Your.. Political 3 Wishes

It's a pretty common figure of speech. To address the matter more directly, pay for government employees is shitty.

No it's not. They are paid far more than the private sector for comparable jobs.

No, they're not. They'd paid more on average than the private sector, but that's also because they tend to be better educated and have more years of experience. Once you account for those differences, they'd paid much less than their private sector counterparts.

Maybe she's referring more to lower levels, like the thousands of clerical assistants. Government jobs have ALWAYS paid more; much more. My very first job out of high school, long before I went after a college degree, was with the Department of the Army local reserve office. I had worked for only a few months at a savings and loan, got the notification that I had passed the Civil Service exam and was immediately offered the job as Secretary to the CO making three times what I did at the bank. I also had free medical and dental, and three weeks paid vacation. And that was in the mid-60's.
That's been proven to be total bunk. If your theory were correct and they were so educated and skilled, then they would be earning more in the private sector. Instead, the public payrolls are stuffed with people with poor work ethics who surf porn for a large portion of the days for which they actually bother to show up to work.

I'd be careful about accusing only government employees of surfing for porn. Seems that's happening a lot in the private sector too. Someone's "desk job" doesn't dictate someone's sex drive.
My three political wishes ..... hmmmmm ... okay!
I wish for ....

1. Nancy Pelosi to be used to plug the oil leak in the Gulf.

2. The elimination of all political correctness.

3. Term limits
Term limits have been mentioned a few times in this thread. I'm not sure it would really be much of a cure.

The legislature in California has term limits, so... yeah.
"In California's case that would fan out (via fractional reserve lending) to almost $4 trillion in loans. The state would finance mortgages at 2% and cap credit cards at 6%.

California's residents would save billions of dollars every year in interest which would stay in the state, creating jobs (and maybe...saving the world) The State Bank would also earn billions helping its citizens prosper.

Only Wall Street would lose which explains why almost all Republicrats are reluctant to support public banking.

...i briefly touched your khavari page..nothing jumped out at me that he, or you for that matter, are fully aware of 'the absolute fraudulent nature of our money (ISSUANCE, etc.) system'..(you mention the fraudulent, stinking, rotten practice of 'fractional reserve lending' without even a whimper of condemnation!!)...

..i have VERY few questions for khavari or any political candidate, etc., in thi$ matter..1.)what is IT, precisely, that should/ought/is to be used 'as money?' is any 'new money' to be created, 'issued,' etc.?..who is to do this and honestly keep track of it all?..that's all..that's all i want answered from any "REPUBLICRAT"..(including btw, the many republicrats in THE GREEN PARTY INC., THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY INC., ETC.) ;)

...have a good day!..

..btw, when i wished for 'complete government transparency' i had this stinking money fraud in mind first and foremost!!..

...but sadly, as one wag put it, "..the world is upside down..what's public ought to be private..and vice versa.. consequently, these stooooooopid republicrat fucks know more about the latest movie star pee-pee antics than they do about the 'dollars' for which they are the $lave, fool, mercenary, etc..."
The money question deserves a far better answer than I can provide.
90% of our currency comes into existence as a loan that require repayment with interest.
Public banks will greatly reduce the amount of interest we all have to pay.

A German study makes the claim 30 percent to 50 percent of everything we buy is "composed of interest".

As far a fractional reserve lending is concerned: Would it be any improvement if Treasury by-passed the Federal Reserve and spent trillions of dollars directly into the economy instead of allowing the Fed to loan the money into circulation?Putting millions of Americans back to work building a network of high-speed rail and universal fiber optic broadband from Maine to Modesto seems like 21st Century WPA possibilities if the payroll money comes into existence debt free.

So who would control the cash flow? The IRS?
How about the Pentagon?
Wouldn't we first have to start with a definition of "money?"

Any system of creation and issuance of money as corrupt as ours probably began with a fundamental "misunderstanding" of what money is.

Or what it could/$hould be...

...good points all..

..i believe the late great merril jenkins (check this guy out) claimed that nowhere in law was/?is the term 'money' explicitly defined..only what 'the gov.' was to use 'as money'..(as their 'unit of account,' etc.)

..i've found you/i can't 'teach' anyone in the end, 'we are all our own teachers'..i think the best you/i can do is 'make unaware people aware that they are unaware'... of my favorite gigs to pull on unsuspecting republicrat monetary ignoramusses is the following..

...i ask people, 'do you know how dollars originate?' which, some people will give me a curious look and something like, 'do you mean, how do they print them?' [the republicrat mind has been brainwashed deeply into thinking of 'dollars' as those little green ragcloth rectangles with numbers on them..and chips in them ;) )

...i quickly educate them that a very low percentage of 'dollars' 'exist' in the form of the little green rectangles (or so i'm told...but without an honest audit-EVER-who the fuck knows?!)..that most 'dollars' 'exist' in the form of mere numbers and symbols in some bank ledgers..

...and then i pop the big one:... 'somewhat specifically, how did/do those 'number$' 'dollars' originate?''s fun watching republicrat jaws drop..

...again, imagine these stooooooooopid reality, they don't even know what IT i$ for which they are but an increasingly fiendish $lave!..they work their hot dog holes about illion$ and they don't even know what one i$!..

...ooga fucking booga, republicrats..

..and yes, btw, i too used be a monetary ignoramus--with an economics degree--and i'm still an ignoramuss about most/all in the larger scheme, we are all ignoramusses..

...have a good day!..
The money question deserves a far better answer than I can provide.
90% of our currency comes into existence as a loan that require repayment with interest.
Public banks will greatly reduce the amount of interest we all have to pay.

A German study makes the claim 30 percent to 50 percent of everything we buy is "composed of interest".

As far a fractional reserve lending is concerned: Would it be any improvement if Treasury by-passed the Federal Reserve and spent trillions of dollars directly into the economy instead of allowing the Fed to loan the money into circulation?Putting millions of Americans back to work building a network of high-speed rail and universal fiber optic broadband from Maine to Modesto seems like 21st Century WPA possibilities if the payroll money comes into existence debt free.

So who would control the cash flow? The IRS?
How about the Pentagon?

You mean the Pentagon that has an inventory/accounting system that is virtually unauditable? That the last GAO audit turned up $1.4 trillion they couldn't account for?
Wouldn't we first have to start with a definition of "money?"

Any system of creation and issuance of money as corrupt as ours probably began with a fundamental "misunderstanding" of what money is.

Or what it could/$hould be...

...good points all..

..i believe the late great merril jenkins (check this guy out) claimed that nowhere in law was/?is the term 'money' explicitly defined..only what 'the gov.' was to use 'as money'..(as their 'unit of account,' etc.)

..i've found you/i can't 'teach' anyone in the end, 'we are all our own teachers'..i think the best you/i can do is 'make unaware people aware that they are unaware'... of my favorite gigs to pull on unsuspecting republicrat monetary ignoramusses is the following..

...i ask people, 'do you know how dollars originate?' which, some people will give me a curious look and something like, 'do you mean, how do they print them?' [the republicrat mind has been brainwashed deeply into thinking of 'dollars' as those little green ragcloth rectangles with numbers on them..and chips in them ;) )

...i quickly educate them that a very low percentage of 'dollars' 'exist' in the form of the little green rectangles (or so i'm told...but without an honest audit-EVER-who the fuck knows?!)..that most 'dollars' 'exist' in the form of mere numbers and symbols in some bank ledgers..

...and then i pop the big one:... 'somewhat specifically, how did/do those 'number$' 'dollars' originate?''s fun watching republicrat jaws drop..

...again, imagine these stooooooooopid reality, they don't even know what IT i$ for which they are but an increasingly fiendish $lave!..they work their hot dog holes about illion$ and they don't even know what one i$!..

...ooga fucking booga, republicrats..

..and yes, btw, i too used be a monetary ignoramus--with an economics degree--and i'm still an ignoramuss about most/all in the larger scheme, we are all ignoramusses..

...have a good day!..

Paper money is simply legal tender. The dollar was once backed by gold, but now it is backed by IOUs, treasury bonds, and such. There's a lot of Democrats who don't know the history of "money" either, by the way.

Re: The Pentagon's missing $1.4 trillion...I remember a You Tube video of Rummy when he was Secretary of Defense admitting to the missing money that aired on 9/10/01.

I don't have the Economics or Finance background to comment intelligently on many of the issues here; however, that has never stopped me before and reducing the American foot-print abroad and bringing home our troops would require millions of new jobs here at home.

I believe the Pentagon's currently as corrupt as Goldman Sachs, but if this economy tanks the way some are expecting this Fall, millions of new jobs might be step one in National Security.

PS: Catherine Austin Fitts has some really good insights into the missing money at the Pentagon and also HUD.
Wouldn't we first have to start with a definition of "money?"

Any system of creation and issuance of money as corrupt as ours probably began with a fundamental "misunderstanding" of what money is.

Or what it could/$hould be...

...good points all..

..i believe the late great merril jenkins (check this guy out) claimed that nowhere in law was/?is the term 'money' explicitly defined..only what 'the gov.' was to use 'as money'..(as their 'unit of account,' etc.)

..i've found you/i can't 'teach' anyone in the end, 'we are all our own teachers'..i think the best you/i can do is 'make unaware people aware that they are unaware'... of my favorite gigs to pull on unsuspecting republicrat monetary ignoramusses is the following..

...i ask people, 'do you know how dollars originate?' which, some people will give me a curious look and something like, 'do you mean, how do they print them?' [the republicrat mind has been brainwashed deeply into thinking of 'dollars' as those little green ragcloth rectangles with numbers on them..and chips in them ;) )

...i quickly educate them that a very low percentage of 'dollars' 'exist' in the form of the little green rectangles (or so i'm told...but without an honest audit-EVER-who the fuck knows?!)..that most 'dollars' 'exist' in the form of mere numbers and symbols in some bank ledgers..

...and then i pop the big one:... 'somewhat specifically, how did/do those 'number$' 'dollars' originate?''s fun watching republicrat jaws drop..

...again, imagine these stooooooooopid reality, they don't even know what IT i$ for which they are but an increasingly fiendish $lave!..they work their hot dog holes about illion$ and they don't even know what one i$!..

...ooga fucking booga, republicrats..

..and yes, btw, i too used be a monetary ignoramus--with an economics degree--and i'm still an ignoramuss about most/all in the larger scheme, we are all ignoramusses..

...have a good day!..

I'm reminded of Henry Ford's famous quote about what would happen if Americans ever came to understand their economy. I'm also flashing back on that first week after 9/11/01 when many of us who didn't normally pay attention to our world suddenly faced a autumn week without football.

Harry Dent's a financial prognosticator who's been plying his trade for about 30 years. While I'm sure there have been periods where he "accurately" predicted nine out of the last five recessions, he was on target about our Great Recession.

In his May 11, 2010 video Harry holds to his prediction of a four month collapse in stocks that may see the DOW drop from 113000-11800 in August to a possible low of 3800 around New Years 2011.

If anything like that happens in an election year, people who would normally be paying more attention to the BCS rankings will be looking for economic alternatives.

Re: The Pentagon's missing $1.4 trillion...I remember a You Tube video of Rummy when he was Secretary of Defense admitting to the missing money that aired on 9/10/01.

I don't have the Economics or Finance background to comment intelligently on many of the issues here; however, that has never stopped me before and reducing the American foot-print abroad and bringing home our troops would require millions of new jobs here at home.

I believe the Pentagon's currently as corrupt as Goldman Sachs, but if this economy tanks the way some are expecting this Fall, millions of new jobs might be step one in National Security.

PS: Catherine Austin Fitts has some really good insights into the missing money at the Pentagon and also HUD.

Good link consolidating all the reports. It's amazing how all that quieted down. I think it was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back for David Walker, who not long thereafter, quit his position out of pure frustration. Not only did he agonize over the amount of waste in government agencies that he WAS able to pinpoint, but when it came to absolutely no accountability within the Department of Defense, he just threw in the towel.
George Bush and Dick Cheney die in prison.

Sarah Palin finally admits she's a prostitute and places an ad on Craigslist, then is caught giving head to John Kerry.

Jan Brewer is caught with her Mexican Lesbian lover.
George Bush and Dick Cheney die in prison.

Sarah Palin finally admits she's a prostitute and places an ad on Craigslist, then is caught giving head to John Kerry.

Jan Brewer is caught with her Mexican Lesbian lover.

My three political wishes are that these three women


show up at my door wearing nothing but a bottle of wine.

That's political, isn't it?
Last edited:
My three political wishes are that there three women


show up at my door wearing nothing but a bottle of wine.

That's political, isn't it?

:D .....far better than a chicken in every pot..

Re: The Pentagon's missing $1.4 trillion...I remember a You Tube video of Rummy when he was Secretary of Defense admitting to the missing money that aired on 9/10/01.

I don't have the Economics or Finance background to comment intelligently on many of the issues here; however, that has never stopped me before and reducing the American foot-print abroad and bringing home our troops would require millions of new jobs here at home.

I believe the Pentagon's currently as corrupt as Goldman Sachs, but if this economy tanks the way some are expecting this Fall, millions of new jobs might be step one in National Security.

PS: Catherine Austin Fitts has some really good insights into the missing money at the Pentagon and also HUD.

Good link consolidating all the reports. It's amazing how all that quieted down. I think it was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back for David Walker, who not long thereafter, quit his position out of pure frustration. Not only did he agonize over the amount of waste in government agencies that he WAS able to pinpoint, but when it came to absolutely no accountability within the Department of Defense, he just threw in the towel.
Catherine was one of the first women to work as an investment banker on Wall Street.
She served in HW Bush's HUD.
And she has an interesting take on the relationship between organized crime and government.

For the last 500 years the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is to lose control of the revenue stream organized crime produces.

According to one bio I've read on her, at 18 she was managing a restaurant in her hometown. At 21 she was managing a club/restaurant in China, learning Mandarin, and studying through Yale's Distance Learning Program.

She apparently acquired a keen appreciation of intuition during this time.

Then it was Goldman Sachs for a summer internship and on to Wharton.

I get the feeling she's "smart" in the same sense as Noam Chomsky.
MAGGIE MAY NEED SOME MONETARY REALISM: "Paper money is simply legal tender. The dollar was once backed by gold, but now it is backed by IOUs, treasury bonds, and such. There's a lot of Democrats who don't know the history of "money" either, by the way."


...'the dollar' was never HONESTLY 'backed by gold' as republicrat like to parrot..(btw, note 'REPUBLICRAT'...which includes the stinking demoCRATS..along with ?your stinking REPUBLIican fools)

...according to steve zarlenga, (the world's foremost monetary historian...if you know of a better one, please name the name..) the banksters have cheated from the beginning...issuing many more paper receipts ('lent' at interest) bearing a promise to redeem in gold than the actual gold they held in deposit..

...face it, nearly everything ?you republicrats think you know about money is fucking horseshit!..

(but ask them about the 'poor' detroit tiger pitcher who got cheated and these republicrats are encylopedic!) ;)

...have a good day!..

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