~Your Top 3~


May 13, 2011
Can you please for us, list your top 3 musical artists??
Can be a group, a single person, a duo, wtf-ever....just name your top 3 favorite musicians~

Then, get into an ugly mode, and list the top 3 musicians (again, can be a group, a single person or a duo), that you think are the top 3 worst ever~

Thank ya much :cool:
The best: The Beatles, Bach, Led Zeppelin

My favorites: Metallica, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath

Worst: someone who isn't a "musician", but rather a performer, yet passes off as a musician. HUGE pet peeve of mine.
Oops, I forgot my 'worst' list.

Lets start with the Bee Gees...below that is every American Idol contestant, and Donny Osmand.
NOW? In this era? Enya, Sacred Spirits, Ambient.
Then: Iron Butterfly, Led Zepplin, Grand Funk Railroad

Worst (then and now) : Twangy, nasally whining country western music. Hate it. Head Banging screaming crap. Most rap.
Top Four:
1) Hank Williams Jr.
2) Ozzy Osbourne / Black Sabbath
3) Kiss
4) Steely Dan

Worst three:
1) 98% of Jazz
2) 98% of Classical
3) 100% of Gangster Rap
Top 3? That's impossible. But I can tell you my favorite band of all time: Yes.

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