Zelensky so desperate, he sends teens into combat after 3 days of training.

Please acknowledge that Zelensky is an authoritarian.

“in February 2021 a few days after Biden’s inauguration, the US Embassy in Kyiv applauded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s crackdown on his pro-Russian, Euro-skeptic political opponent Viktor Medvedchuk, whose television stations were closed and his assets seized before he was placed under house arrest.”

Zelensky is a dangerous cocaine-addicted lunatic. He’ll start WW III with his demand for no-fly zones.

Ukraine could retain their independence if they stayed neutral.

And let’s not forget the big picture: People like Igor Kolomoisky want Europeans involved in a fratricidal war to usher in world domination of the CCP.
They have stated they wouldn’t join you MORON. Please tell us why they are bombing Hospitals, killing people in bread lines, bombing shelters, setting Landmines where people have been trying to leave
“ Self Cleansing of Traitors “ Putins description of Russians who don’t agree with him
They have stated they wouldn’t join you MORON. Please tell us why they are bombing Hospitals, killing people in bread lines, bombing shelters, setting Landmines where people have been trying to leave
“ Self Cleansing of Traitors “ Putins description of Russians who don’t agree with him
I think Zelensky will reverse himself and accept that Ukraine will not join NATO. Then this stupid war can end.

What does zelensky think this is, Red Dawn? The movie where American teens fight off north koreans?

Now that his army is loosing and the volunteers in shambles, he now sends these stupid-ass children to fight only to get slaughtered.
In can alread see the headlines coming "Putin Child killer". Very unfortunate but i hope these kids get back to their senses and leave.

Either Zelensky surrenders or Ukriane falls. There will be no heroes, no saviors, no A-10s, no rambo or Amerikanskys.
Fortnight my ass get your little ass back out there on the frontlines lmao.
Everything you read about the “ affair “ says allegedly.
Of course, Michael Cohen "allegedly" paid Stormy $130,000?
For what disclosing a lie?
Why didn't the pussy grabbing, serial litigator sue Cohen and Daniels?
However, what if it’s true? JFK couldn’t keep his pants up and killed a woman. His brother, TED KENNEDY DELIBERATELY let a woman DROWN, RFK wasn’t any better.
Of course, outrage from the moral majority religious nuts................only reserved for democrats.

For Trump, all is forgiven.

The story of King David, a sinner who remained beloved by God and favored by his people, has been a favorite of evangelical Christians who support Donald Trump, even during the Republican primaries. Their reasoning is that like King David, Donald Trump has committed adultery, and like King David (or President Franklin Roosevelt, as one columnist wrote), Trump can be a great (and moral) leader even after having committed adultery.

This isn’t new. GOP donor Foster Friess compared Trump to King David in January 2016, saying, “[A]ll throughout history, God has harnessed imperfect people to fulfill his perfect will.”

Falwell defends Trump: “God called King David a man after Gods own heart even tho he was an adulterer & a murderer."

As NOOT cheated on his wife and served her divorce papers while she was in a hospital bed with cancer?

Making a excuse for Bill Clinton???
No, he's an adult, he cheated on his wife, that is a fact.
Monica was ONLY 21 !!!! Young enough to be his DAUGHTER!!
WOW, THAT'S never happened before.
Men marry women who are younger than their daughters

You mean he COULDN’T say NO????
SHE couldn't?
Instead, it lasted three years.
What about all the other women he FUCKED and the one he RAPED ?????
Of course, Michael Cohen "allegedly" paid Stormy $130,000?
For what disclosing a lie?
Why didn't the pussy grabbing, serial litigator sue Cohen and Daniels?

Of course, outrage from the moral majority religious nuts................only reserved for democrats.

For Trump, all is forgiven.

The story of King David, a sinner who remained beloved by God and favored by his people, has been a favorite of evangelical Christians who support Donald Trump, even during the Republican primaries. Their reasoning is that like King David, Donald Trump has committed adultery, and like King David (or President Franklin Roosevelt, as one columnist wrote), Trump can be a great (and moral) leader even after having committed adultery.

This isn’t new. GOP donor Foster Friess compared Trump to King David in January 2016, saying, “[A]ll throughout history, God has harnessed imperfect people to fulfill his perfect will.”

Falwell defends Trump: “God called King David a man after Gods own heart even tho he was an adulterer & a murderer."

As NOOT cheated on his wife and served her divorce papers while she was in a hospital bed with cancer?

No, he's an adult, he cheated on his wife, that is a fact.

WOW, THAT'S never happened before.
Men marry women who are younger than their daughters

SHE couldn't?
Instead, it lasted three years.

It’s funny for the DEMORAT S all is forgiven. Bill Clinton actually gained popularity after Monica Lewinsky and her Reputation was ruined! Bill Clinton can rape, have affairs with many women yet he is hailed as the Hero 🦸‍♀️ of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The KENNEDY’s can KILL and not ONE word is said, RFK never had his pants up ⬆️ either ; The ROYAL FAMILY of the DEMOCRATIC Party
It’s funny for the DEMORAT S all is forgiven.
"All is forgiven"?
NOT for ANYONE to decide that but Hillary, she was the one that was cheated on.
Not for republicans though, they scorned Clinton, especially NOOT, who was having his own hypocritical affair.
Not a peep from "moral" republicans about that.
Bill Clinton actually gained popularity after Monica Lewinsky and her Reputation was ruined!
Lewinski would have gotten a lot more sympathy had she not ran her mouth to Linda Tripp.
That's why her reputation was hurt, not by the affair.

Bill Clinton can rape, have affairs with many women yet he is hailed as the Hero 🦸‍♀️ of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The KENNEDY’s can KILL and not ONE word is said, RFK never had his pants up ⬆️ either ; The ROYAL FAMILY of the DEMOCRATIC Party
Of course.

When is JFK Jr. going to appear?

"All is forgiven"?
NOT for ANYONE to decide that but Hillary, she was the one that was cheated on.
Not for republicans though, they scorned Clinton, especially NOOT, who was having his own hypocritical affair.
Not a peep from "moral" republicans about that.

Lewinski would have gotten a lot more sympathy had she not ran her mouth to Linda Tripp.
That's why her reputation was hurt, not by the affair.

Of course.

When is JFK Jr. going to appear?

View attachment 618065

"All is forgiven"?
NOT for ANYONE to decide that but Hillary, she was the one that was cheated on.
Not for republicans though, they scorned Clinton, especially NOOT, who was having his own hypocritical affair.
Not a peep from "moral" republicans about that.

Lewinski would have gotten a lot more sympathy had she not ran her mouth to Linda Tripp.
That's why her reputation was hurt, not by the affair.

Of course.

When is JFK Jr. going to appear?
So it was up to Hillary yet Trump is to be condemned for a alleged affair? It was " up to her" to " forgive" her husband for receiving BLOW JOBS for someone young enough to be her daughter in addition to all his other affairs and RAPE ??? Monica THOUGHT Linda Tripp was a friend. Regardless, that does NOT explain why Bill Clinton got a pass
You have nothing to say about the Kennedy's killing Marilyn Monroe or Mary Jo Kopechne yet you mention Gingrich? Another Hypocritical Demo Rat
So it was up to Hillary yet Trump is to be condemned for a alleged affair?
YES, because the same religious nut jobs that condemned Clinton gave Trump and NOOT a pass.

People, who live in glass houses?
It was " up to her" to " forgive" her husband for receiving BLOW JOBS for someone young enough to be her daughter in addition to all his other affairs and RAPE ???
Monica THOUGHT Linda Tripp was a friend. Regardless, that does NOT explain why Bill Clinton got a pass
Clinton didn't with the "moral" majority.

You have nothing to say about the Kennedy's killing Marilyn Monroe or Mary Jo Kopechne yet you mention Gingrich?
Marilyn Monroe?
I heard israel killed her.
Another Hypocritical Demo Rat
Sure.............................republitard, we don't wear our "morals, on our shirt sleeve condemning everyone, while committing the exact thing, we are condemning.
YES, because the same religious nut jobs that condemned Clinton gave Trump and NOOT a pass.

People, who live in glass houses?


Clinton didn't with the "moral" majority.

Marilyn Monroe?
I heard israel killed her.

Sure.............................republitard, we don't wear our "morals, on our shirt sleeve condemning everyone, while committing the exact thing, we are condemning.

YES, because the same religious nut jobs that condemned Clinton gave Trump and NOOT a pass.
Please tell us who the " religious nut jobs " were. You see NOTHING wring with the POTUS with a 21 year old . Not surprised
People, who live in glass houses?


Clinton didn't with the "moral" majority.

Another lie
Marilyn Monroe?
I heard israel killed her.
You're correct. JFK was part of the Mossad.
Sure.............................republitard, we don't wear our "morals, on our shirt sleeve condemning everyone, while committing the exact thing, we are condemning.

Yea, right. Is that why we hear so much about Trump and his " affair" while not hearing anything about the DEMO RATS ??

This is the SHORT list
You're correct. JFK was part of the Mossad.
Sure he was, JFK was on a mission from the VATICAN.
Read all about it from Q NUT Daily.
Yea, right. Is that why we hear so much about Trump and his " affair" while not hearing anything about the DEMO RATS ??

So, democrats don't wear their morality on their shirt sleeves like republicans do.

Every one of them resigned or was fired.

Republicans re-elect them.

This is the SHORT list
Very short and obscure.
Sure he was, JFK was on a mission from the VATICAN.
Read all about it from Q NUT Daily.

So, democrats don't wear their morality on their shirt sleeves like republicans do.

Every one of them resigned or was fired.

Republicans re-elect them.

Very short and obscure.
They resigned or were fired? Another lie! Again( a SHORT list. 👍

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