Zelensky Sold Ukraine To Corporate America

I wouldn't want to make money if i had to wash the blood off, are you effing nuts or just evil?

I'm a capitalist ... and yes that's evil ... God set upon His Earth a Kingdom ... and He anointed Charles III to rule us in His place ...

We're discussing filthy lucre ... sorry you're missing out ...
Taxpayer-funded jobs that are only causing the inflation rate to stay up and the national debt to rise. Meanwhile, most of the employment growth in the U.S. since the pandemic has gone to immigrants.

You can't really comprehend that, can you? Are you really that uninformed or just willfully-ignorant?

Inflation is at 4 percent
Our military spends $850 billion a year
Having Ukraine kill Russians is money well spent

Better Ukraine do it rather than us
Of course they have a choice they just chose the wrong choice, your logic is these Countries have to allow themselves to be looted by Corporate jackals.

If you have two bullies, you could get beaten up by both, or protected by one. It's a forced choice. You get to choose which bully, maybe, but the choice to go it alone is not a good choice.
I want to miss out on that filthy blood soaked business.

T-bills can get you through ... if you think government is the epitome of honor ... [giggle] ...

"Government is a greedy piglet that suckles on the tax-payers' teat until they have sour chapped nipples." --- Ron Swanson ...

Watch Olly Stone's Ukraine on fire, and you;ll relaize they've a history of selling themselves out....~S~
If you have two bullies, you could get beaten up by both, or protected by one. It's a forced choice. You get to choose which bully, maybe, but the choice to go it alone is not a good choice.
There was only one Bully, the US, and like some little rats when i was at school Zelensky sided with the Bully hoping they would get something out of it, that is the relationship Zelensky and his like have with the US bully.
There was only one Bully, the US, and like some little rats when i was at school Zelensky sided with the Bully hoping they would get something out of it, that is the relationship Zelensky and his like have with the US bully.

Nope. You're wrong.

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