YUGE TRUMP WINNING: DOW Up 22%, 4,000 Points Since Election...

I let professional economists "quantify this nonsense" which is vastly superior to your EMOTIONAL partisan arguments.

GM was restructured with the help of government bail and is turning profit.

The only reason GM needed restructuring is because of ridiculous liberal policies implemented because of liberal union demands.
They deserved to go bankrupt. They did not deserve my tax dollars and as a result of this bailout I will NEVER buy another GM vehicle. That is my way of giving them and your ilk the finger. Historically I buy a new truck every 3 to 4 years. That is a lot of money lost that their competition now receives.

You are straw grasping.
Bullshit, I am expressing my EXTREME distaste for the way our government colluded with a for profit private business at my expense as well as yours.
It might not bother you that our government tries to keep its boot on your back but it pisses me off.
If this was supposed to help working Americans then why did the government force GM to DESTROY used vehicles that could have been used or sold to help less fortunate Americans? I'll tell you why. Because fewer used cars on the market ensures new car sales that line the pockets of the fat cats.


You are straw grasping and cherry picking.

There was growth under Obama and he certainly can point to a number of policies that were implemented and significantly helped to grow and stabilize our economy out of Great Recession.

When you credit Trump (who barely did anything at all) for similar growth you bash Obama for you just showing yourself to be a dishonest hack.
I have not credited Trump. I credited to sudden burst to the exit of the left from the controls of power. Having said that it is just the stock market at this point. I want to see this tremendous growth expanded to main street. THEN I will credit Trump

That ain't gunna happen
Obama was blamed for a A SHITTY SLOW RECOVERY and rightfully so with his anti business rhetoric & bullshit regulations. The stock market climbed despite his bullshit but sadly the money did not trickle down to main street because investing in business with an anti business administration was not going to happen.
The fact that the stock market explosion this time around coincided with Hillary's defeat & Obama's exit says all that needs to be said.

The real blame goes to Congress.
Of course, anyone but the man who signed new regulations into effect. Anyone but the man that told business owners "you didn't build that". Anyone but the man who promised to bankrupt part of our energy industry. Anyone but the man who bailed out the banks and GM.

Anyone but, the man....

Anyone but the man who's expansionary policies (stimulus, bailouts of finance and auto industry, quantitative easing etc.) saved millions of jobs?

Save millions of jobs....lol

How the fuck do you quantify this nonsense?
The Auto industry ultimately went bankrupt which is what the bailout was supposed to prevent. Funny other auto makers survived WITHOUT taxpayer dollars. Billions of dollars wasted on political allies.

How many times did Trump use bankruptcy, and justify it as a good business practice? I recommend you begin to post on the Cartoon Network Message Board, you might make sense there.
Did Trump get a 49.5 billion dollar bail out by taxpayers just before going bankrupt ya buffoon?
The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!

Except Obama was in charge for 3 months of that. And Trump has done little if anything to effect the economics behind the rise in the stock market. Remember, Obama took the market from 8,000 to 19,000.
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!

Let's consider this thread with some history of hypocrisy. Obama was blamed for the high unemployment in 2009, and Trump is credited with fixing the economy in 2017 in minds of hacks and fools.

I suppose this comment will be too abstract for the author of the OP, but concrete thinking is a malady of faux conservatism.
Obama was blamed for a A SHITTY SLOW RECOVERY and rightfully so

How the fuck is 250% DOW growth "A SHITTY SLOW RECOVERY" and 20% DOW growth is great?

There is not a single economic indicator that shows any growth this year that we did not already have since 2013.

You want to say both are "shitty slow recovery" - ok do it, at least it would be CONSISTENT. But the double standard pushed by these "OMG look at this amazing Trump economy" posts by people that wouldn't give Obama the time of day is straight bullshit.
GDP under obama was shit. But thanks for pointing out that the rich flourished under obama at the expense of everyone else.

How well did the poor and middle class do under G.W. Bush?
Somehow that GIANT 250%+ growth and stabilization under Obama was "horrible economy, sugar highs!!!!" And yet under Trump 20% DOW growth is great success!

All of the economic factors you can attribute to the markets success were put there by Obama. Trump is merely riding the Obama merry-go-round. Why else would they point out the stock market climb since "election day" rather than when Trump took office.
The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!

Except Obama was in charge for 3 months of that. And Trump has done little if anything to effect the economics behind the rise in the stock market. Remember, Obama took the market from 8,000 to 19,000.
While true is is disingenuous to leave out the fact that before the crash the market was at 14,164.43

So essentially Obam a got it back where it was then grew it by 5k
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!

Let's consider this thread with some history of hypocrisy. Obama was blamed for the high unemployment in 2009, and Trump is credited with fixing the economy in 2017 in minds of hacks and fools.

I suppose this comment will be too abstract for the author of the OP, but concrete thinking is a malady of faux conservatism.
Obama was blamed for a A SHITTY SLOW RECOVERY and rightfully so

How the fuck is 250% DOW growth "A SHITTY SLOW RECOVERY" and 20% DOW growth is great?

There is not a single economic indicator that shows any growth this year that we did not already have since 2013.

You want to say both are "shitty slow recovery" - ok do it, at least it would be CONSISTENT. But the double standard pushed by these "OMG look at this amazing Trump economy" posts by people that wouldn't give Obama the time of day is straight bullshit.
GDP under obama was shit. But thanks for pointing out that the rich flourished under obama at the expense of everyone else.

How well did the poor and middle class do under G.W. Bush?
Pretty fucking good until the crash. Next dumb fucking question?
The real blame goes to Congress.
Of course, anyone but the man who signed new regulations into effect. Anyone but the man that told business owners "you didn't build that". Anyone but the man who promised to bankrupt part of our energy industry. Anyone but the man who bailed out the banks and GM.

Anyone but, the man....

Anyone but the man who's expansionary policies (stimulus, bailouts of finance and auto industry, quantitative easing etc.) saved millions of jobs?

Save millions of jobs....lol

How the fuck do you quantify this nonsense?
The Auto industry ultimately went bankrupt which is what the bailout was supposed to prevent. Funny other auto makers survived WITHOUT taxpayer dollars. Billions of dollars wasted on political allies.

I let professional economists "quantify this nonsense" which is vastly superior to your EMOTIONAL partisan arguments.

GM was restructured with the help of government bail and is turning profit.

The only reason GM needed restructuring is because of ridiculous liberal policies implemented because of liberal union demands.
They deserved to go bankrupt. They did not deserve my tax dollars and as a result of this bailout I will NEVER buy another GM vehicle. That is my way of giving them and your ilk the finger. Historically I buy a new truck every 3 to 4 years. That is a lot of money lost that their competition now receives.
With you trading in your old car not a lot of money
The real blame goes to Congress.
Of course, anyone but the man who signed new regulations into effect. Anyone but the man that told business owners "you didn't build that". Anyone but the man who promised to bankrupt part of our energy industry. Anyone but the man who bailed out the banks and GM.

Anyone but, the man....

Anyone but the man who's expansionary policies (stimulus, bailouts of finance and auto industry, quantitative easing etc.) saved millions of jobs?

Save millions of jobs....lol

How the fuck do you quantify this nonsense?
The Auto industry ultimately went bankrupt which is what the bailout was supposed to prevent. Funny other auto makers survived WITHOUT taxpayer dollars. Billions of dollars wasted on political allies.

How many times did Trump use bankruptcy, and justify it as a good business practice? I recommend you begin to post on the Cartoon Network Message Board, you might make sense there.
Did Trump get a 49.5 billion dollar bail out by taxpayers just before going bankrupt ya buffoon?

"buffoon" FU Con, you're still a punk. Trump screwed his creditors, small business and labor. The Bail outs were loans and mostly paid back, some with interest:

Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica

Now, don't you feel stupid?
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!

Let's consider this thread with some history of hypocrisy. Obama was blamed for the high unemployment in 2009, and Trump is credited with fixing the economy in 2017 in minds of hacks and fools.

I suppose this comment will be too abstract for the author of the OP, but concrete thinking is a malady of faux conservatism.
Obama was blamed for a A SHITTY SLOW RECOVERY and rightfully so with his anti business rhetoric & bullshit regulations. The stock market climbed despite his bullshit but sadly the money did not trickle down to main street because investing in business with an anti business administration was not going to happen.
The fact that the stock market explosion this time around coincided with Hillary's defeat & Obama's exit says all that needs to be said.

Yup. :thup:
Of course, anyone but the man who signed new regulations into effect. Anyone but the man that told business owners "you didn't build that". Anyone but the man who promised to bankrupt part of our energy industry. Anyone but the man who bailed out the banks and GM.

Anyone but, the man....

Anyone but the man who's expansionary policies (stimulus, bailouts of finance and auto industry, quantitative easing etc.) saved millions of jobs?

Save millions of jobs....lol

How the fuck do you quantify this nonsense?
The Auto industry ultimately went bankrupt which is what the bailout was supposed to prevent. Funny other auto makers survived WITHOUT taxpayer dollars. Billions of dollars wasted on political allies.

I let professional economists "quantify this nonsense" which is vastly superior to your EMOTIONAL partisan arguments.

GM was restructured with the help of government bail and is turning profit.

The only reason GM needed restructuring is because of ridiculous liberal policies implemented because of liberal union demands.
They deserved to go bankrupt. They did not deserve my tax dollars and as a result of this bailout I will NEVER buy another GM vehicle. That is my way of giving them and your ilk the finger. Historically I buy a new truck every 3 to 4 years. That is a lot of money lost that their competition now receives.
With you trading in your old car not a lot of money
I don't trade in. That's how fools buy cars.
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!

Let's consider this thread with some history of hypocrisy. Obama was blamed for the high unemployment in 2009, and Trump is credited with fixing the economy in 2017 in minds of hacks and fools.

I suppose this comment will be too abstract for the author of the OP, but concrete thinking is a malady of faux conservatism.
Obama was blamed for a A SHITTY SLOW RECOVERY and rightfully so

How the fuck is 250% DOW growth "A SHITTY SLOW RECOVERY" and 20% DOW growth is great?

There is not a single economic indicator that shows any growth this year that we did not already have since 2013.

You want to say both are "shitty slow recovery" - ok do it, at least it would be CONSISTENT. But the double standard pushed by these "OMG look at this amazing Trump economy" posts by people that wouldn't give Obama the time of day is straight bullshit.

Yeah, you silly trump-haters still aren't getting it. Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. This is Trump's show now. Deal with it. :)
While true is is disingenuous to leave out the fact that before the crash the market was at 14,164.43

Not at all. I love to point out that George W. Bush and his ownership where he made it easier for everybody to buy a house with subprime mortgages, crashed the stock market from 14,000 to 8,000.

Unemployment went up 80%, and deficits went from the surpluses he inherited to the biggest deficits in US history.
Of course, anyone but the man who signed new regulations into effect. Anyone but the man that told business owners "you didn't build that". Anyone but the man who promised to bankrupt part of our energy industry. Anyone but the man who bailed out the banks and GM.

Anyone but, the man....

Anyone but the man who's expansionary policies (stimulus, bailouts of finance and auto industry, quantitative easing etc.) saved millions of jobs?

Save millions of jobs....lol

How the fuck do you quantify this nonsense?
The Auto industry ultimately went bankrupt which is what the bailout was supposed to prevent. Funny other auto makers survived WITHOUT taxpayer dollars. Billions of dollars wasted on political allies.

How many times did Trump use bankruptcy, and justify it as a good business practice? I recommend you begin to post on the Cartoon Network Message Board, you might make sense there.
Did Trump get a 49.5 billion dollar bail out by taxpayers just before going bankrupt ya buffoon?

"buffoon" FU Con, you're still a punk. Trump screwed his creditors, small business and labor. The Bail outs were loans and mostly paid back, some with interest:

Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica

Now, don't you feel stupid?
And the claws come out. How very predictable of you lol
See, crooked Hillary not winning didn't = The sky falling.

Y'all Trump-hater chicken littles need to chill out and hop aboard the America First Train. :dance:
Anyone but the man who's expansionary policies (stimulus, bailouts of finance and auto industry, quantitative easing etc.) saved millions of jobs?

Save millions of jobs....lol

How the fuck do you quantify this nonsense?
The Auto industry ultimately went bankrupt which is what the bailout was supposed to prevent. Funny other auto makers survived WITHOUT taxpayer dollars. Billions of dollars wasted on political allies.

I let professional economists "quantify this nonsense" which is vastly superior to your EMOTIONAL partisan arguments.

GM was restructured with the help of government bail and is turning profit.

The only reason GM needed restructuring is because of ridiculous liberal policies implemented because of liberal union demands.
They deserved to go bankrupt. They did not deserve my tax dollars and as a result of this bailout I will NEVER buy another GM vehicle. That is my way of giving them and your ilk the finger. Historically I buy a new truck every 3 to 4 years. That is a lot of money lost that their competition now receives.
With you trading in your old car not a lot of money
I don't trade in. That's how fools buy cars.
OK so you sell the car and use the $$ to buy a new one?
While true is is disingenuous to leave out the fact that before the crash the market was at 14,164.43

Not at all. I love to point out that George W. Bush and his ownership where he made it easier for everybody to buy a house with subprime mortgages, crashed the stock market from 14,000 to 8,000.

Unemployment went up 80%, and deficits went from the surpluses he inherited to the biggest deficits in US history.
I let professional economists "quantify this nonsense" which is vastly superior to your EMOTIONAL partisan arguments.

GM was restructured with the help of government bail and is turning profit.

The only reason GM needed restructuring is because of ridiculous liberal policies implemented because of liberal union demands.
They deserved to go bankrupt. They did not deserve my tax dollars and as a result of this bailout I will NEVER buy another GM vehicle. That is my way of giving them and your ilk the finger. Historically I buy a new truck every 3 to 4 years. That is a lot of money lost that their competition now receives.

You are straw grasping.
Bullshit, I am expressing my EXTREME distaste for the way our government colluded with a for profit private business at my expense as well as yours.
It might not bother you that our government tries to keep its boot on your back but it pisses me off.
If this was supposed to help working Americans then why did the government force GM to DESTROY used vehicles that could have been used or sold to help less fortunate Americans? I'll tell you why. Because fewer used cars on the market ensures new car sales that line the pockets of the fat cats.


You are straw grasping and cherry picking.

There was growth under Obama and he certainly can point to a number of policies that were implemented and significantly helped to grow and stabilize our economy out of Great Recession.

When you credit Trump (who barely did anything at all) for similar growth you bash Obama for you just showing yourself to be a dishonest hack.
I have not credited Trump. I credited the sudden burst to the exit of the left from the controls of power. Having said that it is just the stock market at this point. I want to see this tremendous growth expanded to main street. THEN I will credit Trump

AGAIN, there were plenty of sudden market bursts under Obama without any exiting, your thinking is clearly clouded by bias.

The only reason GM needed restructuring is because of ridiculous liberal policies implemented because of liberal union demands.
They deserved to go bankrupt. They did not deserve my tax dollars and as a result of this bailout I will NEVER buy another GM vehicle. That is my way of giving them and your ilk the finger. Historically I buy a new truck every 3 to 4 years. That is a lot of money lost that their competition now receives.

You are straw grasping.
Bullshit, I am expressing my EXTREME distaste for the way our government colluded with a for profit private business at my expense as well as yours.
It might not bother you that our government tries to keep its boot on your back but it pisses me off.
If this was supposed to help working Americans then why did the government force GM to DESTROY used vehicles that could have been used or sold to help less fortunate Americans? I'll tell you why. Because fewer used cars on the market ensures new car sales that line the pockets of the fat cats.


You are straw grasping and cherry picking.

There was growth under Obama and he certainly can point to a number of policies that were implemented and significantly helped to grow and stabilize our economy out of Great Recession.

When you credit Trump (who barely did anything at all) for similar growth you bash Obama for you just showing yourself to be a dishonest hack.
I have not credited Trump. I credited the sudden burst to the exit of the left from the controls of power. Having said that it is just the stock market at this point. I want to see this tremendous growth expanded to main street. THEN I will credit Trump

AGAIN, there were plenty of sudden market bursts under Obama without any exiting, your thinking is clearly clouded by bias.

My thinking is spot on imo

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