YUGE WINNING! Obama's Un-American Mandate Repealed...

Finally a US Congressional achievement i can celebrate. The Mandate is gone. It should have never been allowed to happen. So i have to congratulate and thank the GOP and President Trump bigtime. They ended the Mandate and got some Tax Reform done. A Yuge accomplishment. :clap::clap:

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare Mandate

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care law.

“Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works for them — not the government,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include the mandate’s repeal. But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing the mandate.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years...

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare mandate
And in time 43 million Americans will lose access to affordable healthcare.

“A repeal of the individual mandate would cause a substantial reduction in the number of people with health insurance, CBO and JCT estimate. Under current law, about 28 million people under age 65 in the United States would be uninsured in 2026. This option would change that number as follows: About 2 million fewer people would have employment-based coverage, about 6 million fewer people would obtain nongroup policies (insurance people can purchase directly either in the marketplaces or from insurers outside the marketplaces), and about 7 million fewer people would have coverage under Medicaid. All together, the agencies estimate, 43 million people would be uninsured in 2026.”

Repeal the Individual Health Insurance Mandate

Such is the reprehensible right.
Finally a US Congressional achievement i can celebrate. The Mandate is gone. It should have never been allowed to happen. So i have to congratulate and thank the GOP and President Trump bigtime. They ended the Mandate and got some Tax Reform done. A Yuge accomplishment. :clap::clap:

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare Mandate

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care law.

“Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works for them — not the government,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include the mandate’s repeal. But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing the mandate.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years...

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare mandate
And in time 43 million Americans will lose access to affordable healthcare.

Fucking spare me, the ACA took away my catastrophic healthcare coverage and forced me to purchase the gold star coverage that I didn't want, don't need, and can't even afford to use thanks to the ridiculously high deductibles.
Obamacare is so popular, they had to threaten people to purchase Obamacare else be punished by a government fine that's how popular it is.

Yes.....premiums you couldn't afford to pay and had to have the government help you pay, and deductibles so high you couldn't afford to pay them...which meant you didn't actually have access to healthcare.....you were just paying money for insurance that you couldn't afford....
Isn't wealth re-distribution grand? Right into special interests of democrats pockets...
This is fine with me. On the other hand I question if those without health insurance should be allowed to be treated.if they get a bad illness then what?
I’m glad we finally have a real president. A president focused on doing what’s best for all Americans.
A president that’ll encourage people like ScienceRocks to get off their lazy ass and start contributing.
SCOTUS determined the Obamacare mandate is a tax, so Obama was taxing the poor $695 if they didn’t want to buy his healthcare.
I’m glad we finally have a real president. A president focused on doing what’s best for all Americans.
A president that’ll encourage people like ScienceRocks to get off their lazy ass and start contributing.

Or a President who realizes the mandate was the most anti-American law to torture Americans in modern times. Since it's passage, the feds have been collecting over a billion dollars a year--mostly from people who couldn't afford Commie Care. As we all know, the lower income people could afford Commie Care because of the huge subsides, but then again, those are likely Democrat voters. The people who got screwed are middle-income people who couldn't afford it because there was little to no subsidies, more likely Republican voters.

But this is what happens when you mix politics in the private market. Democrats never cared about helping all Americans, they only cared about helping their voters.
$700 tax on every person who doesn’t want to buy Obamacare.

Bye bye tax on the poor.

Dems are scum. Trump just lowered taxes on the poor.

Well, no, he didn't.

He just raised insurance costs on everyone else.

Why should poor people pay $700 to make insurance cheaper for others?

No answers, huh, Progs?

Obama put a tax on every poor person in America who didn’t want Obamacare.

That’s fucked up...
No he didnt. Poor people got coverage. Stop lying.

Correct, poor people did get coverage. And who are the poor? Those who don't want to work or work very little.

In the meantime, people who do work 40 hours plus a week were paying for the coverage for those who didn't work, and those very same people could not afford insurance for themselves.

I get so aggravated about concerns of the poor instead of the concerns of the middle-class. Why do Democrats put so much effort into providing for the non-productive in our society instead of the productive? Why do they show such disdain for the producers of our society?
$700 tax on every person who doesn’t want to buy Obamacare.

Bye bye tax on the poor.

Dems are scum. Trump just lowered taxes on the poor.

Well, no, he didn't.

He just raised insurance costs on everyone else.
Premiums will skyrocket particularly for pre existing conditions. I don’t see how this is good for the many Americans who finally have health insurance. And most Americans will see little benefit from tax cuts.

Premiums are already sky high. They are unaffordable at any speed.


i helped someone the other day on the ACA website

the cost of their premiums and out of pocket

was more then what they will have in gross income

Correct. I applied last year, and they told me they wanted over 25% of my net pay, plus the plan had a 7K out of pocket and a 7K deductible. No prescription, no dental, no eye care. And of course, a $50.00 copay for doctor visits.

Could you imagine if house insurance, rental insurance, car insurance wanted a quarter of your net pay to be insured? Plus it's insurance you couldn't possibly use? Nobody would buy it.
Do you feel your freedom and liberty are damaged in any way when you have to pay higher insurance premiums, co-pays, co-insurance and other fees for your care, to pay for those who can't?

Dear Mac1958
I also ask: why are we expected to pay up to 50K a year to incarcerate people who violate laws and cost taxpayers money, when we can't pay for health care for Veterans who gave up their health defending and enforcing laws, or for law abiding citizens working to pay the taxes while people with prison records lose their ability to work.

Shouldn't we feel outraged that law abiding taxpayers are punished by paying billions for crimes of other people; where all the money, resources and facilities COULD BE used to cover health care for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS.

Why not attack crime and reform prisons
to redirect funds and programs to provide health care for the masses?

Teach ALL citizens upon turning legal age, and before accepting rights and responsibilities of citizenship, the COST of committing a crime, the COST of medical and legal costs, prosecution and incarceration, and require each person to sign agreements for financial responsibility to pay those fees if they commit and get convicted of premeditated crimes.

That's where we can save costs and afford to pay for social programs and education, including medical education and service internships in public health to make health care accessible, affordable and sustainable. We need to quit wasting billions on crime and prisons, and repurpose those resources and facilities to create medical programs in every district.
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Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.
Are you kidding????
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
It’s always been about the fking mandate
Delivered exactly what? Nothing for the American People. Just a sick whore and con-man in the Oval Office with a half-clad (third) wife. President Obama at least tried to do good things for us Americans. Now we have a a known prostitute, predator, pig, and warmonger who hates the United States in office.

This is the most asinine post of the month.......two months

Finally a US Congressional achievement i can celebrate. The Mandate is gone. It should have never been allowed to happen. So i have to congratulate and thank the GOP and President Trump bigtime. They ended the Mandate and got some Tax Reform done. A Yuge accomplishment. :clap::clap:

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare Mandate

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care law.

“Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works for them — not the government,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include the mandate’s repeal. But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing the mandate.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years...

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare mandate
Let them die!


Oh, Republicans love it when Americans suffer. Dying is best of all, right?
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.

Oh, i'm not letting feckless GOP leadership completely off the hook. I've probably been Ryan, Boehner, and McConnell's harshest critic over the years. But i have to give credit where due. The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
So now that there is no mandate will you be dropping your health insurance immediately?
That’s not what you’ll see, it will be young folks saying thanks
Finally a US Congressional achievement i can celebrate. The Mandate is gone. It should have never been allowed to happen. So i have to congratulate and thank the GOP and President Trump bigtime. They ended the Mandate and got some Tax Reform done. A Yuge accomplishment. :clap::clap:

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare Mandate

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care law.

“Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works for them — not the government,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include the mandate’s repeal. But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing the mandate.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years...

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare mandate
Let them die!


Oh, Republicans love it when Americans suffer. Dying is best of all, right?

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