Your.. Political 3 Wishes


lol!...stooopid fuck republican cheerleader--who doesn't even know what 'a dollar' is!--calling me a 'retard!!' :rolleyes:
1) The government will finally get the message that they work for us and not for their re-election.

You realize that statement makes no sense, right? Officials are reelected because voters feel the official in question "work for us".

Can you imagine my surprise at your lack of understanding, heck, I'll have to re-evaluate my first impression...

An official is elected, they are corrupted, they sell out to special interests, they sell out to partisan politics, they spend their time working to be re-elected and the American peoples interests seem to be an after thought.

It's the present system that is corrupted, it needs to be re-evaluated and changed so that an elected official is free to vote what they actually believe is best for the American people.

I realize there is far more to this, I wanted to keep it simple for you, for obvious reasons...
My three wishes are universal, simple and logical:



You didn't "keep it simple". You just engaged in another round of meaningless double-talk.

My son I dont know if you were directing your last bit of uninteligable drivel towards me or not. However, I will repsond by saying that you want for PEACE, GOOD HEALTH, and SECURITY certainly isn't "meaningless double-talk".

My son I dont know if you were directing your last bit of uninteligable drivel towards me or not. However, I will repsond by saying that you want for PEACE, GOOD HEALTH, and SECURITY certainly isn't "meaningless double-talk".

I was referring to Lumpy's post.

My son I dont know if you were directing your last bit of uninteligable drivel towards me or not. However, I will repsond by saying that you want for PEACE, GOOD HEALTH, and SECURITY certainly isn't "meaningless double-talk".

I was referring to Lumpy's post.

Ah come on.. perk up Polkey.. sharpen your stick..:lol:
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Wish 1- Identify the most dangerous problem we're facing. My candidate would be eternal private debt under the effective control of central bankers who have never cared who writes the laws.

Wish 2- Propose a solution. My choice would be state banks modeled on the one in North Dakota that's been defying Wall Street since 1919. State banks have the potential to save their citizens $billions per year in interest. A PhD Economist running for governor of Florida has claimed that over time a State Bank of Florida could reduce and then eliminate the need for local and state taxes.

Wish 3- Execution. Pun intended. Since most elected Republicans and Democrats would rather take their family on a walking tour of Kandahar in July than vote against Wall Street, FLUSH as many Republican AND Democratic incumbents from the US Congress as possible next November 2nd. Replace with Greens and Libertarians.
GEORGEPHILLIP WRITES: "A PhD Economist running for governor of Florida has claimed that over time a State Bank of Florida could reduce and then eliminate the need for local and state taxes."


..get real!...the ONLY way to honestly 'eliminate the need for local and state taxes' is to eliminate the 'government services' the 'tax revenues (and borrowed money)' 'finance'..

...if your guy is talking about 'government' creating their own 'money' to finance their 'services' :rolleyes: then people would still be 'taxed'...'indirectly' through 'inflation'..

...??perhaps you could copy and paste the best thoughts/ideas of your floridian eCONomics phd (piled higher and deeper).. as i haven't found a republicrat yet who isn't a monstrous fucking ignoramus when it comes to even the basics of our stinking rotten money (issuance, etc.) system..

..have a good day!...
Ive but one.....................

More lefty k00ks on this board!!! There can never be enough to publically abuse!!!

...kookassbill, do yourself a favor...stfu about the phony 'left/right' dichotomy and learn what a fucking 'dollar' is..

...otherwise, it seems you are doomed to a life of parroting republicrat media spew..

My political three wishes:

1. All politicians would be required to be completely honest and tell no lies, half-truths or imply anything other than what is the absolute truth concerning every issue that comes before Congress for a vote.

2. No politician in any elected political position could serve more than two terms. This does not mean that a member of Congress who is a Senator, after two terms could run as a member of the House or vice versa. Two terms and that is it. No professional politicians.

3. Any law passed by Congress would apply to members of Congress just like the rest of the American population.

...kookassbill, do yourself a favor...stfu about the phony 'left/right' dichotomy and learn what a fucking 'dollar' is..

...otherwise, it seems you are doomed to a life of parroting republicrat media spew..


Hey.........what can I say?

When I bump into people trying to make sense of the political landsacpe, I always point them in the direction of this this they can get eductated about the level of phoney that is libreralism. As I say, "Its a gigantic hoax!!!".........and tell them to go follow any debate on any issue in this forum so they can get the real poop on the results of liberal public policy as oppossed to its rhetoric!!!:lol::lol:


Most people not OCD on politics simply need to be exposed to the fraud that is liberalism..........the ideology that promises much but delivers little and fcukks many in the process. And it really comes down to commons sense, which most people possess.
They just need to be exposed..................

So.............for example..........................

May 25, 2010
Classic Sowell: Justice and Injustice
by Thomas Sowell
A heartbreaking social statistic is that children on welfare have only about half as many words per day directed at them as the children of working-class families-- and less than one-third as many words as children whose parents are professionals. This is especially painful in view of the fact that scientists have found that the actual physical development of the brain is affected by how much interaction young children receive.

Even if every child entered the world with equal innate ability, by the time they were grown they would nevertheless have very different mental capabilities. Innate ability is the ability that exists at the moment of conception, but nobody applies for a job or for college admission at the moment of conception. Even between conception and birth, other influences affect the development of the brain, as well as the rest of the body.

The mother's diet and her intake of alcohol or drugs affects the unborn child. Differences in the amount of nutrition received in the womb create differences even between identical twins. Where one of these identical twins is born significantly heavier than the other, and the lighter one falls below some critical weight, the heavier one tends to have a higher IQ in later years. They may be the same weight when they become adults, but they didn't get the same nutrition back when their brains were first developing.
Inequalities have so many sources that this fact undermines the simple dichotomy between believing that some people are innately inferior and believing that discrimination or other social injustices account for economic and social differences. Yet people who are afraid of being considered racists, or believers that the lower classes are born inferior, often buy the notion that only the sins of "society" can explain why some people end up so much better off than others.

Decades ago, Edward Banfield pointed out how the different ways that children from different classes are raised helps or hinders them in their later life. Yet he was demonized by the intelligentsia for saying what most people would consider only common sense.

While it is heartbreaking to think of the large differences in ability and behavior that can be created by the way different parents raise their children, it is no less heartbreaking to think of other social differences that go back to the way kids are brought up. For example, anyone who watches the television program "Cops" will see an endless succession of real losers who wreck their lives and the lives of others through sheer irresponsibility and lack of self-control.
When one of these losers is being chased on the highway by a couple of police cars, and with a police helicopter overhead, you wonder why he doesn't just stop and give it up before his crazy driving kills himself or someone else. But you also have to wonder what his parents were doing while he was growing up that they couldn't raise him to become a rational adult.

A majority of the men in prison came from fatherless families. In some cosmic sense, it may not be entirely their fault that they took the wrong road. But that doesn't change the fact that it was the wrong road-- or make it any less dangerous to turn them loose.

No doubt such concerns are behind efforts to "rehabilitate" prisoners or substitute "crime prevention" programs instead of incarceration. But magic words do not create magic realities. Innocent people have been killed by "rehabilitated" criminals who had been set free. And "prevention" programs do not prevent anything other than putting dangerous people behind bars.

The pretense of having solutions can be more dangerous than the problem. Yet there are whole armies of shrinks and social workers, whose jobs depend on pretending that they have answers, even when no one has answers.

In terms of broader social policy, we need to make a sharp distinction between saying that some people are victims of a tragic fate and saying that they are victims of discrimination by employers, bias in the courts or the sins of other individuals they encounter. Scapegoating other people is not likely to help-- and it can distract attention from the real problems, which are too serious to misdiagnose.

Thomas Sowell : Classic Sowell: Justice and Injustice - Mr SOwell so astutely points out...........liberals are big on magic words and magic idea's, but the results sUcK:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Our country is in debt up to its eyebals for one reason: silly liberal idea's!!!
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1) rescind all amendments after #12

2) void all SC Rulings after Jan 1, 1860

3) void all acts of congress after Jan 1, 1860

...................or better yet a formal return to the Articles of Confederation with an opt out clause for any State wishing to strike out on its own.
1) rescind all amendments after #12

2) void all SC Rulings after Jan 1, 1860

3) void all acts of congress after Jan 1, 1860

...................or better yet a formal return to the Articles of Confederation with an opt out clause for any State wishing to strike out on its own.


the above is my vote for the most psychotic post on this thread.


you lost, there are no more slaves, get over it, freak.
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