Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut

Uncensored and Mac,
You've both run businesses that have rewarded employees who worked massive overtime?


It's always a gamble, but if extra effort can be made into gross margin, then it pays off BIG through bonuses. On a good year, my bonus is 75% of my salary. On a bad year, I get nothing. This gives me a stake in the corporation and a solid desire to make it succeed. This is how it works for salaried employees.
Uncensored and Mac,
You've both run businesses that have rewarded employees who worked massive overtime?


It's always a gamble, but if extra effort can be made into gross margin, then it pays off BIG through bonuses. On a good year, my bonus is 75% of my salary. On a bad year, I get nothing. This gives me a stake in the corporation and a solid desire to make it succeed. This is how it works for salaried employees.

That's good and that's the way it SHOULD be.
Uncensored and Mac,
You've both run businesses that have rewarded employees who worked massive overtime?


It's always a gamble, but if extra effort can be made into gross margin, then it pays off BIG through bonuses. On a good year, my bonus is 75% of my salary. On a bad year, I get nothing. This gives me a stake in the corporation and a solid desire to make it succeed. This is the way it works for salaried people.
Anyone who have ever shopped in a mall may have noticed that the salespeople - usually in their adult teens or early twenties - are hired as "managers" or "supervisors" and thus are paid a salary, usually minimum wage, and are exempt from OT rules. They are in fact not "managers" or "supervisors" but simply sales clerks given a title so the business owner can have them work for more than 40 hours per week and increase his or her profits.

This is in my opinion the reason for Obama's direction to the Dept. of Labor, to end this form of exploitation. As usual, Rabbi and other Obama haters conflate this effort into an hysterical anti business diatribe, typical of the dishonest.

Dishonest is right.

There are laws and then there is justice. A lot of conservatives see compliance with the law as automatically dispensing justice. I think where liberals have a gigantic intellectual victory over conservatives is that we realize that adherence to the law does not automatically dispense justice. Often far from it.

That a woman can have an abortion (or not) but totally dependent upon her decision, the father may be on the hook for 18 years of child support (for a kid he may not have wanted) is the law. But nobody could convince me that this is just. I will say that any father who doesn't pay for that is a scumbucket but we're talking laws and justice here; not morality.

Look, laws are often written by lobbyists who simply hand over the document to a legislator they support; it gets passed and presto, Julie who is 18 and works at Forever 21 is a supervisor and is barred from getting overtime. Laws are slanted all the time. Justice is what happens (or not) when laws are enforced.


From an economic end of the of the reasons that so many companies hire part-time workers is because they have Julie working 50 hours a week and are paying her 40. Now, thanks to our President, that they have to pay Julie more...look for the PT employees to get more hours.

Thank you Mr. President.

Here we go again... leftie talking about fairness without knowing that more evil and harm gets done in the name of righteousness and fairness than any other way...
Beautiful isn't it?

A redistribution of wealth. More money in workers pockets. Dare we call it.....Socialism?

If a Republican ever gets to be President again, they can make people go back to working for free

Under Clinton I got bonuses, under GW I had the priviledge of helping my managers collect huge bonuses.

As if the presidential puppet has anything to do with your employers bonus structure.

Yes, but when one is a hack, they are compelled to say really stupid shit.
Ame®icano;8772039 said:
I think you got it wrong. You said you were getting bonuses under Clinton, then under GW you helped your managers to collect bonuses. You give credits or blaming those who has pretty much nothing to do with it. What about now, are you getting bonus?

And what are your skills precisely?

All I am saying here is that I think you are pointing fingers in wrong direction.

Obviously he's a White House intern.....
And this is the hilarious thing with all the hyperpartisan KatznDogs/ShootSpeeders type who are screaming bloody murder at dictator Obama, he's just adjusting a threshold that was last adjusted by Bush but hasn't been indexed for inflation since 2004.

They read a talking point at whatever stupid source they spend their days loading up on ammo from without even firing a synapse to self-check if they make any sense.

But not hyper-partisans like TheDoctorisIN..... :hmpf::hmpf:

And the change under Bush was exactly as you stated, an indexing for inflation.

Obama is seeking to alter the construct of what is an exempt verses non-exempt employee.
You're not just dumb, you're nasty as well as ignorant and ridiculous. You may yet qualify for The Rabbi Award.

Of course he IS right, you ARE lying.

Someone making minimum wage is non-exempt. You can call them hourly, salary, or even Klingon - it makes no difference, they are non-exempt.

Look, I realize you're just reading a script you got off of one of the hate sites, you lack the intellect to grasp, much less question what the hive tells you.

But you're still lying - or at least propagating lies on behalf of your shameful party. November is coming, your filthy party is in BIG trouble, so you're trying to buy votes. I get it.
Ame®icano;8772039 said:
I think you got it wrong. You said you were getting bonuses under Clinton, then under GW you helped your managers to collect bonuses. You give credits or blaming those who has pretty much nothing to do with it. What about now, are you getting bonus?

And what are your skills precisely?

All I am saying here is that I think you are pointing fingers in wrong direction.

Obviously he's a White House intern.....

If so, he's probably the oldest one on record. :D
Ame®icano;8772556 said:
Anyone who have ever shopped in a mall may have noticed that the salespeople - usually in their adult teens or early twenties - are hired as "managers" or "supervisors" and thus are paid a salary, usually minimum wage, and are exempt from OT rules. They are in fact not "managers" or "supervisors" but simply sales clerks given a title so the business owner can have them work for more than 40 hours per week and increase his or her profits.

This is in my opinion the reason for Obama's direction to the Dept. of Labor, to end this form of exploitation. As usual, Rabbi and other Obama haters conflate this effort into an hysterical anti business diatribe, typical of the dishonest.

Dishonest is right.

There are laws and then there is justice. A lot of conservatives see compliance with the law as automatically dispensing justice. I think where liberals have a gigantic intellectual victory over conservatives is that we realize that adherence to the law does not automatically dispense justice. Often far from it.

That a woman can have an abortion (or not) but totally dependent upon her decision, the father may be on the hook for 18 years of child support (for a kid he may not have wanted) is the law. But nobody could convince me that this is just. I will say that any father who doesn't pay for that is a scumbucket but we're talking laws and justice here; not morality.

Look, laws are often written by lobbyists who simply hand over the document to a legislator they support; it gets passed and presto, Julie who is 18 and works at Forever 21 is a supervisor and is barred from getting overtime. Laws are slanted all the time. Justice is what happens (or not) when laws are enforced.


From an economic end of the of the reasons that so many companies hire part-time workers is because they have Julie working 50 hours a week and are paying her 40. Now, thanks to our President, that they have to pay Julie more...look for the PT employees to get more hours.

Thank you Mr. President.

Here we go again... leftie talking about fairness without knowing that more evil and harm gets done in the name of righteousness and fairness than any other way...

I doubt that more evil and harm is done in the name of fairness; I'm certain more harm and evil is down in the name of religion and God. Ironic, ain't it.!
Dishonest is right.

You're democrats, we expect you to be dishonest. I mean, you have no honor or integrity...

There are laws and then there is justice. A lot of conservatives see compliance with the law as automatically dispensing justice. I think where liberals have a gigantic intellectual victory over conservatives is that we realize that adherence to the law does not automatically dispense justice. Often far from it.

And of course "justice" is defined as the party seizing power! :thup:

That a woman can have an abortion (or not) but totally dependent upon her decision, the father may be on the hook for 18 years of child support (for a kid he may not have wanted) is the law. But nobody could convince me that this is just. I will say that any father who doesn't pay for that is a scumbucket but we're talking laws and justice here; not morality.

This isn't about your religion, sploogy. Worship abortion in a different thread.

Look, laws are often written by lobbyists who simply hand over the document to a legislator they support;

You mean like Obama's Fascist Care?

it gets passed and presto, Julie who is 18 and works at Forever 21 is a supervisor and is barred from getting overtime. Laws are slanted all the time. Justice is what happens (or not) when laws are enforced.

Doubling down on lying, huh?

Say drone - what do you think Obama proposed? Why would it matter, if you were NOT lying through your fucking teeth?

From an economic end of the of the reasons that so many companies hire part-time workers is because they have Julie working 50 hours a week and are paying her 40. Now, thanks to our President, that they have to pay Julie more...look for the PT employees to get more hours.

Thank you Mr. President.

Are you really this stupid, or just this dishonest?

{ Salary level test.

Employees who are paid less than $23,600 per year ($455 per week) are nonexempt. (Employees who earn more than $100,000 per year are almost certainly exempt.) }

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Coverage (Exempt vs. Non-Exempt -- The Online Wages, Hours and Overtime Pay Resource

You lying pile of shit.
I am a software developer.

#include <stdio.h>

printf("Bull Fucking Shit\n");

Under GWs 2004 easing of off-shoring and massive increases in H1-Bs I became expendable even as I watched 50 of India's Best and Brightest getting NOTHING done.
Nothing on Wall Street matters except for the next quarters results.

What exactly did Bush change, sploogy?

MBAs focus on cost of labor, compliance of labor and willingness to work inhumane hours.
Most of my friends are accountants and lawyers; they saw their bonuses vanish as they were afraid the same thing was going to happen to them.

I have an MBA, and that isn't at all what I focus on. And 2006 was the highest year in history for bonus payouts.

You're a hack.

They are fully aware that Bill Gates, since 1998, has been crying for Business-Visas across all professions.

Bill Gates is a democrat, a major Obama supporter.

Another bottom line of this. What use is the Unions if the government is going to pass contracts via the law? Or more to the point of this thread, by executive order?

People go into jobs knowing what they get paid. If we had a better economy then competition would drive what people are paid. I assume what else will happen is bonuses will be eliminated.

The factor of knowing one's wage is no longer true.
Our Free Market, Global Employee Pool has produced layoffs and sever paycuts.
My wife's profession now requires a PhD which, by today's wage standard, will NEVER pay off.
Of course corporations, such as ProHealth, which are buying up Medical Practices like wildfire, are pushing for the proposed Immigration Reform which will deluge our shores with Indian "physicians".
By the way, when a Physician signs up with ProHealth they only have a 2 year contract.

We are facing a shortage of physicians (no need for quotation marks) which promises to grow much, much worse in coming years thanks to obamacare.
Obama should change overtime to triple pay for overtime. That way it would give businesses incentive to hire more people, instead of putting the extra work load on those that have jobs.

Ever hear of automation, keep this shit up and kiss your jobs goodbye

Cons really have a clue, don't they. Who the fuck is going to buy your products, if nobody has a job?
I talk to them every day. Every day. Working ten hour days, six days a week - straight time.


Cons really have a clue, don't they. Who the fuck is going to buy your products, if nobody has a job?

Comrade Ratshit, are there warehouses full of goods that can not be sold? If so, please point to them?

Hey ratshit eater, IF IF IF nobody has a job because of your stupid automation, there won't be anyone with a job. No job, no money to buy products. Grow a fucking brain moron.
Why should they hire more people when they can get salaried employees to work for free

Let's see....

A salaried employee (someone who gets a salary) for free.


Salaried Employee

Work 40 hours get paid $1000 a week
Work 60 hours and get paid $1000 a week

What a sham

Get's paid.....does not work for free.

Of course, in today's world...they should be happy to have a job.

If they don't like working the extra hours....find a new job (if they can).

Obama can't pass a law on that.....yet.

However, such stupidity on his part only robs people of the chance to decide for themselves if they want to work in such an environment because such stupidity means less jobs.

Thanks Moron (and you to Obama).
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