You're ridiculous if you think we gave into Kim and got nothing out of it.

Trump was on Fox yesterday saying we are going to remove all US troops from South Korea!!!

And he's convinced folks that letting our long standing gaurd down against Mr Insanity is actually going to end up all rainbows and unicorns.....

Our country's biggest enemy is the idiot who name calls & threatens 'fire & fury' against a mentally unstable dictator, then turns around & provides obsequious propaganda for that same dictator.


We will save a lot.

There will be peace.

There wont be nukes.

:rofl:Just pull out & let Nuclear North Korea & China take over all of Asia! :cuckoo:
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"WE" didn't give into Kim.

Why does the right want Iran to get nukes and want Kim to keep his nukes?

Why is the right for Communism and dictators but against democracies?

Why does the right want the US to be weaker?

And of course, the reason trump gave in to Kim is very obvious - Russia and China. His two best friends.
Iran got nukes from obammy. I posted what he did in other threads. Obammy violated his own sanctions with iran and gave them billions of dollars to build a nuke. how much did trump give to Kim?
The dump has won nothing!

Translation, :206: Trump scored another huge win! :aargh: Mueller goddamn it when are you going to take Trump out :aargh::206:
dude, I heard a demoloser on tv the other day crying how NK talks takes away from the russia investigation. that demoloser congresswoman thinks america can't do two things at once. it is fking amazing how pathetic they think americans really are.
Trump was on Fox yesterday saying we are going to remove all US troops from South Korea!!!

And he's convinced folks that letting our long standing gaurd down against Mr Insanity is actually going to end up all rainbows and unicorns.....

Our country's biggest enemy is the idiot who name calls & threatens 'fire & fury' against a mentally unstable dictator, then turns around & provides obsequious propaganda for that same dictator.


We will save a lot.

There will be peace.

There wont be nukes.

:rofl:Just pull out & let Nuclear North Korea & China take over all of Asia! :cuckoo:[/QUOTE

Yeah because a few ships are going to stop China with few billion people.

North Korea take over Asia?

Your delusions will never stop.Trump derangement at its finest.
"WE" didn't give into Kim.

Why does the right want Iran to get nukes and want Kim to keep his nukes?

Why is the right for Communism and dictators but against democracies?

Why does the right want the US to be weaker?

And of course, the reason trump gave in to Kim is very obvious - Russia and China. His two best friends.
Iran got nukes from obammy. I posted what he did in other threads. Obammy violated his own sanctions with iran and gave them billions of dollars to build a nuke. how much did trump give to Kim?
Obama did not pay Iran! He unfroze their accounts lifting sanctions. That kept Iran from getting Nukes. Trump ripped up the deal so now Iran is getting Nukes.
Trump was on Fox yesterday saying we are going to remove all US troops from South Korea!!!

And he's convinced folks that letting our long standing gaurd down against Mr Insanity is actually going to end up all rainbows and unicorns.....

Our country's biggest enemy is the idiot who name calls & threatens 'fire & fury' against a mentally unstable dictator, then turns around & provides obsequious propaganda for that same dictator.


We will save a lot.

There will be peace.

There wont be nukes.

:rofl:Just pull out & let Nuclear North Korea & China take over all of Asia! :cuckoo:

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis last week ruled out the idea of pulling out of South Korea anytime soon, saying on June 3: “We're not going anywhere. It's not even a subject of the discussions.”

But Mad dog Mattis' boss is negotiating just that.....

Dicators like Kim only know one thing, the big stick

any 'carrot is inconseqential political propaganda

Odd the rabid right would even consider Trumps 'peacenick deal'

And who exactly are ‘the left’ – who is the official ‘spokesman’ for ‘the left’ who confirmed this is what ‘the left’ believes.

What has been correctly stated is that the ‘summit’ was all show and no substance.

No specifics were given, no timetables, no details, and means of verification that NK would do anything with regard to ‘denuclearization,’ human rights, or becoming a more open society – and Trump’s statement that joint military operations with South Korea would end was reckless and irresponsible.

The ‘summit’ was a failure as it elevated a brutal, anti-democratic dictator to the level of a US president, and did nothing to address a ‘crisis’ Trump himself created.

The summit accomplished all that was intended, a get to know each other meeting and more. I know how desperately you on the left want this country to fail but this was a success, a great success.

A series of past administrations created this problem, they kicked the can down the road and the can has now reached the end of the road. We are blessed to have a President willing and able to step up to the plate and do what is right for America.
And who exactly are ‘the left’ – who is the official ‘spokesman’ for ‘the left’ who confirmed this is what ‘the left’ believes.

What has been correctly stated is that the ‘summit’ was all show and no substance.

No specifics were given, no timetables, no details, and means of verification that NK would do anything with regard to ‘denuclearization,’ human rights, or becoming a more open society – and Trump’s statement that joint military operations with South Korea would end was reckless and irresponsible.

The ‘summit’ was a failure as it elevated a brutal, anti-democratic dictator to the level of a US president, and did nothing to address a ‘crisis’ Trump himself created.

The summit accomplished all that was intended, a get to know each other meeting and more. I know how desperately you on the left want this country to fail but this was a success, a great success.

A series of past administrations created this problem, they kicked the can down the road and the can has now reached the end of the road. We are blessed to have a President willing and able to step up to the plate and do what is right for America.

More that past administrations placed the deal was on the table , Kim signed it in '07 but never made good on his end, and now Trump will pull out our troops on faith that he magically will

Where was no ‘agreement,’ no ‘deal’ – it was political theatre only, Trump’s desperate, pathetic attempt at some sort of ‘win.’

As you know, the intent of the meeting was accomplished and much more. Setting your hair on fire does not change the intent and goals of this meeting.

More that past administrations placed the deal was on the table , Kim signed it in '07 but never made good on his end, and now Trump will pull out our troops on faith that he magically will

That is a lie! President Donald Trump never said that he was going to pull out troops out of South Korea. At least make some effort to stick with the truth.
Well let's be honest. Trump just legitimized one of the worst dictatorships in the world.

How has what the past three or four administrations done, worked out? You want to do the same thing. What is the definition of insanity?
Trump was on Fox yesterday saying we are going to remove all US troops from South Korea!!!

Please show us the link to that specific quote. He said he would LIKE TO be able to remove our troops. Try again.
And it's coming down to a $$$>>>

Trump seems to hint he could pull US troops out of South Korea if he doesn't get his way on trade

"We lose money on trade, and we lose money on the military. We have right now 32,000 soldiers between North and South Korea. Let's see what happens," Trump said.

South Korea, a U.S. ally, is among the economies that came under attack by Trump for the state of their trade balances with the U.S. The president last year threatened to scrap the bilateral trade pact between the two countries, which is known as Korus.
The dump has won nothing!

Translation, :206: Trump scored another huge win! :aargh: Mueller goddamn it when are you going to take Trump out :aargh::206:
dude, I heard a demoloser on tv the other day crying how NK talks takes away from the russia investigation. that demoloser congresswoman thinks america can't do two things at once. it is fking amazing how pathetic they think americans really are.

That show's her liberal compassion for the starving suffering people in NK, the Russia nonsense is more important to her.

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