Your Version Of Race

I didn't. I firmly believe Zinkie's Theory of Redhead Genetics is groundbreaking.
I see that the racist moderator has censored the shit out of the thread. Censorship is the only weapon these racist mods have.
I see you still have not substantiated your racist allegations and beliefs about me. You have not offered even the tiniest shred of evidence to substantiate them. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

The worst kind of racist is the guy who is so arrogant that he will marginalize other people's races, along with any cultural history or achievements associated with them in one post, then deny he is doing it in another. Disgusting.


the only 'race' is the Human Race.

Deal with it.
This is pretty racist. It sounds like you are wanting to marginalize the cultural history and achievements of our individual races, by making races about skin color. That's pretty racist and arrogant, but I'll put down just skin color for #5.

1. The US Census recognizes 5 races: black, white, pacific islander, American Indian, and Asian.

2. People of color, where there are two races. Whites, and then everybody else. The only people who can be discriminated against are whites.

3. The "human race". This involves stripping us all of our racial identities, along with any cultural history and achievements associated with them, and assigning us to a single convenient race.

4. There is no race, race is not a thing. This means that black oppression never happened, since there is no black race.

5. Just skin color. This denies Asians, Pacific Islanders, and American Indians their cultural history and achievements associated with their races, since they are not skin colors like black and white. This race concept includes whites, blacks, and shades of brown.

I dont know what nuance you're looking for. And you seem to be focused on some unknown evil people trying to DEPRIVE you of your CULTURE -- which actually is a stronger bond than skin color.

Sometimes culture is related to skin color, sometimes it's not. Truckloads of multi-culturism and multi-racialism are great for a country. (If you dont get caught being Irish and operating a taco stand). LOL..

And the left is currently DESTROYING multi-racialism in this country by bringing back Black segregation thru CRTheory and 1619 fictions.

What else do ya need to know? :wink:
I dont know what nuance you're looking for. And you seem to be focused on some unknown evil people trying to DEPRIVE you of your CULTURE -- which actually is a stronger bond than skin color.

Sometimes culture is related to skin color, sometimes it's not. Truckloads of multi-culturism and multi-racialism are great for a country. (If you dont get caught being Irish and operating a taco stand). LOL..

And the left is currently DESTROYING multi-racialism in this country by bringing back Black segregation thru CRTheory and 1619 fictions.

What else do ya need to know? :wink:
Race is not skin color, unique biological differences, culture, history, or any of the achievements associated with it, race is ALL of these things. When you pull the plug on a race, this wipes out all of these things. As language advanced to a level where we could differentiate red pepper from white or black pepper, humans advanced. When language advanced to being able to differentiate races from species and Asians from blacks or whites, the human species advanced. Not only are the attempts to obscure race racist, but they dumb as down as a species.
Race is not skin color, unique biological differences, culture, history, or any of the achievements associated with it, race is ALL of these things. When you pull the plug on a race, this wipes out all of these things. As language advanced to a level where we could differentiate red pepper from white or black pepper, humans advanced. When language advanced to being able to differentiate races from species and Asians from blacks or whites, the human species advanced. Not only are the attempts to obscure race racist, but they dumb as down as a species.

Only subjective human interpretation can magnify those differences beyond what they MEAN tho..

I'm not gonna walk up to a black advocate of CRT and tell them that they're ranking of RACE as a MORAL construct (victims vs oppressors) ISNT based on the things you just mentioned that THEY are trying to preserve. But it indeed takes those things over the bridge to being racist.

And there's just a lot of folks denying that there are biological differences. That's because the Woking Dead have invaded the halls of science. And they are SCARED about their grants and funding if they acknowledge the science,

The science that in medicine REQUIRES practioners to take RACE into account to give the best diagnostic and theurapeutic outcomes. Like the fight over different "kidney filtration rates" results in a blood test that were and STILL ARE "race dependent". But the politically correct want to RENAME that difference to "cultural geographical regions of origin" instead of saying a race.

They think by RENAMING stuff to make it RACELESS - they are helping Diversity Equity Inclusion, but in reality -- it's just fuzzy speech and thinking.

That's a battle that needs a bunch of folks to be DEPRIVED of appropriate medical treatment by their foolishness that's just gonna have to play out.
I'd love to see your version of race. I'll list a few of the ones I have seen people present on this site, so you can pick one of those or present a new one.

1. The US Census recognizes 5 races: black, white, pacific islander, American Indian, and Asian.

2. People of color, where there are two races. Whites, and then everybody else. The only people who can be discriminated against are whites.

3. The "human race". This involves stripping us all of our racial identities, along with any cultural history and achievements associated with them, and assigning us to a single convenient race.

4. There is no race, race is not a thing. This means that black oppression never happened, since there is no black race.

Please pick a number from above, or present yet another version of race.
Well….here we are, thread #367 once again a’trolling on race.

Since you demand yet carefully avoid actual discussion, I’ll give this another try.

Different “races“ exist, with genetic differences based on their origins. But what makes them a race?

For example, people of African origin (who actually present a wide variety of appearances)…are mostly defined by skin color which is controlled by genes that determine how much melanin you get.

There are indiginous people who live in the Andes and have a unique mutations that allow them to survive at high altitudes. Why aren’t they a “race”?

Likewise, it was a social construct that determined WHO was black and who wasn’t in order to maintain a uniquely American class system.

Where do mixed race people fall?

Are Australian aborigines a race?

Exactly how many “races” are there and what makes them a race?
Race is not skin color, unique biological differences, culture, history, or any of the achievements associated with it, race is ALL of these things. When you pull the plug on a race, this wipes out all of these things. As language advanced to a level where we could differentiate red pepper from white or black pepper, humans advanced. When language advanced to being able to differentiate races from species and Asians from blacks or whites, the human species advanced. Not only are the attempts to obscure race racist, but they dumb as down as a species.

Does it wipe away the achievements of the Chinese to not lump all in as Asians? How about India, also lumped as Asian I think.
Only subjective human interpretation can magnify those differences beyond what they MEAN tho..

I'm not gonna walk up to a black advocate of CRT and tell them that they're ranking of RACE as a MORAL construct (victims vs oppressors) ISNT based on the things you just mentioned that THEY are trying to preserve. But it indeed takes those things over the bridge to being racist.

And there's just a lot of folks denying that there are biological differences. That's because the Woking Dead have invaded the halls of science. And they are SCARED about their grants and funding if they acknowledge the science,

The science that in medicine REQUIRES practioners to take RACE into account to give the best diagnostic and theurapeutic outcomes. Like the fight over different "kidney filtration rates" results in a blood test that were and STILL ARE "race dependent". But the politically correct want to RENAME that difference to "cultural geographical regions of origin" instead of saying a race.

They think by RENAMING stuff to make it RACELESS - they are helping Diversity Equity Inclusion, but in reality -- it's just fuzzy speech and thinking.

That's a battle that needs a bunch of folks to be DEPRIVED of appropriate medical treatment by their foolishness that's just gonna have to play out.
Good point on medicine, it is important to know a person’s racial heritage, but this is really a no win situation. If we discuss things in terms of race, the right starts screaming that we are being divisive:rolleyes:
In Runescape there are no races.

In Tibia, there are warriors (use melee), paladins (use bows), mages (use dark magic) and priests (use healing spells).

I have not played Everquest.
Well….here we are, thread #367 once again a’trolling on race.

Since you demand yet carefully avoid actual discussion, I’ll give this another try.

Different “races“ exist, with genetic differences based on their origins. But what makes them a race?

For example, people of African origin (who actually present a wide variety of appearances)…are mostly defined by skin color which is controlled by genes that determine how much melanin you get.

There are indiginous people who live in the Andes and have a unique mutations that allow them to survive at high altitudes. Why aren’t they a “race”?

Likewise, it was a social construct that determined WHO was black and who wasn’t in order to maintain a uniquely American class system.

Where do mixed race people fall?

Are Australian aborigines a race?

Exactly how many “races” are there and what makes them a race?
The opening post simply asks what YOUR version of race is. Why can't you simply answer what your version is? I presented several examples of race that I've seen lefties propose on this site to choose from, and suggested you could present whatever YOUR version is if it is different than the examples I listed. My version is number one, what's yours? One of those, or something different? If you version is racist, I'll call you out on it. Is this so hard? There is no need to move the thread or troll me.
In Runescape there are no races.

In Tibia, there are warriors (use melee), paladins (use bows), mages (use dark magic) and priests (use healing spells).

I have not played Everquest.
Should I include your post in the "there is no race" category?
Whomever covers the specified distance, in the shorted time, by the methods and in accordance with the established rules for that competition, wins.
And that is exactly where that word race should be used- for running and competing.

I would like to know which idiot came up with the word “race” as a social construct to be used for people? A reader might not think that there is a strong mental connection, but a lot of people think of competition when they here the word race. Alas, too late for long-term definitional changes, but wait! Perhaps dictionary companies will soon alter more definitions. Not really sure if that’s a win or a loss for society and it would be term/meaning dependent.
The opening post simply asks what YOUR version of race is. Why can't you simply answer what your version is? I presented several examples of race that I've seen lefties propose on this site to choose from, and suggested you could present whatever YOUR version is if it is different than the examples I listed. My version is number one, what's yours? One of those, or something different? If you version is racist, I'll call you out on it. Is this so hard? There is no need to move the thread or troll me.
Told you so.

You aren’t interested in actual discussion, or answering any one else’s questions. Maybe it is too much effort for a troll.

Does it wipe away the achievements of the Chinese to not lump all in as Asians? How about India, also lumped as Asian I think.
It wipes away all recognition of a race when you cancel it, just like it would wipe away all recognition of nationality to cancel the chinese nationality. If you cancel the black race, then black history month goes away. If you cancel all races, there will be no way for those who are oppressed with racism to express what is happening to them.
Told you so.

You aren’t interested in actual discussion, or answering any one else’s questions. Maybe it is too much effort for a troll.
Where is your on-topic reply that demonstrates that you read and understood the opening post?
All people are different. A person's character does not depend on his/her race.

Chromatic dragons in Runescape have characteristics completely determined by their color. Metal dragons characteristic is determined by metal they are composed of. Adamant>Mithril>Steel>Iron>Bronze
There is little genetic difference between the so-called races, and those differences are mostly superficial. Trying to separate people into different categories based on the melanin content of their skin is racist.

Beside, race is now a social construct. Anyone can self-identify as any "race" they want to. Personally, I've had enough of this fuckin' world, so I self-identify as a Martian.
And previously it was a social construct of sorts, since society created a one-drop rule defining someone as black.
And previously it was a social construct of sorts, since society created a one-drop rule defining someone as black.
I do think that was just in Louisiana where they kept track of genealogies. I've never heard that one used, and I grew up in the South. The rule I know is, if they can't "pass," then they're black. Simple. I agree with that.
And that is exactly where that word race should be used- for running and competing.
Racism really does happen, and it has been happening for centuries. Those who are oppressed because of their race would not be able to describe how they are being oppressed without a word that describes how exactly they are being targeted. Humans have advanced as language has advanced. We can differentiate bull dogs from German shepherds, red pepper from white or black pepper, and we can differentiate American Indians from blacks, whites, and Asians.

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