Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut

There is no way obama has any sort of legal right to make these kinds of laws and they are blatantly unconstitutional since the government may not act to impair a contract. He needs a slapdown of major proportions.

Of course he has the "legal right". It was given to the President in 1938 when the FLSA was passed.

You know that Bush changed those same rules back in 2004, right?


Well we all know Bush was a dictator. I mean we constantly heard it from the likes of the people in this thread about how power hungry he was.
Of course he has the "legal right". It was given to the President in 1938 when the FLSA was passed.

So, FLSA gave Obama the right to violate FSLA?

Laws don't apply to the dictator.

You know that Bush changed those same rules back in 2004, right?



From the democrats own website.

{ Congress allowed the rule changes to take effect in a vote July 10 in the House of Representatives, which defeated a measure to stop the new rules, by a margin of 213 to 210.}
Ame®icano;8768843 said:
Good I work too much ! My company needs to hire more people.

Why should they hire more people when they can get salaried employees to work for free

Salaried people do not work for free. They were smart enough not to be at the bottom of the ladder, they're smart enough to keep climbing or leave if things are not good for them.


Most salaried people know that they'll be working a lot more than just 40 hours, but they know it's worth it. Their goal is to improve their lives, and sacrifices need to be made. It's an investment in their career.

The idea of working hard, sacrificing and improving your life are frowned upon nowadays, but that's what a few people are still willing to do. Crazy, huh?


Most salaried people know that they'll be working a lot more than just 40 hours, but they know it's worth it. Their goal is to improve their lives, and sacrifices need to be made. It's an investment in their career.

The idea of working hard, sacrificing and improving your life are frowned upon nowadays, but that's what a few people are still willing to do. Crazy, huh?


Most salaried people are also involved in bonus plans that are dependent on company performance. So there is an incentive to work extra hours, to pump up the bonus.

Obama has never held a job, so he doesn't grasp any of this.
It's fascinating that TheRabbi's reticence on his occupation has never bothered you.

He's asking Nutsucker, shit-for-brains. Not me. I never claimed to make 200/yr or work in the public sector.

In all sincerity, I doubt you would ever qualify for most government jobs. First you need to meet the MQ's, next pass a written test. Then pass a background investigation, including credit, criminal record and civil judgments; for a LE career at least three psychological evaluations ( one written and two oral/interviews - at least in both agencies in which I worked); then a physical examination and a series of physical ability tests (how many pull ups can you do?), then two interviews, one by three professionals from other jurisdictions or agencies and one in house usually by the supervisors of the units hiring off the street. Finally, you would need to meet the standards while on probation supervised by a Sgt. and a field training officer.

Or I could bribe people. Like you did.
In all sincerity, I doubt you would ever qualify for most government jobs. First you need to meet the MQ's, next pass a written test. Then pass a background investigation, including credit, criminal record and civil judgments; for a LE career at least three psychological evaluations ( one written and two oral/interviews - at least in both agencies in which I worked); then a physical examination and a series of physical ability tests (how many pull ups can you do?), then two interviews, one by three professionals from other jurisdictions or agencies and one in house usually by the supervisors of the units hiring off the street. Finally, you would need to meet the standards while on probation supervised by a Sgt. and a field training officer.

Yeah, because anyone who has ever been in the DMV, or encountered the TSA in an airport KNOWS the quality of our gubmint "workers."
Well we all know Bush was a dictator. I mean we constantly heard it from the likes of the people in this thread about how power hungry he was.

Congress, not Bush, altered the law in 2004

well no Bush altered it, congress allowed it. context

Actually, Bush changed it, then Congress tried to stop it - but the "law" that would have stopped Bush's changes failed to pass.

Bush changed it, then congress failed to change it back.

This EO won't hurt the business bottom line as they will just work around the EO. Those that will be hurt from it will be the employees and those who won't be hired because of it.
The EU will last until another president revokes it. Which is one more reason to not vote democrat.
Uncensored and Mac,
You've both run businesses that have rewarded employees who worked massive overtime?
The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states." That means the president and supreme court and bureaucrats have NO authority to write laws. But they do it all the time.

MARCH 11, 2014

WASHINGTON — President Obama this week will seek to force American businesses to pay more overtime to millions of workers, the latest move by his administration to confront corporations that have had soaring profits even as wages have stagnated.

On Thursday, the president will direct the Labor Department to revamp its regulations to require overtime pay for several million additional fast-food managers, loan officers, computer technicians and others whom many businesses currently classify as “executive or professional” employees to avoid paying them overtime, according to White House officials briefed on the announcement.

That's you have more time for piano lessons.
The Constitution prohibits impairment of contracts. This is the most criminal person to ever hold our highest office.
The law didnt change. Obama used his pen and his telephone.

Beautiful isn't it?

A redistribution of wealth. More money in workers pockets. Dare we call it.....Socialism?

If a Republican ever gets to be President again, they can make people go back to working for free

Under Clinton I got bonuses, under GW I had the priviledge of helping my managers collect huge bonuses.

As if the presidential puppet has anything to do with your employers bonus structure.

This thing may not have as much of an effect as some may think.

As has been pointed out earlier in this thread, most people who are salaried are more likely to be those who are actually putting an effort into improving their lives, rather than whining about every little thing that their "rich, greedy and mean" managers and business owners do or don't do.

If this law had come down when I was a salaried employee, I would have kept working more than 40 hours and not said a word. My priority was improving my situation for myself and my family, not in counting how many hours I worked in a freaking week. Such an attitude is not in vogue any more, but that's how I have always been.

This story is actually an interesting illustration, highlighting the differences between those who are trying to improve their lives on their own, and those who would rather whine about their situation and wait for someone else to improve it. Most salaried workers probably fall into the first category, and will laugh at this silly law.

"Stop at forty hours? Fuck that, I have work to do."

I'll bet such a thought sounds crazy to many here, huh?

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SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers

Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented


Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision

this caused the entire world economy to crash.

You mean the law that Clinton signed into law? You mean that law that obviously he dropped the ball on? You mean the part of the law that Bush was finally able to get rectified? You mean that law? Liar, as usual.

Press Release: SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers; 2007-190; Sept. 19, 2007

The rule-writing process that culminated today in the Commission's vote of final approval has been an arduous one. After a series of interim proposals and regulatory actions that proved mostly fruitless between 1999 and 2005, the SEC made a fresh start 18 months ago. Chairman Cox convened a series of meetings that included the Board, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of Thrift Supervision, and together the agencies hammered out the final rules that the Commission approved today.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on Nov. 12, 1999. The Act provided an 18-month deadline for the adoption of implementing rules, but from 1999 until 2005, the rule-writing effort stalled repeatedly. On Oct. 13, 2006, President Bush signed into law the Regulatory Relief Act, which added the requirement that the Commission and the Board issue the proposed rules jointly, and seek the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of Thrift Supervision, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

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