Zero Tolerance--Teen Suspended for Designated Driving

I bet if this teen was driving the other to get a abortion they would have given her a Medal.

actually --if anyone cares--the stats on politics for Andover show it to be fairly equal --red/blue..

No, it's not. Many people in the area register as independent because it makes them feel better about the fact that they vote for whoever has a 'D' after their name 99% of the time.

eh--well so much for city data's statistics. somebody didn't do their job. breaking news.
The girl's parents should sue for monetary and punitive damaged.
The reason is this will be a black mark on this girl's record. Colleges will see this and reject her applications.

If she's smart, this will be a great boon to her college applications. Her essay, 'Why I'd Do it All Again' writes itself.
and if this affects her applications/acceptance into colleges--then she has learned a valuable lesson?

I don't see it. Just can't see it.

Certainly sounds like there is considerable partying in Andover. School terrified of any liability---so the policy benefits the school district? That's all I've got.
So excuse poor judgment just this time? Please, the policy is the policy and is subject to chance, but for now the girl gets the bobo award. It should go on her college application as well.

I'm trying to find where the poor judgement came in. Was it the part where she wasn't at the party, wasn't drinking, answered the phone when her friend called or going out to help her friend out of a bad situation? I'm not seeing anything she did being an action in need of punishment.

Her only poor judgment was in forgetting that no good deed goes unpunished. The SMART thing for her to say would have been, "Sorry, I might get in trouble. I know you're smashed, but it's better for you to try to drive home."
actually --if anyone cares--the stats on politics for Andover show it to be fairly equal --red/blue..

No, it's not. Many people in the area register as independent because it makes them feel better about the fact that they vote for whoever has a 'D' after their name 99% of the time.

eh--well so much for city data's statistics. somebody didn't do their job. breaking news.

A surprisingly small % (all things considered) of people are registered democrats in MA, but the state's voting record speaks for itself.
More qualified?

So, if she called her Dad, and the two of them went to pick up the friend, the difference is?

The difference is let the dad go pick up the drunk stay away if that is what the policy calls for. Bottom line the world is full of courageous fools who could have been more effective getting the appropriate party to act. The policy should be changed, until it is it should be followed.

So do you wish to teach kids to NEVER help those in need but to only pass it down and HOPE someone else helps????Not what I teach my kids.

Never help, never stop, never get involved. It is NEVER worth the risk. No good deed goes unpunished.
I bet if this teen was driving the other to get a abortion they would have given her a Medal.

actually --if anyone cares--the stats on politics for Andover show it to be fairly equal --red/blue..

No, it's not. Many people in the area register as independent because it makes them feel better about the fact that they vote for whoever has a 'D' after their name 99% of the time.

Actually, many register independent so they can vote in either primary.
The girl's parents should sue for monetary and punitive damaged.
The reason is this will be a black mark on this girl's record. Colleges will see this and reject her applications.

If she's smart, this will be a great boon to her college applications. Her essay, 'Why I'd Do it All Again' writes itself.

If she'd do it again, she should be institutionalized. I hope she at least learned the most important lesson: NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED!
CHARACTER COUNTS!: The Six Pillars of Character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship

ok--if I were her attorney--perhaps the defense should be that the school system failed her.

eta: ah yes--'Cognitive Dissonance'--holding 2 conflicting views. mmmm--I'd enjoy a motivated attorney expounding on that.

<Think before you act &#8212; consider the consequences > and --see bold.

They failed her because she considered the 'consequences' and had been programmed incorrectly. Something to that effect.

It would be worth it to hire Mark O'Mara--has a good style. Just hire him.


Be honest &#8226; Don&#8217;t deceive, cheat, or steal &#8226; Be reliable &#8212; do what you say you&#8217;ll do &#8226; Have the courage to do the right thing &#8226; Build a good reputation &#8226; Be loyal &#8212; stand by your family, friends, and country

Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule &#8226; Be tolerant and accepting of differences &#8226; Use good manners, not bad language &#8226; Be considerate of the feelings of others &#8226; Don&#8217;t threaten, hit or hurt anyone &#8226; Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements


Do what you are supposed to do &#8226; Plan ahead &#8226; Persevere: keep on trying! &#8226; Always do your best &#8226; Use self-control &#8226; Be self-disciplined &#8226; Think before you act &#8212; consider the consequences &#8226; Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes &#8226; Set a good example for others


Play by the rules &#8226; Take turns and share &#8226; Be open-minded; listen to others &#8226; Don&#8217;t take advantage of others &#8226; Don&#8217;t blame others carelessly &#8226; Treat all people fairly


Be kind &#8226; Be compassionate and show you care &#8226; Express gratitude &#8226; Forgive others &#8226; Help people in need


Do your share to make your school and community better &#8226; Cooperate &#8226; Get involved in community affairs &#8226; Stay informed; vote &#8226; Be a good neighbor &#8226; Obey laws and rules &#8226; Respect authority &#8226; Protect the environment &#8226; Volunteer

- See more at:
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The difference is let the dad go pick up the drunk stay away if that is what the policy calls for. Bottom line the world is full of courageous fools who could have been more effective getting the appropriate party to act. The policy should be changed, until it is it should be followed.

So do you wish to teach kids to NEVER help those in need but to only pass it down and HOPE someone else helps????Not what I teach my kids.

Never help, never stop, never get involved. It is NEVER worth the risk. No good deed goes unpunished.

Sorry but I dont teach my kids to be selfish.
So do you wish to teach kids to NEVER help those in need but to only pass it down and HOPE someone else helps????Not what I teach my kids.

Never help, never stop, never get involved. It is NEVER worth the risk. No good deed goes unpunished.

Sorry but I dont teach my kids to be selfish.
So, your child will be suspended from school, for performing that Good Deed.

Mine would, too.

And so would JarAxle's, I'm guessing, in actuality.

But the point is well-made.

And it sends a wrong message to Young Folk... just about as wrong as wrong can be.

Or so it seems to this observer.
actually --if anyone cares--the stats on politics for Andover show it to be fairly equal --red/blue..

No, it's not. Many people in the area register as independent because it makes them feel better about the fact that they vote for whoever has a 'D' after their name 99% of the time.

Actually, many register independent so they can vote in either primary.

Not really. Primary turnouts tend to be pathetically small and vastly more votes are cast for the democrats anyway.
The girl's parents should sue for monetary and punitive damaged.
The reason is this will be a black mark on this girl's record. Colleges will see this and reject her applications.

If she's smart, this will be a great boon to her college applications. Her essay, 'Why I'd Do it All Again' writes itself.

If she'd do it again, she should be institutionalized.

If she'd do it again she should be lauded even more. Integrity doesn't go away after you've used it once.
The difference is let the dad go pick up the drunk stay away if that is what the policy calls for. Bottom line the world is full of courageous fools who could have been more effective getting the appropriate party to act. The policy should be changed, until it is it should be followed.

So do you wish to teach kids to NEVER help those in need but to only pass it down and HOPE someone else helps????Not what I teach my kids.

Never help, never stop, never get involved. It is NEVER worth the risk. No good deed goes unpunished.

She was helping a friend. Someone she knew.

If it was a stranger, I agree with you NEVER help. NEVER get involved. The risk really is too great. Call the police and make a report.
So do you wish to teach kids to NEVER help those in need but to only pass it down and HOPE someone else helps????Not what I teach my kids.

Never help, never stop, never get involved. It is NEVER worth the risk. No good deed goes unpunished.

She was helping a friend. Someone she knew.

If it was a stranger, I agree with you NEVER help. NEVER get involved. The risk really is too great. Call the police and make a report.

You're a failure of a human being.

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