Yup we're doing great under the great O...7 million have left the workforce.

Yup, 7 million have left the workforce, 90% of them have retired.

Step along, far righties, nobody is buying your whining.

Cool...So we don't have a UE problem.
So will the left no longer bitch about extending UE benefits....
Why would we need to do that if everybody retired.

What we have is a U-6 rate problem and a 14.3 unemployment rate:


Why The 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Higher Than You Think - Forbes

I know an older man who’s unemployed. Let’s call him “G.”

G.’s tall and erudite. He has training in a specialized field, is perceptive and pleasant, and has worked for most of his life, including for a decade at a prestigious company that you’ve heard of.

But G. lost his job when the Great Recession hit, and after taking a few part-time positions that provided ever-diminishing salary and responsibility, hasn’t found regular work in several years. At this point, G.’s exasperated and exhausted — the pain shows in his face, whenever he tries to talk about his empty days or ever-tightening finances. And he’s pretty much abandoned the job hunt, save making cosmetic tweaks to his resume and, having worked his way backwards through his rolodex, turning to friends from childhood in hopes of scaring up a warm lead.

But the “official” unemployment rate doesn’t count men and women like G. — discouraged workers who have settled for part-time jobs or have given up looking altogether. Tracking those individuals, under what’s called the “U-6″ rate, gives a very different measure of the nation’s unemployment rate: 14.3%.

And unlike other jobs figures, the U-6 rate actually got worse in June — it went up by 0.5 percentage points.

Of course that is a lie, the actual U-6 rate is 12.2% down from 12.3% last month and down from 17.2% at the peak of the Bush Depression.
"PEW Research in Dec, 2010 published 10,000 [people retire each] day, for the next 19 years"

House Speaker John Boehner says 10,000 baby boomers retire every day | PolitiFact Ohio

Do the math!

10k/day means 3,650,000 per year retire. Obama has been in office for 5+ years so technically that would be over 18 million who have left the workforce.

The math doesn't lie but politicians do so all the time for partisan purposes.

The true measure is workforce participation. What percentage of the population is actually employed. This percentage is lower than it's been since the days of Jimmy Carter. No positive way to spin that turd.
It's baby boomer retirees, who are on UE bennies and food stamps! :lol:

CON$ervatives and the Tea Bag Brotherhood. They complain about it to hide the fact that they are the takers!.

People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.
Eric Hoffer
An honest person would acknowledge that things suck a LOT less now than they did in 2009.

What do you think?

In terms of ????

I happen to agree with those who continue to highlite the income gap that exists in the U.S.

When people were lauding the drop in UE, most were saying it was min wage and part time work. Is that really better ?

Come on man........be honest.

The US economy is recovering. It ain't fast. It ain't explosive...but it is headed in the right direction. The GOP thinks it can win by telling Americans that it is getting worse. You know it isn't getting worse. You WANT it to be getting worse...so you can win.

My revenues are up over 20% year on year. I service the building trades here in Florida....a state hit HARD by the trickle down recession. Average wages are going up for the first time in years. Durable goods orders are kicking ass.

Please.......give in to the facts. Salvage some credibility.

The economy is not getting worse? Seriously?
The GDP just shrank 1% in the first 3 months of the year.

I don't blame Obama entirely- he inherited a bad situation.But I don't think he is helping, at all. He's Carter again....only worse.
Here's the employment reality.....in one graphic...

Yup, and 3 millon jobs can't be filled because no one's trained. Great job, pubbies! Try taxing the bloated rich their fair share and investing in America, stupid a-holes...

That was the worst winter ever, dingbat.

Over 200k new jobs 4 months in a row. Because no mindless Pub debt crises...
Here's the employment reality.....in one graphic...


Notice how the Right always goes back to 2008 when Bush was still riding on Clinton's coattails! They never post the improvement from the depths of the Bush Depression.
Here's the employment reality.....in one graphic...


Notice how the Right always goes back to 2008 when Bush was still riding on Clinton's coattails! They never post the improvement from the depths of the Bush Depression.

The BLS is "the right" ? Jobs peaked in jan 2008. Is everything partisan to you? You really have swallowed the entire hook....

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Here's the employment reality.....in one graphic...


Notice how the Right always goes back to 2008 when Bush was still riding on Clinton's coattails! They never post the improvement from the depths of the Bush Depression.

Also notice that the graph excludes the energy sector...

That's right, they dare not admit energy production has increased because the mantra of the Right is increased energy production lowers gas prices.
"Drill here, drill now, pay less."
Here's the employment reality.....in one graphic...


Notice how the Right always goes back to 2008 when Bush was still riding on Clinton's coattails! They never post the improvement from the depths of the Bush Depression.

The BLS is "the right" ?

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The BLS did not make the graph!!!!!
Thomas Suh Lauder chose the elements in the graph to include and exclude!!!!!
In terms of ????

I happen to agree with those who continue to highlite the income gap that exists in the U.S.

When people were lauding the drop in UE, most were saying it was min wage and part time work. Is that really better ?

Come on man........be honest.

The US economy is recovering. It ain't fast. It ain't explosive...but it is headed in the right direction. The GOP thinks it can win by telling Americans that it is getting worse. You know it isn't getting worse. You WANT it to be getting worse...so you can win.

My revenues are up over 20% year on year. I service the building trades here in Florida....a state hit HARD by the trickle down recession. Average wages are going up for the first time in years. Durable goods orders are kicking ass.

Please.......give in to the facts. Salvage some credibility.

The economy is not getting worse? Seriously?
The GDP just shrank 1% in the first 3 months of the year.

I don't blame Obama entirely- he inherited a bad situation.But I don't think he is helping, at all. He's Carter again....only worse.

When GDP rises in the second quarter. Will you then say that the economy is not getting worse? Did you say that for the previous quarter?
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Yup, and 3 millon jobs can't be filled because no one's trained. Great job, pubbies! Try taxing the bloated rich their fair share and investing in America, stupid a-holes...

That was the worst winter ever, dingbat.

Over 200k new jobs 4 months in a row. Because no mindless Pub debt crises...

No, commie. We shouldn't invest in America. Tax money should be used to pay back the national debt, the economy has to recover itself. That will do just fine.
Conservatives used to always say that the Government can't create jobs, up until they decided they could blame Obama for not creating jobs.

Ok, NY I guess this debate is above your head....

The govt doesn't create jobs, but they can kill them.

Raise the income tax to %100

see how many people want to work then?

Raise the corporate tax rate to $100

See how many business stay working and are created

Hint...the answer to both is ZEROOOOOOOOOOO

700,000 government jobs have disappeared since the recession. Do you blame Obama for that?

Smaller government?

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