Your thoughts on the TRUMP/RUSSIAN COLLUSION business now

What do you think?

  • It was an unethical fabrication to begin with. I lean right or moderate

    Votes: 24 72.7%
  • It was an unethical fabrication to begin with. I lean left

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Changed my mind, this entire thing was an unethical fabrication. I lean right or moderate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Changed my mind, this entire thing was an unethical fabrication. I lean left

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Trump is guilty. Haven't changed my mind. I lean right or moderate

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Trump is guilty. Haven't changed my mind. I lean left

    Votes: 3 9.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
What do you think?

On a side, for the whimpering ignorant. Foreign countries have "interfered" with our elections since long before you were born. The USA does the same thing.
Jr. - Flynn, and Manafort all met with Russians - its documented, they admit it.

but Trump didn't know a damn thing about it, no sir, not a damn thing - he can't remember.

It wasn't unethical. It was patently illegal and treasonous.

And I don't use the work 'treason' lightly.

Will heads roll?

I really do kinda doubt it.

I think Comey might get indicted. Maybe Brennan. Maybe Clapper.

More likely, none of the above. Ever heard of Lois Lerner??

The Deep State protects the Deep State, people. And the DoJ is the epitome of The Deep State

But they better be careful.

This is how the French Revolution started. This is how the French Royals and the political elites all ended up becoming intimately familiar with the guillotine.

But it won't happen as long as the Country is doing well economically. If we ever crash and burn, there will be an event in this Country that will make Robespierre's Reign of Terror look like a picnic.

The People are getting sick and they're getting tired of Washington Elites, Academia, Hollywood/The Media and the rest of the Deep State (Lawyers) getting fat while we have to sit back and suck on it.

Why are five of the richest Zip Codes in America in and around Washington DC??

Aren't these people supposed to be SERVING The People instead of ROBBING The People????

Your servants have become your Masters.

Republicans need to lock up at least a dozen HIGH PROFILE dimocrap scum or this Country is done.

Believe it
It was patently illegal and treasonous.
And I don't use the work 'treason' lightly.
The Deep State protects the Deep State, people. And the DoJ is the epitome of The Deep State
Exactly. The fix is in. Notice how Hillary has never been charged for the murder of Seth Rich.
What do you think?

On a side, for the whimpering ignorant. Foreign countries have "interfered" with our elections since long before you were born. The USA does the same thing.

The republicans proved many of the laws cited for obstruction by the commies on the Mueller team didn't even apply. They were using interpretations of the law that were pure fantasy and have never been upheld by the courts. Now we know why Barr, Rosenstein and the DOJ OLC found their carp was just that, crap.

Jr. - Flynn, and Manafort all met with Russians - its documented, they admit it.

but Trump didn't know a damn thing about it, no sir, not a damn thing - he can't remember.

Show us your proof, not some media puppet link, cockroach.
Investigating Russian attempts to interfere in the election was legitimate pretty everything thing else was partisan BS over an election that didn’t go how the political and media experts expected it to.
I am an Independent and I lean left or maybe down the middle as Left now is insanity and this was a witch hunt 100%
After decades of watching politics, I have come to the carefully crafted and educated opinion that

dimocraps are scum


No ifs, no ands, no butts.

dimocraps, AND their voters are the scum of the Earth

The voters don't get off the hook anymore than the residents of Weimar in April of 1945.

dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what they're voting for. At least, the living ones do. The sentient ones.

They don't get off the hook. They'll swear a lack of knowledge, just like Mewler did yesterday.

But they know. They fucking know who and what the scum of the Earth dimocrap Party is.

They can say, "Well, I heard rumors 'but the Media'. " "I heard rumors, but I never paid attention". "I hear rumors, but 'my job'

Fuck them. Fuck them and the fucking horse they rode in on.

They KNOW who the dimocrap scum party, the FILTHIEST scummiest, most traitorous scumbag political party to ever exist, is.

They know.

They just don't care.

Never forget that.

Not ever
I am an Independent and I lean left or maybe down the middle as Left now is insanity and this was a witch hunt 100%

I was non-partisan until last year. I registered Republican because of what the left has become. I'll never vote Dem. for anyone short Jesus Christ himself. The Dem party has earned ZERO support. Shame Jim Webb didn't face Trump. Guy like him may have saved the party.

My uncle and I were talking about this today on way to the airport. He's a Princeton grad, portfolio manager, well studied/traveled and Orthodox jew. He's a conservative now, but was the classic 60s hippy, a true liberal back in the day. San Francisco too, what a life. Boy that group made some music huh? They had some great causes too. Some downside as well.

At any rate, he says if Trump loses in 2020 we're done, it's all downhill. He believes Trump is a God-send, and I can't say I disagree. We believe he's a one every century or so guy. Similar Churchill, Neapolitan, Hitler, Washington etc.....
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There may have been Russian attempts to be involved in the election, but unless they donated illegal campaign funds to buy media, that is not at all illegal.
The only evidence of any involvement is the hacking of the DNC email, and since that only revealed whistle-blowing fraud, it was perfectly legal.

There is no way to trace hacking.

Internet bots would have left obvious evidence however, and no one has produced any evidence.
I am an Independent and I lean left or maybe down the middle as Left now is insanity and this was a witch hunt 100%

I was non-partisan until last year. I registered Republican because of what the left has become. I'll never vote Dem. for anyone short Jesus Christ himself. These Dems deserve no support. Shame Jim Webb didn't face Trump. Guy like him may have saved the party. My uncle and I were talking about this today on way to the airport. He's a Princeton grad, portfolio manager, well studied and Orthodox jew. He was the classic 60s hippy, a true liberal back in the day. San Francisco too, what a life. Boy that group made some music huh? They had some great causes too. Some downside as well.

At any rate, he says if Trump loses in 2020 we're done, it's all downhill. He believes Trump is a God-send, and I can't say I disagree. We believe he's a one every century or so guy. Similar Churchill, Neapolitan, Hitler, Washington etc.....

Anybody, and I mean anybody, with a measurable IQ had to know that Trump was not guilty of callaborating with the Russians.

Especially the posters in here because they were provided with VOLUMES of evidence, amounting to near-absolute proof, that nothing of the kind took place.

But they refused to believe it.

Or did they?

I think not. They KNEW, they FUCKING KNEW Trump was innocent of any wrong-doing. They knew it for a fact.

What they were hoping for was some kind of bombshell that would cause an innocent Man to have to step down from the Presidency.

Absent that, they were content with disrupting him. With trying to prevent him from doing his job as President. Even if it meant doing actual HARM to the Country and to The People of this Country.

All because they don't like Trump. All because they're throwing a temper-tantrum because they ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE that they, and ONLY they, are entitled to rule this Country.

Who calls half the American People "Deplorables"?

Who calls half The American People "Irredeemables"?

Who sez we're "Clinging to our Guns and Bibles" in the fucking backwoods somewhere like we're all inbred hillbillies?

Who is it that constantly mocks those they disagree with? Who is that consistently points and laughs in derision at Good People trying to do The Right Thing for their Families and for their Country?

Who, people?


Is it us? Is it our side of the aisle?

No. It is the scum of the Earth dimocraps that pull that crap.

Is it their nature to do so? Not really. They feel that they are good people and that we are 'Bad' people that deserve to be put down, kept from power, mocked and derided when we try to change things. We're bad people for electing Trump.

They are convinced of it.

And who tells them to think that way? Take a wild-assed guess.

But, is it their fault for having all the knowledge they need to have in order to come to a correct conclusion regarding Trump's Collusion bullshit and refusing to do the right thing?

Absofuckinglutely. Nobody is holding a gun to their head to make them say and believe the things they do. They don't have Kommissars at work, they don't have Cadre or Block Captains patrolling their neighborhoods (yet).

They do it willingly. They do it out of childish malice like some 20 year-old College Sophomore at a mindless protest over Cafeteria costs.

For that, they deserve to be called what they are -- The scum of the Earth.

You don't condemn a person just because you don't like him.....

Unless you're a dimocrap

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