Your Version Of Race

Stop yours, asswipe.

you start these threads to try to prove you're better than a black man.

By starting them, you prove you aren't.
Racist allegation. Derailing thread. Flaming, trolling. If you have something that you can substantiate, bring it. Otherwise, please stop trying to deny me of my racial identity and stop with your vile racism.
This thread is not about black crime. Please keep black crime out of this.
But you said I was a race denier so to prevent any discussion. (criticism).
I am not a race denier, and posted the last link to demonstrate that.

You, OTOH, have no idea what you're talking about.
To YOU race is 'black', 'white,' and 'cop.'
But you said I was a race denier so to prevent any discussion. (criticism).
I am not a race denier, and posted the last link to demonstrate that.

You, OTOH, have no idea what you're talking about.
To YOU race is 'black', 'white,' and 'cop.'
Which number is your perception of race? Do you have a number 6, or do you fall under 1 through 5?
Which number is your perception of race? Do you have a number 6, or do you fall under 1 through 5?
I do not fall under any of your IDIOT categories.
I have Both a scientific and working understanding of race.
You do NOT know what race is and cannot define it.


It's just shades of brown.

There is little genetic difference between the so-called races, and those differences are mostly superficial. Trying to separate people into different categories based on the melanin content of their skin is racist.

Beside, race is now a social construct. Anyone can self-identify as any "race" they want to. Personally, I've had enough of this fuckin' world, so I self-identify as a Martian.
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Racist allegation. Derailing thread. Flaming, trolling. If you have something that you can substantiate, bring it. Otherwise, please stop trying to deny me of my racial identity and stop with your vile racism.
Racist allegation.

Should I remove yours and mine?

Thread would be gone.
Derailing thread

no, debating
You just don't like the facts I provide

Flaming, trolling.


If you have something that you can substantiate

Otherwise, please stop trying to deny me of my racial identity and stop with your vile racism.

racial identity?

Somehow, I believe your 'racial identity' has a white hood and a robe in the closet.

I base that on your threads and posts.
There is little genetic difference between the so-called races, and those differences are mostly superficial. Trying to separate people into different categories based on the melanin content of their skin is racist.
There are races and significant differences among them.
Races are SETS of features, not just melanin.
So that in a room with ie, 300 Naked people: 100 Chinese, 100 Pygmies, and 100 Finns you would easily be able to tell them apart.
Even if the pygmy was an albino he would be easily distinguishable by the SET of features, including stature, facial features, hair texture, etc, etc.

Forensic anthropologists can tell races apart from skeletal remans alone and do so every day and in court. No melanin.

Somehow, I believe your 'racial identity' has a white hood and a robe in the closet.

I base that on your threads and posts.
Please substantiate what you believe about me, or stop your racist allegations about me and stop trying to marginalize my race. My race exists, it is one of many, it has lots of culture and history associated with it, and it is mine.
I do not fall under any of your IDIOT categories.
I have Both a scientific and working understanding of race.
You do NOT know what race is and cannot define it.

You have not been able to post a succinct summary of your perception of race that is worthy of being posted as number 6 in the list. Since you did not select item number one from that list, it is likely that you wish to obscure race for political or racist reasons.
are you seriously that dense?

I see you still have not substantiated your racist allegations and beliefs about me. You have not offered even the tiniest shred of evidence to substantiate them. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

The worst kind of racist is the guy who is so arrogant that he will marginalize other people's races, along with any cultural history or achievements associated with them in one post, then deny he is doing it in another. Disgusting.
Lets try again since the last post was removed.
1. The US Census recognizes 5 races: black, white, pacific islander, American Indian, and Asian.
*There is one species, homo sapiens sapiens. There are genetic subgroups derived from local adaption to environmental conditions. The range of traits is far more substantial between the members of the groups - between individuals - than between the different subgroups.

2. People of color, where there are two races. Whites, and then everybody else. The only people who can be discriminated against are whites.
The definition of "white" is remarkably malleable, and a US phenomenon that changes depending on the decade.

3. The "human race". This involves stripping us all of our racial identities, along with any cultural history and achievements associated with them, and assigning us to a single convenient race.
Thats an amazing asinine statement, as illogical as it is incorrect.

4. There is no race, race is not a thing. This means that black oppression never happened, since there is no black race.
Again your logic is flawed. There is one species. But there have been historical discrimination against ethnic subgroups throughout human history.
if you don't believe that whites, blacks, asians, hispanics are ALL part of the human race...
We are part of our own races, along with the unique cultural history and achievements of our races. Denying us our racial identities like this is pretty fucking arrogant and racist of you, but we value our racial heritage too much for this kind of racism to be effective against us. Black history month will remain, regardless of racist ideas like yours. Asian and Pacific Islander cultural events will continue, even when people try to package us all up into one convenient race like you do.
Lets try again since the last post was removed.
1. The US Census recognizes 5 races: black, white, pacific islander, American Indian, and Asian.
*There is one species, homo sapiens sapiens. There are genetic subgroups derived from local adaption to environmental conditions. The range of traits is far more substantial between the members of the groups - between individuals - than between the different subgroups.

2. People of color, where there are two races. Whites, and then everybody else. The only people who can be discriminated against are whites.
The definition of "white" is remarkably malleable, and a US phenomenon that changes depending on the decade.

3. The "human race". This involves stripping us all of our racial identities, along with any cultural history and achievements associated with them, and assigning us to a single convenient race.
Thats an amazing asinine statement, as illogical as it is incorrect.

4. There is no race, race is not a thing. This means that black oppression never happened, since there is no black race.
Again your logic is flawed. There is one species. But there have been historical discrimination against ethnic subgroups throughout human history.
Please specify your perception of what race is, instead of trying to rewrite the opening post. Once we establish what your perception is, we can debate the ones that I harvested from lefties and posted here.
Please specify your perception of what race is, instead of trying to rewrite the opening post. Once we establish what your perception is, we can debate the ones that I harvested from lefties and posted here.
No. That is my perception, aNd I discuss each of your points. Now answer me, why did you post the question?

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