Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut

Beautiful isn't it?

A redistribution of wealth. More money in workers pockets. Dare we call it.....Socialism?

If a Republican ever gets to be President again, they can make people go back to working for free

There is no redistribution of wealth. BEcause there is no wealth created when people dont work.
Yes it is socialism. Which is why the problem with socialism is you run out of other people's money.
Beautiful? Only if you're just excruciatingly stupid. Which seems to fit you.

If you are a sensible employer, this mandate will cost you nothing

Because sensible employers compensate salaried workers for working nights and weekends. They do this by either offering comp time or bonus money.

But what do Republicans call employers who expect their salaried employees to work nights and weekends without compensation?

We call people who expect something for nothing.....Freeloaders
Nothing wrong with bonus pay or comp time.
That will disappear because what Obama has done is essentially eliminate the 'exempt' status. In other words, no more salaried workers. and with that, no more OT and most likely rates for higher grades will be reduced.
There is no way obama has any sort of legal right to make these kinds of laws and they are blatantly unconstitutional since the government may not act to impair a contract. He needs a slapdown of major proportions.
The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states." That means the president and supreme court and bureaucrats have NO authority to write laws. But they do it all the time.

Why does this surprise you? He is nothing but a dictator.

do you understand how silly that makes you look? presidents head the executive branch, and part of that branch is the bureaucracy. in so much as they have been granted the ability to make their own rules and regulations the president has the ability to direct those rules and regulations.

claiming that doing so makes the president a dictator shows your ignorance and willingness to be mislead by talking heads and am pundits.

That is your interpretation. It's incorrect.
What you claim essentially turns the POTUS into an elected king.
Now those CEO's will be paid for overtime. You Communists are for the little guy! :thup:

I would rather pay them OT than their multi-million dollar bonuses and stock options

Says the guy who's living is made off being "massively overpaid" with tax payers money doing.... Oh we're still waiting to hear what we get from RW for over 200k a year.

So why can't a CEO make good money on a privet business despite you making "massively overpaid" amounts of tax payer money doing... well..... umm.....

Yes, I'd love to meet you in person... Maybe one day when I'm not destroying wealth by working on my business, with all my employees that I steel from I'll get around to it.

You're a waste of life bro.

I hope your business isn't to teach people how to spell.
Google "Executive Orders." Presidents have been issuing them for decades. Why did you just get around to noticing executive orders?

Because this is the first time they have been so egregiously misused. The executive order was never supposed to be used to replace the legislature. If it were, we wouldn't elect presidents, we would elect kings.

and it still hasn't. you're simply parroting bad information fed to you by alarmist talking heads.

And when a GOP president does the same thing?
You lefties piss your panties.
Looks like you are getting a raise!

Thank President Obama when you get a chance

Me = Business owner

You = some Government useless employee

Of course my opinion on a law like this means less than yours because you prolly know how to run a business better than all business owners.

The reality is in fact that yes, if OT costs go up less people will be allowed to work OT. Like so many of Obama's policies, less hours will be worked per week, the average income will go down and companies will see bigger profits. This is because most (the vast majority) of business owners are not evil and greedy, they/we give people the hours they want and pay them what we can. Obama comes in and makes it impossible to afford that employee so we adjust, profits for us go up because the hours we put in go up. (Me I work 55-65 hours a week currently).

We simply can;t afford to keep motivated employee's working under Obama. We have to cut hours and find other part timers, meaning everyone is less motivated and everyone is making less money.

It's like the theory of evolution or gravity, but of course the faith based progressives will consult with their economic fairness bible over accepting reality.

My wife is on salary and I wouldn't be shocked if she makes near 3 times as much as you RW. I wonder if she wants her pay cut because you're jealous.

Gee Mr Business Owner

You lose free labor on evenings and weekends
Fucking Commie Obama

PS. Have your wife send me a PM and we can compare paychecks.

And here you are, whole freaking day on this message board demanding who should be paid what, all while getting paid by taxpayers.

Btw, if you're making even half of that his wife does, you are simply a waste.
Ame®icano;8768580 said:
That's because your job skills suck.

Please provide evidence...

I guess if you had skills you wouldn't be talking about "your managers", you would be the one that manage instead.

It's interesting to infer from your post that you believe that the people who built the structure you are currently in have no skills.
Or that the accountants and lawyers, physicians, chemists, physicists, etc... who are not managers (as the overwhelmingly majority of them are NOT managers) have no skills.
Talk about elitist attitudes.

That lumps you in with Bill "Americans have no skills" Gates.
Google "Executive Orders." Presidents have been issuing them for decades. Why did you just get around to noticing executive orders?

Because this is the first time they have been so egregiously misused. The executive order was never supposed to be used to replace the legislature. If it were, we wouldn't elect presidents, we would elect kings.

and it still hasn't. you're simply parroting bad information fed to you by alarmist talking heads.

Yes, he has. In fact he's told us he would bypass Congress if they did not bow to his whims and ram through his agenda.
"I have a phone and I have a pen".
He may as well have said "I have a sledge hammer".
RW, what do you do for all us tax payers that is worth 200+k a year.

Just try and answer the Question, don't go full bullshit lying Republican politician on us.

It's fascinating that TheRabbi's reticence on his occupation has never bothered you.

He's asking Nutsucker, shit-for-brains. Not me. I never claimed to make 200/yr or work in the public sector.

In all sincerity, I doubt you would ever qualify for most government jobs. First you need to meet the MQ's, next pass a written test. Then pass a background investigation, including credit, criminal record and civil judgments; for a LE career at least three psychological evaluations ( one written and two oral/interviews - at least in both agencies in which I worked); then a physical examination and a series of physical ability tests (how many pull ups can you do?), then two interviews, one by three professionals from other jurisdictions or agencies and one in house usually by the supervisors of the units hiring off the street. Finally, you would need to meet the standards while on probation supervised by a Sgt. and a field training officer.
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Really? Show us the constitutional amendment that gave the prez the power to write laws.

Google "Executive Orders." Presidents have been issuing them for decades. Why did you just get around to noticing executive orders?

Because this is the first time they have been so egregiously misused. The executive order was never supposed to be used to replace the legislature. If it were, we wouldn't elect presidents, we would elect kings.

If they were, we wouldn't need Congress neither.
Good I work too much ! My company needs to hire more people.

Why should they hire more people when they can get salaried employees to work for free

Salaried people do not work for free. They were smart enough not to be at the bottom of the ladder, they're smart enough to keep climbing or leave if things are not good for them.
Ame®icano;8768843 said:
Good I work too much ! My company needs to hire more people.

Why should they hire more people when they can get salaried employees to work for free

Salaried people do not work for free. They were smart enough not to be at the bottom of the ladder, they're smart enough to keep climbing or leave if things are not good for them.

Never worked in finance?
I have and the 2008 Crash was no surprise; those "non-bottom of the ladder employees" did a SWELL job, didn't they?
There is no way obama has any sort of legal right to make these kinds of laws and they are blatantly unconstitutional since the government may not act to impair a contract. He needs a slapdown of major proportions.

Of course he has the "legal right". It was given to the President in 1938 when the FLSA was passed.

You know that Bush changed those same rules back in 2004, right?

Delay of Obamacare’s insurance requirements. The famous pledge that “if you like your plan, you can keep it” backfired when insurance companies started cancelling millions of plans that didn’t comply with Obamacare’s requirements. President Obama called a press conference last month to proclaim that people could continue buying non-complying plans in 2014—despite Obamacare’s explicit language to the contrary. He then refused to consider a House-passed bill that would’ve made this action legal.

The House tried to make it legal?? That slipped by me. If they did that, it was stupid. Why do they want to help obozo.? They should have insisted he come to them hat in hand and begged them to change the law.

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