Your Vax may only give a 6 month window of protection


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014

There is a growing correlation between vaccinated Israelis who have been infected with the Delta variant of the coronavirus and those who were among the first to get the vaccine, possibly indicating that the vaccine’s protection fades over time, a report said Sunday.​

So you get to roll the dice on side affects on a continuous basis
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There is a growing correlation between vaccinated Israelis who have been infected with the Delta variant of the coronavirus and those who were among the first to get the vaccine, possibly indicating that the vaccine’s protection fades over time, a report said Sunday.​

So you get to roll the dice on side affects on a continuous basis
Which begs the question of why we're still allowing people from shitholes like India to interact with the more civilized nations.

There is a growing correlation between vaccinated Israelis who have been infected with the Delta variant of the coronavirus and those who were among the first to get the vaccine, possibly indicating that the vaccine’s protection fades over time, a report said Sunday.​

So you get to roll the dice on side affects on a continuous basis
Which begs the question of why we're still allowing people from shitholes like India to interact with the more civilized nations.
It sucks to be an Israel citizen right now,they got mandatory vaccines and the ones that resist are getting thrown in slave labor concentration camps

Your Vax may only give a 6 month window of protection​

Because the germ-ridden RWNJ antivaxer population is a breeding ground for new and more dangerous variants.

The RWNJs want us to be locked down forever.
Yeah thats it,,,,,btw minorities are somewhat antivax too, Get those strike forces in there and roust em
Gonna go door to door, give you your shots, confiscate your guns and your bibles.

According to republicans, that is.
So you get to roll the dice on side affects on a continuous basis
Like every vaccine ever invented. I notice you didn't comment on the actual risks of side effects, since such an extremely low number would counter your narrative.
yeah those 4000 dead should be happy to be collateral damage not to mention the other long term health problems caused.....

There is a growing correlation between vaccinated Israelis who have been infected with the Delta variant of the coronavirus and those who were among the first to get the vaccine, possibly indicating that the vaccine’s protection fades over time, a report said Sunday.​

So you get to roll the dice on side affects on a continuous basis
Which begs the question of why we're still allowing people from shitholes like India to interact with the more civilized nations.
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yeah those 4000 dead should be happy to be collateral damage not to mention the other long term health problems caused.....
Both idiotic lies. Your 4000 number is a lie, and we all await your detailed fantasy of how a vaccine that leaves your body within weeks causes long term problems.

Got anything that isnt a lie? Nope. No you do not.
Both idiotic lies. Your 4000 number is a lie, and we all await your detailed fantasy of how a vaccine that leaves your body within weeks causes long term problems.

Got anything that isnt a lie? Nope. No you do not.
yeah its much more than 4 grand now

There is a growing correlation between vaccinated Israelis who have been infected with the Delta variant of the coronavirus and those who were among the first to get the vaccine, possibly indicating that the vaccine’s protection fades over time, a report said Sunday.​

So you get to roll the dice on side affects on a continuous basis
At a guess....
Protection against the original virus is still good but protection against the variants will wane over time...and a "booster" for the variants is going to be necessary.

But that is just an educated guess by an immunologist I respect.

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