Yup we're doing great under the great O...7 million have left the workforce.

That's right, the person who writes the sourced OP is "insane" and the guy named "lonelaugher" who comes by and says "The economy is recovering because I'm getting rich!" is the sane one.

You betcha, peanut.
In terms of ????

I happen to agree with those who continue to highlite the income gap that exists in the U.S.

When people were lauding the drop in UE, most were saying it was min wage and part time work. Is that really better ?

Come on man........be honest.

The US economy is recovering. It ain't fast. It ain't explosive...but it is headed in the right direction. The GOP thinks it can win by telling Americans that it is getting worse. You know it isn't getting worse. You WANT it to be getting worse...so you can win.

My revenues are up over 20% year on year. I service the building trades here in Florida....a state hit HARD by the trickle down recession. Average wages are going up for the first time in years. Durable goods orders are kicking ass.

Please.......give in to the facts. Salvage some credibility.

The fact is, you're a liar.

The economy is not recovering, and even if your statement about your own business is true, the success of one anonymous internet person does not a recovery prove.

Sorry. I'm selling more to people who are selling more. The economy has survived the GOP sabotage.
No, it didn't.

Sorry. I hope you're a better businessman than you are a debater, because you're failing big time.
Come on man........be honest.

The US economy is recovering. It ain't fast. It ain't explosive...but it is headed in the right direction. The GOP thinks it can win by telling Americans that it is getting worse. You know it isn't getting worse. You WANT it to be getting worse...so you can win.

My revenues are up over 20% year on year. I service the building trades here in Florida....a state hit HARD by the trickle down recession. Average wages are going up for the first time in years. Durable goods orders are kicking ass.

Please.......give in to the facts. Salvage some credibility.

The fact is, you're a liar.

The economy is not recovering, and even if your statement about your own business is true, the success of one anonymous internet person does not a recovery prove.

Sorry. I'm selling more to people who are selling more. The economy has survived the GOP sabotage.

You do understand we were in negative growth last quarter. That does not meet the definition of recovery....unless you Dems want to redefine -GDP as growth. :)
"Since President Obama came into office in 2009, 7.2 million people have left the workforce entirely. One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working. Employment in this group fell by 72,000 last month, while the number of employed women aged 25–54 fell by 37,000. Meanwhile, the workforce participation rate for women is at its lowest level in 23 years. Median household income is down almost $2,300 from what it was when the President took office. Real wages are lower than they were in 1999. Growth in the first quarter of this year was negative.
"These numbers are grim and make clear that this economy is nowhere close to performing at an acceptable level."

Sessions: 7 Million Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office | The Weekly Standard

"PEW Research in Dec, 2010 published 10,000 [people retire each] day, for the next 19 years"

House Speaker John Boehner says 10,000 baby boomers retire every day | PolitiFact Ohio

Do the math!

10k/day means 3,650,000 per year retire. Obama has been in office for 5+ years so technically that would be over 18 million who have left the workforce.

The math doesn't lie but politicians do so all the time for partisan purposes.

The true measure is workforce participation. What percentage of the population is actually employed. This percentage is lower than it's been since the days of Jimmy Carter. No positive way to spin that turd.
It's baby boomer retirees, who are on UE bennies and food stamps! :lol:
Those are all retiring baby boomers! :lol:

75 million Baby Boomers over 18 year period that started in 2008. That equals 4.17 million retiring every year. 350K retire per month. 11,415 retire per day.

27 million Baby Boomers have reached retirement age since 2008.
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Those are all retiring baby boomers! :lol:

75 million Baby Boomers over 18 year period that started in 2008. That equals 4.17 million retiring every year. 350K retire per month. 11,415 retire per day.

23.5 million Baby Boomers have reached retirement age since 2008.
Yes, indeed.

And they are the ones drawing the UE checks and SNAP cards, right?
See I don't think anybody is really this dense...which is why I hate progressives.

They are willing to lie in order to spread hurt on the American people.

It's nauseating.

MORONS! I know how to fucking count, and I know the difference between an increase in unemployment, and a decrease in unemployment. No matter how many times you make ridiculous statements that come into stark contrast with reality, we still understand what the reality is.
The fact is, you're a liar.

The economy is not recovering, and even if your statement about your own business is true, the success of one anonymous internet person does not a recovery prove.

Sorry. I'm selling more to people who are selling more. The economy has survived the GOP sabotage.

You do understand we were in negative growth last quarter. That does not meet the definition of recovery....unless you Dems want to redefine -GDP as growth. :)

Silly nutter. How much would you like to bet that we see positive growth for the next quarter?
So when you say we're "recovering" what you MEAN is "well we aren't recovering NOW, but we're going to in the future"...is that it?
I dunno..that still sounds like you're lying when you say we're recovering.
What you want and what is.....ain't the same thing. Which is why you are so upset. In my case....they are the same thing. Can you see the smile on my face?
Those are all retiring baby boomers! :lol:

75 million Baby Boomers over 18 year period that started in 2008. That equals 4.17 million retiring every year. 350K retire per month. 11,415 retire per day.

23.5 million Baby Boomers have reached retirement age since 2008.
Yes, indeed.

And they are the ones drawing the UE checks and SNAP cards, right?

It's actually 27 million baby boomers have retired. So:
How many employed are on government assistance?
How many retired are on government assistance?
How many minors are on government assistance?
How many disabled are on government assistance?
How many able bodied unemployed are on government assistance?

Job Growth for the Working Age Is Rocking!!!!
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You loons are always happiest when you're spinning lies.

Meanwhile, the economy is tanking.
So, are all of these retirees the ones who are needing food stamp EBT cards and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts?

Nope, those are the victims of GOP economic policies.
Republicans have not been in control for nearly six years.

The economic incompetence and/or deliberate monkey-wrenching of the American economy is all on your party and Dear Leader, sport-o.
The GOP, while not in complete control, control enough to block all reform!

The damage the GOP did while in control will last until they do not have the power to block all reform of their destructive policies still in effect.
That's right! Even when they're not in control, they're the problem. And when they're in control adn things are better..that's not them!

- Jobs UP
- Stocks UP
- Economy UP
- Gold Down
- Oil Down
- Government Employee Compensation Down
- Government Employment Down
- Government Spending Down

The Economy is on the Right Track!

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