Your.. Political 3 Wishes

1. That every bill begins with the words "This bill is Constitutional under 'insert relevant section of the Constitution that grants the Government the authority to enact bill'.

2. No Special Interests. The only 'special interest' group acceptable is 'We, The People'.

3. That no further back door deals, pork, and kickbacks are tolerated.

And...... most importantly.....

1. That 'We, The People' recognize that our best interests are not served by stupid, partisan bickering and pathetic point scoring. The Democrats are corrupt. The Republicans are corrupt. Neither side is worthy of your vote. Get smart and stop allowing these corrupt assholes to destroy our once great nation. I don't just blame the politicians, I blame Americans.

1. the constitution doesn't work like that. we aren't a code state. you'd have to attach caselaw, too. THAT is what a common law country is. it also isn't the province of the legislature to rule on constitutionality.

2. the special interests bus left the gate the day the corporatists sitting on the USSC decided that corps are people with first amendment rights to free speech. what should have happened was complete election finance reform.

3. The country started with backdoor deals. otherwise slavery would have been outlawed from the beginning.

and you people forget that 'we the people' are the ones who voted for THIS government. YOU voted against it. so when you say that 'we the people' stuff, all it says to me is that you are resentful you lost.
I agree that people should stop voting against their own interests...

that way we never have anyone like bush as president again. :thup:

suck those sour grapes, your time is getting short. we the people don't like the way you and your ilk are ruining this country.
1) Balanced budget amendment to the constitution
2) Term Limits
3) Flat Tax system that simplifies the code, and ensures every citizen pays the same rate on every dollar earned

Many more besides that that would require more wishes... but these have to be the starting points to get the others done

DiamondDave dear, do the math on a balanced federal budget. There are around 300 Million US residents. About 200 Million are taxpayers. The deficit NOW is at:


The Outstanding Public Debt as of 28 May 2010 at 02:42:57 PM GMT is:

$12, 994,227, 159, 751.77

The estimated population of the United States is 308,456,982
so each citizen's share of this debt is $42,126.55.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$4.10 billion per day since September 28, 2007!
U.S. National Debt Clock

In order to retire the deficit and balance the budget immediately the government would need to tax us at the rate of approximately $635,000 per person. That's slightly more than I hope to earn this year.

"Balance the budget" is bullshit sloganering.

A balanced budget does not mean instantly paying off the entire national debt....

Balance the budget means that the government is not to spend more than what it brings in thru taxation... and to go above the budget would require an emergency situation and a proposed 80% consensus by congress... inside that balanced budget is allocated funds to BEGIN paying down the national debt in a systematic manner

If, for example, 20% of every dollar earned by the citizenry of the US is what is needed for the government to operate in its needed capacity including funds for paying down the debt, that is the monies allocated and the government is not allowed to simply spend more on bullshit projects because it wants to.. the government would be forced to cut spending in one area to allocate more funds to another, while still operating within the budget.. the government would not be constitutionally allowed to go into more debt simply for the running of programs or because it wants to spend more

And please, before you look even more ignorant, try and understand the differences between debt and yearly budget deficit...
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suck those sour grapes, your time is getting short. we the people don't like the way you and your ilk are ruining this country.

what are you babbling about, dear?

it's the losers who get sour grapes.

last i looked, that was you.

1. Eliminate the Federal Reserve;

2. Private Banks are chartered in only one state and may not operate in any other state.

3. Each state to operate a state bank, such as the Bank of North Dakota

Bank of North Dakota: About BND - History of BND

Wry Catcher, this will not work in an era of globalization. And how does the federal government affect the economy if not through the Federal Reserve? This is antiquated, feel-good nonsense. With all due respect to North Dakota, we do not trade animals hides anymore.

1. That every bill begins with the words "This bill is Constitutional under 'insert relevant section of the Constitution that grants the Government the authority to enact bill'.

2. No Special Interests. The only 'special interest' group acceptable is 'We, The People'.

3. That no further back door deals, pork, and kickbacks are tolerated.

And...... most importantly.....

1. That 'We, The People' recognize that our best interests are not served by stupid, partisan bickering and pathetic point scoring. The Democrats are corrupt. The Republicans are corrupt. Neither side is worthy of your vote. Get smart and stop allowing these corrupt assholes to destroy our once great nation. I don't just blame the politicians, I blame Americans.

1. the constitution doesn't work like that. we aren't a code state. you'd have to attach caselaw, too. THAT is what a common law country is. it also isn't the province of the legislature to rule on constitutionality.

2. the special interests bus left the gate the day the corporatists sitting on the USSC decided that corps are people with first amendment rights to free speech. what should have happened was complete election finance reform.

3. The country started with backdoor deals. otherwise slavery would have been outlawed from the beginning.

and you people forget that 'we the people' are the ones who voted for THIS government. YOU voted against it. so when you say that 'we the people' stuff, all it says to me is that you are resentful you lost.

I agree that people should stop voting against their own interests...

that way we never have anyone like bush as president again. :thup:

The OP points are well taken. But it is ludicrous for people to believe that a simple change in leadership is going to solve everything. Republicans will protect their own interests, and Democrats theirs. Independents will wander back and forth, and it will still take months to actually enact bills having a serious impact on the public.

Any dramatic overhaul of the tax code will take years, not months. An energy bill won't look much different--we'll continue to drill for oil out of necessity and bark about the safety of nuclear power and the politics of true alternative energy sources (which will continue to receive the least amount of federal dollars). The annual budget will still have billions in earmarks; Social Security will be "fixed" year after year by simply raising the bar; illegal immigration will continue until there is a fast track to citizenship, not the one that takes years; the battle between government-sponsored health care and private insurers might result in some major shifts in the short term, but in the end, some kind of universal, single-payer system is predictable. And on and on and on.

All that said, we still live in the richest nation on earth with the highest standard of living, and there isn't another nation on earth that can survive without us, nor can we survive on our own anymore.

That's not to say we shouldn't always strive to improve our financial house in order to stay afloat, and hopefully elect representatives who will do the same, but major changes have historically come in baby steps, and this cycle is no different.
Some true colors shining through on this thread.

I thought the premise of the thread was rather simple: State what 3 things you'd like to see happen.
Instead others, rather than voicing their own desires, choose to attack the wishes of others.

I'm more nationalistic in my wishes...

1) Kick out all illegals and shut down the borders.
2) Give tax incentives, instead of penalties, to companies to stay here in America.
3) Term Limits for all elected positions and freeze all raises for them
Some true colors shining through on this thread.

I thought the premise of the thread was rather simple: State what 3 things you'd like to see happen.
Instead others, rather than voicing their own desires, choose to attack the wishes of others.

I'm more nationalistic in my wishes...

1) Kick out all illegals and shut down the borders.
2) Give tax incentives, instead of penalties, to companies to stay here in America.
3) Term Limits for all elected positions and freeze all raises for them

This is a discussion board. The point is to discuss. And, you'll forgive me, Cali and I are friends, but i'm also an attorney and take offense at people who claim they KNOW what the constitution says when the greatest legal minds in our history can't reach agreement.

oh...and my wishes?

get rid of the electoral college... land shouldn't vote.
have a lot more political parties representing the full range of opinion and a more parliamentary form of government where those different parties actually have to work together to form a government.
campaign finance reform where campains are paid for solely with public funds so no special intersts control our government.
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Excuses, not reasons.

I'm really not interested in what you think on my stances, mo chara. There is no need to waste your time thinking you can educate me on the Constitution.

Nor am I interested in who did what to whom in the past. The 'Mom, they did it too' is not acceptable to me.

Nor am I interested in which party does what to whom. Both are full of fucking idiots. I don't vote for fucking idiots... no matter what letter they wear.

how is the fact that the supreme court is the arbiter of constitutionality an excuse? the fact that there are people who intentionally misconstrue how the constitution is supposed to be interpreted offends me. it is distasteful and goes against everything that constitutional scholars (of which i certainly am not one) have argued about for over 200 years. yet a bunch of yahoos are suddenly going to say THEY are the only ones who know what the constitution says, means and allows. laughable.

you would do well to learn something about the constitution. I'd suggest starting with Marbury versus madison.

i'm also not certain what the view that everyone in government sucks (except for your own suckish people, of course) has to do with properly construing the constitution?

the FACT is that the legislature wouldn't know if something was constitutional if it bit them on the butt... same as YOU haven't a clue as to what is constitutional. That's what constitutional scholars are for. And putting Article II or commerce clause or whatever other secrtion you think applies does nothing to change that. So it's meaningless... and panders only to the pretend constitutionalists who think the constitution is some fundie's bible, without a clue as to its actual purposes.

i'm not sure what the 'mom they did it too comment' has to do with anything other than as a means for you not to acknowledge reality and fess up to the hypocrisy of the right. If you're referring to the fact that politicians always made deals, well that's how things get done... same as they did when the country was formed. And y'all are always the ones running around shrieking about original intent...... not me.

I don't put much stock in original intent when the constitution wasn't even construed that way when they were alive....and certainly a bunch of slave-owning, landed gentry shouldn't be used to make determinations about civil liberties now.

:clap2: Sometimes I think there must be two entirely different versions of the Constitution.
Term limits and freezing salaries, etc. are all great ideas but really folks, do you not think that being a US Congressman is a full-time job? Maybe at the state level we can have "gentlemen legislators" whose real jobs are back home in their districts, but not at the federal one. Just as fair warning, term-limited legislators spend their entire terms looking for a government agency to create so they can run it. The idea has its problems.

I am more inclined to agree with Jillian as to campaign finance reform. Create a fund of taxpayer dollars and divide it up. Every candidate gets "X" depending on a formula. no other money, public or private, may be spent.

Some true colors shining through on this thread.

I thought the premise of the thread was rather simple: State what 3 things you'd like to see happen.
Instead others, rather than voicing their own desires, choose to attack the wishes of others.

I'm more nationalistic in my wishes...

1) Kick out all illegals and shut down the borders.
2) Give tax incentives, instead of penalties, to companies to stay here in America.
3) Term Limits for all elected positions and freeze all raises for them

1) Kick out all illegals and shut down the borders. That is logistically impossible.

2) Give tax incentives, instead of penalties, to companies to stay here in America. Hasn't happened yet, but not for want of trying:
Time to end tax breaks to firms that outsource jobs: Obama-ITeS-Infotech-The Economic Times

3) Term Limits for all elected positions and freeze all raises for them. Would require a Constitutional Amendment initiated by the very people who do not want term limits.
1. Restrict the amount of money that can be spent on political campaigns to 150,000 for Congressmen and 300,000 for president.

2. Pass real immigration reform which would protecting our boarders, punishment those who hire illegal immigrants, and provide a path to citizenship for those who are productive members of society.

3. Breakup single party control of the houses of congress by having a nonpartisan commission pick the heads of committees based on qualifications not party membership.
Term limits and freezing salaries, etc. are all great ideas but really folks, do you not think that being a US Congressman is a full-time job? Maybe at the state level we can have "gentlemen legislators" whose real jobs are back home in their districts, but not at the federal one. Just as fair warning, term-limited legislators spend their entire terms looking for a government agency to create so they can run it. The idea has its problems.

I am more inclined to agree with Jillian as to campaign finance reform. Create a fund of taxpayer dollars and divide it up. Every candidate gets "X" depending on a formula. no other money, public or private, may be spent.

No public funded candidates. Absolutely not. The last thing we need is someone in Washington determining how to use our money to fund his cronies campaigns. That will bring corruption to an infinite degree.

And yes we can have gentlemen legislators. If we shrink the size of government to where it's Constitutionally supposed to be, we can do very well without them there all year around. It's not like they aren't already. We give them a stipend and make it a service rather than a carreer.

As for term limits. I agree. it's a bad idea.
Some true colors shining through on this thread.

I thought the premise of the thread was rather simple: State what 3 things you'd like to see happen.
Instead others, rather than voicing their own desires, choose to attack the wishes of others.

I'm more nationalistic in my wishes...

1) Kick out all illegals and shut down the borders.
2) Give tax incentives, instead of penalties, to companies to stay here in America.
3) Term Limits for all elected positions and freeze all raises for them

This is a discussion board. The point is to discuss. And, you'll forgive me, Cali and I are friends, but i'm also an attorney and take offense at people who claim they KNOW what the constitution says when the greatest legal minds in our history can't reach agreement.

oh...and my wishes?

get rid of the electoral college... land shouldn't vote.
have a lot more political parties representing the full range of opinion and a more parliamentary form of government where those different parties actually have to work together to form a government.
campaign finance reform where campains are paid for solely with public funds so no special intersts control our government.
Thank you.
If my post was brash it was only to garner an opinion.

And I like your 3, BTW
1) Limit the right to vote to property owners or those with a demonstrated net worth of $10,000+.
2) Dismantle all cabinet positions that are not directly authorized by the Constitution
3) Tort reform and loser pays legal system.
Have all members of the House and Senate seated alphabetically while in session. If they can't act like adults, they shouldn't be treated as adults. Also, that would force civil conversation between rival party members and reduce the whispering asides in order to make deals. It would make for MUCH more interesting viewing on C-Span!!
1) Limit the right to vote to property owners or those with a demonstrated net worth of $10,000+.
2) Dismantle all cabinet positions that are not directly authorized by the Constitution
3) Tort reform and loser pays legal system.
[ame=]YouTube - Meat Loaf - Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad[/ame]
Some true colors shining through on this thread.

I thought the premise of the thread was rather simple: State what 3 things you'd like to see happen.
Instead others, rather than voicing their own desires, choose to attack the wishes of others.

I'm more nationalistic in my wishes...

1) Kick out all illegals and shut down the borders.
2) Give tax incentives, instead of penalties, to companies to stay here in America.
3) Term Limits for all elected positions and freeze all raises for them

This is a discussion board. The point is to discuss. And, you'll forgive me, Cali and I are friends, but i'm also an attorney and take offense at people who claim they KNOW what the constitution says when the greatest legal minds in our history can't reach agreement.

oh...and my wishes?

get rid of the electoral college... land shouldn't vote.
have a lot more political parties representing the full range of opinion and a more parliamentary form of government where those different parties actually have to work together to form a government.
campaign finance reform where campains are paid for solely with public funds so no special intersts control our government.
Thank you.
If my post was brash it was only to garner an opinion.

And I like your 3, BTW

no problem... i understood your point. and like i said, cali and i are friends. i have zero personal issues with her. we even agree on things from time to time.

thanks re the 3.

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