Yup we're doing great under the great O...7 million have left the workforce.

U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


And this includes all the retirees, all the people who have given up looking for jobs, and all the new college graduates coming out with their degrees, and finding nothing. It does not include the new college graduates getting jobs... sweeping floors.


See that upswing after 1/10- that's when Pubs became able to end the Obama recovery with disfunction and obstruction. Not a single Obama policy passed since...Great job!
With no mindless debt crises, eat our dust...lowest UE signups since 2007, all job losses from Bush Great World Depression have now been made up...etc etc- but not on your idiot planet.:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States increased to 68145 USD Million in the fourth quarter of 2013 from 54321 USD Million in the third quarter of 2013. Foreign Direct Investment in the United States averaged 18270.28 USD Million from 1960 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 140759 USD Million in the second quarter of 1999 and a record low of -9004 USD Million in the second quarter of 2005. Foreign Direct Investment in the United States is reported by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

United States Foreign Direct Investment | Actual Data | Forecasts


The United States attracts capital not only because of lower taxes, but also because of greater U.S. consumer wealth and labor productivity. At purchasing power parity—GDP adjusted for differences in exchange rates and price

Foreign Investment in the United States, by Mack Ott: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty
So, are all of these retirees the ones who are needing food stamp EBT cards and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts?

Nope, those are the victims of GOP economic policies.
Republicans have not been in control for nearly six years.

The economic incompetence and/or deliberate monkey-wrenching of the American economy is all on your party and Dear Leader, sport-o.
"Since President Obama came into office in 2009, 7.2 million people have left the workforce entirely. One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working. Employment in this group fell by 72,000 last month, while the number of employed women aged 25–54 fell by 37,000. Meanwhile, the workforce participation rate for women is at its lowest level in 23 years. Median household income is down almost $2,300 from what it was when the President took office. Real wages are lower than they were in 1999. Growth in the first quarter of this year was negative.
"These numbers are grim and make clear that this economy is nowhere close to performing at an acceptable level."

Sessions: 7 Million Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office | The Weekly Standard

"PEW Research in Dec, 2010 published 10,000 [people retire each] day, for the next 19 years"

House Speaker John Boehner says 10,000 baby boomers retire every day | PolitiFact Ohio

Do the math!

10k/day means 3,650,000 per year retire. Obama has been in office for 5+ years so technically that would be over 18 million who have left the workforce.

The math doesn't lie but politicians do so all the time for partisan purposes.

What part of:

One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working.

don't you understand ?

Or are red herrings something you do for a living ?
U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


And this includes all the retirees, all the people who have given up looking for jobs, and all the new college graduates coming out with their degrees, and finding nothing. It does not include the new college graduates getting jobs... sweeping floors.


See that upswing after 1/10- that's when Pubs became able to end the Obama recovery with disfunction and obstruction. Not a single Obama policy passed since...Great job!
With no mindless debt crises, eat our dust...lowest UE signups since 2007, all job losses from Bush Great World Depression have now been made up...etc etc- but not on your idiot planet.:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

Find a doctor.

You need serious help.
So, are all of these retirees the ones who are needing food stamp EBT cards and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts?

Nope, those are the victims of GOP economic policies.
Republicans have not been in control for nearly six years.

The economic incompetence and/or deliberate monkey-wrenching of the American economy is all on your party and Dear Leader, sport-o.

you do know that what happened ten years ago affects today's markets?
It takes over two years even for a corporate project go from planning to the actual implementation of the project.
We are creating more oil because of the Energy Bill enacted in 2005, but it took us 9 years to get to that point...
So, are all of these retirees the ones who are needing food stamp EBT cards and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts?
Those extensions have never been refused with UE so high...way to wreck the world, Bushies and today's obstructionists and dupes...
"Since President Obama came into office in 2009, 7.2 million people have left the workforce entirely. One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working. Employment in this group fell by 72,000 last month, while the number of employed women aged 25–54 fell by 37,000. Meanwhile, the workforce participation rate for women is at its lowest level in 23 years. Median household income is down almost $2,300 from what it was when the President took office. Real wages are lower than they were in 1999. Growth in the first quarter of this year was negative.
"These numbers are grim and make clear that this economy is nowhere close to performing at an acceptable level."

Sessions: 7 Million Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office | The Weekly Standard

"PEW Research in Dec, 2010 published 10,000 [people retire each] day, for the next 19 years"

House Speaker John Boehner says 10,000 baby boomers retire every day | PolitiFact Ohio

Do the math!

10k/day means 3,650,000 per year retire. Obama has been in office for 5+ years so technically that would be over 18 million who have left the workforce.

The math doesn't lie but politicians do so all the time for partisan purposes.

What part of:

One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working.

don't you understand ?

Or are red herrings something you do for a living ?

Then they should take action and find a job, or even move to a place that needs people to work.
So, are all of these retirees the ones who are needing food stamp EBT cards and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts?

Nope, those are the victims of GOP economic policies.
Republicans have not been in control for nearly six years.

The economic incompetence and/or deliberate monkey-wrenching of the American economy is all on your party and Dear Leader, sport-o.

and the last time they were in control they left the country a recession to remember them by and it lasted long after they were gone and we still feel the dent in our wallet ..
"PEW Research in Dec, 2010 published 10,000 [people retire each] day, for the next 19 years"

House Speaker John Boehner says 10,000 baby boomers retire every day | PolitiFact Ohio

Do the math!

10k/day means 3,650,000 per year retire. Obama has been in office for 5+ years so technically that would be over 18 million who have left the workforce.

The math doesn't lie but politicians do so all the time for partisan purposes.

What part of:

One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working.

don't you understand ?

Or are red herrings something you do for a living ?

Then they should take action and find a job, or even move to a place that needs people to work.

Yeah, I watched Chris Matthews laugh at and Chide someone for saying the same thing. Chris's answer.....extend unemployment benefits another 25 weeks so people can find work without moving.....

You can't make this stuff up.
So, are all of these retirees the ones who are needing food stamp EBT cards and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts?
Those extensions have never been refused with UE so high...way to wreck the world, Bushies and today's obstructionists and dupes...
So, the reduced labor force participation rate is not all on account retirees.

Thanks for the inadvertent admission of progressive failure.

BTW, the blame Bush bit is sooo 2010.
So, are all of these retirees the ones who are needing food stamp EBT cards and extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts?

Nope, those are the victims of GOP economic policies.
Republicans have not been in control for nearly six years.

The economic incompetence and/or deliberate monkey-wrenching of the American economy is all on your party and Dear Leader, sport-o.

On planet earth, Dems were in control for six months- disfunction and continued pandering to the megarich is what your greedy idiot heroes want.
Nope, those are the victims of GOP economic policies.
Republicans have not been in control for nearly six years.

The economic incompetence and/or deliberate monkey-wrenching of the American economy is all on your party and Dear Leader, sport-o.

and the last time they were in control they left the country a recession to remember them by and it lasted long after they were gone and we still feel the dent in our wallet ..
Oh, stuff it.

One political party was not the cause of the 2008 meltdown. That took a team effort.

Grow the hell up.
All the jobs lost during the Bush cataclysm have now been regained, Public Sector included.

The deficit is going down.

And the government has shrunk..

Gee willikers, isn't that what Conservatives wanted?

Yup, 7 million have left the workforce, 90% of them have retired.

Step along, far righties, nobody is buying your whining.
Republicans have not been in control for nearly six years.

The economic incompetence and/or deliberate monkey-wrenching of the American economy is all on your party and Dear Leader, sport-o.

and the last time they were in control they left the country a recession to remember them by and it lasted long after they were gone and we still feel the dent in our wallet ..
Oh, stuff it.

One political party was not the cause of the 2008 meltdown. That took a team effort.

Grow the hell up.


Conservatives were responsible for the meltdown.

They've been killing Regulations and cutting taxes since Ronald Reagan.

This is the result.

Own it.
All the jobs lost during the Bush cataclysm have now been regained, Public Sector included.

The deficit is going down.

And the government has shrunk..

Gee willikers, isn't that what Conservatives wanted?


Please provide the backup for you all to specious claims.
Yup, 7 million have left the workforce, 90% of them have retired.

Step along, far righties, nobody is buying your whining.

This has to be one of the most stupid claims there is.

The right will own the senate in 2016.

Republicans have not been in control for nearly six years.

The economic incompetence and/or deliberate monkey-wrenching of the American economy is all on your party and Dear Leader, sport-o.

and the last time they were in control they left the country a recession to remember them by and it lasted long after they were gone and we still feel the dent in our wallet ..
Oh, stuff it.

One political party was not the cause of the 2008 meltdown. That took a team effort.

Grow the hell up.

2 wars, uncontrolled spending and three tax cuts were the majority of our problem ... team effort my ass ... shut the hell up.

blaming everything on Obama is so 2009

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