Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut

You're really obtuse. I said a form of socialism, not Socialism.

I see, so when defeated, you do as leftists do, and lie through your fucking teeth. :thup:

What is wrong with being a 'socialist'; or, what is right about being a capitalist?

And "uncle joe" was a despot and his government was totalitarian, not democratic. If you prefer, public sector, that's fine but the employees are employed by the government.

Stalin was the quintessential socialist, the gold standard.

You can no more divorce Stalin for Socialism, than ORION can divorce Hitler from Nazism - though no doubt you both desperately wish to.

Yet the right wing calls Obamacare "Socialism"

It is fascism, which is a method of providing control of the means of produciton to the state - via well connected looters in corporations.

and the employees of insurance company work in the private sector; the MD's and others who practice the healing arts can be employed by the government (i.e. a county hospital) or in the private sector (Kaiser, for example) or self employed.

Those private corporations are agents of the state.

"Why own the means of production, when you can own the owners?" - Benito Mussolini.

So don't pretend your word is the be all end all of the issue. We live in a mixed economy, label it however pleases you but that is a fact.

I am educated on the subject, you are not. Simple as that. You approach from your rabid partisanship, I approach from my foundational knowledge of economics.

As for living in a market economy that maybe true. But the government regulates both markets and labor - for good and for bad - thus we do not nor should we live in a pure state of capitalism. Not because I say so, because of the nature of man.

Minimum wage corrupts the market, safety laws do not. Most regulation is neutral to the concepts of capitalism.
Riddle me this...
If automation is the cause of unemployment why are both Parties pushing for Immigration Reform that will bring in 1.5 million Business Visas a year?

Automation is not the cause of unemployment.

Democrats push for amnesty because impoverished people with no education vote democrat.

Republicans because the demagoguery of the democras worked, and they fear being portrayed as "racist."
You're really obtuse. I said a form of socialism, not Socialism. And "uncle joe" was a despot and his government was totalitarian, not democratic. If you prefer, public sector, that's fine but the employees are employed by the government.

Yet the right wing calls Obamacare "Socialism" and the employees of insurance company work in the private sector; the MD's and others who practice the healing arts can be employed by the government (i.e. a county hospital) or in the private sector (Kaiser, for example) or self employed.

So don't pretend your word is the be all end all of the issue. We live in a mixed economy, label it however pleases you but that is a fact.

As for living in a market economy that maybe true. But the government regulates both markets and labor - for good and for bad - thus we do not nor should we live in a pure state of capitalism. Not because I say so, because of the nature of man.

I think that you don't completely understand what socialism really is and where does originate from. Go back to the basics from 1830's a forward to see how it evolved.

Often I explain Obamacare as socialism and I am partially wrong. Uncensored2008 is right, Obamacare is (form of) fascism. Why socialism, then?

Well, if you could spare few minutes to read, I'll try to explain "where I come from".

It's obvious that pres. Barry is not a capitalist. I could say that most do not even think that he's marxist, but for anyone who red book about his early life its clear that his parents, grandparents, mentors and friends believed in marxism. He said himself that he was choosing his friends on that basis and all he does is based on those beliefs. So if it walks like duck and sounds like a duck... you know the rest. He will not use marxism to describe himself because thats so unacceptable term. So, as we all know, in politics appearance is what matters and politicians like to change meaning of words. Left settled for "liberalism" because it's less damaging than marxism. Even liberalism has become so stigmatized and associated to marxism so it's slowly getting switched to the less known and as yet not fully discredited term "progressive". To political opponents, a progressive is an extreme leftist. No one cares really, because labels are meaningless. Deeds, not labels, are what really matter. On that basis, and on what he wrote in his book, Barry appears to be a marxist. So why socialism? Because thats what it really is. It walks like a duck and sounds like a duck... you know the rest.
Riddle me this...
If automation is the cause of unemployment why are both Parties pushing for Immigration Reform that will bring in 1.5 million Business Visas a year?

Automation is not the cause of unemployment.

Democrats push for amnesty because impoverished people with no education vote democrat.

Republicans because the demagoguery of the democras worked, and they fear being portrayed as "racist."

Republicans want cheap labor.
I talk to them every day. Every day. Working ten hour days, six days a week - straight time.


No you don't.

And Bernie Sanders is a self-declared socialist.

IF you Obamunists want to try and pretend to be rational people, you don't trot out fucking Sanders......

What is wrong with being a 'socialist'; or, what is right about being a capitalist?

Would it be incorrect to suggest a 'socialist' focuses on the human element; and the 'capitalist' focuses on the profit (notice I didn't write, "fucking capitalist")?

Is it incorrect to suggest we live in a mixed economy, and for the most part such a system is effective? Consider our land at the time we were governed by the Articles of Confederation, and how we would have traveled. Most roads were privately owned, as were bridges and ferries. Some roads were good, some just mud but each required a toll. Some bridges were safe, some not so much, but each required a toll. The same with ferries.

Today we can drive from coast to coast, safely and with few fees. Isn't our highway system a form of socialism? Not for profit, it is patrolled by government employees and maintained by government employees (even though some work is done by private contractors, jobs on our highways are done under contract with a government agency).

Socialism has brought nothing but death and poverty to millions of people.
Capitalism has done the opposite.

ANd looks like Edgtho called it right: you are a fucking liar dimocrap scum.\

When Gorbachev visited Thatcher in London he was being driven through the city and saw all the people coming and going. He asked incredulous, "How do you make sure all these people get fed??"

That is socialism. The answer of course is that she didn't. Millions of people working for their own good making millions of individual decisions made sure all those people got fed. That is capitalism.
Riddle me this...
If automation is the cause of unemployment why are both Parties pushing for Immigration Reform that will bring in 1.5 million Business Visas a year?

Automation is not the cause of unemployment.

Democrats push for amnesty because impoverished people with no education vote democrat.

Republicans because the demagoguery of the democras worked, and they fear being portrayed as "racist."

Republicans want cheap labor.

And Democrats? Recall how many of Clinton's nominees got nailed on the "nanny tax".
I was in BJ's today and if 2 employees weren't talking about this amongst themselves. One asked the other if they had heard about what Obama had done re: them being salaried and overtime They were talking about how it would hurt them, rather than help them. No more comp time, etc.
Socialism has brought nothing but death and poverty to millions of people.
Capitalism has done the opposite.

That's only because it hasn't been given a fair chance.

You have to break 300 million eggs to make an omelet!

ANd looks like Edgtho called it right: you are a fucking liar dimocrap scum.\

When Gorbachev visited Thatcher in London he was being driven through the city and saw all the people coming and going. He asked incredulous, "How do you make sure all these people get fed??"

That is socialism. The answer of course is that she didn't. Millions of people working for their own good making millions of individual decisions made sure all those people got fed. That is capitalism.

But, how do you make sure all those people do what you want them to?
I was in BJ's today and if 2 employees weren't talking about this amongst themselves. One asked the other if they had heard about what Obama had done re: them being salaried and overtime They were talking about how it would hurt them, rather than help them. No more comp time, etc.

BJ's pays by the hour for everyone except store managers.

Opportunities | BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse
But, how do you make sure all those people do what you want them to?

According to Stalin you starve them into submission.
According to Obama you do the same.

Have you seen the size of most Americans these days?

I hardly think anyone is being "starved into submission".

Another fail by the good Rabbi Doucheberg.

True, nobody is starving. Except when left demand more money for food stamps, unemployment, entitlements...

Now lets talk about cuts in those programs. According to the left, we can't, people are starving.

Ame®icano;8774389 said:
According to Stalin you starve them into submission.
According to Obama you do the same.

Have you seen the size of most Americans these days?

I hardly think anyone is being "starved into submission".

Another fail by the good Rabbi Doucheberg.

True, nobody is starving. Except when left demand more money for food stamps, unemployment, entitlements...

Now lets talk about cuts in those programs. According to the left, we can't, people are starving.


Are you surprised that there is hyperbole on both sides of the aisle?
I was in BJ's today and if 2 employees weren't talking about this amongst themselves. One asked the other if they had heard about what Obama had done re: them being salaried and overtime They were talking about how it would hurt them, rather than help them. No more comp time, etc.

BJ's pays by the hour for everyone except store managers.

Opportunities | BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse
BJ's Club, like a Sam's club.

Never heard of them.
Obie is just another left wing idiot. Every time he makes some stupid move business will counter with their move and make his stupid rules obsolete.

What do you do with salary employees if you have to pay overtime? Simple, you make them hourly at a lesser rate to cover the over time. If they bitch you find a replacement at an hourly rate and slowly eliminate the salaried positions.

Same thing with obiecare, same thing with minimum wage increases and the same thing with taxes. Every move gets a counter move, usually one that the idiot in chief never saw coming.

NO ONE forced the banks brokers to roll all the sub prime into securities they were NOT supposed to be in.

how did they make money on the subprime you brickhead?

Because the government backed them and the deal was that the banks make the loans and Fannie and Freddie would buy them up. They did. F and F packaged and sold them as if they had value, but they knew from the get go that they didn't. Once the toxic loans were out there, they were treated like hot potatoes and no one wanted to get stuck with them.

Once the rules are established, it's business as usual and the banks followed the rules that the government set. The Republicans saw the writing on the wall and tried numerous times to investigate the practices, but were told that there was no problem and the libs lined up to demand that the Repubs back off. They claimed F and F were healthy and in no danger. Obama was a recipient of F and F money, in fact the second highest. It was treated like their private cash cow and every damn one of them knew that F and F had artificial value because the loans they bought up like candy had no value.

This was not the private sector going bad. This was a government orchestrated scheme and they started, refused to investigate and then blamed it on the private sector when the whole thing blew up in their face.

Why didn't the Dems agree to more oversight over the banks on one of the many occasions that the Repubs demanded investigations and more regulations?

F and F showed the first symptoms of impending doom, likely because they bought up so many of the loans and the banks were seriously mismanaged. Franklin Raines was richly rewarded with a multi-million dollar gift as he exited the failing bank, which he helped run into the ground. Maxine Waters called the Republican demand for more oversight on the banks a political lynching of Raines. Now we know what a stupid comment that was, but at the time, the left all agreed that there was no impending bubble burst despite ample warnings.

The right was accused of racism for insisting that an audit take place and more regulations be put in place over the risky loans. The left claimed they wanted to deny poor people the right to own a home. Of course, banks were told they had to offer those loans, which they had always denied prior to Clinton putting Carter's Community Reinvestment into high gear. People walked into banks to receive no-docs loans. They didn't have to jump through any of the hoops that regular borrowers did. And when things came crashing down, those with the subprime loans got help, but the people who did things the right way were shit out of luck.

F and F were right back to business as usual right after the crisis, borrowing more money from tax payers and likely back to selling the loans as if they had value. Nothing changed.

All the left's policies are designed to make people feel good. They don't care that most end in disaster. Every move they make causes the uninformed to believe that they care about them, but in the long run it makes life worse for all of us.

This latest move to make companies pay more is another feel-good policy that will hurt in the long run, but the libs will do it anyway because they want votes and they have nothing to run on. Time for them to create some quick perks for the voter base because they fear losing their ass in the next election.
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Riddle me this...
If automation is the cause of unemployment why are both Parties pushing for Immigration Reform that will bring in 1.5 million Business Visas a year?

Automation is not the cause of unemployment.

Democrats push for amnesty because impoverished people with no education vote democrat.

Republicans because the demagoguery of the democras worked, and they fear being portrayed as "racist."

Republicans want cheap labor.

So do democrats. So does everyone unless they are the ones doing the labor.
Automation is not the cause of unemployment.

Democrats push for amnesty because impoverished people with no education vote democrat.

Republicans because the demagoguery of the democras worked, and they fear being portrayed as "racist."

Republicans want cheap labor.

So do democrats. So does everyone unless they are the ones doing the labor.

Easy to see that you and the other cons on this thread don't do any labor. BTW, the dems are the ones trying to raise the minimum wage and overtime, you stupid fuck.
the government; MOSTLY liberals; made it THE LAW that a couple of TRILLION DOLLARS-WORTH of taxpayer-backed loans be made in the name of "fairness" at sub-prime rates, to people that couldnt repay them


Which law is that, the nomenclature not the some law you quoted...

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