You're supposed to boast about your party's achievements and what they've done for America!

Talk is cheap......

Specially when Democrats do it.

Trillions in debt ain't cheap ... But whatever ... :dunno:

The Foundation of the Great Debt:

Trillions from the Deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts
Two unpaid for wars
The Great Recession
Spending another Trillion in Iraq.

How Republicans explained all this new debt? It's the fault of the Democrats.
Talk is cheap......

Specially when Democrats do it.

Trillions in debt ain't cheap ... But whatever ... :dunno:

The Foundation of the Great Debt:

Trillions from the Deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts
Two unpaid for wars
The Great Recession
Spending another Trillion in Iraq.

How Republicans explained all this new debt? It's the fault of the Democrats.
And Obama doubled it in 8 years.
Yet you claim it's Bush's fault.
What do you think Obamacare was?
It was the largest tax increase in U.S. history.

The reason the debt went to nearly $20 trillion from $9 trillion under Bush is Obama spent more money than all the presidents before him combined.
I see no one answered your question,
wonder why,
just moved the goal post, back to Hillary/Obama.
will help you
Nixon did some good things then the corruption took him over.
The Foundation of the Great Debt:

Trillions from the Deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts
Two unpaid for wars
The Great Recession
Spending another Trillion in Iraq.

How Republicans explained all this new debt? It's the fault of the Democrats.

Absent the desire to be a partisan hack (like you) ... I think it is fair to say that Congress overspends and puts us in debt.
If you think the fact the GOP wastes money excuses the fact the Democrats write hot checks ... Go pound sand you ignorant twat ... :thup:

For the Democrats, it's easy:

Equal pay for Equal work
Credit care overhaul
Killing Bin Laden
Getting millions of American's healthcare
Consumer protections
Environmental Protections
School lunches

Republicans can boast to. Anyone care to help me out?
Men in girls locker rooms.
For the Democrats, it's easy:

Equal pay for Equal work
Credit care overhaul
Killing Bin Laden
Getting millions of American's healthcare
Consumer protections
Environmental Protections
School lunches

Republicans can boast to. Anyone care to help me out?
The only thing Democrats are any good at is boasting and complaining.
Looked like boasting to me. Don't you have anything to boast about?
Yeah Trumps economy is getting better by the day. Also Trump has made liberals lose their minds. And oh yeah, Trump is making Obama's legacy just a bad memory!
For the Democrats, it's easy:

Equal pay for Equal work
Credit care overhaul
Killing Bin Laden
Getting millions of American's healthcare
Consumer protections
Environmental Protections
School lunches

Republicans can boast to. Anyone care to help me out?
The only thing Democrats are any good at is boasting and complaining.
Looked like boasting to me. Don't you have anything to boast about?
Yeah Trumps economy is getting better by the day. Also Trump has made liberals lose their minds. And oh yeah, Trump is making Obama's legacy just a bad memory!

It is still the obama ecomomy. Republicans haven't passed any changes.
Last edited:
For the Democrats, it's easy:

Equal pay for Equal work
Credit care overhaul
Killing Bin Laden
Getting millions of American's healthcare
Consumer protections
Environmental Protections
School lunches

Republicans can boast to. Anyone care to help me out?
The only thing Democrats are any good at is boasting and complaining.
Looked like boasting to me. Don't you have anything to boast about?
Yeah Trumps economy is getting better by the day. Also Trump has made liberals lose their minds. And oh yeah, Trump is making Obama's legacy just a bad memory!

It isn't still the obama ecomomy. Republicans haven't passed any changes.
That's a simplistic argument to a complex problem.
Most of the damage Obama did wasn't through congress but by going around congress by using his phone and his pen.
In one year alone Obama instituted a 8 foot tall stack of new regulations that effected the economy in a predictable way.
It's intended purpose was to increase the costs of everything we do in this country.
Why would any president in his right mind want to do such a thing?
You're supposed to boast about your party's achievements and what they've done for America!

RDerp the reliable party dupe
For the Democrats, it's easy:

Equal pay for Equal work
Credit care overhaul
Killing Bin Laden
Getting millions of American's healthcare
Consumer protections
Environmental Protections
School lunches

Republicans can boast to. Anyone care to help me out?

Republicans have slashed taxes on billionaires three times

What else do you need to know?

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