your tax dollars hard at work

making $$$ for who else ?

Pentagon to lease privately owned Trump Tower apartment for nuclear 'football': letter

Officials declined to reveal the cost of the lease or identify the owners of the apartment.

( a dollar to a doughnut they are affiliated with shithead)

fuck that bad hair bitch, live at the WH like every other President does ...

OMG! Trump lives in an apartment!



Right over your head.

LOL you poor poor libs, Trump has you unhinged. :laugh:
No, you are just a pawn. It's amazing to me how you people can be so dense.

The more he screws them over, the happier they are.

Just one of those weird RWNJ things.

If he manages to take all health care away from the elderly, children, vets, women, poor and give that huge transfer of wealth to the 2%, they'll be thrilled.

You know, if it was possible for someone to make a comparison between Obama's time in office and how much money he cost, and compare it with Trump's.

I'm willing to believe that Trump has probably already spent more money on Trump Tower, Mar a Lago, and now this in his first 100 days than Obama spent in his first year total.

Actually, such estimates have been done......It is estimated that Trump will OUTDO Obama's golfing expenditures in about 9 months (i.e., by the end of September, 2017) than what Obama spent in 8 long years.....

The Trumpster is a fuck head.....and his minions are little fuck heads...LOL
Barry Hussein showered Iran with boxcar loads of U.S. dollars and euros up to an estimated billion dollars for no reason that anyone could determine and now it seems Iran has entered into an unholy alliance with North Korea. Meanwhile idiotic left wing fans of Hufington are in a tizzy because the "nuclear football" has to be safeguarded. Go figure.
The sad part about this is that as soon as the next Dumbocrat is sitting in the Oval Office, the left will be cheering as loudly as they can for that person to spend tens of trillions of dollars rather than learning from this and demanding a government that is fiscally conservative and produces balanced budgets.

hey, dick head.........As Trump LOWERS taxes (mostly for himself and his cronies) and INCREASES spending on the military and infrastructure, how the fuck will he pay for it???? And don't even go with the truckle down peeing theory of the wealthy.

(What a bunch of morons....LOL)
Barry Hussein showered Iran with boxcar loads of U.S. dollars and euros up to an estimated billion dollars for no reason

Another racist right winger who CANNOT ever learn that Obama did NOT give a dime of US money to Iran.....

STAY DUMB, moron....LOL
If this apartment drives only ONE liberal insane, it's worth it. A lefty meltdown is a terrible thing to waste.

Fuck head....its NOT a meltdown.....Most of us don't like getting screwed by an orange charlatan....YOU, and your fellow idiots, on the other hand, just keep on bending over and ask for more, please.....LOL
The sad part about this is that as soon as the next Dumbocrat is sitting in the Oval Office, the left will be cheering as loudly as they can for that person to spend tens of trillions of dollars rather than learning from this and demanding a government that is fiscally conservative and produces balanced budgets.

hey, dick head.........As Trump LOWERS taxes (mostly for himself and his cronies) and INCREASES spending on the military and infrastructure, how the fuck will he pay for it???? And don't even go with the truckle down peeing theory of the wealthy.

(What a bunch of morons....LOL)
Oh! Now you're worried about money?
The sad part about this is that as soon as the next Dumbocrat is sitting in the Oval Office, the left will be cheering as loudly as they can for that person to spend tens of trillions of dollars rather than learning from this and demanding a government that is fiscally conservative and produces balanced budgets.
hey, dick head.........As Trump LOWERS taxes (mostly for himself and his cronies) and INCREASES spending on the military and infrastructure, how the fuck will he pay for it???? And don't even go with the truckle down peeing theory of the wealthy.

(What a bunch of morons....LOL)
Oh boy...Natalie is "triggered" again because President Trump's name was mentioned.

So here's the thing snowflake - just like you - I am not privy to President Trump's complete budget plan. However, there are a few realities that you are either ignorant of or that you are lying about. Either one doesn't bode well for you.
  • First - there is the simple reality of the Lafer Curve. That will have an impact on tax revenues to the government.
  • Second - President Trump has already cut $68 billion from the national debt, dimwit. Oops.
  • Third - there is far more to the United States than "military and infrastructure" you immature nitwit. He has proposed cuts to the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the National Endowment for the Arts, and a shit-load more. All of those cuts could absolutely offset any loss of revenue as a result of the tax cuts (and not taking into account the Laffer Curve).
So will President Trump's proposed budget balance or create a surplus? There is no way for any of us to know that. But you're a fuck'n tool for whining about it - not only because you don't know, but because you cheered like hell when Barack Obama recklessly spent $10 trillion beyond the budget. You're a partisan hack and an idiot.
Oh! Now you're worried about money?

Yes, moron....Especially when tax money is WASTED on a prick like Trump and his adherence to a rich life style NOW subsidized by tax payers' dollars.....Do you and your fellow dick heads really DEFEND this orange clown having to take almost every weekend to play golf?

If you do, just keep bending over....
es, moron....Especially when tax money is WASTED on a prick like Trump and his adherence to a rich life style NOW subsidized by tax payers' dollars.....Do you and your fellow dick heads really DEFEND this orange clown having to take almost every weekend to play golf?

I have the need to spew obscenity laced invectives at total strangers. But ... I'm not having a meltdown.

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