YouTube Dislike Viewer

Now let's do President Trump from his videos on Youtube, just to show how we dumbshit Americans are being played for fools...







I guess I use the thumb up likes differently than any of the political nutballs. I give thumbs up likes to music vid that I like, so it adds it to liked videos. It would never occur to me in a million years to add a political video to liked videos. I have used the thumb down dislike to get on out of liked, when YouTube as severed connection with the poster that had that version up, or a copyright infringement had been files for legal purposes, so video no longer played.
Does this mean, you guy put likes on Trump videos other political videos, so you can relive hearing the master's voice in moments when you need a boost? That is just f#cking sad.:eek:
I guess I use the thumb up likes differently than any of the political nutballs. I give thumbs up likes to music vid that I like, so it adds it to liked videos. It would never occur to me in a million years to add a political video to liked videos. I have used the thumb down dislike to get on out of liked, when YouTube as severed connection with the poster that had that version up, or a copyright infringement had been files for legal purposes, so video no longer played.
Does this mean, you guy put likes on Trump videos other political videos, so you can relive hearing the master's voice in moments when you need a boost? That is just f#cking sad.:eek:

You're missing the point entirely. This is Youtube: The most liberal video hosting website on the internet. It's not Rumble, which is a more conservative site. And in spite of that, Biden's videos are getting hammered with "dislikes", while Trump's have an overwhelming number of "likes."

One can't help but ask themselves why Biden's videos have such an unpopularity. Is it some kind of "vast right-wing conspiracy" where hordes of right-wing Trump-supporters are mobilized through social media, to converge on Youtube and mark every Biden video with a thumbs down? That's very doubtful. We don't have that kind of organizational skills like the left does.

The only other conclusion is that Biden just isn't as popular as the media would like you to believe. That Youtube viewers represent an accurate cross section of the American public, and those video ratings are the most precise, bias-free poll in the country. And that Youtube is attempting to skew the poll buy protecting Biden by hiding his number of dislikes from the public. You know for a fact that this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Facebook has always been engaged in censorship to steer the narrative toward displaying Democrats in a positive light, as well as Twitter before the takeover by Musk.

As a Democrat, you might want to be less concerned about how many people like Trump, and more concerned about why people dislike Biden, and why it's being hidden from you in order to make you believe otherwise.
You're missing the point entirely. This is Youtube: The most liberal video hosting website on the internet. It's not Rumble, which is a more conservative site. And in spite of that, Biden's videos are getting hammered with "dislikes", while Trump's have an overwhelming number of "likes."

One can't help but ask themselves why Biden's videos have such an unpopularity. Is it some kind of "vast right-wing conspiracy" where hordes of right-wing Trump-supporters are mobilized through social media, to converge on Youtube and mark every Biden video with a thumbs down? That's very doubtful. We don't have that kind of organizational skills like the left does.

The only other conclusion is that Biden just isn't as popular as the media would like you to believe. That Youtube viewers represent an accurate cross section of the American public, and those video ratings are the most precise, bias-free poll in the country. And that Youtube is attempting to skew the poll buy protecting Biden by hiding his number of dislikes from the public. You know for a fact that this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Facebook has always been engaged in censorship to steer the narrative toward displaying Democrats in a positive light, as well as Twitter before the takeover by Musk.

As a Democrat, you might want to be less concerned about how many people like Trump, and more concerned about why people dislike Biden, and why it's being hidden from you in order to make you believe otherwise.
Not a Democrat and don't have to give a sh#t. I may be on a political message board here daily, but for YouTube, it has not significance. I go on youtube, catch up on Steve Lehto, lots of weapons vids like Brandon Herrera's Darwin awards, Joe Scott science stuff, Dashcam Lunatic vids, Chris Titus Tech stuff, these being thing I am subscribed to. I check news networks subscribed, rarely finding anything I am not aware of. I used to check the latest on late night comic tv hosts before the writer's strike. But I have never used YouTube to watch Trump or Biden videos, and certainly have none favorites, and not subscribed to anything that would show them. Of course I watch a lot of music vids, mostly rock, jazz and bluegrass. The last things I gave a thumbs up to, (adding to my liked videos was Stephen Stills' Treetop Flier and Grand Funk Railroad's Creepin. There is absolutely nothing in like video library but music. You have to be some kind of pathetic fk, to like political adds, and disliking one is a total waste of time. I was literally trained, years ago to recognize and avoid propaganda. You will not find me watching propaganda vids from either side, especially not with a logon of EatShitNSA.
Not a Democrat and don't have to give a sh#t. I may be on a political message board here daily, but for YouTube, it has not significance. I go on youtube, catch up on Steve Lehto, lots of weapons vids like Brandon Herrera's Darwin awards, Joe Scott science stuff, Dashcam Lunatic vids, Chris Titus Tech stuff, these being thing I am subscribed to. I check news networks subscribed, rarely finding anything I am not aware of. I used to check the latest on late night comic tv hosts before the writer's strike. But I have never used YouTube to watch Trump or Biden videos, and certainly have none favorites, and not subscribed to anything that would show them. Of course I watch a lot of music vids, mostly rock, jazz and bluegrass. The last things I gave a thumbs up to, (adding to my liked videos was Stephen Stills' Treetop Flier and Grand Funk Railroad's Creepin. There is absolutely nothing in like video library but music. You have to be some kind of pathetic fk, to like political adds, and disliking one is a total waste of time. I was literally trained, years ago to recognize and avoid propaganda. You will not find me watching propaganda vids from either side, especially not with a logon of EatShitNSA.
I always love it when people dismiss the world around them because they dont partake in whats being discussed,,,

just sayin,,
I always love it when people dismiss the world around them because they dont partake in whats being discussed,,,

just sayin,,
90% of the country dismisses those things, as not obsessed.
You mean "normal people" vs "obsessed political ideologues"? Yep. I'll run with the normal folk.
dude you just went full retard,,, never go full retard,,

normal is relative to the people around you and everyone can be obsessed with things just like nutjobs can be dismissive of things,,

but you are commenting on a thread about a topic you admit you dont care about,,

sounds like youre obsessed with telling the world you dont care,,
These things you want to dismiss (nobody likes Biden) is why no one believes that election was honest. One of MANY reasons
Don't be a dufus. Things like those YouTube vids only attract a certain minority crowd. Everybody knows it but you. It is why legitimate pollsters do not conduct scientific polls based on YouTube likes and dislikes.
Of course the election was honest. Donny was just jerking you off, for personal benefit. That is why all your court cases were lost. Don't tell me, you were one of those overthrow the election and government yokels, but just couldn't get off work to go. You're lucky you missed it. Last I heard, Michigan had more arrested and convicted than any other state.
90% of the country dismisses those things, as not obsessed.

You actually think it's a full 90% of the American population who aren't politically-aware?

Then it's my job to make them so. I'd better get started, I have a lot of work ahead of me.

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