Yusef Salaam, one of the exonerated Central Park 5 men, is running for New York's Harlem state senate seat

He is a bright young man and political activist
He could win
hopefully he can make some changes in the dem party that wrongly prosecuted and convicted him
I've studied videos of coerced confessions, and this is defiantly not coerced in any way, whatsoever. It has none of the earmarks of a coerced confession, such as leading questions, threats, reward/punishment for right/wrong answers, etc...

This is a genuine confession.

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Interesting “confession”
Isolate him for 12 hours with no lawyer and no parents present.
Scream at the 15 year old and lie and tell him the others had already said he raped her so he had better confess with “his version”

None of the five told the same story and their facts about where the rape occurred and how she was injured all differed.
In a brutally bloody rape, none of them had any blood on them and none left any DNA at the scene
Interesting “confession”
Isolate him for 12 hours with no lawyer and no parents present.
Scream at the 15 year old and lie and tell him the others had already said he raped her so he had better confess with “his version”

None of the five told the same story and their facts about where the rape occurred and how she was injured all differed.
In a brutally bloody rape, none of them had any blood on them and none left any DNA at the scene

Yeah....all of that is a lie but thanks for submitting the left wing talking points....

Oooh, oooh, tell us the story of the Trump supporters killing the police officer with the fire extinguisher...that fairy tale never gets old...
Yeah....all of that is a lie but thanks for submitting the left wing talking points....

Oooh, oooh, tell us the story of the Trump supporters killing the police officer with the fire extinguisher...that fairy tale never gets old...
It is not a left wing talking point
It was affirmed by the courts in overturning a wrongful conviction based on a coerced confession

It was so egregious that the State paid the boys $40 million in damages
It is not a left wing talking point
It was affirmed by the courts in overturning a wrongful conviction based on a coerced confession

It was so egregious that the State paid the boys $40 million in damages

Wrong the 5 were there, they abused the woman, they just didn't rape her....they beat her and abused her and were there when she was raped......they should have been kept in jail.
It is not a left wing talking point
It was affirmed by the courts in overturning a wrongful conviction based on a coerced confession

It was so egregious that the State paid the boys $40 million in damages


This is what the 5 boys did....

Sometime between 9:00 and 9:30 on the night of April 19, 1989, a group of more than 30 black and Hispanic teenagers — including the aforementioned “Central Park Five” — attacked 28-year-old Trisha Meili while she was jogging in the park. One of the assailants — whose identity would remain unknown for the next 13 years — raped her with vaginal penetration, leaving his DNA inside the woman's cervix. As Miss Meili screamed in agony, one or more of her attackers shut her up by fracturing her skull with a lead pipe and mutilating her face with a brick. Meili lost three-quarters of her blood in the assault, and her brain activity could scarcely be detected by medical equipment in the hospital emergency room to which she was later transported. So badly was Meili's face mangled — one of her eyes had popped out of its socket — that even her boyfriend was able to recognize her only by a familiar ring on her finger. The District Attorney's office initially assigned Miss Meili's case to its homicide unit, because none of her doctors expected that the woman would survive for even a single night. Yet Meili did survive, though she spent nearly two weeks in a coma.

The Central Park 5 Were Murderous Thugs - Frontpagemag

In 2002, a convicted serial rapist named Matias Reyes — who was already serving a 33-years-to-life sentence for other felonies but had never been investigated as a suspect in the Central Park jogger case — suddenly confessed to having perpetrated Trisha Meili's April 19, 1989 rape. Authorities quickly confirmed his claim by matching his DNA with the DNA from the semen which had been collected during the original investigation thirteen years earlier. Reyes's confession had no bearing on the prison time that he was already serving, as the statute of limitations regarding the Trisha Meili case had expired.

Reyes was a violent psychopath with a long history of forcing his way into women's apartments and attacking them. In one of those cases, he had raped a then-pregnant woman named Lourdes Gonzalez before stabbing her nine times while her young children were in the next room, listening to their mother suffer and die. And yet now, not only was Reyes confessing to a crime for which he had never even been charged, but he was claiming (falsely) to have acted alone in attacking Trisha Meili in Central Park. Why?

Reyes said he felt guilty that five innocent men had been punished for a crime that he committed. But those punishments were basically over by the time Reyes made his confession. Four members of the Central Park Five were already out of prison, and the fifth, Kharey Wise, was scheduled to be released very soon.

It is simply not believable that a lifelong remorseless monster like Matias Reyes would suddenly have been motivated by a pang of guilt. A much more plausible explanation rests with the well-substantiated fact that Reyes, who had recentlybeen moved to Kharey Wise's prison cellblock, feared Wise's gang and desperately wanted to be transferred to a more secure and hospitable prison location. And sure enough, after he confessed to the rape of Miss Meili, he quickly received the transfer that he wanted.
Wrong the 5 were there, they abused the woman, they just didn't rape her....they beat her and abused her and were there when she was raped......they should have been kept in jail.

There is zero roof they were there
No DNA, no blood on the boys or their clothes
None of the boys even identified the correct location of the crime.

The guy who actually did it said he acted alone

This is what the 5 boys did....

Sometime between 9:00 and 9:30 on the night of April 19, 1989, a group of more than 30 black and Hispanic teenagers — including the aforementioned “Central Park Five” — attacked 28-year-old Trisha Meili while she was jogging in the park. One of the assailants — whose identity would remain unknown for the next 13 years — raped her with vaginal penetration, leaving his DNA inside the woman's cervix. As Miss Meili screamed in agony, one or more of her attackers shut her up by fracturing her skull with a lead pipe and mutilating her face with a brick. Meili lost three-quarters of her blood in the assault, and her brain activity could scarcely be detected by medical equipment in the hospital emergency room to which she was later transported. So badly was Meili's face mangled — one of her eyes had popped out of its socket — that even her boyfriend was able to recognize her only by a familiar ring on her finger. The District Attorney's office initially assigned Miss Meili's case to its homicide unit, because none of her doctors expected that the woman would survive for even a single night. Yet Meili did survive, though she spent nearly two weeks in a coma.

The Central Park 5 Were Murderous Thugs - Frontpagemag

In 2002, a convicted serial rapist named Matias Reyes — who was already serving a 33-years-to-life sentence for other felonies but had never been investigated as a suspect in the Central Park jogger case — suddenly confessed to having perpetrated Trisha Meili's April 19, 1989 rape. Authorities quickly confirmed his claim by matching his DNA with the DNA from the semen which had been collected during the original investigation thirteen years earlier. Reyes's confession had no bearing on the prison time that he was already serving, as the statute of limitations regarding the Trisha Meili case had expired.

Reyes was a violent psychopath with a long history of forcing his way into women's apartments and attacking them. In one of those cases, he had raped a then-pregnant woman named Lourdes Gonzalez before stabbing her nine times while her young children were in the next room, listening to their mother suffer and die. And yet now, not only was Reyes confessing to a crime for which he had never even been charged, but he was claiming (falsely) to have acted alone in attacking Trisha Meili in Central Park. Why?

Reyes said he felt guilty that five innocent men had been punished for a crime that he committed. But those punishments were basically over by the time Reyes made his confession. Four members of the Central Park Five were already out of prison, and the fifth, Kharey Wise, was scheduled to be released very soon.

It is simply not believable that a lifelong remorseless monster like Matias Reyes would suddenly have been motivated by a pang of guilt. A much more plausible explanation rests with the well-substantiated fact that Reyes, who had recentlybeen moved to Kharey Wise's prison cellblock, feared Wise's gang and desperately wanted to be transferred to a more secure and hospitable prison location. And sure enough, after he confessed to the rape of Miss Meili, he quickly received the transfer that he wanted.
None of that bullshit story stood up in court on review
In a bloodily brutal rape, there was not a drop of blood on any of the boys or their clothes or shoes.
It is not a left wing talking point
It was affirmed by the courts in overturning a wrongful conviction based on a coerced confession

It was so egregious that the State paid the boys $40 million in damages

This is the guy you are praising...you idiot...

And Yusef Salaam, who was allegedly the first to pummel Miss Meili's head with Kharey Wise's lead pipe, was fond of robbing people in Central Park. Having been recently suspended from school for weapons possession, Salaam was described by police as the “most vicious” of the five.

Salaam was 15 but had a fake ID listing his age as 16, so his questioning began without a parent or guardian present. But before long, his mother arrived at the precinct and requested that her son be provided with a lawyer; Salaam's confession was not videotaped.

When investigators at one point asked the fifth suspect, Yusef Salaam, why he had tried to smash the victim's skull, he replied, “It was fun.”

Some additional pieces of evidence also demonstrate that the Central Park Five were very much involved in the attack against Miss Meili:

Defenders of the Five point out that the DNA of the semen inside the jogger's cervix did not match that of McCray, Richardson, Santana, Wise, or Salaam — supposedly proving the boys' innocence. But in fact, it proves only that none of those five had actually penetrated the victim's vagina. It does not negate the fact that all five provided vivid testimony proving beyond any doubt that they were part of the vicious horde that had committed one of the most brutal, barbaric attacks in living memory. Nor does it alter the fact that their mere presence in that horde made them legally complicit in Miss Meili's rape. The fact that their semen was not inside the victim's body is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Authorities always knew that there were other assailants, besides the Five, who had brutalized the victim and gotten away.

Defenders of the Central Park Five likewise point out that no traces of DNA from the boys' hair, sweat, saliva, or skin had been found on the victim either. But as Ann Coulter wrote in 2018: “Today, these kids' DNA would have been found all over the crime scene.
But in 1989, DNA was a primitive science. Most cops wouldn't have even bothered collecting samples for DNA tests back then.” Indeed, the development of a national DNA database enabling investigators to identify perpetrators by matching their genetic materials to those collected from other crime scenes, would not even begin until several years later.

Eric Reynolds, a black NYPD officer who first arrested a number of the suspects in the Central Park jogger case in April 1989, was disgusted by the de Blasio administration's deal with Miss Meili's five assailants. “If we had gone to trial in their lawsuit … all the facts would have come out,” said Reynolds. “It would have been clear they [the Central Park Five] participated, and [Matias] Reyes didn’t act alone. The evidence supported it. They did not want to go to trial. They just wanted to get paid.”

As for allegations that the suspects' confessions had been coerced by police, Reynolds says: “[Trisha Meili] was in a coma. If we’re railroading [the suspects], how do we know when she comes out of the coma what story she’s going to tell? If you are trying to pin it on someone, why would you risk that she would say something different?” Mike Sheehan, one of the detectives who investigated the attack against Miss Meili, concurs: “All of this stuff about coercion really pisses me off. Do you honestly think that we — detectives with more than 20 years in, family men with pensions — would risk all of that so we could put words in the mouth of a 15 year-old kid? Absolutely not.”
There is zero roof they were there
No DNA, no blood on the boys or their clothes
None of the boys even identified the correct location of the crime.

The guy who actually did it said he acted alone

They didn't collect DNA samples because that hadn't been around at the time, you doofus..........
None of that bullshit story stood up in court on review
In a bloodily brutal rape, there was not a drop of blood on any of the boys or their clothes or shoes.

You are an idiot...

As for allegations that the suspects' confessions had been coerced by police, Reynolds says: “[Trisha Meili] was in a coma. If we’re railroading [the suspects], how do we know when she comes out of the coma what story she’s going to tell? If you are trying to pin it on someone, why would you risk that she would say something different?” Mike Sheehan, one of the detectives who investigated the attack against Miss Meili, concurs: “All of this stuff about coercion really pisses me off. Do you honestly think that we — detectives with more than 20 years in, family men with pensions — would risk all of that so we could put words in the mouth of a 15 year-old kid? Absolutely not.”
This is the guy you are praising...you idiot...

And Yusef Salaam, who was allegedly the first to pummel Miss Meili's head with Kharey Wise's lead pipe, was fond of robbing people in Central Park. Having been recently suspended from school for weapons possession, Salaam was described by police as the “most vicious” of the five.

Salaam was 15 but had a fake ID listing his age as 16, so his questioning began without a parent or guardian present. But before long, his mother arrived at the precinct and requested that her son be provided with a lawyer; Salaam's confession was not videotaped.

When investigators at one point asked the fifth suspect, Yusef Salaam, why he had tried to smash the victim's skull, he replied, “It was fun.”

Some additional pieces of evidence also demonstrate that the Central Park Five were very much involved in the attack against Miss Meili:

Defenders of the Five point out that the DNA of the semen inside the jogger's cervix did not match that of McCray, Richardson, Santana, Wise, or Salaam — supposedly proving the boys' innocence. But in fact, it proves only that none of those five had actually penetrated the victim's vagina. It does not negate the fact that all five provided vivid testimony proving beyond any doubt that they were part of the vicious horde that had committed one of the most brutal, barbaric attacks in living memory. Nor does it alter the fact that their mere presence in that horde made them legally complicit in Miss Meili's rape. The fact that their semen was not inside the victim's body is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Authorities always knew that there were other assailants, besides the Five, who had brutalized the victim and gotten away.

Defenders of the Central Park Five likewise point out that no traces of DNA from the boys' hair, sweat, saliva, or skin had been found on the victim either. But as Ann Coulter wrote in 2018: “Today, these kids' DNA would have been found all over the crime scene.
But in 1989, DNA was a primitive science. Most cops wouldn't have even bothered collecting samples for DNA tests back then.” Indeed, the development of a national DNA database enabling investigators to identify perpetrators by matching their genetic materials to those collected from other crime scenes, would not even begin until several years later.

Eric Reynolds, a black NYPD officer who first arrested a number of the suspects in the Central Park jogger case in April 1989, was disgusted by the de Blasio administration's deal with Miss Meili's five assailants. “If we had gone to trial in their lawsuit … all the facts would have come out,” said Reynolds. “It would have been clear they [the Central Park Five] participated, and [Matias] Reyes didn’t act alone. The evidence supported it. They did not want to go to trial. They just wanted to get paid.”

As for allegations that the suspects' confessions had been coerced by police, Reynolds says: “[Trisha Meili] was in a coma. If we’re railroading [the suspects], how do we know when she comes out of the coma what story she’s going to tell? If you are trying to pin it on someone, why would you risk that she would say something different?” Mike Sheehan, one of the detectives who investigated the attack against Miss Meili, concurs: “All of this stuff about coercion really pisses me off. Do you honestly think that we — detectives with more than 20 years in, family men with pensions — would risk all of that so we could put words in the mouth of a 15 year-old kid? Absolutely not.”
The police lied about Salaam who along with 4 of the 5 had no criminal record. He was also the brightest of the five and was never involved in any crime before or after that night
Mike Sheehan, one of the detectives who investigated the attack against Miss Meili, concurs: “All of this stuff about coercion really pisses me off. Do you honestly think that we — detectives with more than 20 years in, family men with pensions — would risk all of that so we could put words in the mouth of a 15 year-old kid? Absolutely not.”
This was a high profile case. Trump declaring their guilt made it more so.
Police were under immense pressure to solve the case. The tactics used against isolated minors to coerce a confession have been widely condemned and are no longer allowed.
So much so that the State paid $40 million in damaged

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