like they're doing for SAT?

Take one if you can meet the MQ's and find out. As one who spent some of his career hiring I can attest to the fact that today's college graduates cannot compose clear, concise and grammatically correct prose and many cannot pass with 70% an objective test.

Waste? Even after spending the dollars to complete a thorough background we make mistakes. In my three years doing HR I failed over a dozen candidates during their probationary year. Yeah, a waste of time but for the fact they carried guns and a mistake would cost us much bigger bucks.
Ame®icano;8772039 said:
Ame®icano;8768580 said:
I guess if you had skills you wouldn't be talking about "your managers", you would be the one that manage instead.

It's interesting to infer from your post that you believe that the people who built the structure you are currently in have no skills.
Or that the accountants and lawyers, physicians, chemists, physicists, etc... who are not managers (as the overwhelmingly majority of them are NOT managers) have no skills.
Talk about elitist attitudes.

That lumps you in with Bill "Americans have no skills" Gates.

I think you got it wrong. You said you were getting bonuses under Clinton, then under GW you helped your managers to collect bonuses. You give credits or blaming those who has pretty much nothing to do with it. What about now, are you getting bonus?

And what are your skills precisely?

All I am saying here is that I think you are pointing fingers in wrong direction.

I am a software developer.
Under GWs 2004 easing of off-shoring and massive increases in H1-Bs I became expendable even as I watched 50 of India's Best and Brightest getting NOTHING done.
Nothing on Wall Street matters except for the next quarters results.
MBAs focus on cost of labor, compliance of labor and willingness to work inhumane hours.
Most of my friends are accountants and lawyers; they saw their bonuses vanish as they were afraid the same thing was going to happen to them.
They are fully aware that Bill Gates, since 1998, has been crying for Business-Visas across all professions.
In the Bizzaro World of the conservative, getting paid for the work you perform is somehow a bad thing.
I think you are twisting the context of what they are saying.

They are saying accepting a position that has an annual salary for a certain level of production or achievement regardless of exact hours is a reasonable employment agreement, which could fairly interpreted as getting paid for the work you do.

Focusing on accomplishment or productivity, not ticks of a watch.

I believe the advent of the underpaid "Professional" Day came about under Senior Bush after the October 1987 crash.
I'm sure the bankers must have suffering along with labor.
Another bottom line of this. What use is the Unions if the government is going to pass contracts via the law? Or more to the point of this thread, by executive order?

People go into jobs knowing what they get paid. If we had a better economy then competition would drive what people are paid. I assume what else will happen is bonuses will be eliminated.

The factor of knowing one's wage is no longer true.
Our Free Market, Global Employee Pool has produced layoffs and sever paycuts.
My wife's profession now requires a PhD which, by today's wage standard, will NEVER pay off.
Of course corporations, such as ProHealth, which are buying up Medical Practices like wildfire, are pushing for the proposed Immigration Reform which will deluge our shores with Indian "physicians".
By the way, when a Physician signs up with ProHealth they only have a 2 year contract.
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