Zelensky so desperate, he sends teens into combat after 3 days of training.

Yes. You hypocrites need to be exposed every time you belch your crap.

Admit it. You don't like getting pinged. You don't think.


You'll probably be the first one on my ignore list.

I don't need this crap, I really don't.

And it won't make me vote for Biden, either.

Go away now.

What does zelensky think this is, Red Dawn? The movie where American teens fight off north koreans?

Now that his army is loosing and the volunteers in shambles, he now sends these stupid-ass children to fight only to get slaughtered.
In can alread see the headlines coming "Putin Child killer". Very unfortunate but i hope these kids get back to their senses and leave.

Either Zelensky surrenders or Ukriane falls. There will be no heroes, no saviors, no A-10s, no rambo or Amerikanskys.
What you mean is that the Ukrainian people are that "desperate" to save their freedom.

We saw in that poll that if war came to our shores, Democrats would flee our country while Republicans would stand and fight.

I bet you are so proud of that, aren't you?
What you mean is that the Ukrainian people are that "desperate" to save their freedom.

We saw in that poll that if war came to our shores, Democrats would flee our country while Republicans would stand and fight.

I bet you are so proud of that, aren't you?
WHEN 🇨🇳 China attacks Taiwan 🇹🇼 ( matter of time) the ASSHOLE will say the same thing
WHEN 🇨🇳 China attacks Taiwan 🇹🇼 ( matter of time) the ASSHOLE will say the same thing
When Jews attack Palestine and Gaza, they probably are right now.

Palestinians: Clashes with Israeli forces in West Bank leave two dead​

Border Police says troops were forced to neutralized aggressors who hurled stones and explosives at them during an arrest operation at Balata refugee camp; Palestinians say another man in his 20s shot and killed during raid in Qalandia​

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You'll probably be the first one on my ignore list.

I don't need this crap, I really don't.

And it won't make me vote for Biden, either.

Go away now.
I don't care what you do. You come on here ranting as if you smelled victory. I'd rather you did not respond to me but I'll bet you'll be back. You are on a crusade to destroy democrats but you've met your match with me boy.

You don't intimidate me in the slightest. I know your limitations. You are all the same. Hate democrats and nothing else.
I don't care who you vote for nor did I try to convert you. Thus us why you are easy pickings for me. You don't think.
No, Biden is very competent. Surely better than tramp, tramp belongs behind bars and is a loser in more ways than one.
Sorry , SHERI but his “ affiliation” with Russia turned out to be a lie . BRANDON is in bed with the Russians and China, stopped the Keystone pipeline, Illegals are pouring into this Country with Joe secretly “ so he thinks” putting them on planes wherever they want to go ? Did you see his LAST Presd Conference before he went home to Delaware? He literally didn’t make any sense. If Trump had a DRUG ADDICTED SON like BRANDON you would be all over it! Why did BRANDON stop Poland from sending those planes over? Before Trump left office he had arranged for Military aircraft to be delivered to Ukraine and BRANDON stopped it. He closed their banks and stopped their gasoline ONLY after the Dems started yelling. He STILL isn’t doing EVERYTHING he should yet he’s “ better?” Keep telling yourself that. You’ll be spreading that same lie when China invaded 🇹🇼 Taiwan
No, Biden is very competent.

Where's the "lmao pounding on the floor" smiley? :p

Competent at being incompetent, most likely.

Haven't you figured it out yet? Lefties don't care about what works, they only care about what's fair.

It may be the stupidest most idiotic possible choice, but if it seems fair they're going to do it.

They rarely if ever think about 'how", or consequences, or anything else. Generally speaking, they couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag.

But they're "fair". Oh so very fair. So damn fair, that they've lost the ability to discern. They'd like to let illegal ms-13 gang bangers vote in my local elections, and make decisions on behalf of my community.

And meanwhile the stench of hypocrisy wafts up from the Democratic party like the decaying refuse in a sewer. They'll listen to the gang bangers but they won't listen to the other half of America. They're at the same place the Neo-Cons we're back in '08 - my way or the highway. And people are hitting the highway. Big time.

Where's the "lmao pounding on the floor" smiley? :p

Competent at being incompetent, most likely.

Haven't you figured it out yet? Lefties don't care about what works, they only care about what's fair.

It may be the stupidest most idiotic possible choice, but if it seems fair they're going to do it.

They rarely if ever think about 'how", or consequences, or anything else. Generally speaking, they couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag.

But they're "fair". Oh so very fair. So damn fair, that they've lost the ability to discern. They'd like to let illegal ms-13 gang bangers vote in my local elections, and make decisions on behalf of my community.

And meanwhile the stench of hypocrisy wafts up from the Democratic party like the decaying refuse in a sewer. They'll listen to the gang bangers but they won't listen to the other half of America. They're at the same place the Neo-Cons we're back in '08 - my way or the highway. And people are hitting the highway. Big time.
Much more competent than tramp. I will only be a democrats from now on. The republicans are against freedom and democracy.
Sorry , SHERI but his “ affiliation” with Russia turned out to be a lie . BRANDON is in bed with the Russians and China,
thats a nice bit of propaganda but you have no evidence of that. All this in bed shit started when Biden was elected. How coincidental
stopped the Keystone pipeline, Illegals are pouring into this Country with Joe secretly “ so he thinks” putting them on planes wherever they want to go ?
yes. The same happened under Trump and Obama before. Your point us?
Did you see his LAST Presd Conference before he went home to Delaware? He literally didn’t make any sense.
youre right. One has to be literate to understand. You are given dispensation because you hate him.
If Trump had a DRUG ADDICTED SON like BRANDON you would be all over it!
we do know he Trump isvmarried to a porn star and regularly visits whores. But you never mention that. How strange.
Why did BRANDON stop Poland from sending those planes over?
he didn't. Poland make their own decisions. Youre a liar.
Before Trump left office he had arranged for Military aircraft to be delivered to Ukraine and BRANDON stopped it.
Your lies are getting more fantastic by the minute.
He closed their banks and stopped their gasoline ONLY after the Dems started yelling.
thats not true. The world stopped buying their gas and SANCTIONED their banks. You font know the difference.
He STILL isn’t doing EVERYTHING he should yet he’s “ better?”
Thsts correct. He hasn't been impeached twice, ge knows where Finland is and knows its not a piece of Russia, he respects veterans unlike Trump, he's not ribbing their pension funds to build his silly wall that fell over, he is reducing unemployment and got the economy going.

youre right. Hes miles better than Trump
Keep telling yourself that. You’ll be spreading that same lie when China invaded 🇹🇼 Taiwan

Who will you be supporting when Biden defends Taiwan? Trump is currently hinting he doesn't give a rats about Taiwan. He supported putin so I assume you support another communist country. What's it feel like to be a communist in your own country?

You don't think real deep son.
I don't care what you do. You come on here ranting as if you smelled victory. I'd rather you did not respond to me but I'll bet you'll be back. You are on a crusade to destroy democrats but you've met your match with me boy.

You don't intimidate me in the slightest. I know your limitations. You are all the same. Hate democrats and nothing else.
I don't care who you vote for nor did I try to convert you. Thus us why you are easy pickings for me. You don't think.
So you're going to clobber me until I start thinking? Is that how you assholes operate?

The beatings will continue until morale improves?

You are a political RETARD, mister. I could be your ally, and here you are, you don't know a single damn thing about me and you're vomiting accusations left and right.

You just demonstrated to the whole entire world that you have a complete inability to discern. You misread me from top to bottom. You can't even read a single poster, and you clowns want to run the country?

I think not.

Yes, you care very much about what I do.

Because if I don't do what you want, I might actually vote for Donald Trump. And then you'll REALLY be fucked.

You just proved my point, Grasshopper. Progressives are as dumb as the day is long.
Not for stupid wars, Ukraine Breaths the same air drinks the same water eats the same food celebrates the same damn fucking religious holidays. It’s not worth dying over. Just join the great Russia
Shouldn't that be up to the Ukrainian people?
Yes, I do.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting. He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans.

Putin banned Americans from adopting Russian children in 2012.

On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.


Yes, I do.

Dec. 12: On the day of pro-Trump rallies in Washington, D.C., Trump tweeted "Wow! Thousands of people forming in Washington (D.C.) for Stop the Steal. Didn’t know about this, but I’ll be seeing them! #MAGA."

Dec. 12: "WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT!!!" Trump said in another tweet.

Dec. 19: Trump tweeted his praise for a report by his adviser Peter Navarro alleging election fraud: "A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

Dec. 27: "See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!" Trump tweeted.

Jan. 1: "The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!" Trump tweeted.

Jan. 1: "January 6th. See you in D.C." Trump tweeted.

Lemon may have supported BLM but didn't support defunding police.

What you are regurgitating.

YES, it is.

I know, Trump and his cult are living proof.

"God bless Russia my friend! America stands with Russia"!
I enjoyed your words.. but no context.. did you have anything besides a fighter?

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