Zelenskyy address to Congress

Warning: Money given to the Corrupt Ukraine Government will somehow windup in the pockets of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
This is Europe's problem.
The Europeans need to be leading this, not Americans.
The Europeans are cheapskate moochers.
Warning: Money given to the Corrupt Ukraine Government will somehow windup in the pockets of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
This is Europe's problem.
The Europeans need to be leading this, not Americans.
The Europeans are cheapskate moochers.
Absolutely correct! Millions of his money will go right into Joe Biden’s pocket
Because racist commies use skin color to gain power. Why do you think Commie Democrats are flooding America’s southern border with poor people from foreign countries that Can’t assimilate to this country ? We are going to have to pour billions and trillions of dollars into foreigners while Americans are dying daily
Everyone involved with border patrol and immigration said "Please finish building the wall!" but the Biden schmucks said "Oh, no, I've got a better plan". Still waiting to see the "better plan", but you're probably right and it will cost americans and illegal immigrants alike huge amounts of suffering. I sincerely DOUBT they will sign up to sacrifice their life for freedom here or anywhere..."I just got here and my food stamps are rolling in! Why would I volunteer?" The Federal Courts ORDERED biden to enforce border security, but yet no action from Biden or Harris. <= Traitors
Warning: Money given to the Corrupt Ukraine Government will somehow windup in the pockets of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
This is Europe's problem.
The Europeans need to be leading this, not Americans.
The Europeans are cheapskate moochers.
Agree with that. But, like, biden administration is like, the head of NATO...
How long are we supposed to prop up this corrupt regime? If a country is incapable of defending themselves, they should seriously consider surrender. Each day is just more destruction and death to appease this corrupt monkey's pride and arrogance.
So? Whether he is or not, why should millions of innocent people be displaced, and thousands killed, because of Putin’s madness?
and i bet you were all for the millions who lost jobs because of wuhan restrictions, weren't you? Little hypocrite you.
Soros was jewish and a nazi-------

The nazis actually had lots of different supporters when they were rising to power...some jews supported them and alot of gays for instance. Later after they gained more and more power they would come out against one group of another even though they had supporters in those groups.

Soros was a Nazi even after the Nazis came out against Jews.
Jews supported Nazis to keep their lives. Funny how fear makes one comply.
How long are we supposed to prop up this corrupt regime? If a country is incapable of defending themselves, they should seriously consider surrender. Each day is just more destruction and death to appease this corrupt monkey's pride and arrogance.

You got a good point there. If America helps the Ukraine Regime, will they take the idea of investigating corruption seriously? They weren't a few years ago, does Zelenskyy have the guts to clean up criminal outfits like the Burisma gang now?

Is Zelenskyy going to take questions? Is he willing to testify under oath before investigatory committees?
He has addressed the legislative bodies of many countries. I find it entirely appropriate that he give the United States the same level of attention.
We want Putin to address the Congress. Remember when Obama shunned Netanyahu and he addressed the Congress? What bothered me is that Jewish Prog politicians shunned him. AIPAC suffered humiliation that day. That sucked. And we all wonder why we question the shit that happens in always of all cultural groups in our nation. So somewhere people suffer for this. We see it all the time in the world. Ukraine suffers for decisions of politicians from halfway around the world decades ago.
You got a good point there. If America helps the Ukraine Regime, will they take the idea of investigating corruption seriously? They weren't a few years ago, does Zelenskyy have the guts to clean up criminal outfits like the Burisma gang now?

Is Zelenskyy going to take questions? Is he willing to testify under oath before investigatory committees?
The puppet only says what the puppet master allows. If this administration continues to prop him up he will do nothing to interrupt their illicit dealings in Ukraine. How much should this country spend to prop up the Ukraine? It's already in the billions, where does it end?
Europe can deal with it. Its in their backyard. Not us.
I disagree, perhaps due to my family’s murders. Many Americans also said “let Europe deal with it” while Hitler murdered millions.

I feel we need to to SOMETHING when a maniac slaughters innocents. It is reprehensible that he is not opening doors to innocent victims while encouraging illegals from the south to storm our borders.
I disagree, perhaps due to my family’s murders. Many Americans also said “let Europe deal with it” while Hitler murdered millions.

I feel we need to to SOMETHING when a maniac slaughters innocents. It is reprehensible that he is not opening doors to innocent victims while encouraging illegals from the south to storm our borders.
you assume zelensky did nothing. His is not a democratic government and wanted into NATO. Nope. That's what this started out as. So zelensky created the situation.
Warning: Money given to the Corrupt Ukraine Government will somehow windup in the pockets of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
This is Europe's problem.
The Europeans need to be leading this, not Americans.
The Europeans are cheapskate moochers.

Regardless of what happens the US government corruption of both parties will be making $$$$. Russia wins-we payout for the refugees after long drawn out fighting. Ukraine wins-we payout to rebuild.
I disagree, perhaps due to my family’s murders. Many Americans also said “let Europe deal with it” while Hitler murdered millions.

I feel we need to to SOMETHING when a maniac slaughters innocents. It is reprehensible that he is not opening doors to innocent victims while encouraging illegals from the south to storm our borders.

My issue is while FJB is letting Putin hold threats of nukes over us FJB is wanting to give nukes to "death to America" Iran.
My issue is while FJB is letting Putin hold threats of nukes over us FJB is wanting to give nukes to "death to America" Iran.
Yes, excellent point …..the Democrats bend over backwards for Islamics, including the ones threatening “Death To America“ (and Israel of course, whom the Dems rally against).

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