Zelensky makes dramatic G-7 visit as Biden mobilizes allies over China

Biden has rallied the West. More equipment, munitions, armored vehicles, SP howitzers, jets, etc., have entered and are entering Ukraine.

The West will not tolerate beyond his traditional geographic regions.
Biden hasn't rallied shite.... The damned powerful screwed up leftist media is in charge, and bumbling fumbling Biden is just their pull lever when they need him.

In fact the leftist controlled Media has been running the show in the US for quite sometimes now, and have Mercy on us all who don't agree with the disgusting power that's been given unto it.
The US is still the good guy, totalitarianism and fascist right wing Neo Nazis regimes like the Russian oligarchy are the bad guys. Of the bastards stayed at home no one would care but the Georgians, Baltic States and Ukrainians are threatened by your guys.
Please define: "Good guy."
Neo Nazis right wing Russian stooges.
More 'insight' from your butt hole no doubt but this is what defines you. If I were what you say I am (a "Neo Nazi right-wing Russian") then there is no doubt I'd be proud of who I am. But in your twisted mind denying it is a lie. What goes on in your head and how did it get so rancid?
Liberal Pro democracy. Everything the MAGA are not.
It doesn't matter how often Americans express their wish for the well-being of their nation and for their countrymen ... Making America Great really pisses you off every time. Is that how you were taught in Pyongyang? :26:
Trump is exactly who the Russians want, because he (they think) will let them have the rest of Eastern Europe.

A Trump election guarantees an American coup d'etat and WWIII when Russian invades Moldova, etc.
It's a new go to answer, just like all their other damned jingle's and bull shite they decide is the flavor of the month for them. Talk about Jim Jones cult shite.. You can't make the bull shite up.
All you have to do is disagree with a Lib for ANY reason, and you're either a “racist,” “Putin fan,” “Xenophobe,” “Transphobe,” “Anti-Semite,” or a “Trump supporter.” They really need to come up with some better names. These are getting boring.
All you have to do is disagree with a Lib for ANY reason, and you're either a “racist,” “Putin fan,” “Xenophobe,” “Transphobe,” “Anti-Semite,” or a “Trump supporter.” They really need to come up with some better names. These are getting boring.
Exactly...lol... Heck you would thing they would want too in order to keep themselves from looking so foolish..

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