Zelensky so desperate, he sends teens into combat after 3 days of training.

So you want me to “ interview “ those who bribed him? I will when you “ interview “ the prostitutes you claim Trump slept with. You are delusional; just like most Dems 😂 😂 😂
I'm saying you have no concrete evidence of what you say. Its stems from hate and propaganda and deliberately omits, it's not illegal if it did happen.

If stormy daniels didnt root Trump, why did he pay her $130000 to shut up?
Why would you foolishly ignore that and leave yourself open for me to wedge you? You don't think my son.
I'm saying you have no concrete evidence of what you say. Its stems from hate and propaganda and deliberately omits, it's not illegal if it did happen.

If stormy daniels didnt root Trump, why did he pay her $130000 to shut up?
Why would you foolishly ignore that and leave yourself open for me to wedge you? You don't think my son.
Why don’t you interview her and find out?? So what IF he did ( which I doubt), Was he married at the time DUMB ASS??? Clinton did FAR WORSE !!!!!!
He was 17 years and 10 days old.
I've found two different birth years for him, 1924 and 1925. The 1924 date would make him sixteen when he enlisted and I also found a reference that his sister helped him alter his birthdate so he could enlist. At seventeen that wouldn't be necessary. Using occam's razor, I'll go with the sixteen year old age.
I've found two different birth years for him, 1924 and 1925. The 1924 date would make him sixteen when he enlisted and I also found a reference that his sister helped him alter his birthdate so he could enlist. At seventeen that wouldn't be necessary. Using occam's razor, I'll go with the sixteen year old age.
He tried to enlist at 16, but had just turned 17. The 1924 date would make him 18, not 16.

What does zelensky think this is, Red Dawn? The movie where American teens fight off north koreans?

Now that his army is loosing and the volunteers in shambles, he now sends these stupid-ass children to fight only to get slaughtered.
In can alread see the headlines coming "Putin Child killer". Very unfortunate but i hope these kids get back to their senses and leave.

Either Zelensky surrenders or Ukriane falls. There will be no heroes, no saviors, no A-10s, no rambo or Amerikanskys.
When the United States was attacked, starting WWII for our country, the draft became mandatory and teens were quickly trained (not as quick as 3 days) and sent into battle. In this case, the Russian Pigs are already inside Ukraine and attacking both military and civilian sites. Zelensky doesn't have the luxury of having his military train the teens for weeks.
The people of Ukraine "overwhelmingly" voted Zelensky in (by 73%), knowing he favored the west over the evil Oligarchy that is Russia. Any government that arrests and/or poisons serious political opposition, isn't a government that should be aligned with.
Hopefully, if Russia does conquer it, insurrectionist guerillas will make the Russians bleed both blood and manpower for years to come, just as the Afghani's did.

What does zelensky think this is, Red Dawn? The movie where American teens fight off north koreans?

Now that his army is loosing and the volunteers in shambles, he now sends these stupid-ass children to fight only to get slaughtered.
In can alread see the headlines coming "Putin Child killer". Very unfortunate but i hope these kids get back to their senses and leave.

Either Zelensky surrenders or Ukriane falls. There will be no heroes, no saviors, no A-10s, no rambo or Amerikanskys.
I hate to point out the obvious but teenagers make up about a 1/5-1/4 of the US armed forces at any given moment and boys as young as 15 fought in both the Revolution and US civil war. Boys as young as 16 are known to have fought in WWII.

Putin is a child killer, that's not even debatable, he's levelling whole cities with indiscriminate rocket and artillery fire.
When you are repelling an invader, you use whatever resources you have.

And the teens are volunteers. If they are killed it is not Zelensky who killed them. It is Putin and his invasion of a sovereign nation.
Actually the draft has been lowered to 16 which is of course perfectly understandable.
If American citizens who do not think like Progs were not being destroyed by the Progs and all their successful agendas, I would agree with you. Truckers in Canada striking were called haters and racists and had all aspects of their lives potentially destroyed by the government. Financial, economic, housing, food, medical and more. Tyranny is tyranny. All the illegals on our Southern border coming here are invading a sovereign nation. And in all of this, what the hell do you care about Ukraine/Russia for? Moldova and Belarussia are Russian sphere of influence. What worries me are the three Baltic states only because of location.
Actually they are coming because democrats keep telling them to come in spite of our laws. Hell they have leftwing NGO's operating all over Central America and Mexico recruiting these families, instructing them on how to get here and exactly what to say to get a hold for immigration hearings.

The intent of course is to create a permanent underclass of dependents who rely on gov't for everything to create a permanent democrat majority in the country.

I say let them stay, but send one democrat out for everyone that makes it here with any kind of skill that would benefit the country in the long run.

Hispanics and Latinos are a natural conservative constituency and Republicans need to pull their heads out of their collective asses and realize that and start treating them accordingly.
The deaths of numerous Ukrainians is a small price to pay for Zelensky’s star turn.

This war could end today if Zelensky would just forget about NATO membership.
Zelensky ran on Ukrainian Neutrality, he wasn't pushing for NATO membership.
Zelensky is the elected leader of Ukraine. His country was invaded and he responded. Any time a nation defends itself from military invaders, there will be deaths.
There will be deaths whether you resist the invaders or not. At least those fighting and dying are doing so for a noble cause.

Russia will be paying for this atrocity for decades to come and Putin is rapidly destroying a large percentage of his troops and especially his armor and air assets at the same time being completely isolated economically.

Let them eat their coal and drink their oil for a few years and see how Russia dissolves form within.
Zelensky is a corrupt authoritarian and a puppet of Kolomoisky who has funded brutal anti-Russian militias.

If you were Zelensky would you trade NATO membership for peace?
Well shit he's worse than Hitler then, how dare he ban enemy propaganda during a war.

If you were Zelensky would you trade NATO membership for peace?

You make the logical fallacy here of confusing "peace" and "subjugation" to a foreign power.
No; ASSHOLE. That’s not what I think. That’s what YOU 🤔 “ think”

Post 137.

Because Biden controls every country in the world's economy.

No other president in the history of the world has ever done that.
Biden can't even control the US economy

So, the US isn't part of the world anymore?
I can see why, after 4 years of Trump.

Praising our enemies.
Scolding our allies.
Why don’t you interview her and find out?? So what IF he did ( which I doubt), Was he married at the time DUMB ASS???
Yes, Trump was married, to Malaria.

February 13 2018
Most of the country is aware of the accusation that President Trump had an affair with pornographic actress, Stormy Daniels, in 2006, shortly after his wife, Melania Trump, gave birth to their son, Barron, and that President Trump paid her a sum of $130,000 a month before the 2016 presidential election to keep the details of their encounter quiet.

Now, in a surprising turn of events, President Trump himself has admitted that he indeed had an affair with Stormy Daniels just a few months after the birth of his youngest child with his current wife, and now First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump.
Clinton did FAR WORSE !!!!!!
Getting a consensual BJ.

Clinton never paid her and Lewinsky kept coming back.
Well shit he's worse than Hitler then, how dare he ban enemy propaganda during a war.

You make the logical fallacy here of confusing "peace" and "subjugation" to a foreign power.
Please acknowledge that Zelensky is an authoritarian.

“in February 2021 a few days after Biden’s inauguration, the US Embassy in Kyiv applauded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s crackdown on his pro-Russian, Euro-skeptic political opponent Viktor Medvedchuk, whose television stations were closed and his assets seized before he was placed under house arrest.”

Zelensky is a dangerous cocaine-addicted lunatic. He’ll start WW III with his demand for no-fly zones.

Ukraine could retain their independence if they stayed neutral.

And let’s not forget the big picture: People like Igor Kolomoisky want Europeans involved in a fratricidal war to usher in world domination of the CCP.
Last edited:
Yes, Trump was married, to Malaria.

February 13 2018
Most of the country is aware of the accusation that President Trump had an affair with pornographic actress, Stormy Daniels, in 2006, shortly after his wife, Melania Trump, gave birth to their son, Barron, and that President Trump paid her a sum of $130,000 a month before the 2016 presidential election to keep the details of their encounter quiet.

Now, in a surprising turn of events, President Trump himself has admitted that he indeed had an affair with Stormy Daniels just a few months after the birth of his youngest child with his current wife, and now First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump.

Getting a consensual BJ.

Clinton never paid her and Lewinsky kept coming
Yes, Trump was married, to Malaria.

February 13 2018
Most of the country is aware of the accusation that President Trump had an affair with pornographic actress, Stormy Daniels, in 2006, shortly after his wife, Melania Trump, gave birth to their son, Barron, and that President Trump paid her a sum of $130,000 a month before the 2016 presidential election to keep the details of their encounter quiet.

Now, in a surprising turn of events, President Trump himself has admitted that he indeed had an affair with Stormy Daniels just a few months after the birth of his youngest child with his current wife, and now First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump.

Getting a consensual BJ.

Clinton never paid her and Lewinsky kept coming back.
Everything you read about the “ affair “ says allegedly. However, what if it’s true? JFK couldn’t keep his pants up and killed a woman. His brother, TED KENNEDY DELIBERATELY let a woman DROWN, RFK wasn’t any better. Making a excuse for Bill Clinton??? Monica was ONLY 21 !!!! Young enough to be his DAUGHTER!! You mean he COULDN’T say NO???? What about all the other women he FUCKED and the one he RAPED ?????

What does zelensky think this is, Red Dawn? The movie where American teens fight off north koreans?

Now that his army is loosing and the volunteers in shambles, he now sends these stupid-ass children to fight only to get slaughtered.
In can alread see the headlines coming "Putin Child killer". Very unfortunate but i hope these kids get back to their senses and leave.

Either Zelensky surrenders or Ukriane falls. There will be no heroes, no saviors, no A-10s, no rambo or Amerikanskys.
we send tens into combat too…you have to register by law for the draft at 18

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