Your Religious Affiliation

What would you consider your religious affliation to be?

  • Christian - Catholic

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Christian - Protestant

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Christian - Evangelical/Born Again

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unaffiliated - Believe in something but no particular deity

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unaffiliated - Agnostic

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • Unaffiliated - Atheist

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 22.9%

  • Total voters
When I was a kid, I attended church services because my parents expected me to but I never believed any of it. When I started asking the obvious questions about the inconsistencies in the whole god story and was told to stop rocking the boat and shut up, that was a red flag.

I'm sorry you had to attend the type of church/be apart of the type of denomination that would discourage curiosity and questioning. I didn't have that experience.

When there is no logical answer to the inconsistencies I questioned, what choice did they have?

If they had some intelligence and did not fear questions, the answer is to engage the questioner and do their best to investigate what seem to be inconsistencies and give you the best answers they could find. A recent interview of hundreds of agnostics/atheists on college campuses who were formerly in some kind of church shows that the majority left when they had serious questions and their questions were either brushed aside or they were told not to question adults.
The Libertarian of Religions - Deism
Deism Defined

After reading the link I can state that Diesm is what most resembles my view.

From the link...
The application of Reason as the foundation of Deism causes this philosophy to view the world from a different vantage point than most religions. An example is that science is not seen as an enemy but one of many tools that Deists can learn and grow from. In fact, Deism as a belief system thrives on diversity of thought. Modern Deism incorporates the latest interpretations found in the areas of physics/quantum physics, biology, evolution, philosophy, theology, psychology, mathematics and many other fields in the arts and sciences. However, the modern Deist movement is a dynamic concept in that it integrates classical and modern viewpoints with the wisdom of the past and the discoveries of the present.

It is why I have stated many times in here that I see this God as wearing a lab coat instead of flowing white robes. I believe this God that so many organized religions misinterpret is a scientist, based upon the mathematical nature of our universe.
Thanks for the link.
Obviously, it's not a simple question - for example, I call myself a Lutheran and go to church on Christmas and Easter but do not take the Bible literally whatsoever, am a very scientific person and think of God in a more physics-based way - but in general, what would you consider yourself?

There are no religious affiliations as a saint who preaches the true gospel, which is the voice of God, not words in a book.

We saints know that all religions practiced by men are false and will be destroyed on the "Last Day".

That saint better be born again or else they are not a christian. Period.
Yep. Actually the Protestant group and born again group belong together as one.

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