Yup we're doing great under the great O...7 million have left the workforce.

and the last time they were in control they left the country a recession to remember them by and it lasted long after they were gone and we still feel the dent in our wallet ..
Oh, stuff it.

One political party was not the cause of the 2008 meltdown. That took a team effort.

Grow the hell up.


Conservatives were responsible for the meltdown.

They've been killing Regulations and cutting taxes since Ronald Reagan.

This is the result.

Own it.
You can stuff it and grow the hell up too.

BTW, nice stab at trying to divert attention from the lame talking point that the crap labor force participation rate is mostly from retirees. They are not the ones keeping UE handouts and food stamp enrollment at historic high levels.

Own it.

Sorry, but no one is buying this moronic rightwing gloom and doom nonsense.

Except for the tiny minority that is the hardcore partisan right, such as the OP and her ilk, everyone is in agreement that the economy is growing, that the growth is strong, and that the economy will continue to grow in the coming months; that includes economists on every point of the political spectrum, financial analysts and advisors, as well as employers and manufacturers.

Indeed, even House republicans cite the improved economy as justification to not take up a measure to extend emergency unemployment benefits.

KG's Original statement:
Moderation Edit

"Since President Obama came into office in 2009, 7.2 million people have left the workforce entirely. One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working. Employment in this group fell by 72,000 last month, while the number of employed women aged 25–54 fell by 37,000. Meanwhile, the workforce participation rate for women is at its lowest level in 23 years. Median household income is down almost $2,300 from what it was when the President took office. Real wages are lower than they were in 1999. Growth in the first quarter of this year was negative.
"These numbers are grim and make clear that this economy is nowhere close to performing at an acceptable level."

Sessions: 7 Million Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office | The Weekly Standard
Yup, 7 million have left the workforce, 90% of them have retired.

Step along, far righties, nobody is buying your whining.

This has to be one of the most stupid claims there is.

The right will own the senate in 2016. Moron.

Yup, women and minorities are giving the senate to the GOP in a presidential election year when our GOP possible candidates look weaker every month.

You are like SpongeBob SquarePants whistling as you stroll by the abyss.
and the last time they were in control they left the country a recession to remember them by and it lasted long after they were gone and we still feel the dent in our wallet ..
Oh, stuff it.

One political party was not the cause of the 2008 meltdown. That took a team effort.

Grow the hell up.

2 wars, uncontrolled spending and three tax cuts were the majority of our problem ... team effort my ass ... shut the hell up.

blaming everything on Obama is so 2009
Democrats were all in on those two wars and uncontrolled spending. In fact, the Senate democrats demanded a second debate and vote on the Iraq invasion, so they could double down on their stupidity.

Your boy and your party have been in power for nearly six years and things still suck

You own it, chump.
Yup, 7 million have left the workforce, 90% of them have retired.

Step along, far righties, nobody is buying your whining.

Cool...So we don't have a UE problem.
So will the left no longer bitch about extending UE benefits....
Why would we need to do that if everybody retired.
Yup, 7 million have left the workforce, 90% of them have retired.

Step along, far righties, nobody is buying your whining.

This has to be one of the most stupid claims there is.

The right will own the senate in 2016. Moron.

Yup, women and minorities are giving the senate to the GOP in a presidential election year when our GOP possible candidates look weaker every month.

You are like SpongeBob SquarePants whistling as you stroll by the abyss.

Stay with it Fakey...we need you around. With mindlessness like this, and ignoring the pertinent stats......it's looking very good for the GOP.
An honest person would acknowledge that things suck a LOT less now than they did in 2009.

What do you think?

Sorry, but no one is buying this moronic rightwing gloom and doom nonsense.

Except for the tiny minority that is the hardcore partisan right, such as the OP and her ilk, everyone is in agreement that the economy is growing, that the growth is strong, and that the economy will continue to grow in the coming months; that includes economists on every point of the political spectrum, financial analysts and advisors, as well as employers and manufacturers.

Indeed, even House republicans cite the improved economy as justification to not take up a measure to extend emergency unemployment benefits.

So who altered my statement?

What idea did the Republicans have to improve employment and wages which was blocked by Obama? What did they propose as an alternative to ACA? What specific reforms to ACA has Boehner proposed over the past four years?
Replacing stupid failed progressive programs with nothing at all would be a major improvement.

Stop expecting the govt. to get you a job. Around here they can't get enough people to work...
The trucking industry is looking for 40k drivers a year...
I do not want them to give me a job.

Unlike progressives like you who seem to want everything from them, I do not want anything from them at all.
Oh, stuff it.

One political party was not the cause of the 2008 meltdown. That took a team effort.

Grow the hell up.


Conservatives were responsible for the meltdown.

They've been killing Regulations and cutting taxes since Ronald Reagan.

This is the result.

Own it.
You can stuff it and grow the hell up too.

BTW, nice stab at trying to divert attention from the lame talking point that the crap labor force participation rate is mostly from retirees. They are not the ones keeping UE handouts and food stamp enrollment at historic high levels.

Own it.

bullshit .. I replied to some idiot carping about how bad things were ... chump? democrat spending really?

When President Bush had been in office 1,889 days, he had signed 1,091 bills and vetoed zero. President Monroe vetoed his first bill on day 1,888, 4 May 1822. Neither Adams nor Jefferson exercised a veto. Prior to President Bush, Garfield is the most recent president who failed to exercise executive veto power..

own it looser.
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U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


And this includes all the retirees, all the people who have given up looking for jobs, and all the new college graduates coming out with their degrees, and finding nothing. It does not include the new college graduates getting jobs... sweeping floors.


That chart looks different in a proper context:


Looks to me like our best bet would be to bring back Clinton, or the closest thing to Clinton we can get,

if you're going to claim that presidents are responsible for this.

You also see that the rate fell as much or more under Bush as it has under Obama

Yup! - Baby Boomer population retiring 4.16 million a year makes Labor Force Participation Rate useless since about 27 million retires since Obama became president.

The working age population employment rate is exploding. Neither Bush Ever had a single period that could match the increasing rate of employment of working age population that Clinton & Obama have. Also notice when Clinton had a Democratic Congress, the rate of employment increase was stronger than the Repubtard Congress. Republicans hate workers.

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An honest person would acknowledge that things suck a LOT less now than they did in 2009.

What do you think?

In terms of ????

I happen to agree with those who continue to highlite the income gap that exists in the U.S.

When people were lauding the drop in UE, most were saying it was min wage and part time work. Is that really better ?
Yup, 7 million have left the workforce, 90% of them have retired.

Step along, far righties, nobody is buying your whining.

Cool...So we don't have a UE problem.
So will the left no longer bitch about extending UE benefits....
Why would we need to do that if everybody retired.

What we have is a U-6 rate problem and a 14.3 unemployment rate:


Why The 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Higher Than You Think - Forbes

I know an older man who’s unemployed. Let’s call him “G.”

G.’s tall and erudite. He has training in a specialized field, is perceptive and pleasant, and has worked for most of his life, including for a decade at a prestigious company that you’ve heard of.

But G. lost his job when the Great Recession hit, and after taking a few part-time positions that provided ever-diminishing salary and responsibility, hasn’t found regular work in several years. At this point, G.’s exasperated and exhausted — the pain shows in his face, whenever he tries to talk about his empty days or ever-tightening finances. And he’s pretty much abandoned the job hunt, save making cosmetic tweaks to his resume and, having worked his way backwards through his rolodex, turning to friends from childhood in hopes of scaring up a warm lead.

But the “official” unemployment rate doesn’t count men and women like G. — discouraged workers who have settled for part-time jobs or have given up looking altogether. Tracking those individuals, under what’s called the “U-6″ rate, gives a very different measure of the nation’s unemployment rate: 14.3%.

And unlike other jobs figures, the U-6 rate actually got worse in June — it went up by 0.5 percentage points.
An honest person would acknowledge that things suck a LOT less now than they did in 2009.

What do you think?

In terms of ????

I happen to agree with those who continue to highlite the income gap that exists in the U.S.

When people were lauding the drop in UE, most were saying it was min wage and part time work. Is that really better ?

Come on man........be honest.

The US economy is recovering. It ain't fast. It ain't explosive...but it is headed in the right direction. The GOP thinks it can win by telling Americans that it is getting worse. You know it isn't getting worse. You WANT it to be getting worse...so you can win.

My revenues are up over 20% year on year. I service the building trades here in Florida....a state hit HARD by the trickle down recession. Average wages are going up for the first time in years. Durable goods orders are kicking ass.

Please.......give in to the facts. Salvage some credibility.
Yup, 7 million have left the workforce, 90% of them have retired.

Step along, far righties, nobody is buying your whining.

Cool...So we don't have a UE problem.
So will the left no longer bitch about extending UE benefits....
Why would we need to do that if everybody retired.

What we have is a U-6 rate problem and a 14.3 unemployment rate:


Why The 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Higher Than You Think - Forbes

I know an older man who’s unemployed. Let’s call him “G.”

G.’s tall and erudite. He has training in a specialized field, is perceptive and pleasant, and has worked for most of his life, including for a decade at a prestigious company that you’ve heard of.

But G. lost his job when the Great Recession hit, and after taking a few part-time positions that provided ever-diminishing salary and responsibility, hasn’t found regular work in several years. At this point, G.’s exasperated and exhausted — the pain shows in his face, whenever he tries to talk about his empty days or ever-tightening finances. And he’s pretty much abandoned the job hunt, save making cosmetic tweaks to his resume and, having worked his way backwards through his rolodex, turning to friends from childhood in hopes of scaring up a warm lead.

But the “official” unemployment rate doesn’t count men and women like G. — discouraged workers who have settled for part-time jobs or have given up looking altogether. Tracking those individuals, under what’s called the “U-6″ rate, gives a very different measure of the nation’s unemployment rate: 14.3%.

And unlike other jobs figures, the U-6 rate actually got worse in June — it went up by 0.5 percentage points.
Those are all retiring baby boomers! :lol:
It's not recovering.

I don't know who pays you to say that garbage, but give me a break. It's not recovering, and we all know it. I deal with self-employed people every day who are making less and less each year.
An honest person would acknowledge that things suck a LOT less now than they did in 2009.

What do you think?

In terms of ????

I happen to agree with those who continue to highlite the income gap that exists in the U.S.

When people were lauding the drop in UE, most were saying it was min wage and part time work. Is that really better ?

Come on man........be honest.

The US economy is recovering. It ain't fast. It ain't explosive...but it is headed in the right direction. The GOP thinks it can win by telling Americans that it is getting worse. You know it isn't getting worse. You WANT it to be getting worse...so you can win.

My revenues are up over 20% year on year. I service the building trades here in Florida....a state hit HARD by the trickle down recession. Average wages are going up for the first time in years. Durable goods orders are kicking ass.

Please.......give in to the facts. Salvage some credibility.

The fact is, you're a liar.

The economy is not recovering, and even if your statement about your own business is true, the success of one anonymous internet person does not a recovery prove.
It's not recovering.

I don't know who pays you to say that garbage, but give me a break. It's not recovering, and we all know it. I deal with self-employed people every day who are making less and less each year.

You might be insane.
An honest person would acknowledge that things suck a LOT less now than they did in 2009.

What do you think?

In terms of ????

I happen to agree with those who continue to highlite the income gap that exists in the U.S.

When people were lauding the drop in UE, most were saying it was min wage and part time work. Is that really better ?

Come on man........be honest.

The US economy is recovering. It ain't fast. It ain't explosive...but it is headed in the right direction. The GOP thinks it can win by telling Americans that it is getting worse. You know it isn't getting worse. You WANT it to be getting worse...so you can win.

My revenues are up over 20% year on year. I service the building trades here in Florida....a state hit HARD by the trickle down recession. Average wages are going up for the first time in years. Durable goods orders are kicking ass.

Please.......give in to the facts. Salvage some credibility.
Yeah! You tell 'em!

It "recovered" at a rate of -0.1% last quarter! :rolleyes: :lol:
"Since President Obama came into office in 2009, 7.2 million people have left the workforce entirely. One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working. Employment in this group fell by 72,000 last month, while the number of employed women aged 25–54 fell by 37,000. Meanwhile, the workforce participation rate for women is at its lowest level in 23 years. Median household income is down almost $2,300 from what it was when the President took office. Real wages are lower than they were in 1999. Growth in the first quarter of this year was negative.
"These numbers are grim and make clear that this economy is nowhere close to performing at an acceptable level."

Sessions: 7 Million Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office | The Weekly Standard

"PEW Research in Dec, 2010 published 10,000 [people retire each] day, for the next 19 years"

House Speaker John Boehner says 10,000 baby boomers retire every day | PolitiFact Ohio

Do the math!

10k/day means 3,650,000 per year retire. Obama has been in office for 5+ years so technically that would be over 18 million who have left the workforce.

The math doesn't lie but politicians do so all the time for partisan purposes.

The true measure is workforce participation. What percentage of the population is actually employed. This percentage is lower than it's been since the days of Jimmy Carter. No positive way to spin that turd.

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