" You're a prick ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
in a great way." -- Broadcast News {1987 }
If only todays Mainstream media had that sort of
priggish good will.Especially in their capacity in their
chosen profession.To report and/or explain the news.
No chance ... folks.In fact,just the opposite.
To a now sickening degree.Where Lies are like buzzing
wasps in protecting their hornet nests.
In fact,if todays reporting of news was any more slanted
and crooked { Lies are the new standard } I think a new
sort of genius like great writer { Mark Twain } or Samuel
Langhorne Clemens could pave a new territory of
writing. " There are times when one would like to hang the
whole human race,and finish the farce. "
" Indecency,vulgarity,obscenity -- these are strictly confined
to man ; he invented them.Among the higher animals there is
no trace of them.They hide nothing.They are not ashamed. "
For todays left ... being ashamed seems like a day in the park
where feeding the pigeons is not what Terry Malloy { Marlon Brando }
of the classic - On the Waterfront - { 1954 } had in mind.
He treated his pigeons on his apartment roof where his coop
was almost sacred.Because Terry knew { barely grade school educated }
that Pigeons are like people.They marry and stay married for life.
In todays current political environment ... Marriage is no longer
sacred.Like Babies are no longer sacred.Or most importantly ...
The Truth.Which had been turned on it's head.Unnecessary.
In point of fact ... dangerous.Like pleading for Babies or the
unborn to be given a chance.Fat chance of that ... Today.
" Faith means not wanting to know what is True "
-- Friedrich { Wilhelm } Nietzsche { 1844-1900 }
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in a great way." -- Broadcast News {1987 }
If only todays Mainstream media had that sort of
priggish good will.Especially in their capacity in their
chosen profession.To report and/or explain the news.
No chance ... folks.In fact,just the opposite.
To a now sickening degree.Where Lies are like buzzing
wasps in protecting their hornet nests.
In fact,if todays reporting of news was any more slanted
and crooked { Lies are the new standard } I think a new
sort of genius like great writer { Mark Twain } or Samuel
Langhorne Clemens could pave a new territory of
writing. " There are times when one would like to hang the
whole human race,and finish the farce. "
" Indecency,vulgarity,obscenity -- these are strictly confined
to man ; he invented them.Among the higher animals there is
no trace of them.They hide nothing.They are not ashamed. "
For todays left ... being ashamed seems like a day in the park
where feeding the pigeons is not what Terry Malloy { Marlon Brando }
of the classic - On the Waterfront - { 1954 } had in mind.
He treated his pigeons in his apartment roof where his coup
was almost sacred.Because Terry knew { barely grade school educated }
that Pigeons are like people.They marry and stay married for life.
In todays current political environment ... Marriage is no longer
sacred.Like Babies are no longer sacred.Or most importantly ...
The Truth.Which had been turned on it's head.Unnecessary.
In point of fact ... dangerous.Like pleading for Babies or the
unborn to be given a chance.Fat chance of that ... Today.
" Faith means not wanting to know what is True "
-- Friedrich { Wilhelm } Nietzsche { 1844-1900 }
Resumage ?
Nyet!! NEIN!! Noooooo!!
No what.? In order for " no " to have meaning one need
understand definatively what " NO " means and in what
capacity.Obvioulsy those like wanna bee Stalinists or
budding Marxist or the worse { Nazis } arrive at being driven
evil doers.Surely it cannot sow seeds and reap benefits on
purely intellectual grounds.Does it require physicality or
brute force.That is not what decent men and women
pray for or let alone live for.Unless insanity takes over
the mind and forces change { not for the better } but
to appease those pushing evil.
I doubt Mankind could ever hope to rid Evil.
But mankind can surely make an effort.
Ulysses { 1922 }
A Father,Stephen said battling against
hopelessness,is a necessary evil.
A man of genius makes no mistakes.His errors
are volitional and are the portals of discovery. "
James Joyce
in a great way." -- Broadcast News {1987 }
If only todays Mainstream media had that sort of
priggish good will.Especially in their capacity in their
chosen profession.To report and/or explain the news.
No chance ... folks.In fact,just the opposite.
To a now sickening degree.Where Lies are like buzzing
wasps in protecting their hornet nests.
In fact,if todays reporting of news was any more slanted
and crooked { Lies are the new standard } I think a new
sort of genius like great writer { Mark Twain } or Samuel
Langhorne Clemens could pave a new territory of
writing. " There are times when one would like to hang the
whole human race,and finish the farce. "
" Indecency,vulgarity,obscenity -- these are strictly confined
to man ; he invented them.Among the higher animals there is
no trace of them.They hide nothing.They are not ashamed. "
For todays left ... being ashamed seems like a day in the park
where feeding the pigeons is not what Terry Malloy { Marlon Brando }
of the classic - On the Waterfront - { 1954 } had in mind.
He treated his pigeons on his apartment roof where his coop
was almost sacred.Because Terry knew { barely grade school educated }
that Pigeons are like people.They marry and stay married for life.
In todays current political environment ... Marriage is no longer
sacred.Like Babies are no longer sacred.Or most importantly ...
The Truth.Which had been turned on it's head.Unnecessary.
In point of fact ... dangerous.Like pleading for Babies or the
unborn to be given a chance.Fat chance of that ... Today.
" Faith means not wanting to know what is True "
-- Friedrich { Wilhelm } Nietzsche { 1844-1900 }
You make the weirdest posts. Its like the ramblings of a mad man in an odd word format with no paragraphs, and no point can be found anywhere in it. Its just a mishmash of random words that sort of go together, but not really.
No what.? In order for " no " to have meaning one need
understand definatively what " NO " means and in what
capacity.Obvioulsy those like wanna bee Stalinists or
budding Marxist or the worse { Nazis } arrive at being driven
evil doers.Surely it cannot sow seeds and reap benefits on
purely intellectual grounds.Does it require physicality or
brute force.That is not what decent men and women
pray for or let alone live for.Unless insanity takes over
the mind and forces change { not for the better } but
to appease those pushing evil.
I doubt Mankind could ever hope to rid Evil.
But mankind can surely make an effort.
Ulysses { 1922 }
A Father,Stephen said battling against
hopelessness,is a necessary evil.
A man of genius makes no mistakes.His errors
are volitional and are the portals of discovery. "
James Joyce
To your question, resumage ? By which you evidently meant “resume?”

Like a poll.
To your question, resumage ? By which you evidently meant “resume?”

Like a poll.
Or Resumish { a way a foreigner } from the Old country
like say Yugoslavia might have talked while sitting on
a park bench trying to interpret Pravda.
Or Resumish { a way a foreigner } from the Old country
like say Yugoslavia might have talked while sitting on
a park bench trying to interpret Pravda.
Oh. Well that changes everything.

I guess now I need to reconsider my answer:

If you’re asking others wtf your own meandering OP was rambling on about, then my answer is: “No. I don’t know.”

But if you’re asking yourself wtf you were talking about, only you can answer that.

Oh. Well that changes everything.

I guess now I need to reconsider my answer:

If you’re asking others wtf your own meandering OP was rambling on about, then my answer is: “No. I don’t know.”

But if you’re asking yourself wtf you were talking about, only you can answer that.

I done tink the better answer coulda woulda been ...
" Yes.I don't know ". Since there's no cartoon to go along
with the meandering.

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