"You're Embarrassing Yourself". Really?

I find that so much more revealing of the poster who accuses than it is of the one who should be embarrassed. What are your thoughts?

Yes I find your constant devolve towards ad hominems revealing , typical of those who lack the horespower to keep up

happy now Sue......?


And yet didn't you turn this entire thread toward me, instead of the content of my OP?

Oh sparky....
The OP is about you otherwise you would not have put so much thought into such a platitudinous topic.

I know you can't stop thinking about me Erin but try to get a new perspective
I have a fresh perspective every day that I am fortunate enough to wake up. Again the OP is about you. And please, stop trying to be so condescending. You're not very good at it.

The OP is about a response to me which I have read often, not just to me, but to MANY conservative posters. Erin, you have a hangup about me which you then try to project on me. Sorrynotsorry
Why do posters say this--and their variations-- on message boards?

BTW, I have noticed this is almost always said by liberals to conservatives. Isn't that an interesting piece of psychology? Most of us are anonymous here, and unless we're persisting in really flawed, objectively wrong thinking, publicly, using our real identity--what exactly is embarrassing?

Do these posters mean, "You disagree with me, and that should embarrass you"? Again, that's enlightening. Because it really reveals a penchant for conforming to groupthink. The underlying message here is: you're not thinking like the Approved Thinkers, and you should be embarrassed by that. You are an "object of derision" because you do not.

I find that so much more revealing of the poster who accuses than it is of the one who should be embarrassed. What are your thoughts?
You’re embarrassing yourself

Groupthink. But we knew that.

Did you know, when you became a liberal, you were subscribing to groupthink? I'm curious

i'm curious suzy, do you think that our military hasn't had a raise in 10 years & that trump will be giving them a 10% raise like he said yesterday whilst doing a PR rally in iraq?

I don't know and I'm not caught up on that news. But even so, if I disagreed, the first thing I would say is NOT "you're embarrassing yourself" or "you're a subject of derision". Because again, let's not fool ourselves. We are not actually onstage here. There is no Greek Chorus.

But--Leftists, I am convinced--really DO think they are performing for their betters.

i have not seen that phrase used 'right outa the gate'... not saying it doesn't happen that way from either 'side'... but when i have seen it - is when some dupe won't let go of an obvious lie then tries to 'back it up' with links to sites who have been proven to be extremist conspiracy peddling rag mags.

btw - it is a complete lie trump told the troops about them thar pay raises.... both in frequency they received one & amount they are 'gonna' get, courtesy of him. it will only be a matter of time b4 some dupe of his starts peddling that 'fact' as true.
Why do posters say this--and their variations-- on message boards?

BTW, I have noticed this is almost always said by liberals to conservatives. Isn't that an interesting piece of psychology? Most of us are anonymous here, and unless we're persisting in really flawed, objectively wrong thinking, publicly, using our real identity--what exactly is embarrassing?

Do these posters mean, "You disagree with me, and that should embarrass you"? Again, that's enlightening. Because it really reveals a penchant for conforming to groupthink. The underlying message here is: you're not thinking like the Approved Thinkers, and you should be embarrassed by that. You are an "object of derision" because you do not.

I find that so much more revealing of the poster who accuses than it is of the one who should be embarrassed. What are your thoughts?
You’re embarrassing yourself

Groupthink. But we knew that.

Did you know, when you became a liberal, you were subscribing to groupthink? I'm curious

Yesterday I posted 4 pages of topics from this board. The pages were from circa 1/1/2015 (about 4 years ago). It was before the orange blob told you to be afraid of immigration. I’ll post them below….

Please tell us where there are 30 threads worrying about the supposed trillion dollars we have lost to illegal immigrants.

The point? There is no better example in the US (if not the known universe) of groupthink than people who support the orange pervert named tRump.

Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at 11.34.46 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at 11.35.01 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at 11.35.20 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at 11.35.50 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at 11.36.08 AM.png
Why do posters say this--and their variations-- on message boards?

BTW, I have noticed this is almost always said by liberals to conservatives. Isn't that an interesting piece of psychology? Most of us are anonymous here, and unless we're persisting in really flawed, objectively wrong thinking, publicly, using our real identity--what exactly is embarrassing?

Do these posters mean, "You disagree with me, and that should embarrass you"? Again, that's enlightening. Because it really reveals a penchant for conforming to groupthink. The underlying message here is: you're not thinking like the Approved Thinkers, and you should be embarrassed by that. You are an "object of derision" because you do not.

I find that so much more revealing of the poster who accuses than it is of the one who should be embarrassed. What are your thoughts?
You’re embarrassing yourself

Groupthink. But we knew that.

Did you know, when you became a liberal, you were subscribing to groupthink? I'm curious

Yesterday I posted 4 pages of topics from this board. The pages were from circa 1/1/2015 (about 4 years ago). It was before the orange blob told you to be afraid of immigration. I’ll post them below….

Please tell us where there are 30 threads worrying about the supposed trillion dollars we have lost to illegal immigrants.

The point? There is no better example in the US (if not the known universe) of groupthink than people who support the orange pervert named tRump.

View attachment 237016 View attachment 237017 View attachment 237018 View attachment 237019 View attachment 237020

groupthink: "orange pervert". And illegal immigration has been an issue for a long time. But four years ago, it wasn't contentious because AT LEAST the Dems pretended to be against it too. Remember that? Vaguely?
Why do posters say this--and their variations-- on message boards?

BTW, I have noticed this is almost always said by liberals to conservatives. Isn't that an interesting piece of psychology? Most of us are anonymous here, and unless we're persisting in really flawed, objectively wrong thinking, publicly, using our real identity--what exactly is embarrassing?

Do these posters mean, "You disagree with me, and that should embarrass you"? Again, that's enlightening. Because it really reveals a penchant for conforming to groupthink. The underlying message here is: you're not thinking like the Approved Thinkers, and you should be embarrassed by that. You are an "object of derision" because you do not.

I find that so much more revealing of the poster who accuses than it is of the one who should be embarrassed. What are your thoughts?
You’re embarrassing yourself

Groupthink. But we knew that.

Did you know, when you became a liberal, you were subscribing to groupthink? I'm curious

Yesterday I posted 4 pages of topics from this board. The pages were from circa 1/1/2015 (about 4 years ago). It was before the orange blob told you to be afraid of immigration. I’ll post them below….

Please tell us where there are 30 threads worrying about the supposed trillion dollars we have lost to illegal immigrants.

The point? There is no better example in the US (if not the known universe) of groupthink than people who support the orange pervert named tRump.

View attachment 237016 View attachment 237017 View attachment 237018 View attachment 237019 View attachment 237020

groupthink: "orange pervert". And illegal immigration has been an issue for a long time. But four years ago, it wasn't contentious because AT LEAST the Dems pretended to be against it too. Remember that? Vaguely?

Well he is orange and he is a pervert. It’s not “group think”, it’s the truth.

Issues are brought up on message boards like this one. I showed you 4 pages (I could have posted dozens more—feel free to look yourself) where it was not brought up hardly at all 4 years ago. I didn’t curate the pages…I just took screen shots. There may be a topic or two that was brought up, there may not be. But it wasn’t remotely on anyone’s radar as a crisis. You’d figure that if the current hysteria of it costing us trillions of dollars was truthful (it isn’t), you guys would have been all over it as Obama was President and you guys criticized him for breathing. It was a non-issue until you were told to be afraid and like a good little pet, you did what your master told you. You’ve been humping his leg ever since.
Why do posters say this--and their variations-- on message boards?

BTW, I have noticed this is almost always said by liberals to conservatives. Isn't that an interesting piece of psychology? Most of us are anonymous here, and unless we're persisting in really flawed, objectively wrong thinking, publicly, using our real identity--what exactly is embarrassing?

Do these posters mean, "You disagree with me, and that should embarrass you"? Again, that's enlightening. Because it really reveals a penchant for conforming to groupthink. The underlying message here is: you're not thinking like the Approved Thinkers, and you should be embarrassed by that. You are an "object of derision" because you do not.

I find that so much more revealing of the poster who accuses than it is of the one who should be embarrassed. What are your thoughts?
You’re embarrassing yourself

Groupthink. But we knew that.

Did you know, when you became a liberal, you were subscribing to groupthink? I'm curious

Yesterday I posted 4 pages of topics from this board. The pages were from circa 1/1/2015 (about 4 years ago). It was before the orange blob told you to be afraid of immigration. I’ll post them below….

Please tell us where there are 30 threads worrying about the supposed trillion dollars we have lost to illegal immigrants.

The point? There is no better example in the US (if not the known universe) of groupthink than people who support the orange pervert named tRump.

View attachment 237016 View attachment 237017 View attachment 237018 View attachment 237019 View attachment 237020

groupthink: "orange pervert". And illegal immigration has been an issue for a long time. But four years ago, it wasn't contentious because AT LEAST the Dems pretended to be against it too. Remember that? Vaguely?

ummmm... in 2015, (R) house leader paul ryan shelved a comprehensive immigration reform bill & refused to bring it to the floor for a vote 'while obama was still in office'. & get this... it's because obama can't be trusted!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wasn't it donny who - just b4 christmas - was ready to sign on the dotted line regarding border security, that is until oxyboy & man coulter told him not to?

yaaaaaaaaa............ that happened.

remember that? vaguely?
oh my...why no response from you on the other thread SweetSue92 ?

shouldn't you go over there & support your fellow trumpanzees? or would you just be embarrassing yourself?

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