You're ridiculous if you think we gave into Kim and got nothing out of it.

Trump was on Fox yesterday saying we are going to remove all US troops from South Korea!!!

Please show us the link to that specific quote. He said he would LIKE TO be able to remove our troops. Try again.
Trump Orders Pentagon to Consider Reducing U.S. Forces in South Korea

"President Trump has ordered the Pentagon to prepare options for drawing down American troops in South Korea, just weeks before he holds a landmark meeting with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, according to several people briefed on the deliberations...

Mr. Trump has been determined to withdraw troops from South Korea, arguing that the United States is not adequately compensated for the cost of maintaining them, that the troops are mainly protecting Japan and that decades of American military presence had not prevented the North from becoming a nuclear threat."

“I would love to get the military out as soon as we can because it costs a lot of money and a lot of money for us,” Trump told Baier aboard Air Force One on Tuesday. “I would like to get them home.”
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More that past administrations placed the deal was on the table , Kim signed it in '07 but never made good on his end, and now Trump will pull out our troops on faith that he magically will


Why lie about what has or has not been said?

Please post the reliable source, link, and the exact quote where President Donald Trump will pull out all of our troops.

If you refuse, doesn't that make you a liar?
Why lie about what has or has not been said?

Please post the reliable source, link, and the exact quote where President Donald Trump will pull out all of our troops.

If you refuse, doesn't that make you a liar?

I've posted direct quotes , from a confirmed liar-n-chief
DOJ Report Confirms That the President Is a Dishonest Conspiracy Theorist

I've also posted multiple sources concerning Trump's DRNK debacle

It's come down to 'meet my trade criterior, or forget our protection' for South Korea

That's appears to be the 'deal'

Why lie about what has or has not been said?

Please post the reliable source, link, and the exact quote where President Donald Trump will pull out all of our troops.

If you refuse, doesn't that make you a liar?

I've posted direct quotes , from a confirmed liar-n-chief
DOJ Report Confirms That the President Is a Dishonest Conspiracy Theorist

I've also posted multiple sources concerning Trump's DRNK debacle

It's come down to 'meet my trade criterior, or forget our protection' for South Korea

That's appears to be the 'deal'


As expected, NOTHING. This is a diversion and totally expected from a Progressive. You failed.
They've kept Mr Insanity in check

How has North Korea been kept in check? They have nuclear weapons and rockets capable of reaching mainland USA. You have a weird sense of being kept in check.

None of this is surprising coming from my far left Progressive good friends. You would say he had been contained if he ONLY dropped a nuclear warhead on San Francisco and not on both San Francisco and Los Angeles.
First of all nothing concrete has happened on our side either. All of this was just talked about a couple of days ago. Let me ask you something. How hard do you think it would be to reinstate sanctions and continue shows of force on the Korean Peninsula in the event that Kim Jong Un is bullshitting us? Easy, very easy in fact; that's the answer. It's not like we gave him a mountain of money we can't get back. The real truth is in the last couple weeks North Korea has shown more willingness to cooperate than at any other point in modern history. If you're a leftie that dislikes war you should be happy about that. Hell, the left was worried he was going to go to war with North Korea at first. Now they are mad about unprecedented peace talks. You people are pathetic. I grew up believing the left wing is populated by honest intellectuals. Adulthood and the real world have a way of shattering ridiculous childhood perceptions.
“But despite the pomp and circumstance, experts say that Trump’s agreement with Kim is more of a symbolic achievement than a substantive one. They’re also concerned that Trump has conceded far too much to Pyongyang without receiving enough — if anything — in return.

The agreement’s language is apparently more vague and less demanding of North Korea’s denuclearization program than previous agreements the US has had with the country. Some see Trump’s decision to halt joint US-South Korean military exercises as a huge and unreciprocated giveaway to Kim.”

So much for the thread premise.
but trump tweeted that the nk nuclear threat was over

surely, he can't be lying wrong?


he also claimed that *thousands* of parents of korean mia begged him to get the remains of their loved ones back.

korean war ended in 1953

do the math lol

he's incapable of telling the truth and you trumplings just gobble it up

Gee, and here I thought the thread premis about keeping America safe from azzhole dictators with nukes?

Now it's probably tariffs on KIA's , lower our gaurd, tell me Mr Insanity what he wants to hear, while he's free to plan whatever he wishes

some 'deal'

‘…it’s still bewildering how much Trump gave and how little he got. The cancellation of military exercises will raise questions among our allies, such as Japan, about America’s commitment to those allies.

The Trump-Kim statement spoke vaguely about efforts “to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean peninsula,” whatever that means. But that was much less specific than the 1994 pledge to exchange diplomatic liaison offices, and the 2005 pledge to work for a peace treaty to end the Korean War.’

It’s not really ‘bewildering’ – the Singapore ‘summit’ failure is yet another example of Trump’s ignorance, incompetence, inexperience, and arrogance.
but imbecility would be an enormous upgrade if you think we got anything substantive out of nk.

del please reconsider your insensitive remark to the 7700 hundred families that may have an opportunity to fulfill their obligation to their Military family members... This is not about your squabble with Confounding , it is about the families...
Trump was on Fox yesterday saying we are going to remove all US troops from South Korea!!!

Please show us the link to that specific quote. He said he would LIKE TO be able to remove our troops. Try again.
Trump Orders Pentagon to Consider Reducing U.S. Forces in South Korea

"President Trump has ordered the Pentagon to prepare options for drawing down American troops in South Korea, just weeks before he holds a landmark meeting with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, according to several people briefed on the deliberations...

Mr. Trump has been determined to withdraw troops from South Korea, arguing that the United States is not adequately compensated for the cost of maintaining them, that the troops are mainly protecting Japan and that decades of American military presence had not prevented the North from becoming a nuclear threat."

“I would love to get the military out as soon as we can because it costs a lot of money and a lot of money for us,” Trump told Baier aboard Air Force One on Tuesday. “I would like to get them home.”
Trump is trying to give all of Asia to China!
but imbecility would be an enormous upgrade if you think we got anything substantive out of nk.

del please reconsider your insensitive remark to the 7700 hundred families that may have an opportunity to fulfill their obligation to their Military family members... This is not about your squabble with Confounding , it is about the families...

take it up with trump, my friend

he's the one that lies and uses them
First of all nothing concrete has happened on our side either. All of this was just talked about a couple of days ago. Let me ask you something. How hard do you think it would be to reinstate sanctions and continue shows of force on the Korean Peninsula in the event that Kim Jong Un is bullshitting us? Easy, very easy in fact; that's the answer. It's not like we gave him a mountain of money we can't get back. The real truth is in the last couple weeks North Korea has shown more willingness to cooperate than at any other point in modern history. If you're a leftie that dislikes war you should be happy about that. Hell, the left was worried he was going to go to war with North Korea at first. Now they are mad about unprecedented peace talks. You people are pathetic. I grew up believing the left wing is populated by honest intellectuals. Adulthood and the real world have a way of shattering ridiculous childhood perceptions.

North Korea has cooperated very well in the past too. You just have to go actually look at what happened in the past.
Esquire Magazine? Really? This is where you are getting your hard hitting news? I added a Stars & Stripes article to my post... Please read... What is the benefit for them to lie? Esquire is a Liberal/Progressive rag... Just saying...

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