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Yup, Just Like I Said...The 1% Gets The Lion's Share of Tax Breaks

So, its their money they earned it. Hands off mooching freeloaders.

Trump used the Hillary/Goldman connection to exploit working class rage over the elites. (And he was right. She lost)

Regarding the comment "It's their money..."

Sort of.

Goldman received 2.9 billion from the taxpayer, through AIG. This was their reward for blowing up the economy through the criminal mismanagement of risk.

Ol' Government Sachs. They are the poster child of the corruption and cronyism that has ruined our political system. They pumped concentrated money into the pockets of our politicians for the right to turn Wall Street into a casino, using taxpayer mortgages as the chips.

But here comes Trump the outsider. He is going to drain the swamp.

And get the Trump to have Dodd-Frank repealed so they can go back to the good old days.
So, its their money they earned it. Hands off mooching freeloaders.

Trump used the Hillary/Goldman connection to exploit working class rage over the elites. (And he was right. She lost)

Regarding the comment "It's their money..."

Sort of.

Goldman received 2.9 billion from the taxpayer, through AIG. This was their reward for blowing up the economy through the criminal mismanagement of risk.

Ol' Government Sachs. They are the poster child of the corruption and cronyism that has ruined our political system. They pumped concentrated money into the pockets of our politicians for the right to turn Wall Street into a casino, using taxpayer mortgages as the chips.

But here comes Trump the outsider. He is going to drain the swamp.

And get the Trump to have Dodd-Frank repealed so they can go back to the good old days.

You just knew that the bulldozer was coming back stronger than ever.
[Essay] | The Wrecking Crew, by Thomas Frank | Harper's Magazine
Liberal logic(sic)

Tax Man: Hi Joe, you work and make money and thus are taxed. The government is going to cut taxes, therefore you will pay less.

Tax Man: "Hi Bruce, you don't work and don't make money thus you do not pay taxes."

Bruce:" Where is my tax cut, this isn't fair."
Your seething hatred and envy is noted. I'm in the 2 percent so Trump I my guy for obvious reasons.

Prove it. Put your money where your pie hole is.

Does it anger you that I intentionally live in a state with no state income tax, and shop in a neighboring state with no sales tax? Intentionally not paying my fair share?

I said prove you're in the 2%.

I thought so. Hahahahhahhaaaaaaaa............Loser.

Your hatred is noted lib, those of us in the 2% are used to you whiners.

Those of you in the 2% are used to taking advantage of the rest. There I fixed it for you.

Do you guys ever learn? One of the reason trump has such enthusiastic supporters is specifically because people are tired of being falsely accused by leftists who think libelling their opponents will get them power to regulate their lives and take more of their labor for themselves.

Doesn't it bother you at all that you are upset with blue because he wants to keep more of his money instead of having it taken by politicians and bureaucrats? He doesn't want his money stolen and you object to that. Seriously what's up with that?
Bripat you believe corporations are to be worshipped I stick up for the workers, not the lazy CEO who I will stake MY LIFE does zero, zero work.
If you support immigration, you support fucking American workers in the ass. That's the bottom line.

Also, I don't worship corporations, but they do have their place in our society.

Your belief that CEO's do zero work is also idiotic. You're obviously a willing receptacle for communist propaganda.
As I've posted in two different threads already, the vast majority of Trump's cabinet worked at Goldman Sachs... and Goldman Sachs is the biggest gainer on Wall Street since Trump got elected. You think this is not a coincidence?

No coincidence at all. The 1% wanted one of their own in office and that's why Trump ran in the first place. The conversion to a plutocracy is now complete. But a lot of these Trumpers think he is a man of the people.
HIllary was also in the 1%, you dumbass douche bag.

Are we really going to have to listen to this petulant whining for the next 8 years?

Possibly all our lives. Some people are slow learners
Prove it. Put your money where your pie hole is.

Does it anger you that I intentionally live in a state with no state income tax, and shop in a neighboring state with no sales tax? Intentionally not paying my fair share?

I said prove you're in the 2%.

I thought so. Hahahahhahhaaaaaaaa............Loser.

Your hatred is noted lib, those of us in the 2% are used to you whiners.

Those of you in the 2% are used to taking advantage of the rest. There I fixed it for you.

Do you guys ever learn? One of the reason trump has such enthusiastic supporters is specifically because people are tired of being falsely accused by leftists who think libelling their opponents will get them power to regulate their lives and take more of their labor for themselves.

Doesn't it bother you at all that you are upset with blue because he wants to keep more of his money instead of having it taken by politicians and bureaucrats? He doesn't want his money stolen and you object to that. Seriously what's up with that?

No, I'm upset with Blue because like so many people out there, whether they want to admit it or not...we live in a symbiotic life. And for them to continue to do well in the future, those around them have to also be able to do well. There are jobs out there that they will never want to do again, that others will have to fill. And at the same time there are more people than there are jobs. But as a community, if the top 1-2% just live in their ivory towers and think the rest just have to fend for themselves and everything will be ok, they are going to wake up to a very dark reality one day. Like in France...years and years ago when finally the poor went nuts with the "Let them eat cake!" Either society will crumble and then the money the rich have will be worthless, or the poor and middle class will rise up and do something through force. That's why the rich need to treat the rest with respect and compassion, because not everyone can be rich, if we could, then money would be worthless.
Screenshots of me pointing out things like you having a useless opinion that doesn't even involve you?


How much do you earn? How much taxes do you pay? How do you know what being rich is like?

You sit there and judge the rich for being rich, yet you, like I, know nothing about it.

To wit, you don't know the circumstances behind my unemployment, yet you sit there judging me as well. You have no clue what goes on in my life, yet there you are in all your Pharisaical glory.

Worked my whole life and now I'm back in college as a Senior full time.

So what good is a college degree if it can't teach you a little bit of manners?

I've worked all my and now I'm a full time student.

I had a great job working as a Corrections Officer with a house, new car and every thing I wanted. Then I started my own company.

So, if you become rich, will you not become the very thing you despise? Rich? Funny how that's common goal here, people want to be rich, but don't like other people being rich.

Do you realize how much of a hypocrite you would be?

No, because you can be a good rich person. Ask Mellon.

In order to be good, you have to have a choice. Being good is a gift that comes with our agency.

The more politicians take money from people, rich or poor, the less choices we have to do good.

How can they be good if you refuse to give them the chance to be?
Screenshots of me pointing out things like you having a useless opinion that doesn't even involve you?


How much do you earn? How much taxes do you pay? How do you know what being rich is like?

You sit there and judge the rich for being rich, yet you, like I, know nothing about it.

To wit, you don't know the circumstances behind my unemployment, yet you sit there judging me as well. You have no clue what goes on in my life, yet there you are in all your Pharisaical glory.

Worked my whole life and now I'm back in college as a Senior full time.

So what good is a college degree if it can't teach you a little bit of manners?

I've worked all my and now I'm a full time student.

I had a great job working as a Corrections Officer with a house, new car and every thing I wanted. Then I started my own company.

So, if you become rich, will you not become the very thing you despise? Rich? Funny how that's common goal here, people want to be rich, but don't like other people being rich.

Do you realize how much of a hypocrite you would be?

No, because you can be a good rich person. Ask Mellon.

In order to be good, you have to have a choice. Being good is a gift that comes with our agency.

The more politicians take money from people, rich or poor, the less choices we have to do good.

How can they be good if you refuse to give them the chance to be?

And how many do you really think would do good if it was really up to them? Hell you see the attitude of some of the people on this board. For goodness sake, one of the members here bragged about how much food they waste every month. Now let me say this... it's hard to tell how many people on here are who they say they are. It's also impossible to know if how the people act on here actually act like that in real life. Some people think that on places like forum you get people that act and say certain things not because it is really who they are, but the forum gives them a chance to be "cool" and say whatever the majority of others say. Some also say that a person's TRUE personality comes out on these forums because people don't have to worry about any recourse for their actions.

I really don't know. But what I do know is... in MY life, I've seen very few REALLY rich people that treated everyone with respect, let alone helped people in need out of the goodness of their hearts.
So, its their money they earned it. Hands off mooching freeloaders.

You'd eat a peanut out of DJ asshole at this point because its obvious you'd throw everyone under the bus to back Trump as if it benefits you at all. Its like slicing your own throat

My income nearly doubled under Obama, he was good for business but I still don't like him. Trump, hell yes I'll take his tax cut again its MY damn money in the first place.

When the millions of able body deadbeats get off their fat lard ass and work a job there will be plenty of money for the truly needy, infrastructure, and other worthy causes.

We'll get the libs out in the fields picking veggies, hey think of all the weight they will lose plus they can't stir up trouble after working their ass off in the hot sun all day.

Suck it up while you can, because in 4 years after all the poor White folks and middle-class see what Trump actually does, they will be more than happy to vote for someone that is going to bend you over and fuck you dry in the ass.

If trump keeps doing what it looks like he is doing and provides tax relief he is promises, we will be in an economic boom in four years

Are you a dope smoker?

Nope. Just some one who understands economics and human nature enough to know people will work harder when they reap more benefit. Even someone as foolish as I am can figure out if you reduce regulation you make it easier to start businesses and create jobs. And if you stop artificially increasing the cost of labor, people will buy more of it.

Unless trump gets crazy with government spending and/or fails to repeal the regulations with obamacare, or if Russia starts a global war, we are very likely to have an economic boom. That's what happens when you unleash the American machine
Prove it. Put your money where your pie hole is.

Does it anger you that I intentionally live in a state with no state income tax, and shop in a neighboring state with no sales tax? Intentionally not paying my fair share?

I said prove you're in the 2%.

I thought so. Hahahahhahhaaaaaaaa............Loser.

Your hatred is noted lib, those of us in the 2% are used to you whiners.

Those of you in the 2% are used to taking advantage of the rest. There I fixed it for you.

Do you guys ever learn? One of the reason trump has such enthusiastic supporters is specifically because people are tired of being falsely accused by leftists who think libelling their opponents will get them power to regulate their lives and take more of their labor for themselves.

Doesn't it bother you at all that you are upset with blue because he wants to keep more of his money instead of having it taken by politicians and bureaucrats? He doesn't want his money stolen and you object to that. Seriously what's up with that?

Not just stolen but fucking wasted. Doled out to able bodied lazy fuckers who choose not to work a job and pay their own goddamn bills. I get tired of working overtime and watching the Federal government take a huge chunk of MY money and blow it on stupid shit and hand outs.
You'd eat a peanut out of DJ asshole at this point because its obvious you'd throw everyone under the bus to back Trump as if it benefits you at all. Its like slicing your own throat

My income nearly doubled under Obama, he was good for business but I still don't like him. Trump, hell yes I'll take his tax cut again its MY damn money in the first place.

When the millions of able body deadbeats get off their fat lard ass and work a job there will be plenty of money for the truly needy, infrastructure, and other worthy causes.

We'll get the libs out in the fields picking veggies, hey think of all the weight they will lose plus they can't stir up trouble after working their ass off in the hot sun all day.

Suck it up while you can, because in 4 years after all the poor White folks and middle-class see what Trump actually does, they will be more than happy to vote for someone that is going to bend you over and fuck you dry in the ass.

If trump keeps doing what it looks like he is doing and provides tax relief he is promises, we will be in an economic boom in four years

Are you a dope smoker?

Nope. Just some one who understands economics and human nature enough to know people will work harder when they reap more benefit. Even someone as foolish as I am can figure out if you reduce regulation you make it easier to start businesses and create jobs. And if you stop artificially increasing the cost of labor, people will buy more of it.

Unless trump gets crazy with government spending and/or fails to repeal the regulations with obamacare, or if Russia starts a global war, we are very likely to have an economic boom. That's what happens when you unleash the American machine

I've already posted stats that show pretty much the only big gainers on Wall Street are companies like Goldman Sachs. The ones that are preparing to reap benefits from the repeal of Dodd-Frank. That has nothing to do with the REAL economy that affects your average Joe.

How much do you earn? How much taxes do you pay? How do you know what being rich is like?

You sit there and judge the rich for being rich, yet you, like I, know nothing about it.

To wit, you don't know the circumstances behind my unemployment, yet you sit there judging me as well. You have no clue what goes on in my life, yet there you are in all your Pharisaical glory.

So what good is a college degree if it can't teach you a little bit of manners?

I've worked all my and now I'm a full time student.

I had a great job working as a Corrections Officer with a house, new car and every thing I wanted. Then I started my own company.

So, if you become rich, will you not become the very thing you despise? Rich? Funny how that's common goal here, people want to be rich, but don't like other people being rich.

Do you realize how much of a hypocrite you would be?

No, because you can be a good rich person. Ask Mellon.

In order to be good, you have to have a choice. Being good is a gift that comes with our agency.

The more politicians take money from people, rich or poor, the less choices we have to do good.

How can they be good if you refuse to give them the chance to be?

And how many do you really think would do good if it was really up to them? Hell you see the attitude of some of the people on this board. For goodness sake, one of the members here bragged about how much food they waste every month. Now let me say this... it's hard to tell how many people on here are who they say they are. It's also impossible to know if how the people act on here actually act like that in real life. Some people think that on places like forum you get people that act and say certain things not because it is really who they are, but the forum gives them a chance to be "cool" and say whatever the majority of others say. Some also say that a person's TRUE personality comes out on these forums because people don't have to worry about any recourse for their actions.

I really don't know. But what I do know is... in MY life, I've seen very few REALLY rich people that treated everyone with respect, let alone helped people in need out of the goodness of their hearts.

You don't think they are good enough so you think you can steal what you want from them?

Do you have any idea how to create wealth? You do it by serving people. You provide goods and services that other people want and needs. And the better, more efficiently, you meet the needs of more and more people, the more wealth you create.

That's the problem with progressive income taxes. In doesn't make the wealthy pay more. The wealthy already have their money. The so called 1% of the income bracket that pays the most income tax are those citizens who have worked the hardest providing goods and services to others and been good at it. It prevents "new" money and protects "old" money.

Which is why rich democrats don't care. It keeps people from competing with them
I've worked all my and now I'm a full time student.

I had a great job working as a Corrections Officer with a house, new car and every thing I wanted. Then I started my own company.

So, if you become rich, will you not become the very thing you despise? Rich? Funny how that's common goal here, people want to be rich, but don't like other people being rich.

Do you realize how much of a hypocrite you would be?

No, because you can be a good rich person. Ask Mellon.

In order to be good, you have to have a choice. Being good is a gift that comes with our agency.

The more politicians take money from people, rich or poor, the less choices we have to do good.

How can they be good if you refuse to give them the chance to be?

And how many do you really think would do good if it was really up to them? Hell you see the attitude of some of the people on this board. For goodness sake, one of the members here bragged about how much food they waste every month. Now let me say this... it's hard to tell how many people on here are who they say they are. It's also impossible to know if how the people act on here actually act like that in real life. Some people think that on places like forum you get people that act and say certain things not because it is really who they are, but the forum gives them a chance to be "cool" and say whatever the majority of others say. Some also say that a person's TRUE personality comes out on these forums because people don't have to worry about any recourse for their actions.

I really don't know. But what I do know is... in MY life, I've seen very few REALLY rich people that treated everyone with respect, let alone helped people in need out of the goodness of their hearts.

You don't think they are good enough so you think you can steal what you want from them?

Do you have any idea how to create wealth? You do it by serving people. You provide goods and services that other people want and needs. And the better, more efficiently, you meet the needs of more and more people, the more wealth you create.

That's the problem with progressive income taxes. In doesn't make the wealthy pay more. The wealthy already have their money. The so called 1% of the income bracket that pays the most income tax are those citizens who have worked the hardest providing goods and services to others and been good at it. It prevents "new" money and protects "old" money.

Which is why rich democrats don't care. It keeps people from competing with them

Steal is your word... don't put words in my mouth.

No, you know how most people get rich? They undercut the value of another person's hard work, by paying them less than they deserve.
So, if you become rich, will you not become the very thing you despise? Rich? Funny how that's common goal here, people want to be rich, but don't like other people being rich.

Do you realize how much of a hypocrite you would be?

No, because you can be a good rich person. Ask Mellon.

In order to be good, you have to have a choice. Being good is a gift that comes with our agency.

The more politicians take money from people, rich or poor, the less choices we have to do good.

How can they be good if you refuse to give them the chance to be?

And how many do you really think would do good if it was really up to them? Hell you see the attitude of some of the people on this board. For goodness sake, one of the members here bragged about how much food they waste every month. Now let me say this... it's hard to tell how many people on here are who they say they are. It's also impossible to know if how the people act on here actually act like that in real life. Some people think that on places like forum you get people that act and say certain things not because it is really who they are, but the forum gives them a chance to be "cool" and say whatever the majority of others say. Some also say that a person's TRUE personality comes out on these forums because people don't have to worry about any recourse for their actions.

I really don't know. But what I do know is... in MY life, I've seen very few REALLY rich people that treated everyone with respect, let alone helped people in need out of the goodness of their hearts.

You don't think they are good enough so you think you can steal what you want from them?

Do you have any idea how to create wealth? You do it by serving people. You provide goods and services that other people want and needs. And the better, more efficiently, you meet the needs of more and more people, the more wealth you create.

That's the problem with progressive income taxes. In doesn't make the wealthy pay more. The wealthy already have their money. The so called 1% of the income bracket that pays the most income tax are those citizens who have worked the hardest providing goods and services to others and been good at it. It prevents "new" money and protects "old" money.

Which is why rich democrats don't care. It keeps people from competing with them

Steal is your word... don't put words in my mouth.

No, you know how most people get rich? They undercut the value of another person's hard work, by paying them less than they deserve.
How poor is the person who employs you?
No, because you can be a good rich person. Ask Mellon.

In order to be good, you have to have a choice. Being good is a gift that comes with our agency.

The more politicians take money from people, rich or poor, the less choices we have to do good.

How can they be good if you refuse to give them the chance to be?

And how many do you really think would do good if it was really up to them? Hell you see the attitude of some of the people on this board. For goodness sake, one of the members here bragged about how much food they waste every month. Now let me say this... it's hard to tell how many people on here are who they say they are. It's also impossible to know if how the people act on here actually act like that in real life. Some people think that on places like forum you get people that act and say certain things not because it is really who they are, but the forum gives them a chance to be "cool" and say whatever the majority of others say. Some also say that a person's TRUE personality comes out on these forums because people don't have to worry about any recourse for their actions.

I really don't know. But what I do know is... in MY life, I've seen very few REALLY rich people that treated everyone with respect, let alone helped people in need out of the goodness of their hearts.

You don't think they are good enough so you think you can steal what you want from them?

Do you have any idea how to create wealth? You do it by serving people. You provide goods and services that other people want and needs. And the better, more efficiently, you meet the needs of more and more people, the more wealth you create.

That's the problem with progressive income taxes. In doesn't make the wealthy pay more. The wealthy already have their money. The so called 1% of the income bracket that pays the most income tax are those citizens who have worked the hardest providing goods and services to others and been good at it. It prevents "new" money and protects "old" money.

Which is why rich democrats don't care. It keeps people from competing with them

Steal is your word... don't put words in my mouth.

No, you know how most people get rich? They undercut the value of another person's hard work, by paying them less than they deserve.
How poor is the person who employs you?

I'm a full time student finishing my degree. So... since I'm going to have to pay back my student loans, I'm going to say I employee myself, and I'm pretty poor right now.
My income nearly doubled under Obama, he was good for business but I still don't like him. Trump, hell yes I'll take his tax cut again its MY damn money in the first place.

When the millions of able body deadbeats get off their fat lard ass and work a job there will be plenty of money for the truly needy, infrastructure, and other worthy causes.

We'll get the libs out in the fields picking veggies, hey think of all the weight they will lose plus they can't stir up trouble after working their ass off in the hot sun all day.

Suck it up while you can, because in 4 years after all the poor White folks and middle-class see what Trump actually does, they will be more than happy to vote for someone that is going to bend you over and fuck you dry in the ass.

If trump keeps doing what it looks like he is doing and provides tax relief he is promises, we will be in an economic boom in four years

Are you a dope smoker?

Nope. Just some one who understands economics and human nature enough to know people will work harder when they reap more benefit. Even someone as foolish as I am can figure out if you reduce regulation you make it easier to start businesses and create jobs. And if you stop artificially increasing the cost of labor, people will buy more of it.

Unless trump gets crazy with government spending and/or fails to repeal the regulations with obamacare, or if Russia starts a global war, we are very likely to have an economic boom. That's what happens when you unleash the American machine

I've already posted stats that show pretty much the only big gainers on Wall Street are companies like Goldman Sachs. The ones that are preparing to reap benefits from the repeal of Dodd-Frank. That has nothing to do with the REAL economy that affects your average Joe.

Weren't you just literally complaining a few posts ago that the rich don't recognize that we are all interrelated? Now suddenly we aren't?

But let me ask you something. Do you think Goldman Sachs was donating all that money to Hillary because they wanted her to overturn Dodd frank? Do you even find it little odd why they supported this legislation to begin with? Why is it all big companies support these industrywide legislations that supposedly hurt them?

Because it doesn't hurt them. They are already establish. New legislation benefits them because it makes it more difficult for innovative new start ups from entering their market and challenging their hegemony
Last edited:
Their market and challenging
Suck it up while you can, because in 4 years after all the poor White folks and middle-class see what Trump actually does, they will be more than happy to vote for someone that is going to bend you over and fuck you dry in the ass.

If trump keeps doing what it looks like he is doing and provides tax relief he is promises, we will be in an economic boom in four years

Are you a dope smoker?

Nope. Just some one who understands economics and human nature enough to know people will work harder when they reap more benefit. Even someone as foolish as I am can figure out if you reduce regulation you make it easier to start businesses and create jobs. And if you stop artificially increasing the cost of labor, people will buy more of it.

Unless trump gets crazy with government spending and/or fails to repeal the regulations with obamacare, or if Russia starts a global war, we are very likely to have an economic boom. That's what happens when you unleash the American machine

I've already posted stats that show pretty much the only big gainers on Wall Street are companies like Goldman Sachs. The ones that are preparing to reap benefits from the repeal of Dodd-Frank. That has nothing to do with the REAL economy that affects your average Joe.

Weren't you just literally complaining a few posts ago that the rich don't recognize that we are all interrelated? Now suddenly we aren't?

But let me ask you something. Do you think Goldman Sachs was donating all that money to Hillary because they wanted her to overturn Dodd frank? Do you even find it little odd why they supported this legislation to begin with? Why is it all big companies support these industrywide legislations that supposedly hurt them?

Because it doesn't hurt them. They are already establish. New legislation benefits them because it makes it more difficult for innovative new start ups from entering their market and challenging their hegemony

You understand that these large corporations NEVER supported Dodd-Frank?
My income nearly doubled under Obama, he was good for business but I still don't like him. Trump, hell yes I'll take his tax cut again its MY damn money in the first place.

When the millions of able body deadbeats get off their fat lard ass and work a job there will be plenty of money for the truly needy, infrastructure, and other worthy causes.

We'll get the libs out in the fields picking veggies, hey think of all the weight they will lose plus they can't stir up trouble after working their ass off in the hot sun all day.

Suck it up while you can, because in 4 years after all the poor White folks and middle-class see what Trump actually does, they will be more than happy to vote for someone that is going to bend you over and fuck you dry in the ass.

Says the party who got their ass kicked bad in 2010, 2014, and 2016 lol. How many times do we have to beat you people to a pulp before you stop talking shit?

You don't even know my party.

If you aren't Republican its pretty much your party lost no matter which one it is

Not if you don't have a party. I voted Republican every year of my life up until this year.
A lifelong Republican who likes Sanders on policy?

So, if you become rich, will you not become the very thing you despise? Rich? Funny how that's common goal here, people want to be rich, but don't like other people being rich.

Do you realize how much of a hypocrite you would be?

No, because you can be a good rich person. Ask Mellon.

In order to be good, you have to have a choice. Being good is a gift that comes with our agency.

The more politicians take money from people, rich or poor, the less choices we have to do good.

How can they be good if you refuse to give them the chance to be?

And how many do you really think would do good if it was really up to them? Hell you see the attitude of some of the people on this board. For goodness sake, one of the members here bragged about how much food they waste every month. Now let me say this... it's hard to tell how many people on here are who they say they are. It's also impossible to know if how the people act on here actually act like that in real life. Some people think that on places like forum you get people that act and say certain things not because it is really who they are, but the forum gives them a chance to be "cool" and say whatever the majority of others say. Some also say that a person's TRUE personality comes out on these forums because people don't have to worry about any recourse for their actions.

I really don't know. But what I do know is... in MY life, I've seen very few REALLY rich people that treated everyone with respect, let alone helped people in need out of the goodness of their hearts.

You don't think they are good enough so you think you can steal what you want from them?

Do you have any idea how to create wealth? You do it by serving people. You provide goods and services that other people want and needs. And the better, more efficiently, you meet the needs of more and more people, the more wealth you create.

That's the problem with progressive income taxes. In doesn't make the wealthy pay more. The wealthy already have their money. The so called 1% of the income bracket that pays the most income tax are those citizens who have worked the hardest providing goods and services to others and been good at it. It prevents "new" money and protects "old" money.

Which is why rich democrats don't care. It keeps people from competing with them

Steal is your word... don't put words in my mouth.

No, you know how most people get rich? They undercut the value of another person's hard work, by paying them less than they deserve.

You're right. Robbery is a more accurate term. The use of force to take money from a person or group of people.

And I don't have to put words in your mouth. That's what it is no matter what you want to call it.

And the market determines how much someone deserves for their labor. When two people contract to do a certain job for a certain amount and that amount is fully paid, how can you possibly say they deserved more than what they agreed to?

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