Zelensky so desperate, he sends teens into combat after 3 days of training.

If you agree to take up arms and cross the border to ukraine I will

LMAO! Bullshit.

Besides, I am a 62 year old man with a bad knee. I could probably manage to be a so-so sniper. Maybe bag another general.
When you are repelling an invader, you use whatever resources you have.

And the teens are volunteers. If they are killed it is not Zelensky who killed them. It is Putin and his invasion of a sovereign nation.
An illegitimate state repelling an invader is oxymoronic, especially with CIA-MI6 operativves in Liviv. Duh
Zelensky is a corrupt authoritarian and a puppet of Kolomoisky who has funded brutal anti-Russian militias.

If you were Zelensky would you trade NATO membership for peace?
Fuck off, Russian scum.
Russian troops are performing so poorly that Putin is hiring Syrian mercs and begging China for military aid

What does zelensky think this is, Red Dawn? The movie where American teens fight off north koreans?

Now that his army is loosing and the volunteers in shambles, he now sends these stupid-ass children to fight only to get slaughtered.
In can alread see the headlines coming "Putin Child killer". Very unfortunate but i hope these kids get back to their senses and leave.

Either Zelensky surrenders or Ukriane falls. There will be no heroes, no saviors, no A-10s, no rambo or Amerikanskys.
Considering the fact that Putin's conscripts are abandoning equipment at an unprecedented rate, those teens should be well-armed pretty quickly!!!!
Every nite of the week he worked, Trump collusion remember
Yes, I do.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting. He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans.

Putin banned Americans from adopting Russian children in 2012.

On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.


January 6 was in insurrection created by Trump. Remember?
Yes, I do.

Dec. 12: On the day of pro-Trump rallies in Washington, D.C., Trump tweeted "Wow! Thousands of people forming in Washington (D.C.) for Stop the Steal. Didn’t know about this, but I’ll be seeing them! #MAGA."

Dec. 12: "WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT!!!" Trump said in another tweet.

Dec. 19: Trump tweeted his praise for a report by his adviser Peter Navarro alleging election fraud: "A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

Dec. 27: "See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!" Trump tweeted.

Jan. 1: "The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!" Trump tweeted.

Jan. 1: "January 6th. See you in D.C." Trump tweeted.

Blm , defund the police, caused Black Death to increase.
Lemon may have supported BLM but didn't support defunding police.

Ummm what? Lol
What you are regurgitating.
that’s funny
YES, it is.
yes commies protest lol. But real Americans aren’t commies..
I know, Trump and his cult are living proof.

"God bless Russia my friend! America stands with Russia"!
fighting for free-speech giving each American a gun is an exactly the manifesto for being a communist lol ya dig?

What does zelensky think this is, Red Dawn? The movie where American teens fight off north koreans?

Now that his army is loosing and the volunteers in shambles, he now sends these stupid-ass children to fight only to get slaughtered.
In can alread see the headlines coming "Putin Child killer". Very unfortunate but i hope these kids get back to their senses and leave.

Either Zelensky surrenders or Ukriane falls. There will be no heroes, no saviors, no A-10s, no rambo or Amerikanskys.

Doesn't take much to get a gun and shoot people.
We don't have any communist countries anymore; they are call authoritarian countries. We don't have any socialism countries anymore; they are long gone.

Did we ever have "Communist countries" before?

Many countries have socialism, not full socialism, but Europe is full of them.
Wow. Endless stream of Russian propaganda on this forum.

Well, give my regards to Mr Putin. He's a good man, I kinda like him. I hope he knows what he's doing. Wouldn't want to have to shoot him.

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