Zimbabwe vs. Botswana: The Difference is Economic Freedom


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
One thing I've never understood about liberals is why they fail to understand how imperative economic freedom is for a country to prosper. Having economic freedom means that a country is free to trade with others for what one needs and wants, the national currency is stable and not subject to massive inflation (your wealth is protected), the rule of law and private property is protected, and government stays small relative to the size of the economy. Countries that are ranked highly in economic freedom in indices like Frasier and Heritage do much better than those ranked near the bottom.

Botswana and Zimbabwe provide a perfect case study into this.

Zimbabwe used to be the "crown jewel" of Africa. It had thriving agricultural, industrial, and financial industries. Then, socialist Robert Mugabe took power. He forced white people out of the country and redistributed land to people who didn't know how to farm. He raised taxes massively and increased government spending as much as 500% of GDP during the 2000's. The results of his policies? Zimbabwe went from the richest country in Africa to arguably the poorest country in the world. Inflation was so rampant that the $100 trillion bill became worthless.

Meanwhile, in Botswana, which was the 3rd poorest country in the 1960's, the leaders took a different approach. They let people keep more of what they earned, and they decided to give capitalism and free enterprise a chance? The result, income per capita in Botswana grew faster since 1966 than any other country in the world (even China and India!) This economic success story is a testament to the virtues of free enterprise; it should be taught in every classroom in America instead of the socialist garbage that spews forth from Paul Krugman.

Empirically, economic freedom is the only way a country can attain prosperity, and it is the only way a country can keep prosperity.

Liberals, as much as you may think economic freedom isn't "fair", can't you at least see that it works in bettering the lives of the vast majority of people?

If you don't believe me, ask yourself this: Would you rather live in a country at the top of this list or at the bottom?
Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
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That's gotta be one of the most bias and ignorant descriptions of Zimbabwe I've ever seen!

Never mention the massive civil wars, never mention the massive military involvement in the Congo, or the HUUUGE government corruption.

Robert Mugabee started hyperinflation due to the massive debts he owed to all his military and all the super overpaid "advisors" he had in his government. When you're in Africa you usually have to listen to the people with all the Guns.

The "increased government spending" was paying North Korea to train the military and buying weapons from western nations....yeah, that's really socialism for you huh?

"And then Robert Mugabe took power" LOL DUDE! Robert Mugabe was Prime Minister from 1980!! He basically became dictator in 1987!!! The crash happened in 2008 and didn't start at the earliest until 2002....

"Then Robert Mugabe took power" LOL, what a clown the OP is...
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First, there was massive wealth redistribution under Mugabe with his land reforms. The economy in zimbabwe was already losing ground to Botswana in the eighties as the American article shows. Also, how can you deny botswana's success in comparison to the rest of Africa as something other than sound economic policies? The country isn't that special otherwise.
Also, how could someone ever justify policies of less economic freedom(tariffs, obamacare, higher taxes) based on that index?
Botswana is doing well but then, it's a tiny country of only 2 million people. Its per capita GDP of $16,000 is great by african standards but still but 1/3 of americas. A lot of their wealth is from diamonds mines and you have to wonder how much of that filters down to the common citizen.

Botswana is black and thus its people are mentally inferior and it's doubtful they can ever attain first world status like zimbabwe (rhodesia) had under white rule. Wealth is people with technical skills - engineers and scientists - and blacks can't do technology.
One thing I've never understood about liberals is why they fail to understand how imperative economic freedom is for a country to prosper. Having economic freedom means that a country is free to trade with others for what one needs and wants, the national currency is stable and not subject to massive inflation (your wealth is protected), the rule of law and private property is protected, and government stays small relative to the size of the economy. Countries that are ranked highly in economic freedom in indices like Frasier and Heritage do much better than those ranked near the bottom.

Botswana and Zimbabwe provide a perfect case study into this.
Botswana and Zimbabwe: A Tale of Two Countries ? The American Magazine

Zimbabwe used to be the "crown jewel" of Africa. It had thriving agricultural, industrial, and financial industries. Then, socialist Robert Mugabe took power. He forced white people out of the country and redistributed land to people who didn't know how to farm. He raised taxes massively and increased government spending as much as 500% of GDP during the 2000's. The results of his policies? Zimbabwe went from the richest country in Africa to arguably the poorest country in the world. Inflation was so rampant that the $100 trillion bill became worthless.

Meanwhile, in Botswana, which was the 3rd poorest country in the 1960's, the leaders took a different approach. They let people keep more of what they earned, and they decided to give capitalism and free enterprise a chance? The result, income per capita in Botswana grew faster since 1966 than any other country in the world (even China and India!) This economic success story is a testament to the virtues of free enterprise; it should be taught in every classroom in America instead of the socialist garbage that spews forth from Paul Krugman.

Empirically, economic freedom is the only way a country can attain prosperity, and it is the only way a country can keep prosperity.

Liberals, as much as you may think economic freedom isn't "fair", can't you at least see that it works in bettering the lives of the vast majority of people?

If you don't believe me, ask yourself this: Would you rather live in a country at the top of this list or at the bottom?
Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Botswana is doing well but then, it's a tiny country of only 2 million people. Its per capita GDP of $16,000 is great by african standards but still but 1/3 of americas. A lot of their wealth is from diamonds mines and you have to wonder how much of that filters down to the common citizen.

Botswana is black and thus its people are mentally inferior and it's doubtful they can ever attain first world status like zimbabwe (rhodesia) had under white rule. Wealth is people with technical skills - engineers and scientists - and blacks can't do technology.

Actually, Botswana is hurdling toward 1st-world status. It has a lot of whites as the country welcomed them with open arms when they were kicked out by Marxist dictators like Mugabe. I dislike your bolded premise as intelligence doesn't always determine a country's trajectory (China has had a high IQ average for a long time, even when it was one of the poorest countries in the world. Their stupid statist policies killed wealth). Smart policies on a "dumb" population is far better than dumb policies on a "smart" population, especially since the difference we're talking may only be 10 or fewer IQ points. Besides, engineers aren't necessarily the ones with the highest IQ's - hard work is the biggest factor in succeeding in engineering, or just about any field. Most people can hack it if they work hard. Plus, what you're saying sounds awfully prejudiced and it's an insult to the many black scientists/doctors/engineers - don't judge people as groups, judge them as individuals.
Economic liberalism and a stable business climate = economic advancement for all.

That's gotta be one of the most bias and ignorant descriptions of Zimbabwe I've ever seen!

Never mention the massive civil wars, never mention the massive military involvement in the Congo, or the HUUUGE government corruption.

Robert Mugabee started hyperinflation due to the massive debts he owed to all his military and all the super overpaid "advisors" he had in his government. When you're in Africa you usually have to listen to the people with all the Guns.

The "increased government spending" was paying North Korea to train the military and buying weapons from western nations....yeah, that's really socialism for you huh?

"And then Robert Mugabe took power" LOL DUDE! Robert Mugabe was Prime Minister from 1980!! He basically became dictator in 1987!!! The crash happened in 2008 and didn't start at the earliest until 2002....

"Then Robert Mugabe took power" LOL, what a clown the OP is...

Nah. You just got schooled by a high schooler, Nyvin. Surprisingly enough, you know more about how to run Zimbabwe's economy than you do ours. Interesting.

Before we know it, they'll have a government entitlement program there as well.
I see we still have leftists idolizing and/or making excuses for Mugabe.. Fact is -- he was a DICTATOR long before 1987.. And he's run the country into the ground with his zenophobia and cronyism.. I remember my early board experience arguing with leftists that adored his commitment to Ideology over Freedoms.

Can't even calculate a REAL GDP with inflation running at 80,000%..
One thing I've never understood about liberals is why they fail to understand how imperative economic freedom is for a country to prosper. Having economic freedom means that a country is free to trade with others for what one needs and wants, the national currency is stable and not subject to massive inflation (your wealth is protected), the rule of law and private property is protected, and government stays small relative to the size of the economy. Countries that are ranked highly in economic freedom in indices like Frasier and Heritage do much better than those ranked near the bottom.

Botswana and Zimbabwe provide a perfect case study into this.
Botswana and Zimbabwe: A Tale of Two Countries ? The American Magazine

Zimbabwe used to be the "crown jewel" of Africa. It had thriving agricultural, industrial, and financial industries. Then, socialist Robert Mugabe took power. He forced white people out of the country and redistributed land to people who didn't know how to farm. He raised taxes massively and increased government spending as much as 500% of GDP during the 2000's. The results of his policies? Zimbabwe went from the richest country in Africa to arguably the poorest country in the world. Inflation was so rampant that the $100 trillion bill became worthless.

Meanwhile, in Botswana, which was the 3rd poorest country in the 1960's, the leaders took a different approach. They let people keep more of what they earned, and they decided to give capitalism and free enterprise a chance? The result, income per capita in Botswana grew faster since 1966 than any other country in the world (even China and India!) This economic success story is a testament to the virtues of free enterprise; it should be taught in every classroom in America instead of the socialist garbage that spews forth from Paul Krugman.

Empirically, economic freedom is the only way a country can attain prosperity, and it is the only way a country can keep prosperity.

Liberals, as much as you may think economic freedom isn't "fair", can't you at least see that it works in bettering the lives of the vast majority of people?

If you don't believe me, ask yourself this: Would you rather live in a country at the top of this list or at the bottom?
Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

I wonder what the top 9 countries, including Botswana, have in common? Hmmmm, I wonder? I wonder what these champions of capitalism have as their health care policy? Maybe, we can copy it? One can only hope!!
One thing I've never understood about liberals is why they fail to understand how imperative economic freedom is for a country to prosper. Having economic freedom means that a country is free to trade with others for what one needs and wants, the national currency is stable and not subject to massive inflation (your wealth is protected), the rule of law and private property is protected, and government stays small relative to the size of the economy. Countries that are ranked highly in economic freedom in indices like Frasier and Heritage do much better than those ranked near the bottom.

Botswana and Zimbabwe provide a perfect case study into this.
Botswana and Zimbabwe: A Tale of Two Countries ? The American Magazine

Zimbabwe used to be the "crown jewel" of Africa. It had thriving agricultural, industrial, and financial industries. Then, socialist Robert Mugabe took power. He forced white people out of the country and redistributed land to people who didn't know how to farm. He raised taxes massively and increased government spending as much as 500% of GDP during the 2000's. The results of his policies? Zimbabwe went from the richest country in Africa to arguably the poorest country in the world. Inflation was so rampant that the $100 trillion bill became worthless.

Meanwhile, in Botswana, which was the 3rd poorest country in the 1960's, the leaders took a different approach. They let people keep more of what they earned, and they decided to give capitalism and free enterprise a chance? The result, income per capita in Botswana grew faster since 1966 than any other country in the world (even China and India!) This economic success story is a testament to the virtues of free enterprise; it should be taught in every classroom in America instead of the socialist garbage that spews forth from Paul Krugman.

Empirically, economic freedom is the only way a country can attain prosperity, and it is the only way a country can keep prosperity.

Liberals, as much as you may think economic freedom isn't "fair", can't you at least see that it works in bettering the lives of the vast majority of people?

If you don't believe me, ask yourself this: Would you rather live in a country at the top of this list or at the bottom?
Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

I wonder what the top 9 countries, including Botswana, have in common? Hmmmm, I wonder? I wonder what these champions of capitalism have as their health care policy? Maybe, we can copy it? One can only hope!!

So, they don't have universal healthcare, what are we gonna do? Invade them?

Also, how could someone ever justify policies of less economic freedom(tariffs, obamacare, higher taxes) based on that index?

It's all about control. Simple as that.

I thought you rejoined the Tea Party as a General or something? Did not think you would have time for this board with all of your new responsibilities?

Huh? If you don't like my response, just tell me so. Otherwise shut your pie hole.
One thing I've never understood about liberals is why they fail to understand how imperative economic freedom is for a country to prosper. Having economic freedom means that a country is free to trade with others for what one needs and wants, the national currency is stable and not subject to massive inflation (your wealth is protected), the rule of law and private property is protected, and government stays small relative to the size of the economy. Countries that are ranked highly in economic freedom in indices like Frasier and Heritage do much better than those ranked near the bottom.

Botswana and Zimbabwe provide a perfect case study into this.
Botswana and Zimbabwe: A Tale of Two Countries ? The American Magazine

Zimbabwe used to be the "crown jewel" of Africa. It had thriving agricultural, industrial, and financial industries. Then, socialist Robert Mugabe took power. He forced white people out of the country and redistributed land to people who didn't know how to farm. He raised taxes massively and increased government spending as much as 500% of GDP during the 2000's. The results of his policies? Zimbabwe went from the richest country in Africa to arguably the poorest country in the world. Inflation was so rampant that the $100 trillion bill became worthless.

Meanwhile, in Botswana, which was the 3rd poorest country in the 1960's, the leaders took a different approach. They let people keep more of what they earned, and they decided to give capitalism and free enterprise a chance? The result, income per capita in Botswana grew faster since 1966 than any other country in the world (even China and India!) This economic success story is a testament to the virtues of free enterprise; it should be taught in every classroom in America instead of the socialist garbage that spews forth from Paul Krugman.

Empirically, economic freedom is the only way a country can attain prosperity, and it is the only way a country can keep prosperity.

Liberals, as much as you may think economic freedom isn't "fair", can't you at least see that it works in bettering the lives of the vast majority of people?

If you don't believe me, ask yourself this: Would you rather live in a country at the top of this list or at the bottom?
Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

I wonder what the top 9 countries, including Botswana, have in common? Hmmmm, I wonder? I wonder what these champions of capitalism have as their health care policy? Maybe, we can copy it? One can only hope!!

So, they don't have universal healthcare, what are we gonna do? Invade them?

They all have government controlled healthcare dumbass.
One thing I've never understood about liberals is why they fail to understand how imperative economic freedom is for a country to prosper. Having economic freedom means that a country is free to trade with others for what one needs and wants, the national currency is stable and not subject to massive inflation (your wealth is protected), the rule of law and private property is protected, and government stays small relative to the size of the economy. Countries that are ranked highly in economic freedom in indices like Frasier and Heritage do much better than those ranked near the bottom.

Botswana and Zimbabwe provide a perfect case study into this.
Botswana and Zimbabwe: A Tale of Two Countries ? The American Magazine

Zimbabwe used to be the "crown jewel" of Africa. It had thriving agricultural, industrial, and financial industries. Then, socialist Robert Mugabe took power. He forced white people out of the country and redistributed land to people who didn't know how to farm. He raised taxes massively and increased government spending as much as 500% of GDP during the 2000's. The results of his policies? Zimbabwe went from the richest country in Africa to arguably the poorest country in the world. Inflation was so rampant that the $100 trillion bill became worthless.

Meanwhile, in Botswana, which was the 3rd poorest country in the 1960's, the leaders took a different approach. They let people keep more of what they earned, and they decided to give capitalism and free enterprise a chance? The result, income per capita in Botswana grew faster since 1966 than any other country in the world (even China and India!) This economic success story is a testament to the virtues of free enterprise; it should be taught in every classroom in America instead of the socialist garbage that spews forth from Paul Krugman.

Empirically, economic freedom is the only way a country can attain prosperity, and it is the only way a country can keep prosperity.

Liberals, as much as you may think economic freedom isn't "fair", can't you at least see that it works in bettering the lives of the vast majority of people?

If you don't believe me, ask yourself this: Would you rather live in a country at the top of this list or at the bottom?
Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

I wonder what the top 9 countries, including Botswana, have in common? Hmmmm, I wonder? I wonder what these champions of capitalism have as their health care policy? Maybe, we can copy it? One can only hope!!
Singapore has free market health plans with medical savings accounts, not government-run healthcare. As for some of the others with universal healthcare, the health care system of countries would have hurt their Index ranking, as Heritage Index shows that Obamacare is lowering the USA's rating. However, many of the countries above the US spend less money overall, so despite having universal healthcare, they still adhere more to the principle of "limited government" overall and thus have a higher rating than we do.

Besides, if American healthcare was so awful, then people wouldn't be coming HERE in droves to get healthcare.

People in Britain and Canada have to wait months to get a doctor. Government-run healthcare means higher costs and lower quality. The only way to control costs is to ration healthcare. Would you trust a bureaucrat with your healthcare? I sure wouldn't.
One thing I've never understood about liberals is why they fail to understand how imperative economic freedom is for a country to prosper. Having economic freedom means that a country is free to trade with others for what one needs and wants, the national currency is stable and not subject to massive inflation (your wealth is protected), the rule of law and private property is protected, and government stays small relative to the size of the economy. Countries that are ranked highly in economic freedom in indices like Frasier and Heritage do much better than those ranked near the bottom.

Botswana and Zimbabwe provide a perfect case study into this.
Botswana and Zimbabwe: A Tale of Two Countries ? The American Magazine

Zimbabwe used to be the "crown jewel" of Africa. It had thriving agricultural, industrial, and financial industries. Then, socialist Robert Mugabe took power. He forced white people out of the country and redistributed land to people who didn't know how to farm. He raised taxes massively and increased government spending as much as 500% of GDP during the 2000's. The results of his policies? Zimbabwe went from the richest country in Africa to arguably the poorest country in the world. Inflation was so rampant that the $100 trillion bill became worthless.

Meanwhile, in Botswana, which was the 3rd poorest country in the 1960's, the leaders took a different approach. They let people keep more of what they earned, and they decided to give capitalism and free enterprise a chance? The result, income per capita in Botswana grew faster since 1966 than any other country in the world (even China and India!) This economic success story is a testament to the virtues of free enterprise; it should be taught in every classroom in America instead of the socialist garbage that spews forth from Paul Krugman.

Empirically, economic freedom is the only way a country can attain prosperity, and it is the only way a country can keep prosperity.

Liberals, as much as you may think economic freedom isn't "fair", can't you at least see that it works in bettering the lives of the vast majority of people?

If you don't believe me, ask yourself this: Would you rather live in a country at the top of this list or at the bottom?
Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

I wonder what the top 9 countries, including Botswana, have in common? Hmmmm, I wonder? I wonder what these champions of capitalism have as their health care policy? Maybe, we can copy it? One can only hope!!
Singapore has free market health plans with medical savings accounts, not government-run healthcare. As for some of the others with universal healthcare, the health care system of countries would have hurt their Index ranking, as Heritage Index shows that Obamacare is lowering the USA's rating. However, many of the countries above the US spend less money overall, so despite having universal healthcare, they still adhere more to the principle of "limited government" overall and thus have a higher rating than we do.

Besides, if American healthcare was so awful, then people wouldn't be coming HERE in droves to get healthcare.

People in Britain and Canada have to wait months to get a doctor. Government-run healthcare means higher costs and lower quality. The only way to control costs is to ration healthcare. Would you trust a bureaucrat with your healthcare? I sure wouldn't.
Some advice, quoting the heritage foundation is like me quoting Media Matters or MSNBC. All of which are bulshit orgs trying to influence the sheeple.

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