Your,"They May As Well Asked The Republicans" These Questions List.

Ted Cruz, being your a genius. Tell us, how many "Cuban Sandwitches" can you fit inside Chris Christie?
Lindsey: Congressman Graham, sorry we havent gotten to you yet, it just seems that you are invisible to all of us tonight.
Senator Rubio, a simple geography question. Can you name at least one country that is north of the United States?
If Hillary is on a train traveling West 100 miles to Balanced Budget City at 50mph and you are going East on the same tracks from BBC to No Obamacareville at 25 mph, where do you meet?

hints for those who do not know math or trouble with word problem

d=100-50*t=25*t (d is how far east from BBC. The problem can be set up using x =100-d where x is how far west from NOC. )

2)solve for t.
3)The correct answer is d=25*t=100-50*t. make sure both formulas return the same answer
Jeb, as you well know, the north pole is melting at a record pace due to global warming that is primarily caused by pumpkins and conservatives driving SUV's. Will you put a stop to this if elected president?
Dr. Carson, as the token negro for your Republican slave masters do you have any original thoughts in your head?

Carly Fiorina, as the token female of your good old boy country club party, would you take away women's rights to vote?

Mr. Huckabee, do you have any weight loss tips for Governor Christie?

Governor Christie, if elected would you close the toll bridges in all blue states?

Senator Rubio, as the token hispanic vote, if elected with their help, would you deport your family?

Senator Cruz, who is the better token hispanic vote? You or Marco Rubio and why?

Mr. Trump, how do you live with the fact that your wife married you for your money?
Dr. Carson, as the token negro for your Republican slave masters do you have any original thoughts in your head?

Carly Fiorina, as the token female of your good old boy country club party, would you take away women's rights to vote?

Mr. Huckabee, do you have any weight loss tips for Governor Christie?

Governor Christie, if elected would you close the toll bridges in all blue states?

Senator Rubio, as the token hispanic vote, if elected with their help, would you deport your family?

Senator Cruz, who is the better token hispanic vote? You or Marco Rubio and why?

Mr. Trump, how do you live with the fact that your wife married you for your money?
Chris Christie: Governor Christie, how many 16oz steaks can you wolfe down in one hour?
"This one is for Mr. Christie"...

"Mr. Christie, why is it that donut shops and fast food restaurants received their Sandy money first so they could rebuild and reopen almost immediately, while everyone else had to wait?" "And what is that on your shirt, a chocolate stain?"

Christie: "Now we are finally getting to substantive questions I'll have an eclaire."

Fiorina: "Its not funny to make fun of someone's appearance, even though they may be rather ugly and cynical and angry and were fired from a top company for sucking on the job. Oh I would be Hilary's worst nightmare. I would be Monica Ben Ghazi."
Rubio: "I'm Hispanic so you Hispanics should vote for me. But you hardcore white conservatives know I'm not Hispanic because you wouldn't vote for me then. Shhh. Oh and the 'liberal media blah blah blah ."
Bush: "Look if this is going to be hard and I have to answer questions then you can all GFYs and French-kiss your boyfriend Trump. My brother was a saint."
Huckabee: "No, you can't say I am 'aborting' my campaign when campaign. That shouldn't be legal, even when you are at 1% in the polls. Its a human campaign no matter what the polls say."
Trump: "That guy on the end is a loser like these other losers, except Huckabee who bought my tie so he's just stupid enough to fool into buying my crap......LOSER."

Kasich: "Why do I have to sit at the kiddy table with these loons?"

RNC: "We don't like questions that we don't like and everyone should be able to read our minds as to what we WANT to be asked and what we don't want to be asked."

Faux News: "Only we get to ask questions that they don't like and only we get to drop turd-bombs on their heads. Anyone else that does it is being unfair and has a 'liberal media bias'."

Every Other Democracy On Earth: "WHAT THE FUCK is going on over there. YOU are the best hope for humanity? We don't think so. Get your shit together assholes, ISIS is cutting off heads."
Every Other Democracy On Earth: "WHAT THE FUCK is going on over there. YOU are the best hope for humanity? We don't think so. Get your shit together assholes, ISIS is cutting off heads."
Yeah, because it so under control now. Moron.
How about these Questions

How many times do you bow to jesus each day?

Benghazi much?

Are you rapture ready?

Do you speak Benghazi?
Moderator VS Carson: Mr. Carson, is it true that you left sponges in over 500 patients throughout your career as a surgeon?
To Lindsey Graham: How in the hell did you survive all these R.I.N.O. hunts since the late 1990's?

To Kasich: Look, you never going to get elected by todays Republican party. Do you know why? If so, tell us.

To Trump: Is running for president the hardest thing you ever done. If not, what was your hardest job?

To Cruz: Your style of politics is a bit--unusual. Tell us, how are you going to get measures past after alienating yourself from 90% of your party?

To Bush: Look, your father told a lie about 'new taxes'. Then your brother told a bigger lie about WMD's. Is it safe to suspect you have the most fantastic lie of all the Bushes? Or (GULP!) is there another Bush in our future?

To Carson: You are a 7 day Adventist. Have you ever thought about leaving that cult and converting to Christianity?

To Fiorina: Who do you think you are fooling? You are a Big Business moderate that expertly use modifiers to sound like a conservative. But the gig is up, so why are you still in the race?

To Huckabee: You suggested that you would activate the national guard to stop abortions.

No one is going to elect a president that talks about impeachable offenses, you do know that. Or don't you?

To Christie: When you were younger, you were a healthy and muscular man. Do you ever look in the mirror and feel like you've let your wife down?

To Pataki: You. Yeah, you! Is your name.....Jon Huntsman?
To Tim Pawlenty: Were you really serious about running for President in 2008?
Dr. Carson, as the token negro for your Republican slave masters do you have any original thoughts in your head?

Carly Fiorina, as the token female of your good old boy country club party, would you take away women's rights to vote?

Mr. Huckabee, do you have any weight loss tips for Governor Christie?

Governor Christie, if elected would you close the toll bridges in all blue states?

Senator Rubio, as the token hispanic vote, if elected with their help, would you deport your family?

Senator Cruz, who is the better token hispanic vote? You or Marco Rubio and why?

Mr. Trump, how do you live with the fact that your wife married you for your money?
Ben Carson, if you win the 2016 election, will u be aware that you will be the first black president?

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