Zelensky banning political parties and taking over news outlets

Classic moves for totalitarian take over. Explains why he is in no hurry to make peace.

- Zelensky Announces Ban on 11 Political Parties

- Zelensky Merges All Ukrainian TV Outlets Into Singular Platform to ‘Tell the Truth About the War,’ Suspends Privately-Owned Media Companies

For good measure, just seeing this - - SHOCKING Reports Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion Setting Up Offensive Positions in Civilian Areas and Using Women and Children as "Human Shields" (VIDEOS)

The news coverage on this situation is incredibly one-dimensional and feels very similar to the Covid coverage. You can feel an agenda underneath.
Rootin' for Putin (and trump's BFF)
Sounds like zelensky is fighting ukranian citizens too :dunno:

Nearly half of Ukrainian citizens are Russians, and they hate each other.

Zelensky, who is Jewish, was offered as "neutral" alternative to nationalists from both sides, and that's how he got elected with 75% majority.


As it turned out, Zelensky was Manchurian candidate, clearly Ukrainian nationalist with intentions to eliminate all Russian opposition, even if it means to ethnically clean Ukraine from Ruskies.
There seems to be some confusion, and on a rather large scale, with regard to the difference between "democracy'' and a Democracy"

The 'a Democracy' line gets arbitrarily tossed out there routinely by those unenlightened folks.

I've lost track of how many times I've explained the difference.

But it's chuckle worthy every time I see it.

"A Democracy'' is properly defined as a form of government premised upon rule by omnipotent Majority whereas ''democracy'' itself is properly defined as a popular type of government in general.

The distinction needs to be made clear in any discussion, or writing, regarding this subject, for the sake of sound understanding.

Unfortunately, it doesnt seem like the clones are programmed to consider what they regurgitate that deeply.

In both cases, it comes to majority rule.

Republic and republican form of government prevents rights of minority to be eliminated by +1 majority.

Can the US Congress simply vote to eliminate the minority party, because they do not agree with party in power? That's what Democrats ultimate goal is.
You think he would ask NATO to invade Russia? Where did you come up with this childish thought? :cuckoo:
Yes.. I think there would be fighting at the border and nato who is hostile towards Russia would invade
Nearly half of Ukrainian citizens are Russians, and they hate each other.

Zelensky, who is Jewish, was offered as "neutral" alternative to nationalists from both sides, and that's how he got elected with 75% majority.

View attachment 619081

As it turned out, Zelensky was Manchurian candidate, clearly Ukrainian nationalist with intentions to eliminate all Russian opposition, even if it means to ethnically clean Ukraine from Ruskies.
There are questions about Ukraine. And very few are answering them. Perhaps the world has some portals of nations where the dirt slides massive liquidity through. For every legal stock exchange with its corrupted ways there are exchanges that start with corrupted ways and then gets worse. With people of power getting paid off and those who sniff at power becoming rich. Finance and economics and the swishing and swashing of world deals dealing in the same is something misunderstand in a world awash of debt until there is a correction that hurts those who play by the rules trying to survive.
Well, he didn't ban them until Russia attacked, and Russia is attempting to destroy the popularly elected govt, so maybe we shouldn't judge others on what the US never faced. Oh btw, we did force the tories to immigrate after our Revolutionary War.
Yep. Can't say one word about Ukraine without being a Pootin Supporter! :auiqs.jpg:

I wonder if anyone noticed that every speech of any of Ukrainian politician or group ends in phrase "slava Ukraini".

Every nationalist leader, including neo-Nazis, are using it, as a mean to push their agenda. It doesn't matter what you do, the "slava Ukraini" gives you free pass to do so.

Russians are killing us, we need help, slava Ukraini! :clap2:
Let's kill Russians, slava Ukraini! :clap2:

It reminds me of Hitler's "Sieg heil", or Croatian nationalist's "Za dom spremni", that was repeated by their nationalists at the time.
It also remind me of "Forward" that socialists everywhere use even today. It reminds me of "Black Lives Matter" used to isolate and label as racist everyone who doesn't say it.

As it turns out, our leftists are labeling everyone who criticize Ukraine as Putin supporter.
Stating facts about Russia, or Ukraine, or history in between them, or criticizing US involvement in igniting war in between them, doesn't mean I condone what one or the other side does. I don't support Putin, I don't support Ukraine neither. And many "experts" on the left are too quick to label anyone as enemy, all in the name of some quasi patriotism.

The same experts that lied to us about COVID, are now telling us "truth" about Russia, and Ukraine, and I supposed to believe them? No, I refuse to fall for the same trick again.

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Clearly, they are Nazis

Who, Ukrainians?

I don't think that people of Ukraine are, not for a bit. But given their history with Russians, and horrors they lived under during Soviet rule, I understand their hate, and reasons they want to be separate from them. Ukrainian nationalist seized the moment and cashed in on that hate, by reviving nationalist movement started under Banderas and since then it's just escalated to worse, and we helped to stir that pot. Zelensky, presented to us as "moderate" and neutral, did nothing to prevent Ukrainians being seen as nationalists, and why would he, when that card got him elected, with our help, and kept him in power since then. He promised to stop the war in Donbas, and he never did, in fact he did opposite. He played both sides, and he's playing us now.

Maybe Zelensky is not a nationalist, but he has to appear as one in Ukraine in order to stay in power. I understand that when you're in war, you'll accept help from anyone that will give it to you, but he allows those neo-Nazis to freely roam the country and openly call for genocide. Are we really supporting those people?

Yep. Can't say one word about Ukraine without being a Pootin Supporter! :auiqs.jpg:
Due to their low IQs, Mac and his ilk are easily brainwashed by the fake news media. The fake news media convinced them that anyone who tells the truth about Ukraine is spreading Russian disinformation, because MSNBC and CNN said so.
I wonder if anyone noticed that every speech of any of Ukrainian politician or group ends in phrase "slava Ukraini".

Every nationalist leader, including neo-Nazis, are using it, as a mean to push their agenda. It doesn't matter what you do, the "slava Ukraini" gives you free pass to do so.

Russians are killing us, we need help, slava Ukraini! :clap2:
Let's kill Russians, slava Ukraini! :clap2:

It reminds me of Hitler's "Sieg heil", or Croatian nationalist's "Za dom spremni", that was repeated by their nationalists at the time.
It also remind me of "Forward" that socialists everywhere use even today. It reminds me of "Black Lives Matter" used to isolate and label as racist everyone who doesn't say it.

As it turns out, our leftists are labeling everyone who criticize Ukraine as Putin supporter.
Stating facts about Russia, or Ukraine, or history in between them, or criticizing US involvement in igniting war in between them, doesn't mean I condone what one or the other side does. I don't support Putin, I don't support Ukraine neither. And many "experts" on the left are too quick to label anyone as enemy, all in the name of some quasi patriotism.

The same experts that lied to us about COVID, are now telling us "truth" about Russia, and Ukraine, and I supposed to believe them? No, I refuse to fall for the same trick again.

Frankly, I'm sick of Zelensky's whining, begging and insults. If he can't defend his own country, he deserves to lose. If he can't beat the Russians, then he ought to surrender, meet the demands and move on. If the little impotent fuck can't win but keeps fighting anyway seeing all his people die or have to flee, if I were Russia, I'd just come in soon and pound the living CRAP out of him and get it over with. End this war one way or other, but don't FIGHT IT for them.
Comparing a mask mandate meant to protect lives to the Russian atrocities in the Ukraine is just plain inane. Is that the comparison you are seriously making?

No the point I was making is liberals were quick to celebrate covid deaths among people who didn't support the mandates. And now liberals are whining if people don't support corrupt Ukraine neo-nazi's it means they support innocent people being killed.
Frankly, I'm sick of Zelensky's whining, begging and insults. If he can't defend his own country, he deserves to lose. If he can't beat the Russians, then he ought to surrender, meet the demands and move on. If the little impotent fuck can't win but keeps fighting anyway seeing all his people die or have to flee, if I were Russia, I'd just come in soon and pound the living CRAP out of him and get it over with. End this war one way or other, but don't FIGHT IT for them.

I don't agree with it, but I could understand why he eliminated pro-Russian political parties, and independent media. UK also eliminated some parties during WWII.

If purpose of doing that is to protect the country, I could even accept it to some degree, but I don't think Zelensky is doing it with that in mind. Under slogan "slava Ukraini", he's eliminating all political opponents, including Ukrainians. There is no easier way to get rid of anyone who is not agreeing with him, but to label those as traitors and collaborators. Anything remotely anti-Zelensky is a recipe for death sentence. They even murdered government officials and an official delegate to the first negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, because he suggested that accepting Russian terms as losing three regions is probably better than the entire country being lost.

So, how is Zelensky any different than Putin?

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