Your.. Political 3 Wishes

1) rescind all amendments after #12

2) void all SC Rulings after Jan 1, 1860

3) void all acts of congress after Jan 1, 1860

...................or better yet a formal return to the Articles of Confederation with an opt out clause for any State wishing to strike out on its own.

First my just 3....:wtf:

1) The government will finally get the message that they work for us and not for their re-election.

2) Government control over the American people will be greatly diminished.

3) We will have divided government in the next election with Republicans and Independents taking over the House and Senate.

I'm not quit sure what you mean by wishing "Government control over the American people will be greatly diminished." I know that to a great number of voters...........far, far too many, as a matter of fact..........they mean they don't want anything done on major problems facing us such as our Health Care Delivery System, Medicare, Social Security, Moving toward a Green Technology, which is the next coming economic boom, our growing dependence of foreign oil, and a host of other problems

For better or, worse, the only place those issues can be addressed is in Washington.

As to your desire to "have divided government in the next election with Republicans and Independents taking over the House and Senate," ...........for all intents and purposes, we have that now. I am certain that you will at least get a great part of your wish with the majority party losing a number of seats in both houses, if not at right leadership.

But, be careful for what you wish. If that change in Congress and a more divided government means further inaction of the many crisis facing us, then we are not only worse off, we're just that much closer to being the next Greece!
GEORGEPHILLIP WRITES: "A PhD Economist running for governor of Florida has claimed that over time a State Bank of Florida could reduce and then eliminate the need for local and state taxes."


..get real!...the ONLY way to honestly 'eliminate the need for local and state taxes' is to eliminate the 'government services' the 'tax revenues (and borrowed money)' 'finance'..

...if your guy is talking about 'government' creating their own 'money' to finance their 'services' :rolleyes: then people would still be 'taxed'...'indirectly' through 'inflation'..

...??perhaps you could copy and paste the best thoughts/ideas of your floridian eCONomics phd (piled higher and deeper).. as i haven't found a republicrat yet who isn't a monstrous fucking ignoramus when it comes to even the basics of our stinking rotten money (issuance, etc.) system..

..have a good day!...

Farid A. Khavari has less than a long-shot chance at becoming the next governor of Florida.

Just as Laura Wells (Green Party) isn't likely to defeat Meg326 Whitman (her rank on the Forbes 400) or Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown (he of the Indonesian dictator's oil trust) in California's election next November.

However, if California follows the lead of North Dakota and begins doing business as the State Bank of California then the financial capital of the state becomes the capital of the State Bank.

In California's case that would fan out (via fractional reserve lending) to almost $4 trillion in loans. The state would finance mortgages at 2% and cap credit cards at 6%.

California's residents would save billions of dollars every year in interest which would stay in the state, creating jobs (and maybe...saving the world) The State Bank would also earn billions helping its citizens prosper.

Only Wall Street would lose which explains why almost all Republicrats are reluctant to support public banking.

Finally, I think State Banks could become a political litmus test like "No New Taxes" for Republicans or "No Public Option" for Democrats. Nothing of substance will change in this country until a majority of Republicrat incumbents are FLUSHED from the US Congress.

State Banks could be the thin edge of the wedge that begins shearing voter support from Wall Street politics next November 2nd.

PS: Ellen Brown knows a lot about State Banking.
Obama has a religious epiphany, becomes a Muslim, renounces riches, resigns to become a soup kitchen operator.

Biden completes BO's term, but opts not to seek election on his own, paving the way for Hillary, who's campaign slogan,"Two for the price of one" is not enough to withstand Al Franken's 3rd party challenge, leading to the victory of Cheney-Romney in 2012.

President Cheney calls for a summit meeting with the leaders of Iran, Venezuela and North Korea, at the UN, where a freak accident results in the sudden engulfment by fire of the entire building prior to the arrival of Cheney and the US delegation. The FBI concludes the fire was "probably due to faulty wiring or something" and closes it's file.

Hmm, a Cheney Reichstag.
1) The government will finally get the message that they work for us and not for their re-election.

You realize that statement makes no sense, right? Officials are reelected because voters feel the official in question "work for us".

Can you imagine my surprise at your lack of understanding, heck, I'll have to re-evaluate my first impression...

An official is elected, they are corrupted, they sell out to special interests, they sell out to partisan politics, they spend their time working to be re-elected and the American peoples interests seem to be an after thought.

It's the present system that is corrupted, it needs to be re-evaluated and changed so that an elected official is free to vote what they actually believe is best for the American people.

I realize there is far more to this, I wanted to keep it simple for you, for obvious reasons...

Of interest to everyone (Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians) is an article appearing in THE NATION (a liberal magazine, of all things) which discusses this very subject. Since it's too long to post, you'll just have to read it from the link.

How to Get Our Democracy Back | The Nation
Subtitle: There will be no change until we change congress
My political three wishes:

1. All politicians would be required to be completely honest and tell no lies, half-truths or imply anything other than what is the absolute truth concerning every issue that comes before Congress for a vote.

2. No politician in any elected political position could serve more than two terms. This does not mean that a member of Congress who is a Senator, after two terms could run as a member of the House or vice versa. Two terms and that is it. No professional politicians.

3. Any law passed by Congress would apply to members of Congress just like the rest of the American population.

1. They would need truthmeters attached to them at all times.

2. Would require a Constitutional Amendment, voted upon by the very people who term limits would affect. Ain't gonna happen.

3. As far as I know, they do, but of course there will always be crooks and perverts. Just because they get elected doesn't change their bad habits.
COMPLETE GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY ..for you stooooooopid fuck republicrats to realize that if government officials can't talk about things openly and honestly, then they shouldn't be doing these things in the first place..and that stinking government officials who do things 'behind closed doors' surely shouldn't be holding any position of 'public trust..'

I don't think the government should be transparent in this day and age. They should work in secret, behind closed doors until they have a complete bill that is ready for signature.

With todays lynchmob media and internet ready to pounce on every rumor, every shred of information and every interim draft, it has become impossible to legislate effectively. Politicians from both sides are prevented from working out compromises because as soon as they do, the digital lynchmob attacks and they are innundated with angry emails and phonecalls from the masses

So.. this is the kind of Obama change you were hoping for.. very perceptive of you..most voters were completely fooled...

This has nothing to do with Obama but is the reality for both political parties right now. The digital lynchmob is available at the whim of the media extremes to innundate any polititian with threats and emails as soon as they try to reach across the aisle.
Politicians need the freedom to work out compromises, make trade-offs and float ideas before the media attack dogs can pounce.

Its not the way things should be done but is a political reality today
I don't think the government should be transparent in this day and age. They should work in secret, behind closed doors until they have a complete bill that is ready for signature.

With todays lynchmob media and internet ready to pounce on every rumor, every shred of information and every interim draft, it has become impossible to legislate effectively. Politicians from both sides are prevented from working out compromises because as soon as they do, the digital lynchmob attacks and they are innundated with angry emails and phonecalls from the masses

So.. this is the kind of Obama change you were hoping for.. very perceptive of you..most voters were completely fooled...

This has nothing to do with Obama but is the reality for both political parties right now. The digital lynchmob is available at the whim of the media extremes to innundate any polititian with threats and emails as soon as they try to reach across the aisle.
Politicians need the freedom to work out compromises, make trade-offs and float ideas before the media attack dogs can pounce.

Its not the way things should be done but is a political reality today

"whim of the media extremes........." ( operative word being the plural "extremes" )

s0n............hate to clue you in but theres no such thing as media "extremes". Its singular..............theres media that gives you both sides and media that gives ONE side, and the latter is dominant, thus, singular!! The k00ks ignore the dynamic or have been effectively brainwashed.......... and then there are simply a significant number of the hopelessly duped!!!

Just to set the record straight for the non-hyper partisans browsing this thread!!!:eusa_whistle:
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1. No bill will be passed that is not read out loud in full in both chambers of Congress during standard working hours, and then posted on the internet for a couple of weeks to allow public commentary.

3. Public employee unions are eliminated with such employees subject to the same laws, taxes, and retirement programs of the private sector.

4. A real balanced budget amendment which also required proper GAAP accounting.
1.) All politicians condemn their evil history and retire.
2.) Everyone in the planet wakes up and realizes that politicians and their war games (either in other nations, or against their own people) are a net negative to freedom, prosperity, and liberty. They decide not to support any political action whatsoever.
3.) People realize using the privacy of the ballot box to war with their neighbors is wrong.
1. No bill will be passed that is not read out loud in full in both chambers of Congress during standard working hours, and then posted on the internet for a couple of weeks to allow public commentary.

3. Public employee unions are eliminated with such employees subject to the same laws, taxes, and retirement programs of the private sector.

4. A real balanced budget amendment which also required proper GAAP accounting.

Love your #3 bro..............the public has no idea how much it is being fleeced by these union crooks.............their free ride will soon be ending.
1: Enough with this Government Bureaucracy. Give the Voice and Power back to the People, I'm tired of all these Useless Government Programs that do nothing but create more Bureaucracy. and not to mention all these Bailouts and Safety Nets the Government Creates. Learn what Capitalism is about, and the whole Too Big too Fail is a myth.

2: Lower Taxes while Reducing Government Spending and Waste. Easily said than done, since both parties don't understand the meaning of a Balanced Budget.

3: Restore the Confidence of the Government to the People.
No revolving door careers from government agencies to the industries those agencies regulate.

This BP/Gulf disaster is a fairly good example of why this practice is such a deadly thing for a democratic republic's long term health.

Why? Because we want people with no experience in their respective industries to be writing regs for them?

You could have people with experience in the industry who aren't beholden to special interests if you were willing to pay them in something other than circus peanuts.
No revolving door careers from government agencies to the industries those agencies regulate.

This BP/Gulf disaster is a fairly good example of why this practice is such a deadly thing for a democratic republic's long term health.

Why? Because we want people with no experience in their respective industries to be writing regs for them?

You could have people with experience in the industry who aren't beholden to special interests if you were willing to pay them in something other than circus peanuts.

I was unaware that gov't jobs paid "circus peanuts."
That wins for dumbest comment of the day.
1. No bill will be passed that is not read out loud in full in both chambers of Congress during standard working hours, and then posted on the internet for a couple of weeks to allow public commentary.

3. Public employee unions are eliminated with such employees subject to the same laws, taxes, and retirement programs of the private sector.

4. A real balanced budget amendment which also required proper GAAP accounting.

Number 1 would be ridiculous to do. Why? Straight reading would put everyone to sleep since major policy bills are ALL long these days.

For Bills in Congress, How Long is Long? - Blog - OpenCongress
1: Enough with this Government Bureaucracy. Give the Voice and Power back to the People, I'm tired of all these Useless Government Programs that do nothing but create more Bureaucracy. and not to mention all these Bailouts and Safety Nets the Government Creates. Learn what Capitalism is about, and the whole Too Big too Fail is a myth.

2: Lower Taxes while Reducing Government Spending and Waste. Easily said than done, since both parties don't understand the meaning of a Balanced Budget.

3: Restore the Confidence of the Government to the People.

Ironically, too big to fail results from unchecked capitalism run amok.
1: Enough with this Government Bureaucracy. Give the Voice and Power back to the People, I'm tired of all these Useless Government Programs that do nothing but create more Bureaucracy. and not to mention all these Bailouts and Safety Nets the Government Creates. Learn what Capitalism is about, and the whole Too Big too Fail is a myth.

2: Lower Taxes while Reducing Government Spending and Waste. Easily said than done, since both parties don't understand the meaning of a Balanced Budget.

3: Restore the Confidence of the Government to the People.

Ironically, too big to fail results from unchecked capitalism run amok.

Unchecked yes, Those companies deserve to fail for their mistakes.

If you create the Safety net they realize, "Hey, don't matter if we fail again The Government has our back.."

And if you check, most of the money from the Bailout was used for CEO's Bonuses.

"Hey Government? We need the money if not, 500 people will lose their jobs"

<Government gives handout>

Company lays them off anyway.


If you ask me, those CEO's should be fired, bring some new meat, redefine the Company and learn from old mistakes.
"In California's case that would fan out (via fractional reserve lending) to almost $4 trillion in loans. The state would finance mortgages at 2% and cap credit cards at 6%.

California's residents would save billions of dollars every year in interest which would stay in the state, creating jobs (and maybe...saving the world) The State Bank would also earn billions helping its citizens prosper.

Only Wall Street would lose which explains why almost all Republicrats are reluctant to support public banking.

...i briefly touched your khavari page..nothing jumped out at me that he, or you for that matter, are fully aware of 'the absolute fraudulent nature of our money (ISSUANCE, etc.) system'..(you mention the fraudulent, stinking, rotten practice of 'fractional reserve lending' without even a whimper of condemnation!!)...

..i have VERY few questions for khavari or any political candidate, etc., in thi$ matter..1.)what is IT, precisely, that should/ought/is to be used 'as money?' is any 'new money' to be created, 'issued,' etc.?..who is to do this and honestly keep track of it all?..that's all..that's all i want answered from any "REPUBLICRAT"..(including btw, the many republicrats in THE GREEN PARTY INC., THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY INC., ETC.) ;)

...have a good day!..

..btw, when i wished for 'complete government transparency' i had this stinking money fraud in mind first and foremost!!..

...but sadly, as one wag put it, "..the world is upside down..what's public ought to be private..and vice versa.. consequently, these stooooooopid republicrat fucks know more about the latest movie star pee-pee antics than they do about the 'dollars' for which they are the $lave, fool, mercenary, etc..."
1: Enough with this Government Bureaucracy. Give the Voice and Power back to the People, I'm tired of all these Useless Government Programs that do nothing but create more Bureaucracy. and not to mention all these Bailouts and Safety Nets the Government Creates. Learn what Capitalism is about, and the whole Too Big too Fail is a myth.

2: Lower Taxes while Reducing Government Spending and Waste. Easily said than done, since both parties don't understand the meaning of a Balanced Budget.

3: Restore the Confidence of the Government to the People.

Ironically, too big to fail results from unchecked capitalism run amok.

Unchecked yes, Those companies deserve to fail for their mistakes.

If you create the Safety net they realize, "Hey, don't matter if we fail again The Government has our back.."

And if you check, most of the money from the Bailout was used for CEO's Bonuses.

"Hey Government? We need the money if not, 500 people will lose their jobs"

<Government gives handout>

Company lays them off anyway.


If you ask me, those CEO's should be fired, bring some new meat, redefine the Company and learn from old mistakes.

Yup. I also think the president's economic team needs to be redefined. Just this past weekend I was reading that Harry Markopolos, who was the whistleblower on Bernie Madoff, was shuttled to the SEC to school Cox, then his successor Mary Shapiro, on the intricacies of the credit default swaps and buried mortage securities packages because they simply didn't understand the math. Now the SEC staff are still a bunch of lawyers, not finance types. I don't have a link because it was only a Q&A, where Markopolos only said that to the interviewer, so there's no way to verify it. (Plus I no longer have the magazine and can't remember which one.)
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Maggie, here's an interview he did with the NYT. It seems like he said what you're saying.

Questions For Harry Markopolos - Math Is Hard - Interview -

Are you saying the S.E.C. under Schapiro is about to catch fraud on Wall Street?
She has the wrong staff. They&#8217;re a bunch of idiots there.

What do you mean?

The five commissioners of the S.E.C. are securities lawyers. Securities lawyers never understand finance. They don&#8217;t have the math background. If you can&#8217;t do math and if you can&#8217;t take apart the investment products of the 21st century backward and forward and put them together in your sleep, you&#8217;ll never find the frauds on Wall Street.

So why doesn&#8217;t the S.E.C. hire finance people? Why don&#8217;t they hire you?

They&#8217;re overlawyered. They&#8217;re poisoned by lawyers.

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