You're DuMb ... because


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
You never went to college.
Hmm ... This sort of mindset is somewhat newish.That kind of
contravention would never have sprouted and grown wings in
the 50's,nor the 60's. Imagine groups like The Beatles and
Rolling Stones being lambasted on account they chose
careers in Music.Or being part of a Group.
But it's alive and well today.Growing exponentially.
I guess that explains why Harvard { Harv-urd } was The first
University in the United States to abide a lockdown.
Real gutsy and Americana.yeah,right.Try weeniefied.
And yes the number of weenies today arguably outnumber
true americans from our past.The kind who nearly
adored those like Roy Rogers,and action characters like
Supeman.Loved Westerns and even cheap schlock like low budget
Movies { especially early Sci-fi. }.And of course War movies and
war heroes.Then on to stuff like Disney movies of the 60's
Like - Flubber - and - Son of Flubber - or - The Absent Minded Professor -.
Down homesy TV series like - Green Acres and Petticoat Junction.
Then of course Hee Haw.On to Mod/psychodelic - Laugh-In -.
Them days are long gone.Even stuff that Stephen King thought was
tops ... Like - The Outer Limits - and surely - Twilight Zone -.
I guess that's why Hilliary Clinton always managed to make
sure when discussing Politics she never missed an opportunity
to use the word ... Smart
Because she learn't Saul Alinsky real goot.Wrote her senior
Thesis at Wellesley on Alinksy { Rules for Radical }.
Then again Barack Obama when teaching a few courses
after Graduating Harvard in Chicago taught a course
on Saul Alinsky.
So we have us a pretty goot idea'r how Smart operates.
By purposedly and sneakily Dumbing Down Society.
All the wiles seeming so bright and intelligent.
Got how this sort of Contravention operates.
The first order of Humanity is to uphold the rules
governing being a good citizen.
" Humanity never stands still ; it advances or
retreats ".
-- Louise Auguste Blanqui { French radical }
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