Zell Miller (D) for President!

Originally posted by acludem
There's a big difference between Jim Jeffords and Zell Miller. Jeffords had the courage and decency to leave the Republican Party instead of staying in and becoming the type of cancer Zell Miller has become.

I'm wasting my time but here goes:
You miss ths point (again). Zell Miller & Joe Lieberman represent the real democratic party, not the group of ultra left global socialists that are currently in control. Look past your ABB blind rage and look at your party's whole history, not the past 35 years.

Oh, and btw, I'm a proud, card-carrying member of the ACLU, and if you value your civil liberties, you should be, too.

No thanks. Affiliating myself with the ACLU which defends NAMBLA pro bono (because it's a "freedom of speech" issue) is the last thing I would ever do.........
Originally posted by acludem
Oh, and btw, I'm a proud, card-carrying member of the ACLU, and if you value your civil liberties, you should be, too.


Actually, if you value your liberty, you would be a card-carrying member of the NRA - which I am.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Actually, if you value your liberty, you would be a card-carrying member of the NRA - which I am.

HAHA thats a good one!
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Actually, if you value your liberty, you would be a card-carrying member of the NRA - which I am.

....and that's the truth.

But I don't believe that the NRA fits within the aclu's paradigm. Seems that some rights are less important than others. Apparently it is important to the nutbars at the aclu that NAMBLA perverts be protected, but the right of a citizen to own and carry a firearm is of no interest.
I have repeatedly explained the ACLU's role in the NAMBLA case in other threads on this board, it isn't germaine to this thread so I won't explain it here. I do, however, have to respond to one comment...that Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller represent the real Democratic Party. Joe Lieberman is a good representative of the moderate wing of our party. Miller is, evidently, no longer a Democrat since he's out campaigning for George W. Bush, so I would take issue with him being characterized as representative of the "real" Democratic Party.

There is no double standard with Miller and Jeffords. Jeffords left the Republican Party rather than stay in and attempt to divide the party, Miller doesn't have the decency to leave the party and stop trying to be a divisive cancer.

I hate guns and have no need for one...the NRA is so whacko even George Bush Sr. quit.

Originally posted by acludem
I have repeatedly explained the ACLU's role in the NAMBLA case in other threads on this board, it isn't germaine to this thread so I won't explain it here. I do, however, have to respond to one comment...that Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller represent the real Democratic Party. Joe Lieberman is a good representative of the moderate wing of our party. Miller is, evidently, no longer a Democrat since he's out campaigning for George W. Bush, so I would take issue with him being characterized as representative of the "real" Democratic Party.

I hate guns and have no need for one...the NRA is so whacko even George Bush Sr. quit.

how about Zell is a real democrat and all the others are lefties? I mean, he has been a democrat longer than most of the modern democrats have been alive.....
I saw him and thought he rocked. I am a centrist republican. I was earlier in my life (a few centuries ago) a dem, but left when the part starting leaning way left. If there were more like Miller around, the Dem's would be a party of contention again.
Originally posted by acludem
There is no double standard with Miller and Jeffords. Jeffords left the Republican Party rather than stay in and attempt to divide the party, Miller doesn't have the decency to leave the party and stop trying to be a divisive cancer.

For years, Jim Jeffords did not leave the party. And when he finally did lave, he didn't even have the balls to join the Democrats - he's just an 'Independent.' So just remember, every time you start thinking about Zell Miller, the knife cuts both ways.

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